Ok, so that title is lame, but I'm feeling lame today so whatever. I am also feeling slightly psycho, so bear with me. This blog is going to be all over the place. So is my life, so it works. But it also makes me out to be a crazy person...but I kind of am, so yeah...shutting up now and moving on. I'll let you decide for yourselves whether or not you should still be my friend/loyal reader, or perhaps distance yourself for fear of catching some of the crazy.
So I've been thinking about time a lot lately. And how sometimes I really wish I had a life rewind button and other times a fast forward one. Today is especially interesting to me because today is the day I came home from Wyoming exactly a year ago. It is absolutely INSANE to me how much happens in a year. One year and everything is different. But at the same time, one year later and so much is the same. It's weird. I don't know if anything else is baffled by change, but it throws me every time. I know I should be used to it by now, but I still am just like, wtf is going on here? And by here, I mean my life. My own life baffles me and I would love to figure it out, but I don't think that is happening anytime soon. Like I said, sometimes I wish I could rewind it so I could go back and revisit happy times. Not that I want to go back and re-live the past...I just want to visit and be really happy again. Because I am not super happy right now. But I think I will be in the future sometime and that is why I want a fast-forward button. Just to by pass all this nonsense and get to the good stuff. However, if anything, I am so glad to be out of Wyoming. So yay for a year separating me and that atrocity.
Also crazy how much changes in a week, or even a day. Just this past weekend I was a sad little ball of pathetic-ness and here I am three days later with a new outlook on life. My problem is that when something bad happens, I freak out and let it ruin my life (temporarily), which includes lots of crying and moping and not eating. Then I eat something, actually get off the couch and life is SO much better. I just let myself forget that everything is going to be ok and nothing is really that bad and I need to shut up and get up. So, readers, next time you hear of me being sad, someone please give me a reality slap, tell me to shut up and force me to eat something and take a walk.
Something random: On facebook the other day (I know, I spend way to much time on there, but I'm addicted and extremely bored at work), I sign on to see" __________ ________ [names extracted to not embarrass people] took the which mighty woman of the Bible are you most like? quiz. Seriously. I seriously signed on to facebook and saw this. And then I died laughing. Facebook is out.of.control. Those quizzes are crazy and how in the world I ended up being facebook friends with someone that would even take such a thing, I don't know. So of course, I decided to take it. I am Deborah. I'm not going to lie, I have no idea who that even is. I thought for sure I was going to be the Virgin Mary, but I was wrong. Here is my little description: "You aren't afraid to speak your mind. You know what you want, and go for it. You are motivated, and you revel in personal victories. You are wise in many ways, and you know well, and trust the God you serve. You are courageous, and can look fear in the face. You are a victor."
Kind of accurate? I guess...I don't know. I feel like such a heathen. Plus I couldn't really answer the questions very honestly because they were things like, "What bible verse do you most relate to?" And since I don't really read the bible, I had to just pick randomly. There was another one, "At a milk n' cookies party, what would you be doing?" Now, I have never been to a milk and cookies party, so I just replaced milk and cookies with fraternity and put me down as "laughing and have a great time!" So I guess that works. The answers were almost as ridiculous as the questions. Do yourself a favor and take the quiz. Then let me know which mighty woman you are and we can be cool and have a discussion or something. Or maybe someone out there can tell me who Deborah is and I'll decide how I feel about her.
Now that I have covered all the crazy bases, I'm going to shut up. Work is almost over (yay!..and yes, I write this at work instead of doing productive things) and I have a soccer game tonight. Gotta get in the zone. Go team Hitt. (Still don't know what Hitt is).
Later dudes.
24 September 2008
19 September 2008
Smile, though your heart is aching
So my mom always told me that even when you're really sad, it's best just to pretend that you're happy and fine because eventually you actually will be happy and fine. So that is what I'm going to do. I am only going to share my good news, even though I am not happy nor fine...actually quite the opposite. But moving on. (And, dear readers, don't be too worried...it's just a broken heart. I'll live.)
Moving on, I don't think I shared, but I pretty much got the best sponsor ever for me and JC's U18 soccer team. Ready for it??? Drummmmrooollll......CHIC-FIL-A! YAY! Seriously, how awesome is that? That means we get free food AND a spot on the wall by the bathroom. Bascially, I'm going to be famous, via Chic-Fil-A. Also, our shirts are red, which is my fave color. Only problem is that they give the coaches XL shirts, so it's pretty much a dress on me and I look like an idiot wearing it. And that's irritating because now I have three, nonwearable t-shirts. Our U13 team is Hitt and I have no idea what or who that even is. I know there is a website on our shirts, but I have yet to check it out. And who really cares anyways, because our other team is Chic-Fil-A and that is awesome. Also, our poor little U13 team lost 9-0 at our first game on Monday and it was a diaster. One kid was crying. He played goalie first half and got about 7 goals scored on him. And, as a retired keeper, I know how much that shit sucks. So I feel for him. We switched keepers in the second half and only 2 goals were scored, so that just added insult to injury.
