Yet another fabulous Chris Brown quote. That is one of my very favorite lines from a song...ever. I had a love/hate relationship with his new song ("Forever") at first...but I have grown to love it. I don't really know what the problem was at first, but who could not love a song that has that line it? I know I couldn't. Another favorite line of mine is from "Psycho Killer" by Talking Heads. But only because when the guy says the line, he says it in this awesome voice that reminds me of my good friend Blakely. And he makes a good point I guess...he says "Say something once, why say it again?" I mean, I don't really agree because sometimes I do nothing but say the same thing over and over. Sometimes it's because I have to tell the same story to lots of different people. Sometimes it's because I think I'll make my point better if I say something multiple times. And a lot of times it's because I think I said something extremely funny, but no one is laughing, so I assume they didn't hear and I say it again until someone laughs...or tells me shut up.
I went to Jacksonville last weekend with another good friend, Katrina. We had quite the fabulous time. I got sunburned...again. Seriously, you would think I would know how to protect myself from harmful UV rays since I GREW up at the beach. Apparently the rays are stronger these days, so I guess I kind of have an excuse. But looking like a lobster is just embarrassing...I look like an amateur. And then I peel and that's not fun either. I don't let my face get burned's usually just my chest...and last weekend my back too, but whatever. Anyways, it was so nice being with Katrina in Jacksonville. Number one, I was going back to my roots...St. Vincent's hospital, represent! Yeah that's right, yours truly comes straight from the streets of Jville. And number two, we actually went OUT and danced and partied. It was a fabulous change from going to bars and just chilling. I am in no mood for chilling these days. I want to go dance and be drunk and sketchy and make out with random people I don't know...possibly ones with neck tattoos. Don't judge...I got a late start with the drunken sketchiness. Most people start freshman year. I didn't really until junior year, so I've got at least another year or so to get it out of my system.
Well, now that I've gotten extremely up close and personal with my reader(s), I should probably shut up. I will say, as a parting note, that JC (my brother) and I are going to coach a machine pitch girls softball team together and I'm pretty pumped about it. JC went to the meeting tonight and he said he was not only the youngest coach there, but he was also the only male softball coach. I thought that was pretty funny. We have 7-8 year old girls (couldn't handle the littlest ones again) and I bet those girls are going to love him...can't wait! Hopefully this team will be better than my last. ::Fingers crossed:: I'll keep you updated, don't worry.
Alright, later dudes.
23 May 2008
13 May 2008
Be my wifey
So I went to a wedding this weekend. And it was a lot of fun. Ok, I sound awkward. Let me esplain. Every time I go to a wedding I just feel so bizarre. First off, I still have a hard time believing that people my age are getting MARRIED. So crazy to me. Like, they are for REAL in the real world. Not this fake little real world I'm living in, but the real thing. It's insane. I can't even really explain what I mean, so I hope you understand what I mean. It involves bills and buying a house and merging bank accounts and talking about having kids and all kinds of other serious big people stuff. Additionally, just being at a wedding for someone my age makes me feel weird too. Like I don't really belong or something. I think part of it is because the idea of me getting married is SO far off for me in my fake world. Don't get me wrong, I am going to have one kick-ass wedding (Kami knows this), but it is not going to be until I'm like 35. So, faithful readers, you better keep in touch with me to insure an invite.
OH my, I've been rambling. This is not about me. This is about KATIE BROWN-who got MARRIED. And now she's Katie Head! Whoa buddy. And it was such a lovely wedding too. She looked so pretty! I'm not going to lie, her wedding was so simple, but so fabulous at the same time. It was fabulous because it was so perfectly Katie and Caleb. I think my favorite was that those two goobers just wandered into their own reception and got into the buffet line without being announced or anything. I guess they were just hungry. But here's a picture so everyone can see how cute they are:
Doesn't she just look so grown up?! Complete insanity.
