31 December 2010
All Was Well
It is so good.
That's it.
No, just kidding. There's more. Every time I read any of the books (I've read them all at least twice, some three or four times), I am just amazed at the world JK Rowling created and how absorbed in the whole thing I become. I know I am not the only person upset Hogwarts is not a real place AND slighty sad to be a lowly Muggle. A filthy Mudblood, if you will. I am honestly (still) kind of upset the series is over. Yes, thank you, I know it has been three years since the last book was published. The re-read just made the pain all fresh and real again.
I started the re-read on the way home from San Francisco in the car and even though I was completely exhausted and had to get up for work the next day, I just had to finish it that night. Luckily, I read super fast so I was able to do it. Of course, I was crying by the end of it. Basically from when (spoiler alert) Ron finally kisses Hermoine (I was jealous) up until the very end, the tears were flowing. It's honestly because I am so involved with the characters. I wasn't already upset and/or PMSing. I was just really moved by the whole thing. I LOVE when Neville shows up and and is all bad ass, taking charge and kills the snake. I swooned when Ron insisted on rescuing the house-elves. I cheered when Ron punches Draco in the face. My heart literally ached when Snape's story is finally revealed. The whole damn thing, I just can't even stand it. Oh god, and then the kid is named Albus Severus.
People. I just can't say enough good things. Every time I read it, I get lost in the wizarding world and wish the gang would go to Magic College and then onto Wizard Grad School so their stories would never end. Obviously the last story would be nearly impossible to top but I would be ok with just reading about the everyday lives of Harry and friends.
I'm both REALLY looking forward to and dreading the release of the final movie (July 15 2011) because it is going to be epic, but it also means it's all going to be over. July 16 will be a sad sad day. Good thing my birthday will be there to cheer me up 12 days later.
Anyway, I basically just wanted to put it out there that I really love Harry Potter and say great job JK! I'm sure all the hundreds of awards you've won may have clued you in on what a fabulous job you did, but this girl just wanted to spread the HP love.
Yes, I'm a nerd. Don't care. I have a Quiddich shirt floating around here somewhere and will be having a Harry Potter marathon July 14th if anyone wants to join me.
Dream big people!
29 December 2010
26 December 2010
I'll Be Home for Christmas
But don't fret, I went to a friends house in Sonoma (near San Francisco) and had a really great Christmas. We had dinner at her family's for Christmas Eve...there were 40 people at one table. Total insanity. And then a 40 person White Elephant. I ended up with a bottle of wine. Not bad. Christmas day we had a super fantastic breakfast...less people but still crazy and fun. Then we opened presents. I got a stocking and even a few gifts! It was so great. That Santa is so smart! He knew where I was going to be AND knew to leave me some things I wanted.
Now I'm at her boyfriend's family's house and though it is a tad bit strange infringing on someone else's family Christmas traditions, everyone has been so super nice to me and it is just really lovely. I can't thank them enough (I started with a potted plant) and am so glad there are such nice people in the world.
There has been lots of crazy stuff going on and I have eaten so much good. I am now in a food coma and must go to bed. But I hope everyone had a very safe and happy holiday! Buon Natale! Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noel! Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Merry Christmas to all and to all, a good night.
Dream big people :)
23 December 2010
Feliz Navidad
And so does the attendant at the parking garage that sings this song over and over with no regard to the tune or the rest of the words. But it's cool because she's festive and I appreciate that. Even if she is making me pay $9 for parking.
I am le tired today. I went into a baking frenzy last night and got all worked up and couldn't sleep. I enjoyed myself for sure, but am regretting it today. I think it's also boredom that is dragging me down. Work is soooo slow. Nothing interesting going on. I burned myself out on making Christmas cards, so I'm over that. But, I will share the ones I did make last week since I finally got them to upload. Enjoy!
22 December 2010
Little Saint Nick
Anyway. So some Christmas depression has hit. Not that "Christmas Shoes" song depressing (jeez, saddest thing ever) but pretty dang sad. Remember when I was all mad at LA because I couldn't find a bunch of different grocery items? Well, it has happened again only in a MAJOR way. I cannot find Christmas Tree Cakes ANYWHERE! And by ANYWHERE! I mean, the four different grocery stores I have looked. Seriously, LA, what the hell is going on here? It has already been raining for FIVE straight days, I don't really need this. I also have been waiting to get these delicious treats! I have been pretending that I was holding out on Christmas goodies until the week of Christmas so I wasn't going to buy them until now. Now, my stomach and I will most obviously tell you that I did not keep up with that but I have really and truly been waiting all month to buy these suckers! Little Debbie is my home girl but she is nowhere to be found!
