Hm, tear for the circle song(s). Both from Camp Cherokee where I went as a camper (and did a small stint as a counselor) and from Camp Greenville...where I was a counselor and we sang Joni Mitchell. Which was strange..but still good times. And they were two different songs, in case you were curious. Aw man, I miss camp. Pretty much my favorite times ever. Sigh.
So moving on, the circle song fits this blog because I feel like I have come full circle from when I first began. Because I have a crazy to talk about from the pee farm! Two actually! And that is why I (re)started the blog in the first talk about the crazy/interesting people I encounter. But then they started tapering off, so I moved on to other random, ridiculous subjects. Also, I am back to looking for a job, which also had kind of tapered off but is not back in full force (still taking suggestions should my faithful readers have any).
Ok, so apparently the pee farm is going to get sued and we are all going to lose our jobs (as is everyone at DSS) by not one, but two people! I know! You ask, what on earth did you possibly do to screw up that bad that TWO people hate you and wish that you get fired. Well, obviously we are out to get them and deliberately messed up their test so they showed up positive INSTEAD of negative like they were supposed to because they...."never done did drugs in their WHOLE life." Hahaha, sound familiar? If you're a good reader, it will. If not, do some backtracking and get back to me. Also, these people have not only NEVER done the drugs but they HATE drugs. HATE EM! Would never touch or go near them and don't even hang out with people that do. So, how all that cocaine got into their system, I have no idea. But I guess I better figure out quick, or it'll cost me my job! Haha! Not really though, so don't get all anxious and concerned for me (as I know you were headed) because we don't even do the test here at the office, so if anything, those jerks at the laboratory are going down. In fact, as the crazy man put, "those people that do the test must be on crack cause I don't do no crack." So yeah, watch out lab tester, people are on to you. And while the man was amusing, the crazy woman was even better. She was fired up, let me tell you! And she was not pleased with me or Brad (my coworker) because we were "lying on her" and didn't want her to get her daughter back. I'm like, ok, first off lady, all I do is report the results...I don't test the hair or just arbitrarily decide whether or not people are positive...I just send the results that are sent to me. Secondly, I have no knowledge of why you're involved with DSS, so I didn't know, nor do I care whether or not you get your daughter back. And I hate to be rude, but the way this lady was acting, she didn't need to be any one's mama. And if she wasn't on drugs like she insisted, then she needed some other kind of help because she was acting some kind of crazy. Also, she peed all over the floor. Seriously. Who does that? And, my personal favorite...she accused Brad of lying to her and telling her that the hair test took 2 weeks to come back when it really only takes 2-3 days. And that doesn't make any damn sense because a.) Brad knows it only takes 2-3 days and wouldn't say it took 2 weeks b.) I'M the one that did her hair test, so I would have been talking to her about it and c.) what the hell difference would it make anyways? Two weeks later, she still would have been positive. Also, she called her case worker and was like, bitching her out and going on and on about how she was going to get her fired and all this and then at the end she's like..."God bless you. Have a blessed day. Bye." So funny.
All in all, people are crazy. It's funny. More to come later.
Jelaskan Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Permainan Bulu Tangkis
11 months ago