Whoa. This is really happening, I am really moving out of LA. Not just for a vacation. For good. For now, anyway. In one week I will be at home. Crazy.
But, oh boy, what a long strange trip it has been. LA is seriously nuts. I mean, I don't think you can truly understand it's insanity unless you've been here. And, besides that, you don't even really understand unless you live here. AND-just to keep going...I think you don't even realize how crazy it is unless you are not from here and/or have also spent a significant amount of time somewhere outside of LA. But then again, maybe it's just me.
It really is kind of hard to pin point just what is so strange about LA. I found a quote by David Bowie that comes close: "Being in LA is like being in the set of a movie you didn't want to see in the first place." That kind makes sense. And it's not necessarily all in a bad way either because I've had A LOT of fun here. I moved here to have an adventure and man, what an adventure it has been. I was extremely lucky for so many reasons out here and I have pretty much done and seen everything I wanted to see. The only thing I feel I truly missed out on is California Adventure. And maybe the Hollywood Bowl. But,I was lucky to find a job right away, to find such good friends, to have a job that lets me do all the fun things for free, to manage to get around ok carless, the list goes on and on. I can't even really begin to list all the good times, but I'll hit some highlights.
First off, I got to FREAKING MEET ELLEN. TWICE. I mean, how often do people actually get to meet their favorite celebrity/hero? Twice! And just meet them, but also get to make an appearance on national television (and YouTube) AND win cool shit! I don't think it happens that often. On top of that, the experience was taped and documented so generations to come will be able to the enjoy the amazingness that was "Who Dat." Surreal. Just surreal. And fantastic. Really. The book signing was not quite as exciting, but it was still pretty cool.
I also got to see my favorite singer in concert! As well as the person that sings my favorite song! Which I think is really cool because, one, he's old as the hills and two, I don't really have too many absolute favorites where I'm like, it would make me SO happy to see these people, but the two that are at the top of the list, I got to see. LUCKY. AMAZING. FANTASTIC!
Whew, I'm getting excited just thinking about all the good times. But it doesn't end there.
I went to Disneyland three times! I got to go to the happiest place on Earth three times! All for free! I mean, can't beat that! I also went to all the major amusement parks for free, which is pretty cool as well. Six Flags is a little intense for me, but Hurricane Harbor was nice and fun and Universal Studios was pretty entertaining as well.
Dodger's games were also great fun and freeee! I never knew I was such a fan of baseball, but I've got a shirt and a hat now so I'm pretty much die hard. The Lakers game was not quite as exciting, but still a good time. I hit up pretty much all of the major LA sports games, being the avid sports fan that I am. The Galaxy game was surprisingly a lot of fun and the Kings was surprisingly cold. Though it shouldn't have been because if I had any sense I would have known that being in a stadium filled with ice would be chilly and I should have taken a jacket.
And as much beef as I have with Santa Monica, it is, for the most part, gorgeous. If anything, LA is ascetically pleasing. The PCH is by far my favorite part of LA and driving onto it from the California incline is probably my top activity. Driving on the PCH in general is one of my favorite things to do and is something I'll miss for sure. The sunsets are some of the best I've seen and though the Pacific is freezing and dirty, it's pretty and combined with the ridiculously (almost scary) tall palm trees here, it makes for fantastic pictures.
I've done so much here that I can't really think of anything there is left. A few other things I didn't really get to do that I wanted was go to Mexico and Alcatraz. But I can live with that. Things in LA proper, I think I got it covered. Now all I have left to do really is eat a bunch of fantastic food I can't get back East. Shouldn't be that hard. I've got tons of friends that like to eat. There is a reason we're friends. :) And the friends are definitely the best part of my LA experience. I have met such great people from literally, all over the world and have made some great friends...best friends even. I am very very thankful.
One week. See you soon Charleston. Enjoy me while you can LA.
Dream big people.