Truly. I am very sad about this. If anyone has a tip on where they are in LA, let me know! And it needs to be in like, a three mile vicinity of where I live or work. Actually, make it a 10 mile radius. I will take a bus for Debbie and her cakes. That is how serious about these things. I am willing to take an unnecessary bus trip. This is serious business.
For some positive news, I have gotten some amazing Christmas cards and they just make me so happy. Thanks friends! Y'all are amazing. Also, work Christmas party on Thursday and the day off Friday! Hooray!
Dream big people!
Oh, and a fun ESL story. I have been helping a student at school and he had to make up questions using pre-existing answers. The answer was: "No, I don't." His question: "Do you eat frogs for dinner?" And another, answer: "No, they aren't." His question: "Are cows blue in the USA?" ahahahah, so silly! Ridiculous English is the best!
20 December 2010
Deck The Halls
Go Tell it on the Mountain
In other news, I have also recently become a professional baker. Well, semi-pro I guess. I have been cooking up a Christmas storm and I don't want to brag or anything, but I'm pretty awesome. The key is simplicity. Everything I make has like, 5 ingredients tops and basically consists of me mixing them together and putting it the oven. Or some variation of that. Sometimes I microwave it and sometimes I put the mixture in the fridge. Just depends. Anyway, I'm still always impressed with myself when I throw things together because it usually ends up being tasty. So go me. Feel free to invite yourself over for a meal or a snack because I like it better when I can cook for other people. For one thing, it's depressing to cook for just one person. And for another, I love getting compliments. So come on over!
That's it really. Posting every day is making me a bit boring I'm afraid. Sorry about that. Don't fret, Christmas is almost here and this will all be over. I actually wish I could just fast forward through Christmas and end up at New Years. Not sure how I'm going to handle this Christmas, not being at home for the first time in 25 years and I would love if it just would hurry up and be over with. Between the Christmas commercials for jewelry, new cars and baking with the family, I'm ready for TV to stop rubbing my loneliness in my face, thank you very much.
Ok, it's not quite that dramatic. I'm actually ok with life right now. I just watched a lot of TV today and was constantly reminded that I will probably not be receiving any jewelry, cars, kisses, toys or surprise visitors this year. THANKS A LOT SANTA! Oh well, let us not forget the miracle of the Gateway. Since it was raining, I also watched a bunch of movies today. Here is a quick re-cap of them for you:
Top Gun: Tom Cruise was super hot. All the pilots were. I need to pilot land or wherever they were...somewhere in Cali, right?
Jerry Maguire: Tom Cruise was still super hot. The love story seemed pretty implausible to me..was I the only one that thought this?
Dear John: Only worth watching to squeal with delight over the places I recognized. It was filmed in Charleston and Sullivan's, so I got to squeal a lot. Other than that, it was quite depressing and not really what I needed today.
Going the Distance (last night): Actually quite entertaining. Loved the supporting cast the most. Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is so hilarious, as is Jason Sudeikis. The whole movie was funny and I give it two thumbs up.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding: Gives me hope that I just might get married one day, even if my love life is in the garbage right now. Also reminds me that I'm still mad I didn't get to go to that Greek wedding last year. Boo.
Trying to decide what to watch next. Another Tom Cruise movie? I just might do it.
Dream big people!
19 December 2010
All I Want for Christmas is You
Moving on. Hollywood beat me up last night! It was raining and I fell and twisted my poor little foot. I also acquired a few other random bruises, who knows from where. It was a fun evening, just a little on the painful side.
Well, I can't really think of anything else to say.I think I killed off one too many brain cells last night and now I don't really know what to do with myself. So until I can think of something positive to share, I'm out.
Dream big people!
18 December 2010
Silent Night
Ok, more to come!
Dream big people!
17 December 2010
O Holy Night
OH my goodness, I did a lot of baking/card making tonight. I honestly got a little sick of it. I think it's because I have zero patience and I don't like when I can't finish projects in a timely manner. I had a lot of cards to make, things to bake, packages to put together, etc and it took me a few days. I was hoping it would take an hour. ish. But whatever, it's done for the most part.
