For real yall, I am and it's so awful. I already got swimmer's ear once from using them too often or sticking it to far in or something, so you think I would learn. Swimmer's ear was so bad too! It was some of the worst pain and most annoying thing I've ever been through. I even had to take hydrocodon (sp?) and that was some intense nonsense. So anyways, you'd think that would be enough for me to stop, but I can't! It's so bad! I don't buy q-tips anymore, but my roommates have them in the bathroom and I steal them! Seriously, I feel like a drug addict or something. I have some in a little travel pack I keep in my overnight bag thingamabob and I was like, digging through my drawers the other day the looking for one. I need help. I guess I can kind of relate to the drug addicts I see all the time though. Haha, I wonder what they would say if I were like, yeah, I know what you're going through...I deal with a pretty intense q-tip addiction myself. Everyday is a battle. Oh man, as fabulous as I think that is, I don't think real drug addicts would find that very amusing. But anyways, I really have a problem and I need some help. I just feel like my ears are dirty all the time and only a q-tip can save them. Sometimes I wish I could like, physically remove my ear, scrape it out and then re-attach it. Gah, I am such a freak! I don't know what to do. And if I get swimmer's ear again, first off, I'll cry and secondly, I'll be SOL because I don't have health insurance so I couldn't go to the doctor to get the medicine I need!
I have all sorts of other bad habits too. Like eating...I can' t stop that either! I mean, obviously, I have to eat but I just can't make myself eat healthy. I try sometimes and sometimes I do really well, but mosly I just love good food and good food is not always healthy for you. And on top of that, I can't seem to make myself get to the gym either. I am going to turn into a big fat cow with swimmer's ear and I am going to be feeling real sorry for myself. But it'll be my fault completely! Jeez, I need to pull myself together asap.
Hm, other than that, nothing to exciting going on. Very few crazies this week. Plus, after last week's crazy blowout, I don't think (and certainly hope) nothing can top that. The ULTIMATE crazy came in last week and was going on about all kinds of things. First off, she kept insisting she didn't smoke cigarrettes, so she didn't do drugs. Ok, tobacco is a drug but it's not illegal so we DON'T test for it. Then she was asking what I would do if Chelsea Clinton or Jennifer Lopez came in here to get drug tested. WHAT?! I really was like, get out of here crazy lady. When I finally got her to stop asking questions and got her out the door, so said something about not being like Gloria Estafan. I really don't know what that was in reference to, but by then I was straight up laughing in her face. Oh man, I only wish someone normal had been here to enjoy her with me.
27 March 2008
24 March 2008
Get your back up off the wall
Ohhhhhh Man, I just had the most fabulous weekend. Seriously, it was so great. And I am freaking WORN out from it. I actually think I might have chronic fatigue or something because I am so damn tired all the damn time. It kind of pisses me off because I get enough sleep and it's not like I'm doing anything extremely tiring. I hate feeling tired though because it just makes me not want to do anything..ever. It also makes me be a horrible writer and write sub-par blogs. I need to do some research and figure this thing out. I can't go to the doctor because I don't have health insurance, so I'm going to need some natural medicine or something.
Ok, so back to my great weekend. I was feeling better Friday afternoon and I got off work early, so I headed up to the mountain house for mini camp reunion. I didn't know exactly where I was going...I mean, I had directions but no one knew the actual address, so I was a little nervous. But I made it ok and I am so so glad I decided to go. My camp friends are just the craziest, most random and ridiculous people ever and I think they are beyond wonderful. And when we get together we have ridiculously fabulous time. And I can't even explain them to normal people because together, we are not normal. In our real lives, we do a pretty good job of acting normal, but when we get together, all that goes out the window. I really think camp is the absolute greatest thing in the whole world (well that, and studying abroad), and wish everyone got a chance to experience it like I did. Really, it's so amazing. Beyond amazing. There isn't even a word for it. And I think there are "camp people" and then everyone else who just doesn't get it and I think camp people are just a completely different breed. That's why I try to keep my real life friends separate from camp friends because I don't want my real life friends to find out what a weirdo I am. They think they already know, but they really have no idea. Anyways, we get up there Friday night, there's about 15 of us I guess and I get super drunk so I don't really remember what all went down. I do remember there was lots of laughing, running around like a fool, and attempts to take selfies going on. Oh and dancing, of course--one of the best parts about camp-dance parties. There were also lots of people smoking and I think smoking is the grossest thing ever, so I remember trying to hide people's cigarettes...but people get very angry when you do that, so I had to stop. Then I got really tired, so I took a power nap (could have been longer, I don't know), got up, ate a pp&j, had some more good times and then officially went to bed. I was pretty pleased with myself, because for some reason, every time we went to this girl's mountain house the summer we all worked at camp ('06), I would either cry or throw-up..sometimes both. I don't know what was going on, I think I was depressed from coming back from Italy...that explains the crying. And maybe the throwing up came from me drinking stupid American alcohol and not fabulous Italian wine. Yeah, that's it.