27 October 2011
25 October 2011
I See the Light
ONE WEEK left at school. Insanity. I can't really wrap my head around it. I think it's going to be a good week though...Universal Studios tomorrow, Halloween party on Thursday and Six Flags on Friday. I am actually not that excited about Six Flags because 1. I have to be there until like, 11 on a Friday night and 2. It turns into scary Six Flags at night and I don't really like scary things. I seriously might not go in. Unless I have some cute boy to hang onto, I don't like being scared on purpose. My cute boy is much too far away to hang onto and I think it's all girls going. Boo.
Anyway, such a good weekend! Just hung out with friends Friday and Saturday nights and had some super fun adventures in Hollywood and the Fashion District of LA. First, I found the remaining components for my Minnie Mouse costume and I am super pumped to wear it Thursday. Second, the fashion district is literally the most insane shit ever. It is jam packed with people selling any and everything you could possibly need or want. A lot of things you didn't even realize you needed until you were walking along and it got shoved in your face or pointed out by an extremely pushy non-English speaking salesperson. It's fantastic. There are also lots of things I can't possibly imagining anyone buying on the streets. Like mini rabbits. And turtles. So strange. It is a bit of a sensory overload though, especially if you're tired. You need to have a lot of stamina for Fashion District. And cash. They are not credit card friendly. You also have to be careful because there is a good chance you'll get run over by a stroller/churro cart/portable clothing stand if you are not paying attention.
Anyway, after FD, I had my goodbye Korean BBQ dinner and it was everything I dreamed it would be. A celebratory meat festival. You basically order a shit ton of meat and cook it yourself, dip it in delicious sauces and good times are had by all. We had tongue, pork shoulder butts, chicken, beef, beef and then some more beef. We stayed away from the stomach, even though I was all for trying it. To do it good friends makes it that much better. Good friends plus two random girls that randomly showed up as well. Plus, I got presents! And we had Yogurtland afterwards! Such a great night. And to make things EVEN better, I didn't make myself sick full, for once, even though I probably ate my weight in meat. Lately (like right now) I have been eating way to much than I can handle and I end up feeling so terrible. It was a KBBQ miracle that I was able to enjoy my meat without wanting to throw up and die afterwards like normally. Tonight I ate probably half of what I ate last night and that is how I feel. Very strange. Body, I would appreciate some consistency.
So. I'm going to miss my friends here a lot. Still can't believe I only have a week. I know I did it to myself and I know it's for the best, but it's going to be a tough goodbye. Let's worry about that later. Universal Studios tomorrow! Even though I'm not actually going inside, I'm looking forward to not being in the office.
Dream big people!
Anyway, such a good weekend! Just hung out with friends Friday and Saturday nights and had some super fun adventures in Hollywood and the Fashion District of LA. First, I found the remaining components for my Minnie Mouse costume and I am super pumped to wear it Thursday. Second, the fashion district is literally the most insane shit ever. It is jam packed with people selling any and everything you could possibly need or want. A lot of things you didn't even realize you needed until you were walking along and it got shoved in your face or pointed out by an extremely pushy non-English speaking salesperson. It's fantastic. There are also lots of things I can't possibly imagining anyone buying on the streets. Like mini rabbits. And turtles. So strange. It is a bit of a sensory overload though, especially if you're tired. You need to have a lot of stamina for Fashion District. And cash. They are not credit card friendly. You also have to be careful because there is a good chance you'll get run over by a stroller/churro cart/portable clothing stand if you are not paying attention.
Anyway, after FD, I had my goodbye Korean BBQ dinner and it was everything I dreamed it would be. A celebratory meat festival. You basically order a shit ton of meat and cook it yourself, dip it in delicious sauces and good times are had by all. We had tongue, pork shoulder butts, chicken, beef, beef and then some more beef. We stayed away from the stomach, even though I was all for trying it. To do it good friends makes it that much better. Good friends plus two random girls that randomly showed up as well. Plus, I got presents! And we had Yogurtland afterwards! Such a great night. And to make things EVEN better, I didn't make myself sick full, for once, even though I probably ate my weight in meat. Lately (like right now) I have been eating way to much than I can handle and I end up feeling so terrible. It was a KBBQ miracle that I was able to enjoy my meat without wanting to throw up and die afterwards like normally. Tonight I ate probably half of what I ate last night and that is how I feel. Very strange. Body, I would appreciate some consistency.
