What a fantastic Thanksgiving I had! I had my doubts at how things were going to go, but all turned out well, as it always does.
Last Monday I was so sick, I couldn't do anything. I got a stomach bug or something and couldn't even get myself out of bed. I was quite pathetic. I also tried to make round two of the Swiss bread and failed miserably. Beginners luck I guess. I accidentally killed the yeast, so it didn't rise at all. It was also quite pathetic and I was very sad about the whole thing. Thankfully, Tuesday I was able to pull it together, saw some old deli friends and made it up to North Carolina without any problems.
And in North Carolina is where the Thanksgiving insanity began. My family is always insane and this year was no different. It's always a blast, of course and there is always something ridiculous going on with 25 people running around in one house. And, of course, SO much food. We had two turkeys, one of which was 25 pounds and I never even saw the second one, it was gone before I had finished my mashed potatoes. There were about 35 people at actual Thanksgiving lunch, so it's no wonder everything disappeared so quickly.
Friday I tried again with the Swiss bread and was successful this time! There was only one teeny tiny little hiccup. Instead of three cups of milk, I added six because I thought the measuring cup I was using was for one cup when it was really for two. That's what I get for not actually looking at the writing. But it turned out for the best because I just doubled everything and made four loaves and they were all gone within an hour. Thank goodness for my fatty family!
I am so tired and this post is so poorly written, it's getting embarrassing. But, just because it was completely insane, I have to mention my ride home from NC. To make things quick and easy, the carriage top of my uncles car flew off while I was driving down the interstate, then the windshield wipers broke and then we got pulled over by the police. Quite the eventful ride home. Luckily, no one was hurt, the car got us home safely and no tickets or citations were issued by the police. Definitely thankful for that!
Today I got myself some car insurance and had a lovely conversation with a very cute boy. Things are good. Excited that I can finally start listening to Christmas music, baking Christmas goodies and putting up decorations! It's the most wonderful time of the year! Yay!
Dream big people!
29 November 2011
21 November 2011
I'm all over the place right now, but first things first. I got a car today! Wooo hooo! It's just a little younger than me, but it has wheels and can get me out of my house and into the world, so mission accomplished. Why I did not take a picture of it yet, I have no idea, but I'll do that tomorrow. It's cute and I like it so no complaints here. I am so thrilled to be mobile again...feels good. I was a little hungover today from an impromptu marathon Juanita Greenburg's Saturday drink fest so maybe that is why I wasn't in picture taking mode. But, that was totally worth it. Started drinking at 2, and literally, 5 hours, 5-8 beers, 4 shots, and two plates of nachos later, I had spent $8. All thanks to my new "Gay Squad" (their words, not mine) and their Saturday generoristy. It was awesome.
In other news, the AMAs are on TV (I was not the person that turned them on, just so everyone knows) and I would just like to say Jennifer Lopez is ridiculous. I don't know if I've discussed my dislike for her before, but yeah, I'm not a huge fan. I'm just watching her perform in her like, sparkly spandex suit singing about drinking and dancing all night at the club and I'm just like, you are some one's mom, you know? I always think it's a little strange when people who have kids are performing/acting/posing or whatever else and looking all super sexy and whatnot. I mean, flaunt it if you got it I guess but how weird would it be if your mom was half-naked in front of the whole world. Happens all the time, I know, but I still think it's weird. It's obviously not just JLo, but something about her just irks me. Not that she gives a shit, she's rolling in money and I'm cruising around in a 1989 BMW sedan. So who's the winner here?
Anyway, I've also noticed from the stats that I got an influx of readers from Latvia. No idea how or why that happened but what up Latvia?!
OMG-I just saw a commercial for the new Bachelor. I mean, go Ben, but that old woman? Seriously?! Can't handle it. Sometimes I literally just can't deal with TV and it's ridiculousness. I will have to leave the room should that show ever be on in the background.
