Guess what everyone. Rice-A-Roni is not made in San Francisco, even though it's the San Francisco treat. It's made in Chicago. This is just one of the many fascinating tidbits I learned on my big touristy bus tour while in San Francisco last weekend. I actually really enjoyed a big touristy goober while in San Francisco. I'm pretty sure half the people there are tourists, so I fit right in. Plus, it meant I didn't have to drive or walk everywhere. I got to sit on the the top of a lovely open top bus and take in all the sights San Fran has to offer...which is quite a lot.
The open top part would have been more fun if it wasn't FREEZING cold while we were there. I knew it was going to be chilly there, but I was not prepared for just how cold it was. I hardly ever use my scarf, hat and gloves in LA, even in the winter, but they definitely would have been helpful in SF. I had to buy a winter hat to wear while we were on the bus it was so cold! It is very stylish, don't worry, you know I always have to look good. We got to see pretty much everything there is to see in San Fran. I highly recommend doing touristy bus tours when you only have a few days in a city because it shows you everything you need to see, you don't have to deal with traffic, you learn all kinds of random things from the tour guide AND you get to look super awesome sitting on the top floor of a bus. The locals don't make fun of you at all.
We hiked up Lombard street, to the crookedest street in the world...buses are not allowed to drive up there, and neither are stretch limos. Thanks to our lovely guide Betsy, we learned a stretch limo once got stuck there for 3 days and had to be airlifted out, haha. I also learned the San Francisco Bay is not actually a bay, it's really an estuary. So, just like LA, SF is not all that it appears to be. We also ate some REALLY good food. I got some amazing noodles in Chinatown and had some fantastic lobster ravioli at Scoma's, which is supposed to be the best seafood restaurant there. I also tried to go to IHOP and get a kids Rooty Tooty meal and they refused to let me have it! F you IHOP! You are delicious and all, but I wanted less food than a real Rooty Tooty and I just don't understand why you wouldn't let me have it! Ugh, whatever.
My favorite part of SF had to be the Sea Lions at Pier 39. I know that is completely ridiculous of me to say, but they are seriously SO entertaining. They smell terrible, but watching them is totally hilarious. They are all piled up on top of each other, barking and crawling all over the place. It took some convincing to make me walk away from them. I know, I'm a goober.
Anyway, other than the weather, the trip was fantastic. All the students I went with were great, everyone got along, minimal complaining and overall we had a really great time. We drove up the PCH on the way there, which was a beautiful drive. It took fooorrreeevvver, but it was so gorgeous. I just wish had gotten started sooner because by the time we got to the SF part of it, it was dark and we could no longer see the beach. We took the freeway on the drive home and it took almost as long with traffic. Oh well. I was completely exhausted yesterday when I got back, but I took a fantastic nap and life was better. We still don't have any internet at my house, so blogging is kind of difficult. Right now I'm at a coffee shop in Hollywood, while the students are wandering around, looking for stars. We also still don't have a trashcan, a TV or any lights in the living room at the apartment. I was hoping my new roommates would kind of get some shit together while I was gone, but apparently they are not interested in having a house that looks lived in, so I'm going to work on that this weekend. We also found out from the landlord that he wants to increase the rent on us. Trying to figure out that whole mess has been such a pain in the ass and I kind of hate being a grown up.
Ok, well tomorrow it's Catalina and then I will actually be home this weekend for the first time this month. Kind of excited about waking up in my own bed AND not having to wake up to an alarm.
Dream big people!
24 August 2011
14 August 2011
You showed your ass
I am really feeling that new Beyonce song, Best Thing I Never Had. She's such a bad ass. I'm not a HUGE fan, I like most of her stuff, but she is a BAMF for sure and I just love how much attitude she has in that song. I also enjoy how it describes every person I've ever dated. Well, that one anyway. Hahaha...I also really love how she's like, sucks to be you right now. I'm pretty sure any girl that has been screwed over by some stupid boy has also taken it on as their personal anthem. Woo hoo, girl power! Sorry boys, but as Mrs. Banks says, "though we adore men individually we agree that as a group they're rather stupid." Amen. Also, they are individually stupid. But some are cute and nice and Swiss and can be ok.