So. I'm going to miss my friends here a lot. Still can't believe I only have a week. I know I did it to myself and I know it's for the best, but it's going to be a tough goodbye. Let's worry about that later. Universal Studios tomorrow! Even though I'm not actually going inside, I'm looking forward to not being in the office.
Dream big people!
21 October 2011
I know I am going straight to hell and will piss off some people, but attention everyone: I do NOT want to see your ultrasound pictures on fb. Don't want to. Sorry, just don't. Ultrasound pictures are ugly and creepy and only a very specific demographic of people care about seeing your unborn child. That does not include me, random person you went to high school with and haven't actually spoken to in 5+ years. Email that mess to your loved ones, the people that think your fetus is precious. I, your random facebook friend, doesn't even really want to see your child after it's born and I definitely don't want to see it when it's still in alien form.
Whew. That felt good. Go ahead, feel free to judge me and my cold heartedness but seriously, I don't want to have to start de-friending people just because you or your significant other gets pregnant. That in itself kind of weirds me out but to involve me in all the creepy details that comes before it's actually a person. No thank you. I can deal with baby pictures. Babies can be cute and sometimes they do cute or funny things that are worthy of taking pictures of and putting them on fb. My wall is currently overrun with babies and I can deal with that. Unborn babies I cannot take.
That is all. I'm a horrible person. But I'm feeling bitter right now and I really do not care. I also know I'm not the only person that feels this way.
Dream big people.
Whew. That felt good. Go ahead, feel free to judge me and my cold heartedness but seriously, I don't want to have to start de-friending people just because you or your significant other gets pregnant. That in itself kind of weirds me out but to involve me in all the creepy details that comes before it's actually a person. No thank you. I can deal with baby pictures. Babies can be cute and sometimes they do cute or funny things that are worthy of taking pictures of and putting them on fb. My wall is currently overrun with babies and I can deal with that. Unborn babies I cannot take.
That is all. I'm a horrible person. But I'm feeling bitter right now and I really do not care. I also know I'm not the only person that feels this way.
Dream big people.
18 October 2011
Two Down
It's official! I sent in my two weeks resignation today and I am officially quitting in two weeks! So exciting! Oh boy oh boy oh boy. It really is just such a relief to have that over and done with! There are still very minor things to be worried about with it, but I think I am just going to ignore them because they might not actually happen. I was seriously giddy today when I sent it off...I couldn't stop smiling. It's too bad I was actually at work when I did it and couldn't really celebrate properly (with a drink, of course) but that will be soon enough.
I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can actually start to enjoy my last two weeks and not worry about every stupid thing. Now all that's left really is figuring out how I'm going to get everything home. But there is time for that. Don't worry, be happy. That is my new mantra. That, and, every little thing is gonna be ok. Because it will. Eventually.
Dream big people!
I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can actually start to enjoy my last two weeks and not worry about every stupid thing. Now all that's left really is figuring out how I'm going to get everything home. But there is time for that. Don't worry, be happy. That is my new mantra. That, and, every little thing is gonna be ok. Because it will. Eventually.
Dream big people!
17 October 2011
One Down
Finally I can cross something off my list of things to worry about. Kinda. But, for now, I am completely finished with my stupid apartment. It has been a big dramatic pain in my ass, but I left my key there today and I do not plan on going back anytime soon. I'm almost positive I'm going to keep getting phone calls from my landlord, but I haven't decided yet if I'm going to continue to answer them. Not sure of the point anymore but I also feel that is a little rude. But seriously, I literally just have no idea what to do anymore. I did everything I could and I can't make my former roommates help or do what they are supposed to do, so I really just don't want to have anything to do with it anymore. I feel the same about my job. It's annoying and I am actually just kind of insulted about how my exit is being handled, but what can you do? I don't have control over assholes and their asshole behavior so I should probably just move on with my life. Now all I have to worry about is work and how I'm going to get all my shit packed and back home. Sigh.
