I am currently sitting in my apartment, stealing wifi from somewhere and it is actually working! Love it! I had major difficulties at Korean Starbucks this afternoon, I was NOT a happy camper. Not only did my stupid drink cost 5,000 won (like $5) but apparently you have to some sort of ID nonsense and sign up and blah blah blah to get on the internet there. I was pretty furious. I had this whole plan to sit at Starbucks, write emails, do stuff, la de dah but instead it took like, 30 minutes to just find internet to get on and then, after all that mess, my computer had like, 30% battery left. Which was another reason to be angry. You see, I bought an adapter yesterday and guess what! It's not the right kind! I went with a girl that I thought knew what she was talking about when she advised me to buy this one. Lesson learned-pretty much never listen to other people because they're probably a moron. The adapter is actually for Koreans to take with them overseas. It works only if I wedge the plug in between something, or it falls out. Also, my computer can be really temperamental and slow sometimes and it drive me insane. It is constantly updating, scanning or reprogramming something and I have no idea whats going on. Most annoying. And I can't really buy a new one because I am not getting paid until April 7 and every time I turn around I have to pay for something new. A health check up, internet (finally getting it installed Friday!), cough medicine, etc. Plus I went to the Korean dollar tree (won tree?) this weekend and lost my mind. It is exploding with cuteness, I can't take it. I tried to stick to necessities for my apartment, but it was hard with so much cute in my face. Also, turns out, where I live is expensive compared to the rest of Korea since it's a big city. It's cool, lots of stuff, very modern...but very expensive. Boo.
Anyway, I also had a bitching sore throat this weekend, which was not fun at all. I was a pretty sad sack Saturday night. I didn't have anything to make hot water or anything else to help soothe it and it was pretty miserable. I was dying for some hot milk and honey but I had none of that. Honey is pretty expensive here and people are kind of stingy with it, I found out the next day. I'm feeling better now but have since developed a lovely cough to go along with it. I think it's the change in the weather, plus new air and all that. It's sooo freaking cold here! Today it was 19 degrees when I left for work! I really don't remember the last time I was somewhere that cold. Thank GOODNESS someone awesome bought me some winter gear before I left or I would be dying right now.
Today we started setting up our classrooms and all that jazz. I got a little taste of the nonsensical mess that will be this year. I mean, the school is pretty organized as far as curriculum and all that, but it's a very roundabout system and there are some ridiculous practices going on. For instance, each classroom is pretty much set up the same way. Each one has a felt calendar with Velcro so you can move around the dates and some sort of system of smiley and frowny faces to give to good and bad kids. Ok, so when you move rooms, you can just leave that kind of stuff in the room, right? Because it's ALL THE SAME....just like, different colors and shapes. Nope, we had to take the stuff from the old room and move it to the new room and vice versa. Again, it's all the same. And instead of just leaving up the crap like numbers, letters, body parts, etc in the new room, it all had to come down. Makes no sense. And super wasteful because we threw away a lot of the crap that we will, at some point, need again.
Another example. Last week they told me I would have to do a health check sometime this week and stressed that it was really important that I not eat anything before because they had to draw blood. Never heard that, but ok fine. They never said when it was, just this week sometime. This morning, they say, are you ready for your health check? Well, ok, yes, but I ate this morning...no one told me it was today. What? Why did you eat?! You have to go to your health check! What the hell! Also, they asked if I had passport photos to take with me. Again, no one told me I needed such things. Why would I have those?!? Whatever. I feel like this year is going to be a lot of smiling and nodding and just moving on with life. Hopefully I can remember that or I'm going to go insane. Another strange thing-we had a meeting for the teachers this morning, but only the foreign (me, Canadians, Brits, etc) teachers and not the Korean teachers. Which makes zero sense because they are supposed to be co-teachers, not assistants (we have actual assistants that clean up, serve food, pass out papers, etc). Especially later when my co-teacher and I are talking and she is either asking me about things we discussed in the meeting or telling me things we already went over in the meeting. Why we couldn't all be together, I have no idea.
Good thing is, I have some internet in my apartment. I got my health check post-poned until tomorrow and I am feeling a teensy bit better. And, in the event my throat flares up again, I have milk AND a pot to heat it up in. No honey, but I do have some Nutella. For some bad news, my hair looks like total garbage and it's quite depressing. I'm embarrassed by it. The kids last week told me I looked like a grandma...apparently Korean grandmas are the only people with curly hair. Fine with me, at least I don't look like a high schooler to them.