I always go way overboard with Christmas cards and gifts. I just have so many people I want to do stuff for but it is SO expensive to mail things! And now, without a car, it is quite the pain to gather the materials to send things AND figure out how to get them all the to post office. BUT I'm going to get it all done, dammit! Some people may getting gifts after Christmas, but they WILL be getting them. I don't want to hear any whining about it either!
The other problem with baking is that I want to eat everything I make! I ate pretty much only cookies for dinner which is a really terrible idea for a lot of reasons. Among other things, I then don't have as many to send to people. It also gives me heartburn and will probably make me gain 5-10 pounds. I'm pretty sure I'm going to gain at least 15 pounds by the end of December. Christmas food is just so delicious and everyone likes to give me candy/sweets as presents! I'm not complaining, but I would probably be better off with SlimFast or a subscription to Weight Watchers. Getting free cupcakes for National Cupcake Day yesterday didn't help things either. Especially when there is a "Yummy Cupcakes" across the street from my school. And let me tell you, they are not lying when they call themselves yummy. Fabulously Delicious Cupcakes would also be a good name.
Ok people, off to a sugar induced coma/bed. Looking forward to the weekend!
Dream big people!
16 December 2010
I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas
Specifically, only this insanely cute little baby Pygmy hippo will do:

But I just found an upper:
Movie trailer for a movie named after one of the best songs ever made. The movie itself looks kind of silly, but I have a feeling it's soundtrack will be enough to make me happy. Reminds me so much of college. Can't wait!
Ok, well feel free to send me that pygmy hippo for Christmas. It's getting so close! I can't believe how time has flown.
Dream big people!
15 December 2010
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
1. I just had to say bye to my dad and sister and
2. I realized we did not even listen to our Christmas jam by NSYNC! Super sad times indeed.
However, we did have a super great time, so it was not a total loss. Even if we did had to pass by the scary La Brea elephants multiple times. Seriously, what is going on with those things? I hate them more and more each time I see them.
Anyways, yay for family! We had such a good time! Good food, (mostly) good shows, awesome apartment, GREAT weather, and I got to driiiivvveeee! So fun! Really just can't say enough good things about the whole weekend. :)
And nooowww, it hit me that Christmas is in TEN days! I need to get my shit together, quick! I have Christmas cards to mail, packages to send, goodies to bake, all sorts of things! Plus I need to get home and put together my fantastic new Ikea lamp, unpack and catch up Ellen! So much to do, so little time! So people may be getting their Christmas goodies after Christmas...sorry! It'll be more like a New Years present. Possibly later in January present. I had a strong cup of coffee this morning so my mind is racing! I am giving myself a tiny bit of anxiety because I feel like I have to do so much stuff! In actuality, none of this stuff is super urgent or importance, I just put pressure on myself to get it done.
So, in order to make myself chill out a little, I'm going to stop blogging and get back to Christmas cards. Whilst listening to NSYNC Christmas.
Dream big people! :)
14 December 2010
Frosty the Snowman
So yes, The Tonight Show was very entertaining and so much fun with the fam. It was nice and quick, which was a lovely change from the Lets Make a Deal marathon of Sunday. There was a lot of unnecessary walking involved, but we had like, VIP tickets and did not have to wait in the audience holding area with all the common people. The band was also super awesome and fun to jam out to while sitting in the audience. We had REALLY good seats so that was great as well. We were front row! It was amazing. I high-fived Leno!
No, not really. But some other people did! And some people got to take their picture with him, with a polariod. Jay seemed really nice, he came out and talked to people, even this really annoying girl. The guests were Marky Mark (I was really hoping the band was going to play Good Vibrations, but they did not), Olivia Wilde and Good Charlotte. A great time, overall.
I dragged my family around Ikea for a good two hours (I could probably spend all day in there, easy) and then we had really good sushi as a last meal. I could probably eat sushi everyday, for at least one meal. The other meals I would have to change it up because there is just too much good food out there.
Ok, enough about that.
Dream big people!
13 December 2010
Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer
But it's all over now. I sadly did not win a car (apparently it helps to be in the armed forces for that) but I did have a yummy sandwich for dinner, so all is well. My family is still here. We are having a great time and I get to drive! It's a win-win!
Dream big people!
12 December 2010
Santa Claus is Coming to Town!