For a teensy bit more negative news, some people suck so bad it literally blows my mind. I mean, I guess I'm not surprised anymore at how rude people can be, but it really just still stuns me that people can be so awful to other people. I got stood up 5 times this week. FIVE. Unreal. I'm not saying all French people suck...but wow. This kid sucks more than most people I know. He reminds me, actually, a lot of certain someone I used to associate myself with. Thankfully, I'm starting to, slowly but surely, learn from some of my past mistakes. So instead of getting the runaround for a couple years, it only took a few days for me to cut this bastard out of my life. Not even in the romantic sense, but as friend.
Anyway, on to the positive. Some people are so awesome. And I am so thankful I have them to cancel out the asshats that try to ruin everything. Just as the rudeness of people stuns me, the kindness does as well sometimes. I dont' know what I did to deserve people being so nice to me, but I really appreciate it and I hope they know that. That is really my only concern, that people know how much I appreciate them and their kindness.
I also appreciate good food. Which I stuffed myself with this weekend. I went a little insane, actually. I was kind of surprised/embarrassed for myself. I'm not really sure what was my deal, but I acted like I hadn't eaten a good meal in months. Maybe it was just the sheer joy of being out in the social world, surrounded by people and fun, rather than being at my lonely depressing apartment. But I really do need to remember to slow down and not eat more than I can handle because I made myself sick from being full every day this weekend. So I guess that stuff earlier about learning my lessons doesn't really apply here. We went to a BBQ place for my friends birthday Saturday night and the second the food got set down, I like, lost my mind. I literally started shoveling food in. I have no idea where the mentality of eat as much and as fast as you can comes from because I've never been in a setting where me going hungry is a possibility but that is how I reacted. Which was especially stupid because there was more than enough food to go around. But it was sooo delicious. I probably should have savored it but I thought inhaling it was a better idea. My Jenny Craig lady is not going to be happy with me.
I also put myself into a food coma today via mediocre Chinese food. This time it was because it was my first meal of the day at 5:00 but still, eating slowly wouldn't have hurt anybody. So now here I am with a tummy ache. And, at that Chinese restaurant I got the worst fortune cookie of all time! "As long as you don't sign up for anything new, you'll be fine." Like, what the hell?! Don't sign up for anything new? Never take a new class, make a change for a new job, house, car, etc? I am so confused. Made me a little uncomfortable since I'm about to make a whole bunch of new changes. But then I remembered fortune cookies are not real and stupid, so I'm good. My Japanese friend got "As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters not point in your direction." Also stupid and also spent a good 20 minutes trying to explain it to him. Staying away from fortune cookies for a while, thank you very much.
Having internet is awesome. Time to catch up on a shit ton of TV I've been missing out on.
Dream big people!
For a teensy bit more negative news, some people suck so bad it literally blows my mind. I mean, I guess I'm not surprised anymore at how rude people can be, but it really just still stuns me that people can be so awful to other people. I got stood up 5 times this week. FIVE. Unreal. I'm not saying all French people suck...but wow. This kid sucks more than most people I know. He reminds me, actually, a lot of certain someone I used to associate myself with. Thankfully, I'm starting to, slowly but surely, learn from some of my past mistakes. So instead of getting the runaround for a couple years, it only took a few days for me to cut this bastard out of my life. Not even in the romantic sense, but as friend.
Anyway, on to the positive. Some people are so awesome. And I am so thankful I have them to cancel out the asshats that try to ruin everything. Just as the rudeness of people stuns me, the kindness does as well sometimes. I dont' know what I did to deserve people being so nice to me, but I really appreciate it and I hope they know that. That is really my only concern, that people know how much I appreciate them and their kindness.