More good news...we got cable! YAY! And don't worry, I took full advantage of it yesterday by watching TV for like, 5 hours straight. Whoa, I know, sad, but I have to make up for lost time. We also got internet, but I couldn't get it to work on my computer. Hopefully we'll get the wireless up and running sometime soon. One step at a time. Isn't that right Jordin?
Hmmm...other good news. There is a possibility I will be getting health benefits here at the pee farm in the near future. Promises have been made before, but fingers crossed that something actually happens this time.
Well, that is about it. I am going to spend the rest of the day smiling really hard. Because maybe tomorrow the sun will come shining through for me.
Moving on, I don't think I shared, but I pretty much got the best sponsor ever for me and JC's U18 soccer team. Ready for it??? Drummmmrooollll......CHIC-FIL-A! YAY! Seriously, how awesome is that? That means we get free food AND a spot on the wall by the bathroom. Bascially, I'm going to be famous, via Chic-Fil-A. Also, our shirts are red, which is my fave color. Only problem is that they give the coaches XL shirts, so it's pretty much a dress on me and I look like an idiot wearing it. And that's irritating because now I have three, nonwearable t-shirts. Our U13 team is Hitt and I have no idea what or who that even is. I know there is a website on our shirts, but I have yet to check it out. And who really cares anyways, because our other team is Chic-Fil-A and that is awesome. Also, our poor little U13 team lost 9-0 at our first game on Monday and it was a diaster. One kid was crying. He played goalie first half and got about 7 goals scored on him. And, as a retired keeper, I know how much that shit sucks. So I feel for him. We switched keepers in the second half and only 2 goals were scored, so that just added insult to injury.
More good news...we got cable! YAY! And don't worry, I took full advantage of it yesterday by watching TV for like, 5 hours straight. Whoa, I know, sad, but I have to make up for lost time. We also got internet, but I couldn't get it to work on my computer. Hopefully we'll get the wireless up and running sometime soon. One step at a time. Isn't that right Jordin?
Hmmm...other good news. There is a possibility I will be getting health benefits here at the pee farm in the near future. Promises have been made before, but fingers crossed that something actually happens this time.
Well, that is about it. I am going to spend the rest of the day smiling really hard. Because maybe tomorrow the sun will come shining through for me.
17 September 2008
You Got Tagged
By you, I mean me. So here ya go, enjoy....
A - Attached or Single? Single. Unrequited love is such a bitch
B - Best friend(s): I have a lot. The real ones are who read this thing.
C - Cake or pie? Hm, depends on what kind. But once I had this dessert in Italy that was one of the best things I've ever had and I'm pretty sure it was pie...so I would have to go with that.
D - Drink of choice? Water...cream soda if I'm feeling special
E - Essential item: the internet, my car
F - Favorite color: Big fan of red
G - Gummi bears or worms? They taste the same.
H - Hometown: Charleston, SC (even though I was born in Jacksonville, FL)
I - Indulgence: TV and food
J - January or February? January. Valentine's Day is stupid
K - Kids: ...are dumb
L - Life, for me, is incomplete without: Dancing, laughing, and randomness....I agree with Sarah. Add sleeping
M - Marriage date: Sept. 21st. But not this coming up one. Or any one in the near future...that is just the day so I can play the song at my wedding and then celebrate with it every year.
N - Number of siblings: 1 brother, 1 sister, 1 step-brother and 2 step-sisters.
O - Oranges or Apples? Apples, red delicious...the crispy ones. Mushy apples are gross.
P - Phobia/Fears: becoming extremely fat...like to the point of not being able move around. Also getting sad and never being able to get happy again.
Q - Favorite quote: "Keep laughing, even when you are under stress." Jerman Disasa
R - Reasons to smile: Going to the beach after work, my friends, new shoes
S - Season: spring and fall.
T - Tag Ten: hahaha. like 10 people read this blog. I'm tagging anyone that does...get back to me.
U - Unknown fact about me: I really want to be famous
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? HAHAHA. Is that the best you could come up with for V? Who made this? Biased much? Opressor of animals and I'm not ashamed.