Last but not least, this girl I know started a website kind of about traveling and stuff and here's the link so check me out : http://llyov.org/647
A true reader and friend already knows this story but there it is in slightly shorter form and on a different website. Does this mean I'm a published author now? Probably.
Making more Swiss bread tonight. Seemed like a good idea a few hours ago but with another two hours of work to go, I'm not so sure anymore. We'll see.
Dream big people!
In other news, the AMAs are on TV (I was not the person that turned them on, just so everyone knows) and I would just like to say Jennifer Lopez is ridiculous. I don't know if I've discussed my dislike for her before, but yeah, I'm not a huge fan. I'm just watching her perform in her like, sparkly spandex suit singing about drinking and dancing all night at the club and I'm just like, you are some one's mom, you know? I always think it's a little strange when people who have kids are performing/acting/posing or whatever else and looking all super sexy and whatnot. I mean, flaunt it if you got it I guess but how weird would it be if your mom was half-naked in front of the whole world. Happens all the time, I know, but I still think it's weird. It's obviously not just JLo, but something about her just irks me. Not that she gives a shit, she's rolling in money and I'm cruising around in a 1989 BMW sedan. So who's the winner here?
Anyway, I've also noticed from the stats that I got an influx of readers from Latvia. No idea how or why that happened but what up Latvia?!
OMG-I just saw a commercial for the new Bachelor. I mean, go Ben, but that old woman? Seriously?! Can't handle it. Sometimes I literally just can't deal with TV and it's ridiculousness. I will have to leave the room should that show ever be on in the background.
Last but not least, this girl I know started a website kind of about traveling and stuff and here's the link so check me out : http://llyov.org/647
A true reader and friend already knows this story but there it is in slightly shorter form and on a different website. Does this mean I'm a published author now? Probably.
Making more Swiss bread tonight. Seemed like a good idea a few hours ago but with another two hours of work to go, I'm not so sure anymore. We'll see.
Dream big people!
19 November 2011
So. Haven't really been doing much with myself lately. I've come down off my bread making high (I'm still really proud) and then I had a really good Wednesday and now here I am doing nothing at all really. Wednesday I had a massage (thanks Mom for the gift certificate!), ran a bunch of errands and took like, the best nap ever. I don't think I got more accomplished after that but that nap was really fantastic.
Between half-ass looking for jobs/cars online, baking and an occasional outing, I have been watching a lot of daytime TV. And wow, it is SO bad. There really is no point in turning it on until like, 4 in the afternoon (when Ellen comes on) because there is NOTHING on during the day. It's awful. I try to record decent evening TV to watch during the day but I've learned my step dad gets a little stingy with the recording space. I have to delete before he finds out I took up some of his space. Man, living at home is the best. Only joking, it's really not bad but he does like to comment on everything I choose to watch. I'm not surprised, though. He likes to comment on anything and everything there is to comment on, even when no one wants to hear it. I am so appreciative of my mom and step dad but they talk A LOT during TV viewing. He also likes to watch TV at an insanely high volume which gets uncomfortable. However, we both like to watch Big Bang reruns so we get along pretty well.
Speaking of being appreciative, my mom is awesome. She bought me all these super cute winter clothes and I really wish I had more of a life so I could wear them all out. I seriously got the cutest jacket ever. I put it on in the store and literally shocked myself. For the most part, I am not a big fan of trying on clothes, or jackets for that matter because I rarely find things that are both cute and fit me well. But I have found jackets that are just that and my mom bought them all for me because she's awesome.
And speaking of cute clothes, I have been watching a What Not to Wear marathon and I have to say, I just LOVE it when the people are grateful and eager for the change.
Oh man, sorry these posts lately have been so terrible. I just don't really have anything interesting to say. Most of my thoughts lately are a little on the pathetic side and I've decided to keep them to myself. You're welcome!
Dream big people!