Things are good, though. Here is a picture of my cute apartment "kitchen" and the city. Haven't taken many photos yet...it's too cold to take my hands out of my pockets outside. I will soon.
That thing on the wall is my drying rack...I did some laundry! I just pushed some random buttons on the machine and thankfully didn't ruin anything! Gonna get a translation soon...
Dream big people!
27 February 2012
25 February 2012
Weekend Update
Ohhhh, my goodness people. So sorry it's been forever since I posted but life has been a ridiculous whirlwind of activity, plus I don't have internet at my new apartment yet so posting has been put on the back burner. But, let's do a review.
First off, had the BEST visit ever with one my favorite people in the world. Three weeks of just total happiness. So great, can't say enough good things about it. So thankful and so lucky it happened, I sometimes still can't even believe it's real.
And now, here I am in KOREA, and I am also having a hard time believing it's real. I mean, it is just too bizarre for words. A true roller coaster of emotions. Saying goodbye at the Charleston airport, being a sad sack, packing in a frenzy, saying goodbye again over hamburgers and Groucho's, saying hello to great friends in LA, having a really fun day and a half, a 14 hour plane ride and helllloooo Korea. So nuts. The plane ride was much better than expected. It actually went by pretty fast and was quite comfortable. The Korean flight attendants were just insane...so put together and fancy looking...I loved it. The food was good, I got to play Tetris and the guy next to me got up a bunch of times, which was awesome because then I could up and go to the bathroom without annoying him a bunch of times. I also read my awesome new book about Saturday Night Live, which I was pretty much obsessed with. I finished it today and am super sad about that...also sad the book only goes up to 2002 because I would love to read more about the current cast. Oh well, it at least had a little my fave, Jimmy Fallon. I was discussing the book with a teacher here and surprise, surprise, he's not a Jimmy fan. So he's obviously a total loser. Just kidding.
Anyway, so many changes and stuff going on here! So little internet time until my computer dies at Quizno's (still don't have an adapter). I'll just hit the big stuff. My apartment is a studio, so it's pretty tiny, but I love it. It's all mine, I don't have to share it with anyone and apparently I lucked out big time because I have curtains. I also have a non-functional TV, heated floors and a good sized fridge. I feel pretty fortunate. The bed is hard as a rock (I'm pretty sure it's a box spring, not a mattress), but hopefully it will be good for my back. It's not uncomfortable to sleep on, but not particularly comfy either. but I do have nice fluffy pillows and a soft comforter, so no complaints. My toilet is normal and my shower has a door, so that is also something to be happy about (so I've been told). When I got here, my friend Jessica met me at the airport and then came "home" with me, so I got a lot of info from her about what is good and what's not. She thinks I'm very lucky and I'm sticking with that since she's been here two years now. I also felt very lucky she met me there because I'm pretty sure I would have been a mess without her. A 14 hour plane ride is pretty exhausting and not only helped me exchange money, find food, pay for a bus ticket, make a phone call and figure out where to go, but she also helped drag my heavy ass suitcases around and I am SO grateful.
Oh yeah, and my apartment also has a sensor light, and instead of a key, I have a code that lets me in. I think that is pretty awesome. The sensor light just pleases me to no end. I live in a high rise building, which I think is pretty bad ass. Honestly, I kind of feel like I moved to Koreatown in Los Angeles, only with better public transportation. It is a huge city, lots of big buildings, all kinds of stores (lots of "western" stuff), and tons of people. Weird thing is, the people all look the same and I feel a little out of place. No one acts weird, but I am definitely like, oh wow, I am the only non Korean person here. Like I said, I'm at Quiznos right now (I don't really want to attempt an authentic Korean restaurant by myself just yet) and across the street is a Jamba Juice and a Starbucks...as well as a "Waffle Bant" that looks delicious and I'll be trying it asap.
