I am already way past my bed time because I got distracted with 'Don't Forget the Lyrics!' on TV with my mom and then a tape measure. But, I really just want to know something. First off, I love me some Chris Brown. I would totally run away with him. And I really like his new song "With You." But what I really want to know is, what does he mean when he says "you're like jordans on saturday." Please someone tell me. Chris, if you're reading, please tell me. I'm sure I can fulfill that role for you. Let's make this happen...I'll make that song come true. Wink.
(For Chris' eyes only: Sei troppo sexy; non posso piu. Baciami, adesso. Andate al cinematografo con me?)
29 February 2008
27 February 2008
You step up, I'll step up TWO
Oh hell yes, that's right, I went and saw Step Up 2 the streets tonight. And it. was. AWESOME. I loved it. Unfortunately, I went with someone that was pretty unenthusiastic (my lame sister) and it brought it down a little, but I still had a fabulous time. It has a pretty sweet soundtrack, let me just tell you. I was jamming out in my seat. I only wish there had been more people there to share the joy with. It was only me and Liz, two German girls and one lonely guy that was there by himself. I wish I had talked to him because not only was he dancing but for real, what kind of person goes and sees Step Up 2 by themselves?! A person I need to know, that's who. Oh, and speaking of guys the ticket guy was probably the biggest douche bag I've ever met in life. And I've met some douchey people. He was a student ID nazi! It was ridiculous. He wouldn't even give my sister the student discount and she's in his class at school! I mean, come on, it's not like they work on commission! So anyways, the whole time I was enjoying the street dancing goodness, I was thinking to myself, self, does this kind of thing really happen? And by thing, I mean those awesome like, step offs or whatever. The throw downs I guess. And, if they do really happen, where and when do they happen and how do I get into one? Also, what would I wear to such a thing? These are questions I would really like to know the answer to, so if anyone knows, holla at your girl. Which brings me to my next point, does anyone actually read this? Just give me a little shout if you do. It doesn't matter all that much honestly though, because it's mainly for my entertainment.
So anyways, I am watching Rob and Big right now and it is some funny shit. MTV has really gone down the drain the last couple of years, but this show is awesome. Most MTV shows, like My Super Sweet 16 or The Hills or pretty much everything else, are some of the absolute worst crap on TV and makes me want to vom. But I love me some Rob and Big. I figure if I can't get on Ellen then I could maybe go live in Rob and Big's house. One of my favorite moments today was when Rob (yeah, we are one a first name basis) was saying he needed the "life version of icy hot" because he was "life sore." Word Rob, I'm life sore too sometimes and some life icy hot would be much appreciated. Also, they just got free ice cream and I think that would be a freakin awesome job, riding around, giving people free ice cream. Or just getting free ice cream...that would rock. I wonder how where the ice cream guy got enough money to just drive around giving out ice cream. Does he have to pay taxes?
OH JEEZ-How did I not say this already?!! I am officially MOVING OUT! It's later gator to North Marsh drive and helllloooo new street....I forgot the name already. I'll find that out again. I'm super pumped. Mainly because I don't have to live with Stormy anymore!!! YAY!!! No more of this: Entertaining yes, but annoying as hell. Mmk, ciao ciao!
So anyways, I am watching Rob and Big right now and it is some funny shit. MTV has really gone down the drain the last couple of years, but this show is awesome. Most MTV shows, like My Super Sweet 16 or The Hills or pretty much everything else, are some of the absolute worst crap on TV and makes me want to vom. But I love me some Rob and Big. I figure if I can't get on Ellen then I could maybe go live in Rob and Big's house. One of my favorite moments today was when Rob (yeah, we are one a first name basis) was saying he needed the "life version of icy hot" because he was "life sore." Word Rob, I'm life sore too sometimes and some life icy hot would be much appreciated. Also, they just got free ice cream and I think that would be a freakin awesome job, riding around, giving people free ice cream. Or just getting free ice cream...that would rock. I wonder how where the ice cream guy got enough money to just drive around giving out ice cream. Does he have to pay taxes?
OH JEEZ-How did I not say this already?!! I am officially MOVING OUT! It's later gator to North Marsh drive and helllloooo new street....I forgot the name already. I'll find that out again. I'm super pumped. Mainly because I don't have to live with Stormy anymore!!! YAY!!! No more of this: Entertaining yes, but annoying as hell. Mmk, ciao ciao!