So anyways, Saturday was gorgeous and we just hung out...went into Asheville for some lunch and then hung out some more. Lots of people left, so there were only about 7 left but it was still a lot of fun. I remember it all because I didn't drink as much, but that was not the case for the other 6. So I had a good time laughing at their stupidness. I also danced some more and did some dishes. It was great.
Sunday we all left (had to hug it out first), and I went to my grandparents in Columbia for Easter dinner. Yes, I am a heathen and didn't go to Easter mass. I was already in that category though because I didn't go for Christmas mass either. I know, I'm going straight to hell! It's bad. Anyways, dinner was great. Good food as always and we all actually got along and had a good time. Kind of rare in my fam. And there was a huge bucket of jelly belly jellybeans and you know that always makes for a good time.
So tomorrow it's back to work. Boooo. But I'm excited about the next couple of weekends...and the week goes by faster when you have something to look forward to.
Ok, so back to my great weekend. I was feeling better Friday afternoon and I got off work early, so I headed up to the mountain house for mini camp reunion. I didn't know exactly where I was going...I mean, I had directions but no one knew the actual address, so I was a little nervous. But I made it ok and I am so so glad I decided to go. My camp friends are just the craziest, most random and ridiculous people ever and I think they are beyond wonderful. And when we get together we have ridiculously fabulous time. And I can't even explain them to normal people because together, we are not normal. In our real lives, we do a pretty good job of acting normal, but when we get together, all that goes out the window. I really think camp is the absolute greatest thing in the whole world (well that, and studying abroad), and wish everyone got a chance to experience it like I did. Really, it's so amazing. Beyond amazing. There isn't even a word for it. And I think there are "camp people" and then everyone else who just doesn't get it and I think camp people are just a completely different breed. That's why I try to keep my real life friends separate from camp friends because I don't want my real life friends to find out what a weirdo I am. They think they already know, but they really have no idea. Anyways, we get up there Friday night, there's about 15 of us I guess and I get super drunk so I don't really remember what all went down. I do remember there was lots of laughing, running around like a fool, and attempts to take selfies going on. Oh and dancing, of course--one of the best parts about camp-dance parties. There were also lots of people smoking and I think smoking is the grossest thing ever, so I remember trying to hide people's cigarettes...but people get very angry when you do that, so I had to stop. Then I got really tired, so I took a power nap (could have been longer, I don't know), got up, ate a pp&j, had some more good times and then officially went to bed. I was pretty pleased with myself, because for some reason, every time we went to this girl's mountain house the summer we all worked at camp ('06), I would either cry or throw-up..sometimes both. I don't know what was going on, I think I was depressed from coming back from Italy...that explains the crying. And maybe the throwing up came from me drinking stupid American alcohol and not fabulous Italian wine. Yeah, that's it.
So anyways, Saturday was gorgeous and we just hung out...went into Asheville for some lunch and then hung out some more. Lots of people left, so there were only about 7 left but it was still a lot of fun. I remember it all because I didn't drink as much, but that was not the case for the other 6. So I had a good time laughing at their stupidness. I also danced some more and did some dishes. It was great.
Sunday we all left (had to hug it out first), and I went to my grandparents in Columbia for Easter dinner. Yes, I am a heathen and didn't go to Easter mass. I was already in that category though because I didn't go for Christmas mass either. I know, I'm going straight to hell! It's bad. Anyways, dinner was great. Good food as always and we all actually got along and had a good time. Kind of rare in my fam. And there was a huge bucket of jelly belly jellybeans and you know that always makes for a good time.