W - Worst habit: overthinking everything, crying, and being super critical
X - X-rays or Ultrasounds: I had an ultrasound once and it was not fun, so probably X-rays
Y - Your favorite foods: Oh my. Sushi, crepes, french fries, the list goes on forever.
Z - Zodiac: Leo. And sometimes I think that stuff is really on point. Scary.
Also, people, just a heads up. This girl is down in the dumps. Feel free to send some love my way. More later.
A - Attached or Single? Single. Unrequited love is such a bitch
B - Best friend(s): I have a lot. The real ones are who read this thing.
C - Cake or pie? Hm, depends on what kind. But once I had this dessert in Italy that was one of the best things I've ever had and I'm pretty sure it was pie...so I would have to go with that.
D - Drink of choice? Water...cream soda if I'm feeling special
E - Essential item: the internet, my car
F - Favorite color: Big fan of red
G - Gummi bears or worms? They taste the same.
H - Hometown: Charleston, SC (even though I was born in Jacksonville, FL)
I - Indulgence: TV and food
J - January or February? January. Valentine's Day is stupid
K - Kids: ...are dumb
L - Life, for me, is incomplete without: Dancing, laughing, and randomness....I agree with Sarah. Add sleeping
M - Marriage date: Sept. 21st. But not this coming up one. Or any one in the near future...that is just the day so I can play the song at my wedding and then celebrate with it every year.
N - Number of siblings: 1 brother, 1 sister, 1 step-brother and 2 step-sisters.
O - Oranges or Apples? Apples, red delicious...the crispy ones. Mushy apples are gross.
P - Phobia/Fears: becoming extremely fat...like to the point of not being able move around. Also getting sad and never being able to get happy again.
Q - Favorite quote: "Keep laughing, even when you are under stress." Jerman Disasa
R - Reasons to smile: Going to the beach after work, my friends, new shoes
S - Season: spring and fall.
T - Tag Ten: hahaha. like 10 people read this blog. I'm tagging anyone that does...get back to me.
U - Unknown fact about me: I really want to be famous
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? HAHAHA. Is that the best you could come up with for V? Who made this? Biased much? Opressor of animals and I'm not ashamed.
W - Worst habit: overthinking everything, crying, and being super critical
X - X-rays or Ultrasounds: I had an ultrasound once and it was not fun, so probably X-rays
Y - Your favorite foods: Oh my. Sushi, crepes, french fries, the list goes on forever.
Z - Zodiac: Leo. And sometimes I think that stuff is really on point. Scary.
Also, people, just a heads up. This girl is down in the dumps. Feel free to send some love my way. More later.
11 September 2008
shiny happy jacky
Alright people, I've calmed down a bit since yesterday. Whew, thank goodness...heads are no longer going to roll. And, you're probably thinking..Whoa! What is this treat?! Two posts in a ROW! That's right folks, today is your LUCKY DAY! Thank your lucky stars and say an extra thank you prayer tonight because this is no joke.
I mainly just wanted everyone to see this new website I found because it is awesome and hilarious. More ways to entertain myself at work! YAY! Here is the link: http://www.wwtdd.com/
And here is an exerpt from one of my favorite posts, from the Jessica Simpson site:
"If you’re reading this somewhere other than the United States today, you should know that today is our birthday. The US has been awesome for 232 years now, and so today all of us bad ass motherfuckin Americans will celebrate by putting our hot chicks in bikinis and shooting fireworks at each other. The point being, things will probably be kind of slow today, so my condolences if you’re bored. Also, my condolences if you're not American. I read in the bible that if god didn’t make you American, it’s because he hates you, so you’re kind of screwed."
hahahahaha! That last line is the best. Another fave is when he is talking about Britney Spears (who is a big fucking moron, btw) and says, "She's a modern day Solomon, people often say." OH MY. So funny. I just love me some sarcasm. And my VERY favorite line (Hm, maybe you should just look at the site instead of me re posting everything on here. Whatev, here it is...)..."What Would Tyler Durden Do" is a blog focused on bringing you the latest gossip and news about rich and famous celebrities. And then making fun of them. Why? Because fuck them, that's why."
Because fuck them, that's why. I LOVE IT. Mainly because I freakin HATE celebrities and how fucking retarded they are and how they are a huge waste of space and especially a HUGE waste of money. But no more ranting about them. I am shiny happy jacky today.