Oh, and this is my new obsession:
Between half-ass looking for jobs/cars online, baking and an occasional outing, I have been watching a lot of daytime TV. And wow, it is SO bad. There really is no point in turning it on until like, 4 in the afternoon (when Ellen comes on) because there is NOTHING on during the day. It's awful. I try to record decent evening TV to watch during the day but I've learned my step dad gets a little stingy with the recording space. I have to delete before he finds out I took up some of his space. Man, living at home is the best. Only joking, it's really not bad but he does like to comment on everything I choose to watch. I'm not surprised, though. He likes to comment on anything and everything there is to comment on, even when no one wants to hear it. I am so appreciative of my mom and step dad but they talk A LOT during TV viewing. He also likes to watch TV at an insanely high volume which gets uncomfortable. However, we both like to watch Big Bang reruns so we get along pretty well.
Speaking of being appreciative, my mom is awesome. She bought me all these super cute winter clothes and I really wish I had more of a life so I could wear them all out. I seriously got the cutest jacket ever. I put it on in the store and literally shocked myself. For the most part, I am not a big fan of trying on clothes, or jackets for that matter because I rarely find things that are both cute and fit me well. But I have found jackets that are just that and my mom bought them all for me because she's awesome.
And speaking of cute clothes, I have been watching a What Not to Wear marathon and I have to say, I just LOVE it when the people are grateful and eager for the change.
Oh man, sorry these posts lately have been so terrible. I just don't really have anything interesting to say. Most of my thoughts lately are a little on the pathetic side and I've decided to keep them to myself. You're welcome!
Dream big people!
Oh, and this is my new obsession:
17 November 2011
Stuff's been going on. Nothing interesting. Mainly just sleeping and eating. Still no job in case you were wondering.
11.11.11 came and went and nothing exciting happened. I didn't really have high hopes for it, but there was a tiny part of me that just maybe something crazy would happen. Nothing did. I don't even remember what I did that day. I'm that way about full moons too. I don't really think something will happen, but I'm always slightly hopeful something fun and interesting will happen and I'll be all, oh man, it's a full moon! Because that will explain the craziness. I don't know exactly what would constitute a crazy full moon time, but I'll let yall know if it ever happens.
Most of my days have been spent lounging around but today was special. I am just so excited about my day today and it is not even over yet! I know it's not really anything special but today was the first day I actually felt like getting up and doing something with myself. I didn't do anything too impressive, but I was a baking machine and things turned out much better than expected!
I decided I was going to attempt making bread. I'm not sure what exactly came over me, but someone sent me a recipe for a particular kind of Swiss bread and I thought, I can make that. I think that about lots of things and usuall things turn out on the diastrous side. I tend to skim things (like recipes) over and don't research and/or prep enough. It happened with this recipe, as per usual, so ended up with two loaves since I missed that first line that said "enough for two servings." I really don't even need one serving so I don't know what I'm going to do with the two of them, but I have to say, they turned out pretty damn tasty. I was pretty concerned about the final product after the yeast didn't really do what it was supposed to and the dough was being extremely difficult and sticky. The second batch I wrangled in with some flour and it turned out quite nice. I'm not going to lie, I am pretty impressed with myself. I did not think it would turn out well at all and oh la la, it's fantastic! Go me.
The first picture was attempt number one. Looks messy and unappealing, but it was actually pretty yummy. Flour helped get attempt two under control and made everything nicer looking. Also quite tasty. :) Bakery owner? New career path? Probably not.
I also made Nutella brownies that were a little on sad looking side, but they were also pretty delicious. Additionally, I made some cute cards to send off, cleaned the kitchen, took a shower and went the entire day without crying. A successful day if I do say so myself! Like I said, it's not even over yet! Plans to go out tonight.
Dream big people!
11.11.11 came and went and nothing exciting happened. I didn't really have high hopes for it, but there was a tiny part of me that just maybe something crazy would happen. Nothing did. I don't even remember what I did that day. I'm that way about full moons too. I don't really think something will happen, but I'm always slightly hopeful something fun and interesting will happen and I'll be all, oh man, it's a full moon! Because that will explain the craziness. I don't know exactly what would constitute a crazy full moon time, but I'll let yall know if it ever happens.