11 December 2010
This Christmas
First off, there was a crazy long line. And I thought, why in the world are there so few postal workers right now? It's Christmas and this is ridiculous. But I kept those thoughts to myself. However, the man in front of me apparently REALLY wanted to know what the deal was so he asked the postal worker wandering around helping people. "I have a very important question. Is it illegal to have more people working right now?"
Then I had a question for him. It was very important. "Is it necessary for you to be a total douche? And why do you smell so bad?" Since I only asked it in my head, I never found out the answer. But really, people, did he really think the poor woman would have an answer for him? I get the feeling a lot of really angry people come into the post office, and even more so at Christmas. I just don't really like being witness to it, is basically what I'm trying to say here.
There was also an old man wearing a cowboy hat and boots on with a snowman bell as a zipper pull on his jacket. He was cute until he started yelling "NEXT" really loudly once someone finished their postal transaction.
There was also a dodo brain wandering around asking everyone in line if forever stamps were still valid. Yes, fool! That is why they are forever stamps! Someone get this man a brain.
Just when I was about to lose faith in the post office-going public, the woman behind me taps me on the shoulder and tells me I have beautiful long eyelashes. How nice was that?! Made me smile. And proud to tell her they were all natural (she asked). Then she talked me into going in the stamps only line, even though my letter had to be weighed (it was my cards for the troops) and the stamps only line does not weigh things. I didn't want to go because I was afraid there would be a riot if I had to get back in line (she said she would hold my spot if I was refused service), but the stamps only woman took pity on me.
Then I left and that is the end of my post office adventure. Thank you for reading.
Dream big people!
10 December 2010
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
It's quite nice here in Santa Monica, actually. And it supposed to get into the 70s for the weekend! Hooray! I finally would rather be here than back in Charleston, where it's rumored to be freezing this week.
I don't really have anything interesting to say today, but I want to try and post every day this month with a different Christmas song. I guess I can share that last night I was playing Apples to Apples and I mistakenly gave credit to Ernest Hemingway for writing The Great Gatsby. Sorry F. Scott! Damn, I felt like an idiot! And yes, it's still bothering me today. I'm blaming it on the two glasses of Arbor Mist Raspberry Champagne and because the covers are sometimes similar. I did, however, rock Charades so I can revel in that for a bit. And then I got to sleep in a real bed!! Always a plus.
Getting excited about: Family this weekend! Hooray!
Not getting excited about: Work office field trip. Awkward.
Dream big people!
09 December 2010
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
I know it's SUPER last minute, but I just thought of this and acted on it today. BUT, if you have a spare few minutes and/or couple of dollars, send a Christmas card to the troops!
Do it!!! I'm making mine at work today! Make sure you follow these guidlines:
-Include your heartfelt sentiments and sign all cards
-Entitle cards with generic terms such as “Dear Service Member, Family or Veteran”
-Limit cards to 15 per person or 50 for school class or business group
-Bundle groups of cards in single, large envelopes
-Send letters, care packages or monetary gifts
-Include personal information such as home or email addresses
-Use glitter – excessive amounts can aggravate health issues of wounded recipients
-Include inserts of any kind as they must be removed in the screening process
And pop it in the mail by Friday!
Holiday Mail for Heroes
PO Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD
If you do, you're awesome! Let me know if you do!
Dream big people :)
PS-if you're reading this, say hi! I know I have random readers out there...I'd like to hear from you!!
08 December 2010
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
Ok anyway, today was so great because I slept in a BED in my ROOM! Woooohooo! That's right people, I am the proud owner of a nneeewwww beeeedddd!!! (In the Price Is Right voice). So that is very exciting and I wanted to share. Now I just need some new pillows because the old ones are struggling.
In other news, my family is coming this weekend! Hooraaayyy! Now I'm going to get sushi. And remember when I went to Disney? That was awesome. Life is good.
Dream big people! :)
07 December 2010
What Christmas Means to Me
I love all (most) things Christmas. Such as the following:
LIGHTS! Literally, every time I see my tree and window with the lights on, I smile. I love them so much. Seeing them from the outside is so fun. Colored lights are the best and I don't care if you think they are tacky. Your face is tacky.
Candy canes! Cherry Cordial M&Ms! Peppermint bark! Candy Cane Oreos! Christmas candy in general! I wish I could live off Christmas tree cakes. Those might be the best things ever created. I have never really been into gingerbread houses, but I think I might this year. Just for something new. Gotta keep things fresh.