So tomorrow it's back to work. Boooo. But I'm excited about the next couple of weekends...and the week goes by faster when you have something to look forward to.
22 March 2008
Listen to the Music
I am currently listening to Pandora at work, and that song was on, hence the title. No other special meaning.
Sometimes I dread blogging because it makes me fully realize how incredibly lame my life is. Like today. Nothing new or exciting to report. I had soccer practice Monday, that was entertaining, as always. We had a scrimmage again and "tied." That's probably for the best though. Parents don't like it when their kids lose. Tuesday I went to the USC-CofC baseball game. I like watching sports, but it was a little chilly for my taste. And the crowd there was pretty lame. They were playing some good music and everything, but everyone was just kind of sitting there. My mom and I were rocking out, but we were pretty much the only ones. Sad times for everyone else. I still think it's so funny that Mike and Reese are such big deals on the team and everyone knows who they are. I grew up next to Reese, and Mike basically lived over there, so I knew him as well. Our families even used to go on vacaction together. Those were some good times, summers at Lake Joccassee. We would squeeze 15 people into an 8 person cabin, which meant some of the kids "camped out" outside. Anyways, enough reminscing. I just think it's great that they're all famous and cool now and I get to make boys jealous by being like, oh yeah, I used to camp out with those two! Maybe they'll go pro one day and I can bust out some old pictures and make some money, haha. Just kidding.
Anyways, yesterday I was feeling a little under the weather. I felt like I was going to die all day at work, so I just went home and went to sleep. Me feeling bad is also the reason why this blog is so increidbly sad today. So, I'm just going to stop. I can't deal with this horrible writing anymore. Today, as long as I feel ok, I'm heading up to the mountains for a camp reunion and then to Columbia for Easter. Hopefully when I get home, I'll be well and will have re-learned how to write properly.
Sometimes I dread blogging because it makes me fully realize how incredibly lame my life is. Like today. Nothing new or exciting to report. I had soccer practice Monday, that was entertaining, as always. We had a scrimmage again and "tied." That's probably for the best though. Parents don't like it when their kids lose. Tuesday I went to the USC-CofC baseball game. I like watching sports, but it was a little chilly for my taste. And the crowd there was pretty lame. They were playing some good music and everything, but everyone was just kind of sitting there. My mom and I were rocking out, but we were pretty much the only ones. Sad times for everyone else. I still think it's so funny that Mike and Reese are such big deals on the team and everyone knows who they are. I grew up next to Reese, and Mike basically lived over there, so I knew him as well. Our families even used to go on vacaction together. Those were some good times, summers at Lake Joccassee. We would squeeze 15 people into an 8 person cabin, which meant some of the kids "camped out" outside. Anyways, enough reminscing. I just think it's great that they're all famous and cool now and I get to make boys jealous by being like, oh yeah, I used to camp out with those two! Maybe they'll go pro one day and I can bust out some old pictures and make some money, haha. Just kidding.
Anyways, yesterday I was feeling a little under the weather. I felt like I was going to die all day at work, so I just went home and went to sleep. Me feeling bad is also the reason why this blog is so increidbly sad today. So, I'm just going to stop. I can't deal with this horrible writing anymore. Today, as long as I feel ok, I'm heading up to the mountains for a camp reunion and then to Columbia for Easter. Hopefully when I get home, I'll be well and will have re-learned how to write properly.
17 March 2008
Beware the Ides of March
...not really, but I thought it was appropriate, even though Caesar was killed yesterday.
Anyways, the week was somewhat uneventful. Had some more crazies come in, but that really isn't anything new. I am, however, getting REALLY tired of the stupid and rude people that come and call in the office. I am more tolerant of stupid, because stupid is as stupid does really (whatever that means. Ms. Gump, could you explain please?) but rude, rude is just unacceptable. There is just no call for it. Like I've stated before, I am not the reason why people have to come in and get a drug test. I am merely the facilitator. I am not in the wrong and should not be cussed at, thank you very much.