Most of my days have been spent lounging around but today was special. I am just so excited about my day today and it is not even over yet! I know it's not really anything special but today was the first day I actually felt like getting up and doing something with myself. I didn't do anything too impressive, but I was a baking machine and things turned out much better than expected!
I decided I was going to attempt making bread. I'm not sure what exactly came over me, but someone sent me a recipe for a particular kind of Swiss bread and I thought, I can make that. I think that about lots of things and usuall things turn out on the diastrous side. I tend to skim things (like recipes) over and don't research and/or prep enough. It happened with this recipe, as per usual, so ended up with two loaves since I missed that first line that said "enough for two servings." I really don't even need one serving so I don't know what I'm going to do with the two of them, but I have to say, they turned out pretty damn tasty. I was pretty concerned about the final product after the yeast didn't really do what it was supposed to and the dough was being extremely difficult and sticky. The second batch I wrangled in with some flour and it turned out quite nice. I'm not going to lie, I am pretty impressed with myself. I did not think it would turn out well at all and oh la la, it's fantastic! Go me.
The first picture was attempt number one. Looks messy and unappealing, but it was actually pretty yummy. Flour helped get attempt two under control and made everything nicer looking. Also quite tasty. :) Bakery owner? New career path? Probably not.
I also made Nutella brownies that were a little on sad looking side, but they were also pretty delicious. Additionally, I made some cute cards to send off, cleaned the kitchen, took a shower and went the entire day without crying. A successful day if I do say so myself! Like I said, it's not even over yet! Plans to go out tonight.
Dream big people!
07 November 2011
Well. I'm here. I haven't really been up to writing. One, there hasn't been anything too exciting happening and also I have been super exhausted. I still haven't been sleeping all that well and I don't have a lot of energy or motivation to type. Still applies now, so sorry if this is lame.
Most of my days have been spent sleeping and/or eating. I have been trying to get back into the Jenny habits of dieting and exercising but it's not working out that well for me. For starters, sleeping is not exercise. I realllly wish it was, but I think I'm going to have to put in a little more effort than that. And, with my limited supply of funds, I don't think a gym membership is a good investment for me right now. Which means, running/walking is really my only option. Yes, I know I could do some sort of work out regime at home but I really just don't have the will power for that. I did get out there for a run/walk the other day. So boring. I try to go different ways so I don't get bored of the scenery, but it doesn't usually work for me.
Blah blah blah. Let's talk about positive things about being home. The previous paragraph is boring me. Since I've been home, the weather has been pretty nice. I've eaten a lot of really good food and I've gotten to see some lovely family and friends. Let's talk food. I went to a shrimp festival that had a bunch of different restaurants each with a different dish. There were some of the best shrimp dishes I have ever had, and never thought I would have. For example, shrimp and waffles. I thought I was being crazy eating chicken and waffles, and I had my doubts about this dish, but it was really really tasty. A Gullah restaurant had seafood casserole and some amazing brown rice. Sadly most of the restaurants ran out of food before I got to sample all of them, but everything I had was delicious. I've also eaten some homemade salmon and mussels (delicious) and had crab cake benedict for brunch today and put myself into a food coma. You just cannot beat the seafood here. I was trying to explain how fantastic the seafood is here to some goober foreigner I know but he doesn't think things get any better than Bubba Gump Shrimp Company in Santa Monica. He is obviously a crazy fool. I'm trying to get him to come here and see for himself. He's also under the impression he can go turkey hunting here so I'm trying to figure out how to make that happen as well.
Oh my, this is so lame. To conclude, I was having serious doubts about my decision to leave as I was leaving LA, but I think now I've done the right thing. I'm trying to relax and get some rest so I have the energy to figure out what to do with myself next. Everyone wants to know and as soon as I know, I'll let everyone else know. I promise.Sorry this was the worst post ever.