Music! Except when Jessica Simpson sings it. Other than that, I love pretty much all of it. Hymns and traditional carols included. I actually like going to Christmas mass just because I get to sing all the Christmas church songs. I wish I could sing well JUST so I could put out a Christmas album with all my favorites. It would have like, 50 tracks on it. It would probably have to be a box set. People would totally buy it and I would perform on a float at the Macy's Day Parade. And pretty much anywhere and everywhere people asked me too. And probably holiday parties when I got drunk from eggnog and start making people uncomfortable.
Oh yeah, that reminds me. Eggnog! So tasty. And Hot Chocolate. But only made with milk. Making it with water is weak sauce.
Christmas trees! They smell good, are fun to decorate and light up a room! Literally!
Presents! I love sending them and just wish shipping was not so expensive. Feel free to send me some.
Christmas movies! Love Actually is my favorite with Elf, The Santa Clause (whoa, I LITERALLY just got that title), and those stop animation films coming in second.
Cards! Love getting them, love sending them. Kind of the same as presents, but not as great.
Food! We have some baking traditions in my family. Sadly, I don't know if I'll have them this year since I'm not going to home for Christmas and don't have anyone to bake for here. But maybe I will anyway and share them with students or something. We'll see.
Holiday parties! You get to wear festive clothing, eat Christmas goodies and there's mistletoe! The combination of mistletoe and spiked eggnog is probably the only way I'm getting any Christmas love, so someone invite me to a party please. I have never been to a tacky Christmas sweater party, but I'm down for whatever.
That's it for now. I think I covered it all. Looking forward to the next couple of weeks. Send me your address if you want a Christmas card. :)
Dream big people!
06 December 2010
Joy to the World!
Disneyland was so insane. Insanely amazing. Seriously, it was just the best day ever and I was SO happy. Disney really IS the "Happiest Place on Earth!" Ok, that is might be stretching it a little much, but it seriously was so fantastic.
Christmas time is an awesome time to go because it has the best combination of all things fabulous. In addition to having the already awesome basics of Disney like rollercoasters, castles, princesses, churros and people decked out in all kinds of Disney nonsense, there were Christmas lights up, Christmas music was playing, people singing carols, spreading cheer, etc. It was unbelievably awesome. Mickey had on the best Christmas sweater ever and it was just really really great.
I am incredibly simple minded right now. I think I'm in a little Disney depression. Yesterday I was on a Disney high and today I have to come down and it's been rough. But I wanted to share some photos and let everyone know how thankful and lucky I am. Thank you, Disney "Give a Day, Get a Day!"
I love the pretty lights. Hope you do too!
04 December 2010
You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
But other than Mr. HWMNBNBIDWTGIT, things are fantastic! I love Christmas decorations so fucking much, I can't even handle it. My broke ass self is even willing to spend money I should most definitely not be spending on decor just so I can see it and smile every day, even while at work. I went to Target last night and lost my shit. It is a holiday heaven there! So much cute stuff, so many candy options! I had to exercise some self control and put back a few things. I'm adding an unlimited Target budget to my Christmas Wish List. There was a super cute skirt I wanted as well. I would look great in it, so someone should definitely buy it for me. :)
I will take pictures of the decorations at some point. I know you are dying to see them! Better yet, come visit! Our house is looking super awesome, let me just tell you. We have a tree and my roommate went nuts and even wrapping-papered the door! It's awesome. But then she went and got holiday M&Ms and I can't stop eating them. She got Cordial Cherry flavored ones, which I had never even heard of, but I highly recommend them. They are fanfuckingtastic! So tasty. I bought holiday Life Savers and resisted the urge to buy everything else on the shelves.
Oh, and last night I went to the second season premiere showing of this show called the "The Sing Off" and it was actually really good! You should watch it. NBC on Monday night. It's an all acapella singing competition and the groups are REALLY good.