Anyway. Getting carried away. Had a Mary Poppins filled day and it's a pretty good way to spend the day. After a somewhat unsuccessful attempt to sleep in, I decided to treat myself to the musical May Poppins that is playing here in San Diego. I even bought myself a good seat. Normally I cheap seat it, but I went for floor seats this time. Worth it! The play was so fantastic! I loved it all, even the scary toys coming alive scene. I never read the book, but that is next on my list. Everything was great, including the two older ladies I sat next to and chatted it up with, but discluding the two goober kids sitting next to me talking and moving all over the place. I loved it all, even if I did have to go by myself. The chimney sweep song was SO good! I have a special place in my heart for them, now that I got birthday shout outs from them at Disneyland. Then she flies out over the audience, it was so great. I loved it so much, I came back to the hotel and watched the movie online. This is after I went to dinner by myself. I'm sure doing things alone builds character, but it's kind of lame. I like to talk to people...people I already know. Though I am trying this new friendly thing, I am not great at chatting it up with strangers unless they talk to me first. Anyway, Mary Poppins is just such a great movie. I loved it as a kid and I might love it even more now. Julie Andrews is the greatest, Dick Van Dyke is also great and the I love to laugh song is one of the best. I just can't say enough good things about it. And since I'm beginning to sound a bit like a Disney fanatic these last couple of posts, I'll stop with that.
So, now I'm once again just chilling in the hotel room. The girls all left me for Sea World and Coronado other plans fell through, so here I am. But I'm ok with it. It's been nice to just chill since I haven't had a lot of time to do that lately. Also, I have internet and TV which I no longer have at home so it's like a real vacation! Plus the weather sucks here too so I didn't feel like going to the beach. The hotel we are in rocks though, and I feel like a total grown up staying in a room by myself with it's mini coffee machine and fridge. Love it! I normally am all for going out and seeing things, but my desire for putting a lot of effort into sightseeing has gone down significantly. Especially when I have to coordinate everything and answer a million questions with "I don't know." No, I'm sorry, I don't know if the restaurant we're going to has pink lemonade. I don't know how many whales are at Sea World and I don't know which tour is better to take, I've never been on either. Sometimes I don't even know why they ask me things. This morning, they were like, how long does it take to drive to Sea World? I said, I don't know maybe 20 minutes? They said, oh, the man downstairs (the hotel desk person) said 10-15. Like, why are you asking me then? The desk person probably knows much better than me. They also asked which tour I thought they should take. I said the one where the car turns into a boat and goes into the water because that seemed cool. They said, oh, well it's probably cold on the water so we'll do the other one. Alright then, glad you got my opinion on it anyway.
They so crazy. But they make me laugh when I'm not in a bad mood and I'm trying really hard to remember how lucky I am. Getting better.
Really looking forward to going home tomorrow so I think I'll call it a night.
Dream big people! And feed the birds.
Anyway. Getting carried away. Had a Mary Poppins filled day and it's a pretty good way to spend the day. After a somewhat unsuccessful attempt to sleep in, I decided to treat myself to the musical May Poppins that is playing here in San Diego. I even bought myself a good seat. Normally I cheap seat it, but I went for floor seats this time. Worth it! The play was so fantastic! I loved it all, even the scary toys coming alive scene. I never read the book, but that is next on my list. Everything was great, including the two older ladies I sat next to and chatted it up with, but discluding the two goober kids sitting next to me talking and moving all over the place. I loved it all, even if I did have to go by myself. The chimney sweep song was SO good! I have a special place in my heart for them, now that I got birthday shout outs from them at Disneyland. Then she flies out over the audience, it was so great. I loved it so much, I came back to the hotel and watched the movie online. This is after I went to dinner by myself. I'm sure doing things alone builds character, but it's kind of lame. I like to talk to people...people I already know. Though I am trying this new friendly thing, I am not great at chatting it up with strangers unless they talk to me first. Anyway, Mary Poppins is just such a great movie. I loved it as a kid and I might love it even more now. Julie Andrews is the greatest, Dick Van Dyke is also great and the I love to laugh song is one of the best. I just can't say enough good things about it. And since I'm beginning to sound a bit like a Disney fanatic these last couple of posts, I'll stop with that.