25 February 2008
Help! I need [a job]
If you know anyone that needs a hard-worker, holla! Seriously, I just did a monthly budget for myself and with my current job, things are not looking so good. I mean, the pee farm isn't bad, but not to be an hourly worker would be awesome. Also, taking a second job in the form of waitressing at night/on the weekends does not sound appealing at all. Yeah, I know that's whiny, but uggggghhhh, I HATE waitressing! I guess if I found a cool place to do it, it might not be so bad..but I just don't wanna! I was all excited about moving out, but now I'm all worried. Moving on, I am still excited about coaching my soccer team!!!!!!!!! Yeah that's right, I am the head coach for the MIGHTY GRASSROOTS TEAM! I still don't know what Grassroots is, but they are our sponsor and I do know I have 9 badass 5 and 6 year olds that are going to rock. It is going to be fabulous, I can't wait! I'll keep you posted on a schedule, in case anyone would like to come out and support. I would like at least 10 people to sign up to paint their chests with Grassroots. 5 people might work, if you can fit two letters on there. I don't know, talk amongst yourselves and get back to me. Um, so this is the lamest post ever. I'm watching the Oscars as well and it's hard to be creative. Especially now that we're in the people that have died section with its horribly depressing music. Ooo, being an actress would be a great career. I want to wear pretty dresses and great paid lots of money for not doing much of anything. I need to be discovered. This is why I need to go on 'Ellen.' I would definitely wow some people on there and someone would surely see my potential and who knows what could happen!
In other news, I had my underwear on inside out last night. Oops.
In other news, I had my underwear on inside out last night. Oops.
22 February 2008
I love coloring too!!

I've been reading other people's blogs and I've noticed that lots of people write about really important, deep things...and I started feeling a little stupid. But then I thought some more about it and realized my life really isn't all that important (I mean, it is to me) or deep, so I decided that I'm going to keep things simple...and somewhat shallow. So yeah, I'll continue talking about unimportant things. For instance, right now I'm watching Ellen. OOO, side note: I LOVE Ellen. I want to be on her show so bad. Actually, I just want to be her. Only not gay. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay, but I just like boys a lot. But I would love to have her life. I really want to be on a sitcom (Ellen) and also think it would be so awesome to have a talk show and make people laugh all day and be able to help people like she does. I wouldn't want to do stand up comedy though...that seems scary, so I could just skip right over that part. I'm always trying to think of ways to get on her show...suggestions would be awesome. So, anyways, here I am watching it and Christina Aguilera is on and her boobs are HUGE! It's actually kind of tacky. Disgusting really. Shame on you Christina. You're a mom now, show some class.
Hm, what other stupid things can I mention? Nothing really exciting happened today. It rained a lot and I got really pissed at people that didn't have their lights on. Oh, and I also realized that I have some really awesome friends and it makes me sad that a lot of them are spread out all over the world and not all together at PC. I miss me some PC friends...and camp friends and study abroad friends and high school friends.
Well this is getting ridiculous cause I'm tired. It's 8:45 and I am considering going to bed very soon. Oh man, what has my life become? Ellen, call me! I'll be waiting...I can come out to California anytime.
21 February 2008
I never did no drugs in my whole life....
...says the woman that came back with over 1000 milligrams of cocaine in her hair test. Hm...makes me a little skeptical, but what do I know? Man, sometimes I just love working at the pee farm. I get to meet some really interesting people. And by interesting, I mean crazy. But don't get me wrong, I seriously love it. I encounter people I would never otherwise meet and get to share in a special time in their lives...a drug test. It's touching really. Sometimes I make such an impact on people, they come back to tell me there is just no way they could be positive for drugs, they have never touched the stuff...they don't even take asprin! Beats me how it got in there then! I really want to believe these people, but sometimes I just don't know. Don't get me wrong, some people are normal that come in...but that is pretty rare. The crazies are more fun anyways.
Another great thing about working at the pee farm is I get to listen to music when no one is there! I started using Pandora.com, which lets you type in a song or artist and then it makes a "station" of what they think you would like, based on what you put it. It's pretty cool. It does come up with some crappy stuff every now and then, but usually it's all good music and I'm excited because I have since discovered some great new songs and artists. Matt Nathanson is a good one. I would put music clips on here, but I don't know how. Sorry folks. Also, I've gotten especially obsessed with Van Morrison lately (as in, the last couple of years) and think you should become obsessed too. "Days Like This" is probably my favorite song [inser technologically savvy music clip here] and then "Tupelo Honey." But pretty much everything is magnificent.
While I feed my addiction to Van, my stepdad is getting a hit of American Idol at the moment. Sorry to offend anyone, but I seriously can't stand that show. It just pains to be watch those people! I mean, it's better now that they got the really bad people off..but it still hurts me because a lot of them freak out and get nervous and sound bad...and they usually sing bad music. Or, they sing good music and make it sound bad. Now, not that I can sing or would ever be able to do such a thing, but I seriously can't handle AI. Reality TV in general (to me) is pretty much the stupidest thing ever. Back in my younger years, I really wanted to be on The Real World...for real, I thought I would be the PERFECT housemate (what high schooler doesn't really?)...I thought I could be the innocent one. You know, the one that doesn't really drink or cause drama or anything? I don't know that I would fit that role now, but after the Las Vegas season, I decided TRW (don't you love all my acronyms?) wasn't for me. However, MTV, if you're reading, I'd still totally do it. The Real World...anywhere that's not in the United States...I'm in! Feel free to leave a comment with your information.