After the show there was a question and answer session with a member of the group that won last year, a producer (or writer or something), a judge (Shawn from Boyz II Men), and the host (Nick Lachey from 98 Degrees). It was an interesting discussion and then they opened it up to the crowd and people once again proved how incredibly awkward and ridiculous they are and I wanted to die. The first woman was going on and on about how much she appreciated them bringing back "old school" and blah blah. She was super annoying and rambled uncomfortably for like, 3 minutes. She didn't even ask a question! She just babbled on about old school and Jesus and some other things. I stopped listening, I couldn't take it. The next guy started out just as bad but he at least asked a question. THEN. This crazygonuts girl got the mic and she lost her shit over Nick Lachey. I was so embarrassed for her, I wanted to crawl under the seats. She seemed unfazed, though, and continued to express her admiration for him (and music shows in general) and then asked what was their favorite moment of their career or some completely unrelated nonsense like that. It was painful. I also asked a question and made myself look kind of silly. But whatever, there is no way I was as dumb as crazy pants.
Overall, it was an interesting evening. Very strange crowd, but there was free food so I am not complaining. Swag would have been nice, but let's not push it.
DISNEY TOMORROW! Can't even fucking stand it. Hope you have a great weekend!
Dream big people!
03 December 2010
My Grown Up Christmas List
I'll be busy this weekend because I'm going to DISNEYLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soooo SO SO SOOOO excited! I finally get to use my free pass and the Christmas lights will be up and there's going to be a parade and FIREWORKS!!!!! MY FAVORITE!!!! I kind of can't even stand it. There will be a post with a hundred million pictures after the trip. (note: it will probably be only about 4-5 because putting pictures on this thing is a huge pain.)
But this is not what this post is about. This post is about what I want for Christmas. I am giving you, loyal readers (and Santa), plenty of time to buy and ship these items. I know, I'm generous. Tis the season of giving gifts....to me. This truly is a wish list, with a large price range for every budget. So pick and choose as you please. Maybe talk amongst yourselves so you don't overlap. Here we go:
1. iTunes gift cards. Preferably in very large increments, but I'll take anything.
2. A car :)
3. Plane tickets. Please email for dates and locations
4. A bed
5. Books
6. Disney DVDs. I already have 'Lady and the Tramp' so anything other than that
7. Cute clothes/shoes/accessories/purses (and/or gift cards to stores so I can buy them for myself)
8. World Peace
9. A boy toy
10. A hippopotamus (just kidding, I just like that song)
11. All the Harry Potter books and movies
12. A new day planner. I loved my 2010 one so much, I want to find the exact same one for 2011. It has Venice on the front! (Italy, not CA)
13. A job with Ellen
14.. My two front teeth (just kidding, I already have those)
15. For someone else to pay for my bus pass
That's all I can think of for right now. I'll update as other things pop in my head. Let me know if you need my address. I will not be coming home for Christmas, so everything will need to be sent to California. Thanks for understanding.
Dream big people!
02 December 2010
01 December 2010
For your reading pleasure
And away we go!
Scalpers? To sectionals? Yeah right.
Mr. Shue, it's time to move on from red haired lady (I forgot her name). Her hair isn't looking as good anyways.
SHUT UP RACHEL. Can't stand her.
Sweet moves. You did not just say that. Good plan!
Amen, Quinn.
Walked the walk. Again, with the cheesy lingo.
Oh Rachel. You poor selfish goober. Sorry you had to hear that in front of everyone.
Kurt! Looking so snazzy. Are you allowed to transfer schools in the middle of the school year? Probably not. Now you have to take care of this bird. Fun.
New guy. You need to keep quiet.
Really? Counseling? This is insane. Sing about it? How does this woman have a job?
Super hot. Finnnn, you moron. But, you're off the hook now! Yay! No more Rachel.
Love Brittany. Damn cricket.
I want a magic comb! Oh my gosh, he has a comb in his pocket! Hooray Artie!
[commercials: eating Nutella like it's my job. Holy shit, it's so good.]
He's not coming back. Harsh. He's not dead people!
Am badass ador. ME TOO!
YES PUCK! Way to tell that ugly loser what's up. But really, is the football team really the best place for recruits?
YES RACHEL! YES SHUESTER! Shut her stupid ass down! Put that tape back on and never ever take it off unless you are singing.
There are porta (porter) potties at schools?
Yesss, Puck loves the fatty. Did he not shower after the potty incident?
Ok, Santana. You are just being bitchy now. But you still suck Rachel.
Seriously. I don't think Puck showered. Yucky.
[Cute kid! I'm 4. Who cares? But you are precious.]
[Another cute one! What kind of demographic do they think are reaching?]