So, now I'm once again just chilling in the hotel room. The girls all left me for Sea World and Coronado other plans fell through, so here I am. But I'm ok with it. It's been nice to just chill since I haven't had a lot of time to do that lately. Also, I have internet and TV which I no longer have at home so it's like a real vacation! Plus the weather sucks here too so I didn't feel like going to the beach. The hotel we are in rocks though, and I feel like a total grown up staying in a room by myself with it's mini coffee machine and fridge. Love it! I normally am all for going out and seeing things, but my desire for putting a lot of effort into sightseeing has gone down significantly. Especially when I have to coordinate everything and answer a million questions with "I don't know." No, I'm sorry, I don't know if the restaurant we're going to has pink lemonade. I don't know how many whales are at Sea World and I don't know which tour is better to take, I've never been on either. Sometimes I don't even know why they ask me things. This morning, they were like, how long does it take to drive to Sea World? I said, I don't know maybe 20 minutes? They said, oh, the man downstairs (the hotel desk person) said 10-15. Like, why are you asking me then? The desk person probably knows much better than me. They also asked which tour I thought they should take. I said the one where the car turns into a boat and goes into the water because that seemed cool. They said, oh, well it's probably cold on the water so we'll do the other one. Alright then, glad you got my opinion on it anyway.
They so crazy. But they make me laugh when I'm not in a bad mood and I'm trying really hard to remember how lucky I am. Getting better.
Really looking forward to going home tomorrow so I think I'll call it a night.
Dream big people! And feed the birds.
13 August 2011
I know you're not touching my mannequin!
1. That is a stupid thing to say.
2. I have not blogged in so long! And I am so very sorry. I'm sure you guys have just been dying. I'm here to ease your pain. You're welcome.
Anyway, I am currently at the Days Inn in San Diego and my computer is connected to the internet for the first time in two weeks. Hooray! I got new roommates (what a mess) and we still haven't gotten around to setting up the new internet account. I've tried dropping hints to my extremely positive new roommate, but she doesn't seem to be getting it. That's ok. But it would be helpful. Just saying.
Ok, as a little side note. I'm watching "Family Guy" in the hotel and I would like to know if I am the only person that just doesn't really get this show. I have some friends out here that are really into this show, as well as a few other shows that are generally regarded as fantastic and hilarious, but I"m just not on board. Things like Seinfield, Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Simpson's. Just me? That's ok, I guess. I've noticed lately that I am getting quite stupid and uninteresting in comparison to the rest of the world. I find the simple things funny. Like Jimmy Fallon and that Axe commercial where she's all, I know you're not touching my mannequin! Play on words. Love it.
Back to life. So last weekend I was in Vegas. It so fantastically hot, I didn't want to leave the poolside. Then it was back to LA where it's depressingly chilly for August. Don't want to beat a dead horse, but uughh, WHY? Anyway, this week I went to Universal Studios and after driving around in a 15 passenger van on the 405 and through town, I decided I was officially over LA. I have since calmed down but yeah, LA traffic is really really stupid and annoying. I also got mad because I held the door open for like, 5 people and fucking NO ONE said thank you. Come on, assholes! Where are your manners? Oh, and I saw 'Friends with Benefits' and it was SO terrible. So so so terrible. Unbelievably cliche, forced and predictable. Very angry I spent money to see it. Oh oh, AND, I got carded to see it! I know I look young, but not even 18? Jeeeeez.
Moving along, Wednesday we went to the Getty Center and it was so lovely. My hatred for LA subsided a little because it was so pretty and calm. The calm is what I loved the most. There are very few places in LA that are chill and don't have a bazillion people wandering around. There were a lot of people, but not Santa Monica Pier a lot of people and for that, I was grateful. I have been noticing, however, that everywhere I go, there is pretty much no one speaking English. It's probably because I'm going to the most touristy places possible but I feel like I never hear people speaking English. And, because I'm around non native speakers literally, every day, I find myself now talking to everyone like they don't really understand what I'm saying. Anyone who's ever spent a significant amount of time talking to someone that doesn't speak English that well knows what I'm talking about and will hopefully understand that I'm not being mean, it's actually a thing. Whatever, I'm going to stop with this train of thought because I sound bitchy.
Speaking of being bitchy, I have been super bitchy lately. This is not completely unjustified since some people suck REALLY BAD but I've decided I'm going to try really hard to be more friendly. I remember, once upon a time, I was a nice, funny person. Not necessarily super happy, positive or friendly but definitely better than this current version of myself. Trying to improve.
Thursday, I was shocked to discover that NO ONE wanted to go to the fair and see a Michael Jackson tribute concert!! I didn't understand that at all! I was pretty sad I didn't get to go, but my alternate Thursday night plans turned out to be pretty fantastic.