Gosh, I'm tired. But I know my adoring public can't live another day without a recent post, so I'll push through. I had quite the weekend, so that's why I'm so tired. Friday night I babysat for the BEST kids. Seriously, it was the easiest thing I've ever done for fifty bucks. It was a little boy from my soccer team and his sister. The kids were fabulous and cute and we watched 101 Dalmatians, an excellent choice. They only made it halfway through the movie (how awesome is it that kids go to bed at 8:00), but I finished it on my own. I love me some Disney movies, I'm not ashamed. I have all the videos (where they are, I have no clue) and want all the DVDs, but they are so dang expensive! Each one is like, $30! I don't have that kind of dough to be spending on movies! So, yeah, keep that in mind for future gift purchases. So after dalmatians, I watched Robin Hood because it has amazing music and then Mary Poppins because it's one of my all time faves, also with great music. So yeah, my Friday night involved three Disney movies...a good night if you ask me.
Saturday I had 9:00 practice. Why it couldn't be at 10, I don't know, but I managed to get up and put on a smile. It was a good practice though...we even scrimmaged another team. The other coaches were pretty hardcore though, it was cracking me up. His team was already set up and I was trying to get mine together and he goes, "you might want to think about getting your defense on the field." I was like, uh thanks, I'll get right on that. Defense?! Are you joking me? We only play five kids at a time, and one is the goalie! There's no such thing as defense! It's pretty much every man for himself...there are no positions, no passing, no's I want to score a goal and I'll steal the ball from my own teammate if I have to. But the scrimmage was good (we lost, sadly) and I realized there are a lot of things my team needs to go over before the season really starts. Like how to shake hands. They didn't understand the concept of walking down the line to shake everyone's hand. I don't know why they couldn't, but they all just stood there.
After practice, I did some random stuff, then met Allison downtown to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I'm Irish, so of course I had to get completely wasted. At 4 in the afternoon. That's right. I had to call it a night at 8:00. Well, I was actually just going to go home and take a short nap and then head out for round two, but because of the crazy weather going on, round two was canceled. It was probably for the best. By 9:30 I had already managed to make a fool out of myself, spill water all over my room and do some detrimental drunk dialing. Which is weird, because I rarely drunk dial, but I guess I was feeling festive. I managed to control myself and didn't call a big no-no, so I guess it wasn't all bad. I don't really drink that often anymore either, so maybe that had something to do with it. Had to get all the stupid out. So yeah, I went to bed at 9:30. Woke up at 2:30 am, was hungover, ate some crackers, went back to sleep and woke up this morning just fine. Then my roommate conned me into going to church with him. It wasn't all bad, but church just really isn't my thing (I know, I'm a heathen) so I don't think I'll be going back. Much to the sadness of him and the welcome lady that tried to give me lunch and a praise CD. I talked my way out of both, but it was kind of a challenge. I babysat again today and the kids weren't as good. The little girl was actually kind of a bitch. Well, she was fine until she fell down and then she got mean! Her brother ran into her and she fell over but she took it all out on me! She was like, I hate you, we are not friends! I was like, what the hell!?! I didn't say that but she did accuse me of saying bad words and was going to tell her mom. I was like, um well you'd be lying. Then I realized I was arguing with a four year old and made myself shut up. We made up later, but she was pretty hateful for a while.
Ok, adoring public, I really must get to bed now. I got a little burst of energy while listening to my new obsession, "Cupid's Shuffle." But it is fading fast. I know that song is like a year old, but I just recently discovered it and think it's pretty awesome. I'll try to update soon. Read old posts if you need a fix. Ciao ciao. Have a Happy St. Patricks!
Anyways, the week was somewhat uneventful. Had some more crazies come in, but that really isn't anything new. I am, however, getting REALLY tired of the stupid and rude people that come and call in the office. I am more tolerant of stupid, because stupid is as stupid does really (whatever that means. Ms. Gump, could you explain please?) but rude, rude is just unacceptable. There is just no call for it. Like I've stated before, I am not the reason why people have to come in and get a drug test. I am merely the facilitator. I am not in the wrong and should not be cussed at, thank you very much.
Gosh, I'm tired. But I know my adoring public can't live another day without a recent post, so I'll push through. I had quite the weekend, so that's why I'm so tired. Friday night I babysat for the BEST kids. Seriously, it was the easiest thing I've ever done for fifty bucks. It was a little boy from my soccer team and his sister. The kids were fabulous and cute and we watched 101 Dalmatians, an excellent choice. They only made it halfway through the movie (how awesome is it that kids go to bed at 8:00), but I finished it on my own. I love me some Disney movies, I'm not ashamed. I have all the videos (where they are, I have no clue) and want all the DVDs, but they are so dang expensive! Each one is like, $30! I don't have that kind of dough to be spending on movies! So, yeah, keep that in mind for future gift purchases. So after dalmatians, I watched Robin Hood because it has amazing music and then Mary Poppins because it's one of my all time faves, also with great music. So yeah, my Friday night involved three Disney movies...a good night if you ask me.