[I literally cannot handle rom-coms. I'm not emotionally stable enough to watch other people fall in love. I will lose my shit.]
[Black Swan looks creeptastic. I'll pass, thanks]
[BIG LOTS! I want to go to there. I bet they have awesome Christmas decorations!]
[Mmm, Carl's Jr. I wish they delivered. For free.]
Not really. It's shark week. Artie is MY FAVORITE. Asian girl, I forgot your name, but your cheerleader outfit is very silly.
Rachel, you are beyond melodramatic. SHUT YOUR FACE. I wish you would die and then we could see your funeral. I wish I was watching the recorded version right now so I could fast forward. Never got into Evita. Sorry Madonna.
Kurt's version is not making this better for me. Sorry everyone.
I love how those high school boys are just riveted by this singing. Yeah right. Jesus, is she crying? DRY IT UP.
Hahaha, the hands! Thank you other kid (forgot your name too) for nixing that. Blaine?
Would they really let him sing for this long? I would have been like, ok, thank you, I think we've seen enough.
Aw, poor Kurt. And now he gets cut down a few notches. Boo and he thought he was going to be in like Flynn at this new school.
AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, counselor lady! Ouch. Salt on the wound.
Rachel, where is your mouth tape? Put it back on.
[I wonder if an iPad will really make me better at life like the commercial suggests.]
[WAL-MARTTT!!! I miss you. It was nice to see you this weekend, but I wish you were closer]
[Conan, you are hilarious. I love you gossiping in the river]
[Get a Voretx, people will come help you do shit.]
[American Idol, please go away. And take Jennifer Lopez with you. Ellen is gone, I have no love for you]
Aw, they're friends now. The two most annoying people in the group. It's fitting.
OH MY GOD. THEY ARE SINGING "IN THE LIVING YEARS". I AM IN HEAVEN RIGHT NOW. THIS IS THE BEST GLEE MOMENT OF ALL TIME. YESSSSSSSSSSSSS. These old people are a million times cooler than New Directions. Please make a spin-off show.
Oh, you did NOT just cut them short. Fuckers.
Well, ok, I love this song too. But not as much. How come they get to sing their whole song? Haters on the old people! Ageist! It's a sham.
What is Kurt's problem? His lover is singing. Rejoice and be glad. And you get to be in the front! Maybe that guy wanted the solo for himself! Drama!
Standing O. Precious.
[Verizon, you are being just a tad dramatic about this new phone]
[Bathroom break!]
[Still don't understand 'Your Second Shot.' Is Canon paying for me to go re-take a photo? Because my camera died when I went on a gondola ride on Venice and I would love to re-take some of those photos. Canon? You listening?]
[Romantic Christmas commercials also make me lose my shit]
Why is Rachel having all her drama all up in every one's business? Shut up loser.
Uh, Mr. S. That was the worst pep talk ever. EVER.
Like, being adult. Hahahaha.
Motocross practice? You have to practice for that?
Arttiieee, you are the best ever. And Brittany is PERFECT as his girlfriend. Best couple ever!
Shut up blond kid.
Ohhh snap. Dirty Dancing? In the Living Years is still the best. If they do the little Patrick Swayze walk, I might like it a little more.
Boo, they didn't. Ok, stop this solo nonsense. More dancing please.
Hmm, less Santana singing and more dancing. That is what I'm talking about!
Man, I wish I could dance. I miss dancing. I miss shagging. No one shags in the club. They should. Life would be a lot better.
What happened to the other schools that were there last year? Is it normal there are only 3 schools? I have no idea how these things work.
Wonder who's gonnaa wiiinnnn.
Why are there is only one judge this year? Good speech. You should fill out an organ donor card!It's important!
It's a tie! Not all that surprised.
Poor Will. He's not that great, but unrequited love is the worst.
Rachel, Finn is the only good thing about you. Don't be an idiot. Finn, you are an idiot. But whatever. You're not real so it doesn't matter.
Yay! Drop her.
"You said you'd never break up with me!" Lamest desperate plea ever. I'm sad she just yelled that in the hallway.
Asian kiss?
Finn, do not cry.
Tina! That's her name.
Oh yes, we just had this prepared. Summon the ukulele players, let's jam!
Good song! I wanna be in Glee club! I could be fat random girl number two.
Well, that's all folks. Thanks for joining me. I don't care if you like it or not, I'll do what I want.
Dream big people! :)