I also appreciate good food. Which I stuffed myself with this weekend. I went a little insane, actually. I was kind of surprised/embarrassed for myself. I'm not really sure what was my deal, but I acted like I hadn't eaten a good meal in months. Maybe it was just the sheer joy of being out in the social world, surrounded by people and fun, rather than being at my lonely depressing apartment. But I really do need to remember to slow down and not eat more than I can handle because I made myself sick from being full every day this weekend. So I guess that stuff earlier about learning my lessons doesn't really apply here. We went to a BBQ place for my friends birthday Saturday night and the second the food got set down, I like, lost my mind. I literally started shoveling food in. I have no idea where the mentality of eat as much and as fast as you can comes from because I've never been in a setting where me going hungry is a possibility but that is how I reacted. Which was especially stupid because there was more than enough food to go around. But it was sooo delicious. I probably should have savored it but I thought inhaling it was a better idea. My Jenny Craig lady is not going to be happy with me.
I also put myself into a food coma today via mediocre Chinese food. This time it was because it was my first meal of the day at 5:00 but still, eating slowly wouldn't have hurt anybody. So now here I am with a tummy ache. And, at that Chinese restaurant I got the worst fortune cookie of all time! "As long as you don't sign up for anything new, you'll be fine." Like, what the hell?! Don't sign up for anything new? Never take a new class, make a change for a new job, house, car, etc? I am so confused. Made me a little uncomfortable since I'm about to make a whole bunch of new changes. But then I remembered fortune cookies are not real and stupid, so I'm good. My Japanese friend got "As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters not point in your direction." Also stupid and also spent a good 20 minutes trying to explain it to him. Staying away from fortune cookies for a while, thank you very much.
Having internet is awesome. Time to catch up on a shit ton of TV I've been missing out on.
Dream big people!
12 October 2011
Insane with anger
I'm trying REALLY hard not to be a huge ball of anger, walking around, lashing out at anyone and anything but my patience is being tested. So, I'll just let it all out here, for all my fantastic readers to suffer through. If you are not interested in my venting, please, go over to the archives and select a happier themed post. Don't say I didn't warn you.
But for real. Everything fucking SUCKS right now. I am getting screwed over left and right by people and it is sooooo irritating. My landlord is being an ass, my old roommates are not helping things, my apartment is just a shitshow of nonsense in general and people in general are not making me happy. Oh, and of course there's work and all the stupid mess that is, as well as just people in general who are pissing me off. People that don't do what they say they're going to do are the lowest of the low, in my opinion and I actually went for a RUN the other day because I was so enraged, I just didn't know what to do with myself. That's right people, a run. I do not run, I loathe running but I literally didn't know what else to do with myself. It helped a little, but I don't think it's going to be habit forming. Running sucks.
Anyway, right now, my apartment is a sad, sad place to be. I have no internet, no TV, no roommates and hardly any furniture. There is nothing on the walls, only peeling paint and holes that serve as a reminder that I will be paying for those repairs with my deposit. All that's left really is shit that I have no idea how I'm going get rid of.
Whatever. Because Friday, all this crap will be over and done with and I won't have to think about it anymore. COME THE FUCK ON FRIDAY!
Also, not sure how many people know, or care, but I'm moving back to the East Coast in November. More on my thoughts on that change later (they're vast and confusing...currently trying to sort through them all) but yeah. I'm going home. Temporarily, I hope.
Anyway. I know, I know, I KNOW things could be a lot worse so I'm hoping to leave all my frustrations here on this page and be done. Check back later and see how that went.
Dream big people!
But for real. Everything fucking SUCKS right now. I am getting screwed over left and right by people and it is sooooo irritating. My landlord is being an ass, my old roommates are not helping things, my apartment is just a shitshow of nonsense in general and people in general are not making me happy. Oh, and of course there's work and all the stupid mess that is, as well as just people in general who are pissing me off. People that don't do what they say they're going to do are the lowest of the low, in my opinion and I actually went for a RUN the other day because I was so enraged, I just didn't know what to do with myself. That's right people, a run. I do not run, I loathe running but I literally didn't know what else to do with myself. It helped a little, but I don't think it's going to be habit forming. Running sucks.