Saturday I had 9:00 practice. Why it couldn't be at 10, I don't know, but I managed to get up and put on a smile. It was a good practice though...we even scrimmaged another team. The other coaches were pretty hardcore though, it was cracking me up. His team was already set up and I was trying to get mine together and he goes, "you might want to think about getting your defense on the field." I was like, uh thanks, I'll get right on that. Defense?! Are you joking me? We only play five kids at a time, and one is the goalie! There's no such thing as defense! It's pretty much every man for himself...there are no positions, no passing, no's I want to score a goal and I'll steal the ball from my own teammate if I have to. But the scrimmage was good (we lost, sadly) and I realized there are a lot of things my team needs to go over before the season really starts. Like how to shake hands. They didn't understand the concept of walking down the line to shake everyone's hand. I don't know why they couldn't, but they all just stood there.
After practice, I did some random stuff, then met Allison downtown to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I'm Irish, so of course I had to get completely wasted. At 4 in the afternoon. That's right. I had to call it a night at 8:00. Well, I was actually just going to go home and take a short nap and then head out for round two, but because of the crazy weather going on, round two was canceled. It was probably for the best. By 9:30 I had already managed to make a fool out of myself, spill water all over my room and do some detrimental drunk dialing. Which is weird, because I rarely drunk dial, but I guess I was feeling festive. I managed to control myself and didn't call a big no-no, so I guess it wasn't all bad. I don't really drink that often anymore either, so maybe that had something to do with it. Had to get all the stupid out. So yeah, I went to bed at 9:30. Woke up at 2:30 am, was hungover, ate some crackers, went back to sleep and woke up this morning just fine. Then my roommate conned me into going to church with him. It wasn't all bad, but church just really isn't my thing (I know, I'm a heathen) so I don't think I'll be going back. Much to the sadness of him and the welcome lady that tried to give me lunch and a praise CD. I talked my way out of both, but it was kind of a challenge. I babysat again today and the kids weren't as good. The little girl was actually kind of a bitch. Well, she was fine until she fell down and then she got mean! Her brother ran into her and she fell over but she took it all out on me! She was like, I hate you, we are not friends! I was like, what the hell!?! I didn't say that but she did accuse me of saying bad words and was going to tell her mom. I was like, um well you'd be lying. Then I realized I was arguing with a four year old and made myself shut up. We made up later, but she was pretty hateful for a while.
Ok, adoring public, I really must get to bed now. I got a little burst of energy while listening to my new obsession, "Cupid's Shuffle." But it is fading fast. I know that song is like a year old, but I just recently discovered it and think it's pretty awesome. I'll try to update soon. Read old posts if you need a fix. Ciao ciao. Have a Happy St. Patricks!
11 March 2008
Party Time, EGGxcellent
OH MAN-today was complete craziness. I have GREAT news..but I'm going to go in order, so you'll have to wait for it.
First off, work was insane! Mondays, for some reason are always completely retarded. It's always crazy busy and all the idiots decide to call and ask stupid questions and I get pissed. And then the rest of the week, it's slow as molasses and I get annoyed because I just don't understand why Monday hogs all the work and it can't be spread out through the rest of the week. So anyways, it started pretty much the second I got there and just got ridiculous the rest of the day. I was really annoyed though because my dad had to go to an on-site collection as well as to court for most of the day, so I was there by myself with all the crazies for most of the day. One guy made things a little better though. I gave him his cup to pee in and I walk back into the hall right as he is walking out and I catch him putting water from the sink in his specimen! I mean, for real? I just died laughing. And the guy was like, oh, uh, I didn't think I would have enough. Oh yeah, good call, so you add some water to your pee, just to beef it up a little bit. Haha, are you kidding me! Basically, he just said, I'm POSITIVE! Some people! Then, a guy in a wheelchair came in and that was horribly awkward. And I know that sounds horrible, but I've never had someone in a wheelchair come in and we really just aren't equipped for that, so it was just strange. But we figured it out. I had a bunch of people copping 'tudes today as well. That nonsense just pisses me off! People are all mad because they have to get their hair cut or have to take time out of their day to come take a test. Excuse me, but I am NOT the reason you are there, NOR am I the reason your test came out positive! People are always cussing at me and I just think that is so rude. I'm starting to become a hardass though. I'm not taking crap anymore. It's bad, but I'm also becoming somewhat of a heartless bitch. I just don't feel sorry for people anymore! They give me all kinds of stories about how they don't do drugs or whatever, but I don't really believe anyone anymore.
