First off, "Days Like This" is one of my very favorite Van Morrison songs. It's a good one. Even though I get confused about the lyrics because I can't decide if he is talking about the day (like this one) as a good day or a bad day. I think it's supposed to be about a good day, but I can't be sure. I like to think it is though, because when I listen to it, it makes my day better.
Moving on, this past week has been a plethora of emotions. I have been on quite the rollercoaster of feelings. And I'm not going to lie, I don't like it at all. Let me start at the very beginning (because it's a very good place to start). I had the BEST weekend. Seriously, it was so fabulous. I journeyed to Atlanta with Jean, where we met up with Mary and yay, the suite was back together again! And we all got along really well, there was no drama, no awkwardness (ok, so maybe a little) and just overall fabulouslessness. The four of us hung out by ourselves Friday and then Saturday we went to Nate's (Katrina's boyfriend) pool and hung out with some other cool PC people that live in the area. And that was fabulous as well. The weather was perfect, the pool was fun and it was a really great group of people. Some of my favorite people, actually. And it was especially nice because in the past, things have been somewhat weird with some of the people, but all that was gone and there was nothing but drunken good times. It was kind of just like college...which isn't bad at all, because I won't lie-I really miss college (sometimes). Then we all went dancing that night which, duh, is my favorite thing ever, so you know I was in heaven...I made it a place on Earth. hahahaha, yes. Um, so anyways, all in all, it was such a good weekend and I was seriously depressed when I had to leave. Jean and I drove back to Columbia, where I got in my car and literally teared up. Right, so pathetic. But it just made me so sad because I was going back to my real life where my favorite people aren't and life in general is just not as fun.
Don't get me wrong-I do enjoy my life here in Charleston...I love my little house (come visit, ahem, SARAH), and the weather is great and I LOVE going to be the beach...but I just get so down sometimes. I think it's because I let myself get overwhelmed with thinking about what I am supposed to be starting my career. But I don't know what my career is supposed to be! Ah! It's all very lame. Also, I have let a certain someone back into my life and that is making things crazy, just as it was before. I apparently have blocked some memories cause I was all, yay, a boy is back in the picture. But, that was dumb because I forgot about all the stupid drama that comes along with the opposite sex. And it's about the dumbest shit too..mainly miscommunictaion and stubborness. Then it causes problems and I get all crazy thinking about it and then I finally say something and it turns out to be some huge misunderstanding and then I'm all, wtf?! why didn't I say something sooner, this all could have been avoided. And then I'm like, well no, why didn't YOU(boy) say something sooner. And here we go again. Stupid, stupid drama.
So yeah, I have been bouncing around between yay, good weekend, I love my friends to uggghhh, I need a new life and boys are dumb. I need some middle ground asap. I think things are finally starting to level out today though. And I have high hopes for this weekend. Next week is going to suck because I'm going to be back to working by myself (long story, more later, I'm PISSED), so I have to figure out a way to stay happy or someone might get bitch slapped at the pee farm.
Anyways, feel free to leave cheerful messages next week. Also, feel free to come VISIT...esp if, I don't know, you've been saying you were going to for the last three months and still haven't made it happen. Just saying.
Later dudes.
PS-HOW I could forget about this little gem, I don't know, but we had a super fabulous client come in today. His name was.....(drumroll please)....MISTER WRIGHT. I swear on all things holy that was his real name.
26 June 2008
16 June 2008
Ignorance is not bliss
So this weekend wasn't just had a an incident that kind of tainted the rest of it. I went out to Folly Beach on Saturday for a friends birthday, which I never do. Mainly because Folly Beach is far, it's crowded and parking is a bitch. I would rather go to Sullivan's, park at my dads, and walk to the beach, knowing I will not get a parking ticket...even if I do have to go by myself. But whatever, it was a friends birthday, she wanted to go to Folly, so that is where I went. And my stupid self thought I found this great parking spot, only to come back to a car with a ticket on it. And not just a $30 ticket for parking in a prohibited area, but a freaking TWO HUNDRED dollar ticket for parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. I mean, are you serious?! Ok, yes, I was a moron for not even realizing that was not allowed, but come on, $200?! That is craziness! I mean, most places are really good about having signs for where you can and can't park..but not so with Folly. I think that is how the town makes most of their money in the summer, is with parking violations because I saw a ton of cars with tickets. So yeah, I'm a little upset and am going to try my best to get it reduced. I can think of a hundred things I would rather do with $200 than pay a parking ticket. Ugh, so that sucked a lot.