Annnd, now I'm super tired. Pretty pumped about sleeping in my hotel room bed. I LOVE staying in hotels! Thanks for sticking with me through this ridiculous post.
Dream big people!
1. That is a stupid thing to say.
2. I have not blogged in so long! And I am so very sorry. I'm sure you guys have just been dying. I'm here to ease your pain. You're welcome.
Anyway, I am currently at the Days Inn in San Diego and my computer is connected to the internet for the first time in two weeks. Hooray! I got new roommates (what a mess) and we still haven't gotten around to setting up the new internet account. I've tried dropping hints to my extremely positive new roommate, but she doesn't seem to be getting it. That's ok. But it would be helpful. Just saying.
Ok, as a little side note. I'm watching "Family Guy" in the hotel and I would like to know if I am the only person that just doesn't really get this show. I have some friends out here that are really into this show, as well as a few other shows that are generally regarded as fantastic and hilarious, but I"m just not on board. Things like Seinfield, Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Simpson's. Just me? That's ok, I guess. I've noticed lately that I am getting quite stupid and uninteresting in comparison to the rest of the world. I find the simple things funny. Like Jimmy Fallon and that Axe commercial where she's all, I know you're not touching my mannequin! Play on words. Love it.
Back to life. So last weekend I was in Vegas. It so fantastically hot, I didn't want to leave the poolside. Then it was back to LA where it's depressingly chilly for August. Don't want to beat a dead horse, but uughh, WHY? Anyway, this week I went to Universal Studios and after driving around in a 15 passenger van on the 405 and through town, I decided I was officially over LA. I have since calmed down but yeah, LA traffic is really really stupid and annoying. I also got mad because I held the door open for like, 5 people and fucking NO ONE said thank you. Come on, assholes! Where are your manners? Oh, and I saw 'Friends with Benefits' and it was SO terrible. So so so terrible. Unbelievably cliche, forced and predictable. Very angry I spent money to see it. Oh oh, AND, I got carded to see it! I know I look young, but not even 18? Jeeeeez.
Moving along, Wednesday we went to the Getty Center and it was so lovely. My hatred for LA subsided a little because it was so pretty and calm. The calm is what I loved the most. There are very few places in LA that are chill and don't have a bazillion people wandering around. There were a lot of people, but not Santa Monica Pier a lot of people and for that, I was grateful. I have been noticing, however, that everywhere I go, there is pretty much no one speaking English. It's probably because I'm going to the most touristy places possible but I feel like I never hear people speaking English. And, because I'm around non native speakers literally, every day, I find myself now talking to everyone like they don't really understand what I'm saying. Anyone who's ever spent a significant amount of time talking to someone that doesn't speak English that well knows what I'm talking about and will hopefully understand that I'm not being mean, it's actually a thing. Whatever, I'm going to stop with this train of thought because I sound bitchy.
Speaking of being bitchy, I have been super bitchy lately. This is not completely unjustified since some people suck REALLY BAD but I've decided I'm going to try really hard to be more friendly. I remember, once upon a time, I was a nice, funny person. Not necessarily super happy, positive or friendly but definitely better than this current version of myself. Trying to improve.
Thursday, I was shocked to discover that NO ONE wanted to go to the fair and see a Michael Jackson tribute concert!! I didn't understand that at all! I was pretty sad I didn't get to go, but my alternate Thursday night plans turned out to be pretty fantastic.
Annnd, now I'm super tired. Pretty pumped about sleeping in my hotel room bed. I LOVE staying in hotels! Thanks for sticking with me through this ridiculous post.
Dream big people!
11 August 2011
Negative Nancy
Hi friends! So sorry I've been MIA but I am currently without internet at home and have 0 time at the office for blogging. Lots has been going on lately and Ihave tons to say but right now I am typing this on a phone and it's making me crazy as well as hurting my thumbs, so more later when I have time, internet and a real keyboard.
Oh, and the title? Lately I have been major grumpy pants. Any suggestions on how to stay positive? Not annoyingly positive but enough to keep smiling when I'm supposed to be smiling? Seriously. Chime in.
Dream big people!