Ok, so after my crazy day at work I went to an even crazier soccer practice. My brother went as a special guest coach since he's home on spring break, and I thought those kids were going to be all about him since he plays soccer in college, but they really just weren't into him. Sad times for him...and me, because I was hoping they would listen to him because they def don't listen to me. I mean, it was still fun, but I was so frazzled from work, it was hard to be patient with them. I don't understand why they don't get the concept of NO HANDS. It's really not that hard. This is also good birth control though...further proof I really don't want kids.
And that leads me to my next topic...I don't want kids, but someone wants mine! I got matched today! Long story short, I am donating my eggs to some lovely couple so they can have children of their own. And, I get paid! People think I'm crazy, but I think people that think that are crazy. I mean, why not? Yeah, it's kind of weird that theres going to be half of my genes running around somewhere, but I really think that they world is only going to benefit from this situation. And, I'm never going to know the kid and they are never going to me, so it's a win-win. PS-that was the great case you were confused.
There's more to be said, but I'm tired and my face itches. So I'm calling it a night. More later perhaps. Ciao ciao!
First off, work was insane! Mondays, for some reason are always completely retarded. It's always crazy busy and all the idiots decide to call and ask stupid questions and I get pissed. And then the rest of the week, it's slow as molasses and I get annoyed because I just don't understand why Monday hogs all the work and it can't be spread out through the rest of the week. So anyways, it started pretty much the second I got there and just got ridiculous the rest of the day. I was really annoyed though because my dad had to go to an on-site collection as well as to court for most of the day, so I was there by myself with all the crazies for most of the day. One guy made things a little better though. I gave him his cup to pee in and I walk back into the hall right as he is walking out and I catch him putting water from the sink in his specimen! I mean, for real? I just died laughing. And the guy was like, oh, uh, I didn't think I would have enough. Oh yeah, good call, so you add some water to your pee, just to beef it up a little bit. Haha, are you kidding me! Basically, he just said, I'm POSITIVE! Some people! Then, a guy in a wheelchair came in and that was horribly awkward. And I know that sounds horrible, but I've never had someone in a wheelchair come in and we really just aren't equipped for that, so it was just strange. But we figured it out. I had a bunch of people copping 'tudes today as well. That nonsense just pisses me off! People are all mad because they have to get their hair cut or have to take time out of their day to come take a test. Excuse me, but I am NOT the reason you are there, NOR am I the reason your test came out positive! People are always cussing at me and I just think that is so rude. I'm starting to become a hardass though. I'm not taking crap anymore. It's bad, but I'm also becoming somewhat of a heartless bitch. I just don't feel sorry for people anymore! They give me all kinds of stories about how they don't do drugs or whatever, but I don't really believe anyone anymore.
Ok, so after my crazy day at work I went to an even crazier soccer practice. My brother went as a special guest coach since he's home on spring break, and I thought those kids were going to be all about him since he plays soccer in college, but they really just weren't into him. Sad times for him...and me, because I was hoping they would listen to him because they def don't listen to me. I mean, it was still fun, but I was so frazzled from work, it was hard to be patient with them. I don't understand why they don't get the concept of NO HANDS. It's really not that hard. This is also good birth control though...further proof I really don't want kids.
And that leads me to my next topic...I don't want kids, but someone wants mine! I got matched today! Long story short, I am donating my eggs to some lovely couple so they can have children of their own. And, I get paid! People think I'm crazy, but I think people that think that are crazy. I mean, why not? Yeah, it's kind of weird that theres going to be half of my genes running around somewhere, but I really think that they world is only going to benefit from this situation. And, I'm never going to know the kid and they are never going to me, so it's a win-win. PS-that was the great case you were confused.