Dream big people!
Most of my days have been spent sleeping and/or eating. I have been trying to get back into the Jenny habits of dieting and exercising but it's not working out that well for me. For starters, sleeping is not exercise. I realllly wish it was, but I think I'm going to have to put in a little more effort than that. And, with my limited supply of funds, I don't think a gym membership is a good investment for me right now. Which means, running/walking is really my only option. Yes, I know I could do some sort of work out regime at home but I really just don't have the will power for that. I did get out there for a run/walk the other day. So boring. I try to go different ways so I don't get bored of the scenery, but it doesn't usually work for me.
Blah blah blah. Let's talk about positive things about being home. The previous paragraph is boring me. Since I've been home, the weather has been pretty nice. I've eaten a lot of really good food and I've gotten to see some lovely family and friends. Let's talk food. I went to a shrimp festival that had a bunch of different restaurants each with a different dish. There were some of the best shrimp dishes I have ever had, and never thought I would have. For example, shrimp and waffles. I thought I was being crazy eating chicken and waffles, and I had my doubts about this dish, but it was really really tasty. A Gullah restaurant had seafood casserole and some amazing brown rice. Sadly most of the restaurants ran out of food before I got to sample all of them, but everything I had was delicious. I've also eaten some homemade salmon and mussels (delicious) and had crab cake benedict for brunch today and put myself into a food coma. You just cannot beat the seafood here. I was trying to explain how fantastic the seafood is here to some goober foreigner I know but he doesn't think things get any better than Bubba Gump Shrimp Company in Santa Monica. He is obviously a crazy fool. I'm trying to get him to come here and see for himself. He's also under the impression he can go turkey hunting here so I'm trying to figure out how to make that happen as well.
Oh my, this is so lame. To conclude, I was having serious doubts about my decision to leave as I was leaving LA, but I think now I've done the right thing. I'm trying to relax and get some rest so I have the energy to figure out what to do with myself next. Everyone wants to know and as soon as I know, I'll let everyone else know. I promise.Sorry this was the worst post ever.
Dream big people!
01 November 2011
I have one full day left in LA. This is crazy and I can't really wrap my mind around it. I am excited and I am ready for the next chapter of my life but it still is just surreal to me. Especially since I have, literally, no idea what I'm going to do with myself over the next few weeks. Or ever, really. Keep checking in, I guess.
To celebrate my amazing time in LA, I got a small little tattoo. Sorry family, I'm sure you're disappointed in me, but when you start getting angry...just think about my ridiculous brother and his tats, that are significantly larger and more obvious than mine. You can also just remember how fantastic I am and stop being mad, and start being awesome instead. So simple.
Anyway, been having a food fest here in LA lately. Went to "House of Pies" tonight and it was pretty damn delicious. I think my last meal is going to be In-N-Out. There is so much goodness to choose from, but I'm going to keep it simple.
I have almost everything packed and ready to go. Fingers crossed so hard my luggage is not overweight. You can cross yours as well, thanks.
Still not really able to process all this. I'm going to read my new book, "Little-Known Facts About Disneyland" and get some sleep.
Dream big people!
To celebrate my amazing time in LA, I got a small little tattoo. Sorry family, I'm sure you're disappointed in me, but when you start getting angry...just think about my ridiculous brother and his tats, that are significantly larger and more obvious than mine. You can also just remember how fantastic I am and stop being mad, and start being awesome instead. So simple.
Anyway, been having a food fest here in LA lately. Went to "House of Pies" tonight and it was pretty damn delicious. I think my last meal is going to be In-N-Out. There is so much goodness to choose from, but I'm going to keep it simple.
I have almost everything packed and ready to go. Fingers crossed so hard my luggage is not overweight. You can cross yours as well, thanks.
Still not really able to process all this. I'm going to read my new book, "Little-Known Facts About Disneyland" and get some sleep.
Dream big people!
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