Anyway, right now, my apartment is a sad, sad place to be. I have no internet, no TV, no roommates and hardly any furniture. There is nothing on the walls, only peeling paint and holes that serve as a reminder that I will be paying for those repairs with my deposit. All that's left really is shit that I have no idea how I'm going get rid of.
Whatever. Because Friday, all this crap will be over and done with and I won't have to think about it anymore. COME THE FUCK ON FRIDAY!
Also, not sure how many people know, or care, but I'm moving back to the East Coast in November. More on my thoughts on that change later (they're vast and confusing...currently trying to sort through them all) but yeah. I'm going home. Temporarily, I hope.
Anyway. I know, I know, I KNOW things could be a lot worse so I'm hoping to leave all my frustrations here on this page and be done. Check back later and see how that went.
Dream big people!
11 October 2011
So, chilling at Long Beach and I am surrounded by crazies. For some reason I was under the impression that Long Beach had less crazy people than Santa Monica but I am wrong. And I am not sure why I had that impression in the first place. There are lots of them here and it's equally as annoying. Oh well, I'm not sure that I will ever escape the crazies.
Anyway, it's really nice out today! I'm happy because yesterday it was pouring down rain. Actually, it didn't really matter because I stayed in bed for most of the day. I was "sick" and just couldn't get out of bed. It was tragic, really. Then I ate Chick-Fil-A and I was magically cured! It was truly a miracle people.
I don't really have anything else exciting going on. And that was last week, here we are now on Monday morning and I still don't have anything exciting going on.
For the weekend, I finally watched "Tangled" and it was fantastic. I highly recommend it to anyone that likes Disney movies and feels like being taken on a roller coaster of emotions via cartoon animation. I also watched "Megamind," and it was good. I had to give back the school car on Saturday, which was really quite depressing. For one last hurrah, I drove up the PCH and hung out on the Malibu beaches, enjoying the lovely Cali weather. Sunday I cleaned my entire apartment and separated all the shit I have into piles, as well as threw away a substantial amount of shit. I am pretty angry about the whole apartment nonsense. Not only am I cleaning a whole bunch of shit that is not mine, but I will also be paying for repairs that were not my fault and I have to figure out what to do with a bunch of heavy shit that I can't move on my own. I am not a happy camper right now. Trying not to dwell but I CANNOT freaking wait for this week to be OVER.
Big something happening tomorrow. Ready for that day to be over as well. Everything sucks a lot right now and I kind of don't know what to do with myself. This too shall pass. The sooner the better.
Dream big people.
Anyway, it's really nice out today! I'm happy because yesterday it was pouring down rain. Actually, it didn't really matter because I stayed in bed for most of the day. I was "sick" and just couldn't get out of bed. It was tragic, really. Then I ate Chick-Fil-A and I was magically cured! It was truly a miracle people.
I don't really have anything else exciting going on. And that was last week, here we are now on Monday morning and I still don't have anything exciting going on.
For the weekend, I finally watched "Tangled" and it was fantastic. I highly recommend it to anyone that likes Disney movies and feels like being taken on a roller coaster of emotions via cartoon animation. I also watched "Megamind," and it was good. I had to give back the school car on Saturday, which was really quite depressing. For one last hurrah, I drove up the PCH and hung out on the Malibu beaches, enjoying the lovely Cali weather. Sunday I cleaned my entire apartment and separated all the shit I have into piles, as well as threw away a substantial amount of shit. I am pretty angry about the whole apartment nonsense. Not only am I cleaning a whole bunch of shit that is not mine, but I will also be paying for repairs that were not my fault and I have to figure out what to do with a bunch of heavy shit that I can't move on my own. I am not a happy camper right now. Trying not to dwell but I CANNOT freaking wait for this week to be OVER.