I am especially happy because I'm going to Atlanta this weekend and I am super pumped! I am also pumped because it is currently almost 5:00 which means I get to GO HOME! YAY! And we have soccer practice today, which gives me something to do, also making happy. Even though I will probably get a thousand more bug bites to add to my million current bug bites on my legs...oh well.
And we still haven't found a third roommate, but we're also not dwelling on it because shiny happy jacky does not do things like that. Even though that girl can still suck it. The US department of immigration can also suck it...but that's a whole new story.
I would also like to say that the new facebook is the stupidest thing ever. It makes it a lot harder to follow and it really just looks stupid. Who is making these decisions at fb? We need to have a chat.
And lastly, did I ever share that a woman at work threatened to slap me? It was pretty funny. She didn't want to give up her hair because it was "all natural." Which was a lie because she was most obviously wearing a wig. And then after she got kicked out for threatening physical violence, she asked if her eyebrows would be enough hair to send out. Seriously? You are willing to shave off your EYEBROWS but not willing to give up a tiny bit of hair? WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE?! Crazy crazy.
Oh, and if anyone was wondering, I gave up on reading Catch-22. Unless anyone can make a compelling argument for me to finish it, I won't be picking it back up.
Thank you. That is all. Godspeed.
I mainly just wanted everyone to see this new website I found because it is awesome and hilarious. More ways to entertain myself at work! YAY! Here is the link: http://www.wwtdd.com/
And here is an exerpt from one of my favorite posts, from the Jessica Simpson site:
"If you’re reading this somewhere other than the United States today, you should know that today is our birthday. The US has been awesome for 232 years now, and so today all of us bad ass motherfuckin Americans will celebrate by putting our hot chicks in bikinis and shooting fireworks at each other. The point being, things will probably be kind of slow today, so my condolences if you’re bored. Also, my condolences if you're not American. I read in the bible that if god didn’t make you American, it’s because he hates you, so you’re kind of screwed."
hahahahaha! That last line is the best. Another fave is when he is talking about Britney Spears (who is a big fucking moron, btw) and says, "She's a modern day Solomon, people often say." OH MY. So funny. I just love me some sarcasm. And my VERY favorite line (Hm, maybe you should just look at the site instead of me re posting everything on here. Whatev, here it is...)..."What Would Tyler Durden Do" is a blog focused on bringing you the latest gossip and news about rich and famous celebrities. And then making fun of them. Why? Because fuck them, that's why."
Because fuck them, that's why. I LOVE IT. Mainly because I freakin HATE celebrities and how fucking retarded they are and how they are a huge waste of space and especially a HUGE waste of money. But no more ranting about them. I am shiny happy jacky today.
I am especially happy because I'm going to Atlanta this weekend and I am super pumped! I am also pumped because it is currently almost 5:00 which means I get to GO HOME! YAY! And we have soccer practice today, which gives me something to do, also making happy. Even though I will probably get a thousand more bug bites to add to my million current bug bites on my legs...oh well.
And we still haven't found a third roommate, but we're also not dwelling on it because shiny happy jacky does not do things like that. Even though that girl can still suck it. The US department of immigration can also suck it...but that's a whole new story.
I would also like to say that the new facebook is the stupidest thing ever. It makes it a lot harder to follow and it really just looks stupid. Who is making these decisions at fb? We need to have a chat.
And lastly, did I ever share that a woman at work threatened to slap me? It was pretty funny. She didn't want to give up her hair because it was "all natural." Which was a lie because she was most obviously wearing a wig. And then after she got kicked out for threatening physical violence, she asked if her eyebrows would be enough hair to send out. Seriously? You are willing to shave off your EYEBROWS but not willing to give up a tiny bit of hair? WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE?! Crazy crazy.
Oh, and if anyone was wondering, I gave up on reading Catch-22. Unless anyone can make a compelling argument for me to finish it, I won't be picking it back up.
Thank you. That is all. Godspeed.
09 September 2008
People, I am PISSED. And, very similar to last weekend...it's over something somewhat minor that I probably should not be so angry about. Of course, I blow it up in my head and come up with all these reasons as to why I am entitled to be very very angry. But in all reality, I should probably take a chill pill. I am all over the place right now, so bear with me..but, I really think something is wrong with me. It is possibly the birth control I'm on...it's new and I think there is a very real chance it is making me crazy. I'm going to try and switch soon. Other than being INSANE with anger these days, I have also been crazy hungry like, ALL the time. It's actually pretty annoying. I eat. A lot. And still I feel like I am never satisfied. It's really very strange...since just a few weeks ago I would eat like, half a sandwich and feel super full. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I don't know. I also have to pee constantly. I realize these are not life threatening symptoms...but they are rather annoying and I would like to get back to my regular, only crazy every now and then life. Oh yeah, and I'm super tired pretty much all the time, even after sleeping for the recommended 7-8 hours. Don't make no sense.