Love you KB turtle :)
OH my, I've been rambling. This is not about me. This is about KATIE BROWN-who got MARRIED. And now she's Katie Head! Whoa buddy. And it was such a lovely wedding too. She looked so pretty! I'm not going to lie, her wedding was so simple, but so fabulous at the same time. It was fabulous because it was so perfectly Katie and Caleb. I think my favorite was that those two goobers just wandered into their own reception and got into the buffet line without being announced or anything. I guess they were just hungry. But here's a picture so everyone can see how cute they are:
Love you KB turtle :)
04 May 2008
1, 2, 3, Go Grassroots!
Dear reader(s), please forgive me and my slackness as of late. Although I posted on the last blog that I was feeling fine and dandy post retrieval, that did not turn out to be the case in the days following. In fact, I have been feeling pretty darn shitty. But no worries, I feel much better today. No more feeling super bloated and wincing when I stand up or sit down. Don't get me wrong, it was totally worth and it really wasn't that bad, it was just uncomfortable. And, I'm a big yeah, I'm better, no big deal.
Anyways, we had our last soccer game yesterday....and we tied! YAY! Seriously, Grassroots definitely saved the best for last. A tie is HUGE when you've done nothing but lost by at least 3 or 4 every game. I was pretty proud of the team. Given my fragile state, I let Allison coach on the field while I managed the sidelines. That, believe it or not is actually harder than coaching on the field. Those kids are squirming all over the place and whining about one thing or another. Someone always has to go to the bathroom, or is sweating, or is thirsty, or wants to go in or play goalie. There is just no pleasing them! It's entertaining though. The craziest things come out of their mouths. They were all psyched up about getting trophies and kept asking about them. I told them they only got trophies if they didn't whine. There was still some whining, but I feel like it was minimized a tiny bit. So anyways, after the big TIE, we had a cookout, which turned out to be pretty fun. I got this awesome cake from publix:

I told all the parents I made it myself...and they totally bought it! Yeah right, like I have the time OR the talent to do something like that. Come on people. The parents also kept asking me if I was going to coach next year. Hmmm, something to think about. I actually had a lot of fun and it was definitely an entertaining experience. However, I think if I did, I might coach kids that are a couple years older. Just because they might be a little more responsive to actual coaching. We'll see. Anyways, then we handed out trophies and it was the highlight of their little lives, I'm sure.
I wish it were a closer and better picture so you could see everyone's face and just how funny they all are. More pics on facebook, check it.
k, well nothing else exciting happened at the party...other than someone leaving their shoes. Now I have to track down someone with a missing pair of soccer cleats. Seriously, now do you just wander off with no shoes on? I feel like that is a pretty major part of your ensemble. But that's just me.
Off to softball. Later dudes.
Anyways, we had our last soccer game yesterday....and we tied! YAY! Seriously, Grassroots definitely saved the best for last. A tie is HUGE when you've done nothing but lost by at least 3 or 4 every game. I was pretty proud of the team. Given my fragile state, I let Allison coach on the field while I managed the sidelines. That, believe it or not is actually harder than coaching on the field. Those kids are squirming all over the place and whining about one thing or another. Someone always has to go to the bathroom, or is sweating, or is thirsty, or wants to go in or play goalie. There is just no pleasing them! It's entertaining though. The craziest things come out of their mouths. They were all psyched up about getting trophies and kept asking about them. I told them they only got trophies if they didn't whine. There was still some whining, but I feel like it was minimized a tiny bit. So anyways, after the big TIE, we had a cookout, which turned out to be pretty fun. I got this awesome cake from publix:
I told all the parents I made it myself...and they totally bought it! Yeah right, like I have the time OR the talent to do something like that. Come on people. The parents also kept asking me if I was going to coach next year. Hmmm, something to think about. I actually had a lot of fun and it was definitely an entertaining experience. However, I think if I did, I might coach kids that are a couple years older. Just because they might be a little more responsive to actual coaching. We'll see. Anyways, then we handed out trophies and it was the highlight of their little lives, I'm sure.
I wish it were a closer and better picture so you could see everyone's face and just how funny they all are. More pics on facebook, check it.
k, well nothing else exciting happened at the party...other than someone leaving their shoes. Now I have to track down someone with a missing pair of soccer cleats. Seriously, now do you just wander off with no shoes on? I feel like that is a pretty major part of your ensemble. But that's just me.
Off to softball. Later dudes.
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