Oh me, oh my. Lots has happened since my last post. Lots of not so fabulous things, sadly. My life is slowly but surely unraveling at the seams and I am spinning off into the unknown. Ok, so not quite that dramatic..but things have been sucking pretty bad lately. But there is a bright spot in all of this that ties the title in (oh my, look at all that awesome alliteration!), so just wait. I am going to complain first and then I'll get to the good stuff. That is how I roll..I want to end on a good note.
Ok, so first off-work is kind of sucking lately. It's been really slow and I hate when it's slow because I get bored. There are only so many internet sites I can look at before I go crazy. Besides, I get fussed at for being on the internet and not working...but if it's slow, there is nothing to do but look at the internet. A horrible catch-22 (I'm reading that book right now) if you ask me. There are only so many times I can clean the office and re-organize the back room. I also don't like getting fussed at. It seriously pisses me off...and it's especially frustrating when it's my dad...then it gets super personal. But I will say that things are slightly better now that we hired some people to help me out. Me not having to do all the testing is wonderful...now I just get to yell at the crazies and don't actually have to deal with them the whole time. And having people say, "let me ask/get my manager," and then coming to ME is pretty awesome.
Next up, the housing sitch (that is short for situation, fyi). The house was pretty much going fabulously, short of some minor issues involving a dirty kitchen and an extremely dirty bathroom. It is (was) great because I'm not on the lease, I like and trust my roommates (even if they are dirty), it's a great location, and it's super cheap. Problem comes in last week when my roomies inform me that they are moving back in with their parents (they are brothers) to save money. Which is fine...only they want to leave by the end of the month. Which, last week was 2 weeks...and is now just a week and a half away. This puts me in a difficult situation. I really really REALLY don't want to move. Like I said, great location and there is no way I'm going to find somewhere this great for this price. So now what? I don't really want to find new roomies off craigslist because that is sketchy. I seriously don't want to move back home...even though that would make the most sense because I would save money. But, I would also probably kill someone. So you have to consider that. There is a possibility that my sister could move in...but that could prove to be horrible since sometimes I want to punch her in the face. She gets aggravating. So, what to do? I still haven't really figured it out. I am kind of avoiding it because I get frustrated...but that is really stupid of me since my time to make a decision is running out. So, dear readers, if you or anyone you know would like to relocate to the fabulous Mt. Pleasant (only 10 minutes to the beach!) for an extremely low price, let me know! I gotta figure this shit out!
Ugh. So that sucks and has been weighing me down lately. BUT-now for the good/funny news. I went to Atlanta this weekend and had a very fabulous time. I got taken out to a fancy restaurant for my birthday and then got to go salsa dancing. The combo of good food and dancing is fabulous since it is two of my favorite things...it got even better when we went home and....went to sleep! My first love. I also got to see people I love and miss a lot, so that was also nice. So here is where the title comes in. Silly boy(hopefully you know who I'm talking about) is moving into a new house and needs new sheets. Boy goes to Ross (good choice!) to purchase some nice sheets at a nice price. Can't go wrong with Ross, right? WRONG. Boy comes home with SATIN sheets. Seriously. Who buys satin sheets? Oh wait, it gets better. Boy buys TWO sets of them! One in black, and one in a lovely copper color. Oh, still gets better. Guess who makes these folds of satiny goodness. Ralph Lauren? No.... Tommy Hilfiger? Nope! Drum roll....Playboy! Yay, so now, sleeping in these black, satin, Playboy sheets, I feel like a whore. And I also feel very hot and clammy because satin sheets do not breathe or absorb moisture AT ALL. It just traps it there beneath the comforter, allowing you to roast while sleeping. Also, if you move your head slightly, your pillow goes flying off the bed because everything is so slippery. The only fun part is seeing how far you can make things slide...like cell phones.
So, that's all. It was a fun/funny weekend and I had to come back home to my lame/uncertain life and it sucked a lot. So I'm planning another trip to Atlanta very soon. Mainly so I can sleep in the sheets again, I'm not going to lie. You know you're jealous. Visit your neighborhood Ross...maybe you can buy a set of your very own!
Ciao people.
21 August 2008
14 August 2008
oh my my, oh hell yes
That is the first thing that popped in my head (the title). Doesn't really mean anything...in case you were wondering.
Man, I know it's been awhile beloved readers. And I apologize. But, nothing really exciting has been happening lately. Well, except for my awesome 80s party...which kicked ass. Seriously, I had a blast. Mainly because I was pretty drunk. But also because lots of my amazing friends came and we had a fabulous time. There was laughing, dancing, beer ponging...and then creepo at the end of the night. There were two random guys left at the end of the night that would not leave...even after everyone else had gone to bed. The only people were left were me, Katrina and Carter...and we didn't even know their names! We had to run off to bed to get them to leave. It was weird. But other than that freako...it was great fun.
So, other than that...life has been pretty same old, same old. We got two new workers at the pee farm. The girl is pretty cool..but the guy just started and he is kind of driving me crazy...and it's only been two days. He just doesn't seem to be catching on as quickly as I hoped. I'll keep you updated though. I'm hoping things will get better.
No more serious threats to get sued though. Just lots of crazy people with stupid and annoying questions and complaints. So, good times as always.
Hm, well I'm headed to Atlanta this weekend. So that should be fun. Sorry I'm so lame today, but I am just not feeling it right now. But I did want to put something out there so my devoted fans didn't get worried. I'll be back in full swing soon people...just you wait.
Ciao ciao :)
Man, I know it's been awhile beloved readers. And I apologize. But, nothing really exciting has been happening lately. Well, except for my awesome 80s party...which kicked ass. Seriously, I had a blast. Mainly because I was pretty drunk. But also because lots of my amazing friends came and we had a fabulous time. There was laughing, dancing, beer ponging...and then creepo at the end of the night. There were two random guys left at the end of the night that would not leave...even after everyone else had gone to bed. The only people were left were me, Katrina and Carter...and we didn't even know their names! We had to run off to bed to get them to leave. It was weird. But other than that freako...it was great fun.
So, other than that...life has been pretty same old, same old. We got two new workers at the pee farm. The girl is pretty cool..but the guy just started and he is kind of driving me crazy...and it's only been two days. He just doesn't seem to be catching on as quickly as I hoped. I'll keep you updated though. I'm hoping things will get better.
No more serious threats to get sued though. Just lots of crazy people with stupid and annoying questions and complaints. So, good times as always.
Hm, well I'm headed to Atlanta this weekend. So that should be fun. Sorry I'm so lame today, but I am just not feeling it right now. But I did want to put something out there so my devoted fans didn't get worried. I'll be back in full swing soon people...just you wait.
Ciao ciao :)
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