But anyways, here is why I'm angry: Stupid buttface girl that we interviewed as a potential roommate has now backed out on us and we are back to square one. And yes, I realize this kind of thing happens all the time and I need to get over it but I've taken it personally. And this is why I think there is something wrong with me. I should probably shrug my shoulders, say her loss and get the fuck over it. But I just can't let it go. I am super angry towards her right now. I also REALLY REALLY don't want to go back to the drawing board to figure out who is going to move in. Honestly, if it could just be me and Liz...that would be awesome. Expensive..but awesome. Then I could make the third room my office/study/whatever else I feel like doing in there. And I don't need either of those things since I don't bring work home or study for anything...but it would be nice to feel important and rich enough to have such a room. But, that is not happening so we HAVE to find a third person and right now our only options are bagpipes boy and random boy we can't actually meet because he is in PA. DAMMIT.
Oh, and I was mad this weekend because it was supposed to be Tropical Storm weather, but instead it was freaking beautiful. I know, and it's like, wtf jacky, why are you mad? But that really just started it off. I was slightly irritated because I had all these rainy day plans and then they got all F-ed up with the nice weather, but I still had to do them but really I just wanted to go to the beach. Then my nose ring fell down the sink and I had to buy this weird one from Claires...just having to go to Claires actually was annoying. And I also spent the day fabric shopping with my mom and that made me want to hurt someone. She and I do not have the same taste in decorating and she thinks everything I suggest is stupid and will look ugly. She also thinks she is an expert...which she kind of is since that was her job for a while..but whatever. I felt bad though because and my step dad were being nice and helpful...but I really just wanted to go to the damn beach. Not reupholster a silk screen.
I need to move on. I have things to look forward to. Dinner with someone awesome on Friday. A weekend with people I love. And, this is far off..but I'm going to see "WICKED" next month! SO PUMPED! I've already seen it once, but I am just as stoked about seeing it again. It's wicked awesome people...you should see it too.
Also, we had soccer practice again yesterday and it actually went kind of well. I don't have any idea what I'm doing, but I think I do a pretty good job of faking it. Except there was this one kid that was super annoying and I kept telling him to be quiet and I wouldn't let him be goalie because he kept asking. So yeah, then after practice JC tells me he is slightly autistic. He forgot to mention that after speaking with his dad. So JC was off coaching our other team and I was being mean to the autistic child. I SUCK. Things that would have been helpful to know YESTERDAY (The Wedding Singer? Am I right here? I'm bad with movie quotes).
So I'm going to try and just get over myself...but be advised not to send bad news my way or I might break something. Like your face. You have been warned.
Later dudes.
But anyways, here is why I'm angry: Stupid buttface girl that we interviewed as a potential roommate has now backed out on us and we are back to square one. And yes, I realize this kind of thing happens all the time and I need to get over it but I've taken it personally. And this is why I think there is something wrong with me. I should probably shrug my shoulders, say her loss and get the fuck over it. But I just can't let it go. I am super angry towards her right now. I also REALLY REALLY don't want to go back to the drawing board to figure out who is going to move in. Honestly, if it could just be me and Liz...that would be awesome. Expensive..but awesome. Then I could make the third room my office/study/whatever else I feel like doing in there. And I don't need either of those things since I don't bring work home or study for anything...but it would be nice to feel important and rich enough to have such a room. But, that is not happening so we HAVE to find a third person and right now our only options are bagpipes boy and random boy we can't actually meet because he is in PA. DAMMIT.
Oh, and I was mad this weekend because it was supposed to be Tropical Storm weather, but instead it was freaking beautiful. I know, and it's like, wtf jacky, why are you mad? But that really just started it off. I was slightly irritated because I had all these rainy day plans and then they got all F-ed up with the nice weather, but I still had to do them but really I just wanted to go to the beach. Then my nose ring fell down the sink and I had to buy this weird one from Claires...just having to go to Claires actually was annoying. And I also spent the day fabric shopping with my mom and that made me want to hurt someone. She and I do not have the same taste in decorating and she thinks everything I suggest is stupid and will look ugly. She also thinks she is an expert...which she kind of is since that was her job for a while..but whatever. I felt bad though because and my step dad were being nice and helpful...but I really just wanted to go to the damn beach. Not reupholster a silk screen.