BUT, good news! This is a couple days later and I got that shit dropped! YAY! Long story, but basically I met a really nice police officer on Sullivan's that knew some people on Folly and a dozen doughnuts later, I got the ticket dropped. WHEW. Thank goodness, cause $200 is a ridiculous amount of money to be paying for a parking ticket.
Moving on, we had our first softball game Monday and honestly, we didn't do that bad. We only had 6 players, so that hurt us a little, especially in the outfield. It's kind of funny because JC and I are super serious about the team and we discuss it like the games matter. We had some pretty good hits and we got three outs in an inning! Now you're thinking, um, duh jacky, that is how the inning ends. Not so in machine pitch my friend. With kids this young, you just run through the batting line up and then the inning is over. And the ump was impressed with us becaus he said he's never seen a team get three outs in an inning. Oh yeah, that's right...and we only had 6 players bitches! Mills Brothers Heating and Air ROCKS! Another game tonight, we'll see how it goes.
So I've been watching Katt Williams lately and that shit is SO funny. Go check it out. He is kind of a potty mouth and it's a little in your face, but it is still really funny.
I would say more, but nothing else is really going on and besides, I got shit to do today n***a.
BUT, good news! This is a couple days later and I got that shit dropped! YAY! Long story, but basically I met a really nice police officer on Sullivan's that knew some people on Folly and a dozen doughnuts later, I got the ticket dropped. WHEW. Thank goodness, cause $200 is a ridiculous amount of money to be paying for a parking ticket.
Moving on, we had our first softball game Monday and honestly, we didn't do that bad. We only had 6 players, so that hurt us a little, especially in the outfield. It's kind of funny because JC and I are super serious about the team and we discuss it like the games matter. We had some pretty good hits and we got three outs in an inning! Now you're thinking, um, duh jacky, that is how the inning ends. Not so in machine pitch my friend. With kids this young, you just run through the batting line up and then the inning is over. And the ump was impressed with us becaus he said he's never seen a team get three outs in an inning. Oh yeah, that's right...and we only had 6 players bitches! Mills Brothers Heating and Air ROCKS! Another game tonight, we'll see how it goes.
So I've been watching Katt Williams lately and that shit is SO funny. Go check it out. He is kind of a potty mouth and it's a little in your face, but it is still really funny.
I would say more, but nothing else is really going on and besides, I got shit to do today n***a.
04 June 2008
Hola bitches!
Si si, the title of this blog fits in nicely with my Spanish themed weekend. Well, really just Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. Whoa, ok, first I need to back up because it has been quite some time since I showed this blog some love. And I'll tell you was because I was in a funk. And when I'm feeling funky (the bad kind of funky, not the cool, get your groove on kind), I don't really like communicating with the rest of the world. I get in my funk and I'm all like, screw everyone. Don't be offended, it's not because I don't like you. It's more because I let my horribly negative thinking hinder my ability to rationalize and I get to think that everyone else has it way better than me, and/or is the cause of my silly problems and then I just shut everyone out. Honestly, it's better for everyone because I can get pretty nasty to undeserving people if someone crosses my path. For example, some stupid ass woman that called the office last week got a little taste. I will say, however, that the bitch deserved it because she copped a tude first AND she was being a complete retard. Either way, she is still the customer so I should have been nice to her but I have horrible customer service skills, so that didn't happen. And instead of saying something to me, she walked her stupid ass down to our office and complained to my boss/dad! The nerve! I mean, whatever, it's not like I am going to get fired, but I did get a lovely lecture that I definitely could have done without, thank you very much. I really do have terrible customer service skills though, it's bad. I need to work on them...but I also need a job where I don't have to talk/deal with complete MORONS all day, every day. Seriously, some of the people I have to talk to fell off the turnip truck like, yesterday. That doesn't even really make sense, but I hope you all get what I'm saying. So anyways, she was a sort of innocent victim..just be glad it wasn't you. The rest of the week was retarded as well but things picked up Saturday for real.
Well, first Friday...I went on a date. It was alright. Call if you want details, but lets just say I will not be going out with that person again. I looked super cute though in my new Target skirt, so it wasn't a total loss.