02 August 2011
Everybody Everybody
Soooo, there was this SNL skit back in the day with Chris Kattan and he was this ridiculous Hollywood reporter of some sort that gives ridiculous shout outs all the time. Anyway, I quote it every now and then and no one ever knows what I'm talking about. Also, I could never find it on YouTube or anything and I just got really excited because he resurrected it on Jimmy Fallon. Which means still no one will no want I'm talking about since I am apparently the only person that thinks Jimmy Fallon is funny. Makes sense because nobody's smart but meeeee!
Anyway. That was my Monday night. Considerably better than my Monday afternoon, which consisted of me losing my mind for about an hour or so. Stupid work nonsense, as always. This time it was because of a new co-worker, power struggles and what not. I'm better now thanks to some chocolate cake and some AMAZING packages I received in the mail. I have some really annoying people in my life, but man, I also have some SUPER DUPER AWESOME FANTASTIC people in there as well. I just need to remember that when I start freaking out.
And wow, I have no excuses now because my roommate isn't even here, I just got hooked, but I just tuned into the Bachelorette season finale and DAMMIIITTTT. This show is SO TERRIBLE. SO SO SO TERRIBLE. God, I feel so awful for this Ben dude. I mean, there is a tiny part of me that kind likes to see the guy be on the other side of it but it's pretty heart breaking. I kinda feel bad for the girl too because I'm sure it sucks to send him off but what did she think was going to happen? Surely she knew one of them was going to be pissed at the ending. The worst part is that it is ALL just for TV and ratings. Such a cruel world. But, she knew what she was getting into! Boys suck, but girls are so dumb sometimes. Myself definitely not excluded. Also, I think it's strange that even though she's The Bachelorette, they still make the guy propose. Ok, whatever, it's traditional but come on. It's 2011. I don't understand why the guy has to propose if it's the girl that is doing the choosing. So, in the end, it's still kind of the guy's choice, really, right? Because even if she picks him, he still has to propose to her. And why is he giving a speech? Doesn't the guy do that on The Bachelor?? Ugh, sexist bullshit. Last but not least, her dress is ugly. Wait you think they have sex on the show? I don't really watch all the episodes so I don't know if they get alone time to do such shenanigans. Annnnd, oh goodness, this music. Do they always play this? Shutting up NOW.
Anyway, as stupid as work gets, it gets pretty awesome as well. I got a car to cruise around in, Wednesday I'm touring around Hollywood and Thursday it's back to Vegasssss. Not quite as much fun as you probably think but still. Life could be worse.
Dream big people!
Anyway. That was my Monday night. Considerably better than my Monday afternoon, which consisted of me losing my mind for about an hour or so. Stupid work nonsense, as always. This time it was because of a new co-worker, power struggles and what not. I'm better now thanks to some chocolate cake and some AMAZING packages I received in the mail. I have some really annoying people in my life, but man, I also have some SUPER DUPER AWESOME FANTASTIC people in there as well. I just need to remember that when I start freaking out.
And wow, I have no excuses now because my roommate isn't even here, I just got hooked, but I just tuned into the Bachelorette season finale and DAMMIIITTTT. This show is SO TERRIBLE. SO SO SO TERRIBLE. God, I feel so awful for this Ben dude. I mean, there is a tiny part of me that kind likes to see the guy be on the other side of it but it's pretty heart breaking. I kinda feel bad for the girl too because I'm sure it sucks to send him off but what did she think was going to happen? Surely she knew one of them was going to be pissed at the ending. The worst part is that it is ALL just for TV and ratings. Such a cruel world. But, she knew what she was getting into! Boys suck, but girls are so dumb sometimes. Myself definitely not excluded. Also, I think it's strange that even though she's The Bachelorette, they still make the guy propose. Ok, whatever, it's traditional but come on. It's 2011. I don't understand why the guy has to propose if it's the girl that is doing the choosing. So, in the end, it's still kind of the guy's choice, really, right? Because even if she picks him, he still has to propose to her. And why is he giving a speech? Doesn't the guy do that on The Bachelor?? Ugh, sexist bullshit. Last but not least, her dress is ugly. Wait you think they have sex on the show? I don't really watch all the episodes so I don't know if they get alone time to do such shenanigans. Annnnd, oh goodness, this music. Do they always play this? Shutting up NOW.
Anyway, as stupid as work gets, it gets pretty awesome as well. I got a car to cruise around in, Wednesday I'm touring around Hollywood and Thursday it's back to Vegasssss. Not quite as much fun as you probably think but still. Life could be worse.
Dream big people!
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