Loo de do, I feel kind of weird rambling on about nothing, instead of my cool Roman adventures...but such is life. And, I'm still in love with myself and I'm not complaining, so whatev. Ciao ciao!
Another great thing about working at the pee farm is I get to listen to music when no one is there! I started using Pandora.com, which lets you type in a song or artist and then it makes a "station" of what they think you would like, based on what you put it. It's pretty cool. It does come up with some crappy stuff every now and then, but usually it's all good music and I'm excited because I have since discovered some great new songs and artists. Matt Nathanson is a good one. I would put music clips on here, but I don't know how. Sorry folks. Also, I've gotten especially obsessed with Van Morrison lately (as in, the last couple of years) and think you should become obsessed too. "Days Like This" is probably my favorite song [inser technologically savvy music clip here] and then "Tupelo Honey." But pretty much everything is magnificent.
While I feed my addiction to Van, my stepdad is getting a hit of American Idol at the moment. Sorry to offend anyone, but I seriously can't stand that show. It just pains to be watch those people! I mean, it's better now that they got the really bad people off..but it still hurts me because a lot of them freak out and get nervous and sound bad...and they usually sing bad music. Or, they sing good music and make it sound bad. Now, not that I can sing or would ever be able to do such a thing, but I seriously can't handle AI. Reality TV in general (to me) is pretty much the stupidest thing ever. Back in my younger years, I really wanted to be on The Real World...for real, I thought I would be the PERFECT housemate (what high schooler doesn't really?)...I thought I could be the innocent one. You know, the one that doesn't really drink or cause drama or anything? I don't know that I would fit that role now, but after the Las Vegas season, I decided TRW (don't you love all my acronyms?) wasn't for me. However, MTV, if you're reading, I'd still totally do it. The Real World...anywhere that's not in the United States...I'm in! Feel free to leave a comment with your information.
Loo de do, I feel kind of weird rambling on about nothing, instead of my cool Roman adventures...but such is life. And, I'm still in love with myself and I'm not complaining, so whatev. Ciao ciao!
20 February 2008
Hold up, wait a minute
Whoa buddy, I'm back! So my last posting was May 9 2006...almost two years ago. I started the blog when I was in Italy and it kind of died when I got home. Mainly because I went straight to camp when I got home, where there was no internet and therefore no way to blog. And then when I got back into the real world, I figured there was no need to blog since I didn't have anything interesting to write about. I was back at PC for senior year and life was ridiculously lame compared the the previous five months. I mean, cool stuff happened I guess...sometimes. But it mainly consisted of reading and working on my seminar. First semester anyways. Ok, whatever, senior year is over, no need to go back. So anyways, here I am...all graduated and grown up, somewhat bored and inspired by the fabulous Sarah Seegers. She started a blog and her's is so amazing, I got jealous and wanted one of my very own...so I decided to just revive the one I had. It was a little bit of an ordeal though, since I forgot the password, not having signed into this in almost two years. So I finally figured out that the help email was in my spam (thanks for looking out for me gmail)...and then realized the email was in Italian! haha, when I was in Italy I thought I was so cool and cultured that I should put my blog in Italian so I guess blogger assumed I could actually speak Italian. Wrong. I know enough to have an introduction conversation, but emails are a little over my head. Either way, somehow I got in and here I am. I want to make it pretty and cool, but don't have the energy for all that right now...another time.
Anyways, long story short, I decided that life at the pee farm might be interesting enough to start blogging again. And if it's not, I'll just ramble on about other things I feel should be addressed. Also, I am in love with my writing and feel like the rest of the world should be able to enjoy it as well. Actually, I'm kind of just in love with myself and felt I needed to share.
And for some parting thoughts, I just bought the new Jack Johnson CD on iTunes and recommend you do the same. Ciao ciao! (for old time's sake).
Anyways, long story short, I decided that life at the pee farm might be interesting enough to start blogging again. And if it's not, I'll just ramble on about other things I feel should be addressed. Also, I am in love with my writing and feel like the rest of the world should be able to enjoy it as well. Actually, I'm kind of just in love with myself and felt I needed to share.
And for some parting thoughts, I just bought the new Jack Johnson CD on iTunes and recommend you do the same. Ciao ciao! (for old time's sake).
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