There's more to be said, but I'm tired and my face itches. So I'm calling it a night. More later perhaps. Ciao ciao!
06 March 2008
Don't tell the boss
This is what I read on my free time at work:
It is freaking hysterical. It also makes me feel guilty/stupid for being white and liking/doing such white things. But oh well, not much I can do about it. And I already felt stupid for being white, but for other reasons (mainly because I don't like rap music). What can you do?
Nothing else interesting going on. I go to bed early now and it's fabulous/pathetic. Sorry for all the slashes.
Enjoy! Ciaoooo
It is freaking hysterical. It also makes me feel guilty/stupid for being white and liking/doing such white things. But oh well, not much I can do about it. And I already felt stupid for being white, but for other reasons (mainly because I don't like rap music). What can you do?
Nothing else interesting going on. I go to bed early now and it's fabulous/pathetic. Sorry for all the slashes.
Enjoy! Ciaoooo
05 March 2008
No hands, no hands!
So I started coaching my soccer team yesterday and let me just tell you, it was awesome. I was pretty nervous about meeting all the parents and all that, but everyone seemed pretty nice. There was one lady who was a little on the crazy side, but I think it's going to be ok. And of course all the parents stood around and watched me the whole time, so that was a little scary too, but no one said anything so whatever. And I figure, they didn't sign up to coach, so they can't really say much to me. So I have 10 (we got a player added) 5 and 6 year olds, 3 of which are triplets. Those are some crazy kids...there are two girls and a boy and the boy decided yesterday he didn't want to play! Then he saw the jerseys at the end and thought maybe he could play for 5 minutes. I told him he had to play with us the whole time or he wasn't getting a jersey...we shook on it, so I think we struck a deal. Anyways, all the kids were pretty excited and listened to me. The biggest problem was getting them not to pick up the ball with their hands. Kind of a big deal in soccer, but they figure if they can't the ball to go where they with their feet, they'll just pick it up and move it to where it needs to go. Nay nay, that is not how soccer works my young friends. We will figure it out soon enough...surely after me yelling "no hands, no hands!" a few hundred times per practice they will start to catch on. We'll see. I also have a wanderer. He's pretty awesome and likes to throw out random and incoherent bits of information while I'm explaining something. Yesterday he told me, "my bridge is lighting up," referring to the big Cooper River bridge that was behind us. I had no idea it was his...I thought it was Arthur Ravenels, but I was's his. Another favorite past time is wandering off the field to sit in the bleachers when he wants a snack or just feels like taking a break. He also has a pretty sweet bowl cut. Anyways, all the kids are great and I am super excited about the rest of the season. I need some help with practice, 30 minutes is kind of long time when I can only get them to focus for about 5 minutes at a time. They are all so dang cute though! And funny, they just run around like crazy people and it is quite entertaining.
Also, I moved into my new house last weekend! It was quick and painless and right now I am just trying to get my room together and decorate. I have so much stuff and so little space, it's kind of a problem. I am looking for a desk and some book shelves, but don't know exactly what I want. I'm doing ok though...I just want to get my stuff out of boxes and into some furniture, ya heard? I love love LOVE living on my own though. Last night I came home and made myself dinner and sat at my table and felt like such a big girl! It was awesome. Dinner was slightly sub par, but I'm going to become a master chef, just you wait. Right now it's dinner on a budget. Also, it's make-dinner-as-fast-as-possible dinner because I'm always STARVING when I get home. That needs to change too. I'm thinking an afternoon snack would help.
And lastly, today I got asked out by someone at work. That was awkward.
Also, I moved into my new house last weekend! It was quick and painless and right now I am just trying to get my room together and decorate. I have so much stuff and so little space, it's kind of a problem. I am looking for a desk and some book shelves, but don't know exactly what I want. I'm doing ok though...I just want to get my stuff out of boxes and into some furniture, ya heard? I love love LOVE living on my own though. Last night I came home and made myself dinner and sat at my table and felt like such a big girl! It was awesome. Dinner was slightly sub par, but I'm going to become a master chef, just you wait. Right now it's dinner on a budget. Also, it's make-dinner-as-fast-as-possible dinner because I'm always STARVING when I get home. That needs to change too. I'm thinking an afternoon snack would help.
And lastly, today I got asked out by someone at work. That was awkward.
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