Big something happening tomorrow. Ready for that day to be over as well. Everything sucks a lot right now and I kind of don't know what to do with myself. This too shall pass. The sooner the better.
Dream big people.
01 October 2011
Champagne Problems
Oh my goodness. Once again, no internet is the least cool thing ever. So much stuff to look up and comment on, not enough time/internet to do it. Right now, I'm at the Panera Bread in the Camarillo Outlet Mall. I'm pretty sure the people that work here are a little leery of me, as I have been here for a good 3 hours now. The girls I brought here for shopping wanted to get in a good 5 hours of shopping, so here I sit. No complaints, just saying.
Anyway, I've decided I really like this phrase "Champagne Problems" because it is pretty much how I feel when I complain about my life. Because I know my life is pretty awesome and comparatively, I have it really good. For instance, waa, my new Blackberry is giving me so problems. My nice new expensive phone I could afford to buy isn't working how I want it to. Right? Champagne Problems. See how this works? So I go through this vicious cycle where I get whiny and complain, but then I get angry with myself because I feel like I shouldn't be whiny, I should be grateful that I don't have real problems like not enough food to eat, clothes to wear, etc. But then, if I don't talk about it or acknowledge that I have problems, things build up and I have a minor meltdown. Like I said, a vicious circle.
But enough about that. Let's talk about how I went to Disneyland on Tuesday and it was fantastic. Anyone that knows me or is a true fan of this blog knows how much I love Disney. There's really no need to go into all the details but to sum it up: Disneyland makes me really happy and I love going there. The parade is quite possibly the best thing in life. And in conclusion, if you don't like Disneyland, I don't want to hear and I also think you are a stupid person (co-worker). So that's that.
We also went to Six Flags and it was fun, although obviously not as fantastic as Disney. I think I'm getting old too because some of the rollercoasters beat me up! I got banged around on one and was like, ok, I can't ride anymore. It was really hot as well, so I think I was just overall exhausted but I got in bed last night at 9:00. I didn't go to sleep then, but I was out not too long after that.
I think not writing as often is making me rusty because I don't really have the patience or motivation to continue on with this post. So much to say, not enough brain power to get it all out. Next time. Going to a college football game tomorrow (University of Southern California...the fake USC)...another place to make me feel old. But I think it will be fun.
Dream big people!
Anyway, I've decided I really like this phrase "Champagne Problems" because it is pretty much how I feel when I complain about my life. Because I know my life is pretty awesome and comparatively, I have it really good. For instance, waa, my new Blackberry is giving me so problems. My nice new expensive phone I could afford to buy isn't working how I want it to. Right? Champagne Problems. See how this works? So I go through this vicious cycle where I get whiny and complain, but then I get angry with myself because I feel like I shouldn't be whiny, I should be grateful that I don't have real problems like not enough food to eat, clothes to wear, etc. But then, if I don't talk about it or acknowledge that I have problems, things build up and I have a minor meltdown. Like I said, a vicious circle.
But enough about that. Let's talk about how I went to Disneyland on Tuesday and it was fantastic. Anyone that knows me or is a true fan of this blog knows how much I love Disney. There's really no need to go into all the details but to sum it up: Disneyland makes me really happy and I love going there. The parade is quite possibly the best thing in life. And in conclusion, if you don't like Disneyland, I don't want to hear and I also think you are a stupid person (co-worker). So that's that.
We also went to Six Flags and it was fun, although obviously not as fantastic as Disney. I think I'm getting old too because some of the rollercoasters beat me up! I got banged around on one and was like, ok, I can't ride anymore. It was really hot as well, so I think I was just overall exhausted but I got in bed last night at 9:00. I didn't go to sleep then, but I was out not too long after that.
I think not writing as often is making me rusty because I don't really have the patience or motivation to continue on with this post. So much to say, not enough brain power to get it all out. Next time. Going to a college football game tomorrow (University of Southern California...the fake USC)...another place to make me feel old. But I think it will be fun.
Dream big people!
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