I need to move on. I have things to look forward to. Dinner with someone awesome on Friday. A weekend with people I love. And, this is far off..but I'm going to see "WICKED" next month! SO PUMPED! I've already seen it once, but I am just as stoked about seeing it again. It's wicked awesome people...you should see it too.
Also, we had soccer practice again yesterday and it actually went kind of well. I don't have any idea what I'm doing, but I think I do a pretty good job of faking it. Except there was this one kid that was super annoying and I kept telling him to be quiet and I wouldn't let him be goalie because he kept asking. So yeah, then after practice JC tells me he is slightly autistic. He forgot to mention that after speaking with his dad. So JC was off coaching our other team and I was being mean to the autistic child. I SUCK. Things that would have been helpful to know YESTERDAY (The Wedding Singer? Am I right here? I'm bad with movie quotes).
So I'm going to try and just get over myself...but be advised not to send bad news my way or I might break something. Like your face. You have been warned.
Later dudes.
03 September 2008
What?! Has it really been since August 20 since my last post? So sorry dear readers...but really, it's because nothing interesting has been going on. It's really quite sad. I wish I had something fun and exciting to report...but I got nothing. So I guess I'll ramble about nothing since I'm pretty good at it.
Oh, in case you were worried...my sister is going to move into the house. Actually, she already has. Last night was night two of the sister move-in and so far, so good. She was a little pushy when we went grocery shopping, as well as about me cleaning up, but I think I set her straight. I was super tired, so I was not really in the mood for shopping or cleaning, even though she clearly was. Also, for some reason, she is now under the impression that we should do all our grocery shopping together and have joint meals all the time...but I just don't think that is going to work. I am too lazy to cook all the time and we don't really have the same tastes. We are still in the process of looking for a third roomie. We have talked to a few people and are going to make a decision by Friday. I'm a little nervous cause you never know what you're going to get when you let a perfect stranger move into your house, so we'll see. I am excited though because now the house looks nicer (and cleaner!) AND we are getting cable and internet! Hooray! I will finally be connected the outside world once again. And I'll be able to write this from home and not from work, where I don't think my creative jucies really flow freely.
Hurricane Hanna is headed this way. Get your windows boarded up people, and head for the hills. Honestly, and I'm going to straight to hell for this, but I kind of hope it hits. Not because I want to see Charleston destroyed or flooded, but beacuse it would mean another 3 day weekend! And, a three day work wee! And how fabulous would that be?! Super fabulous. I know, I know..that is awful of me..but I'm really sick of working and I am not sick of weekends, so it would be a perfect trade-off. Fingers crossed for Hanna. Maybe just a small Hanna...not a big, scary Hanna. We don't need a Hugo repeat.
I had a bunch of other stuff ready that I was going to ramble about, but I've forgotten what the topics were, so I think I'll just shut up instead.
Later dudes.
Oh, in case you were worried...my sister is going to move into the house. Actually, she already has. Last night was night two of the sister move-in and so far, so good. She was a little pushy when we went grocery shopping, as well as about me cleaning up, but I think I set her straight. I was super tired, so I was not really in the mood for shopping or cleaning, even though she clearly was. Also, for some reason, she is now under the impression that we should do all our grocery shopping together and have joint meals all the time...but I just don't think that is going to work. I am too lazy to cook all the time and we don't really have the same tastes. We are still in the process of looking for a third roomie. We have talked to a few people and are going to make a decision by Friday. I'm a little nervous cause you never know what you're going to get when you let a perfect stranger move into your house, so we'll see. I am excited though because now the house looks nicer (and cleaner!) AND we are getting cable and internet! Hooray! I will finally be connected the outside world once again. And I'll be able to write this from home and not from work, where I don't think my creative jucies really flow freely.
Hurricane Hanna is headed this way. Get your windows boarded up people, and head for the hills. Honestly, and I'm going to straight to hell for this, but I kind of hope it hits. Not because I want to see Charleston destroyed or flooded, but beacuse it would mean another 3 day weekend! And, a three day work wee! And how fabulous would that be?! Super fabulous. I know, I know..that is awful of me..but I'm really sick of working and I am not sick of weekends, so it would be a perfect trade-off. Fingers crossed for Hanna. Maybe just a small Hanna...not a big, scary Hanna. We don't need a Hugo repeat.
I had a bunch of other stuff ready that I was going to ramble about, but I've forgotten what the topics were, so I think I'll just shut up instead.
Later dudes.
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