On to Saturday...laid on the beach for three myself. Which is good and bad. The beach is always good, duh. But laying on it by yourself gets old. I do it a lot these days. Most of my friends live on the other side of town and/or they have other things to do. Also, I have a very limited number of friends here in Charleston, so it's hard to find people to do stuff with sometimes. Sad. Anyways, things got interesting that night when some friends and I went SALSA DANCING!!! Yesssss. One of my favorite things to do EVER. And it was great because the people I went with had never gone before and they were all nervous and were like, is this hard? I don't know think it will be fun. And then we get there and BAM! They are hit in the face with the amazingness that is Salsa dancing and they are forever hooked. I was a sketchmaster, as I always am at the salsa club (or any club really). But I'm not going to lie, I LOVE being sketchy. Sketchy jacky rarely comes out, but man, she is just fabulous and I love when she does. She's hott too! I mean, smoking hott! [The more I drink, the hotter I think I get]. She likes to sneak out of the club and make out with however snuck out with her. In this case, it was a cute Mexican...with a tongue ring...and an eyebrow ring...and a rat tail. AHHHHH-Oh SHIT-did I just say rat tail?!?!! Si, I did. It's true. I know, I know, I have sunk to a new low. But did I mention he had a tongue ring? I think that is a acceptable substitute for a neck tattoo. Don't judge. However, I did make the teensy little mistake of giving sketchy Mexican my phone number. Ooops. Yeah, bad idea...especially since he has called ELEVEN times since then. Haven't answered a one. You'd think he get the picture by now.
So anyways, Sunday I had a double header softball game. That was Spanish related because half my team is Hispanic. And they are all pretty terrible at softball...but they're fun and nice, so whatever. It was hot as HELL though playing outside Sunday afternoon. I was struggling too, after my wild and crazy Saturday night. But, I was still ballin'...I scored two runs and caught a pop fly. Yeah, I'm pretty awesome.
Ok, so posting this now cause I know my readers are getting desperate. You're welcome. More to come soon.
Ciao ciao!
Well, first Friday...I went on a date. It was alright. Call if you want details, but lets just say I will not be going out with that person again. I looked super cute though in my new Target skirt, so it wasn't a total loss.
On to Saturday...laid on the beach for three myself. Which is good and bad. The beach is always good, duh. But laying on it by yourself gets old. I do it a lot these days. Most of my friends live on the other side of town and/or they have other things to do. Also, I have a very limited number of friends here in Charleston, so it's hard to find people to do stuff with sometimes. Sad. Anyways, things got interesting that night when some friends and I went SALSA DANCING!!! Yesssss. One of my favorite things to do EVER. And it was great because the people I went with had never gone before and they were all nervous and were like, is this hard? I don't know think it will be fun. And then we get there and BAM! They are hit in the face with the amazingness that is Salsa dancing and they are forever hooked. I was a sketchmaster, as I always am at the salsa club (or any club really). But I'm not going to lie, I LOVE being sketchy. Sketchy jacky rarely comes out, but man, she is just fabulous and I love when she does. She's hott too! I mean, smoking hott! [The more I drink, the hotter I think I get]. She likes to sneak out of the club and make out with however snuck out with her. In this case, it was a cute Mexican...with a tongue ring...and an eyebrow ring...and a rat tail. AHHHHH-Oh SHIT-did I just say rat tail?!?!! Si, I did. It's true. I know, I know, I have sunk to a new low. But did I mention he had a tongue ring? I think that is a acceptable substitute for a neck tattoo. Don't judge. However, I did make the teensy little mistake of giving sketchy Mexican my phone number. Ooops. Yeah, bad idea...especially since he has called ELEVEN times since then. Haven't answered a one. You'd think he get the picture by now.
So anyways, Sunday I had a double header softball game. That was Spanish related because half my team is Hispanic. And they are all pretty terrible at softball...but they're fun and nice, so whatever. It was hot as HELL though playing outside Sunday afternoon. I was struggling too, after my wild and crazy Saturday night. But, I was still ballin'...I scored two runs and caught a pop fly. Yeah, I'm pretty awesome.
Ok, so posting this now cause I know my readers are getting desperate. You're welcome. More to come soon.
Ciao ciao!
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