And the school! It's nuts. There are a ton of little kids running around, screaming all the time but everything is really nice and new and sooo cute! It's all decorated and just overall precious looking. I spent the first few days just observing, which was interesting for about an hour and then my butt fell asleep and I wanted to pass out. Jet lag is a bitch! I feel a little more normal today but I was totally dragging the first days. Just sitting around watching didn't help things so I'm ready to get in the game and start doing stuff. The kids come next week so we have a week of planning. From what I've seen, the kids are SO sticking cute. And SMART! Holy shit, I sat in on a 7 year old class and the kids were pretty much fluent and learning about space....they knew more about the planets and stars than I did! And in a second language! Makes me feel like a total fool. Fortunately, I will have beginner 6 year olds so I can feel smart again, for the first few months anyway. But maybe not since I cannot, for the life of me, remember how to say pretty much anything in Korean. I keep trying to remember hello and thank you, but my brain hasn't really been working.
The people at the school are all really nice and friendly as well. Yesterday was "graduation" (OH MY GOD-the most ridiculous spectacle I have ever witnessed, more another time) and afterwards we all went to dinner (Italian, oddly enough) and it was a lot of fun. Two teachers are leaving...one I'm sad about because she's really nice and the other I'm kind of glad because he is a talkative know it all. All the guy teachers there are married to Korean women, which I find odd but it seems to be pretty normal around here. I am the only actual newcomer to Korea, which is good and bad. Bad only because people tend to assume I know what's going on because everyone else does. Good because when they remember that I have no freaking clue as to what is going on, they're super helpful. Oh, and so far the food has been really good at school. They have kimchee every day, but they also have other non-spicy food that's tasty. Also, they have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches available for the "foreigners." Which is just fine with me because I love me some PB&Js. A few days I ate both because since I got here, I've pretty much been insatiable. Not sure what's going on with that.
Anyway, that is all for now. I've been in Quiznos for an uncomfortable amount of time now. Also, someone just came in and set a cat in a cage down beside me. No thanks (sorry Kelley!)
I really miss everyone. Not like, I wish I hadn't done this...because I'm really excited about my year and all the new things going on, but more like, I wish all my friends and family were here with me. I think part of it has been not being able to get in touch with people, with no phone and internet, the last week so hopefully that will go away when I can Skype and such. Once I can, you people best be setting dates with me! I have a super handy time chart I can send to you, if you like. Also, once I figure out where my mailbox is, I would love to get some letters. Care packages will have to be sent to the school. Feel free to request the address. I don't really need anything at this point, but I'll keep yall posted.
Dream big people!
First off, had the BEST visit ever with one my favorite people in the world. Three weeks of just total happiness. So great, can't say enough good things about it. So thankful and so lucky it happened, I sometimes still can't even believe it's real.
And now, here I am in KOREA, and I am also having a hard time believing it's real. I mean, it is just too bizarre for words. A true roller coaster of emotions. Saying goodbye at the Charleston airport, being a sad sack, packing in a frenzy, saying goodbye again over hamburgers and Groucho's, saying hello to great friends in LA, having a really fun day and a half, a 14 hour plane ride and helllloooo Korea. So nuts. The plane ride was much better than expected. It actually went by pretty fast and was quite comfortable. The Korean flight attendants were just insane...so put together and fancy looking...I loved it. The food was good, I got to play Tetris and the guy next to me got up a bunch of times, which was awesome because then I could up and go to the bathroom without annoying him a bunch of times. I also read my awesome new book about Saturday Night Live, which I was pretty much obsessed with. I finished it today and am super sad about that...also sad the book only goes up to 2002 because I would love to read more about the current cast. Oh well, it at least had a little my fave, Jimmy Fallon. I was discussing the book with a teacher here and surprise, surprise, he's not a Jimmy fan. So he's obviously a total loser. Just kidding.
Anyway, so many changes and stuff going on here! So little internet time until my computer dies at Quizno's (still don't have an adapter). I'll just hit the big stuff. My apartment is a studio, so it's pretty tiny, but I love it. It's all mine, I don't have to share it with anyone and apparently I lucked out big time because I have curtains. I also have a non-functional TV, heated floors and a good sized fridge. I feel pretty fortunate. The bed is hard as a rock (I'm pretty sure it's a box spring, not a mattress), but hopefully it will be good for my back. It's not uncomfortable to sleep on, but not particularly comfy either. but I do have nice fluffy pillows and a soft comforter, so no complaints. My toilet is normal and my shower has a door, so that is also something to be happy about (so I've been told). When I got here, my friend Jessica met me at the airport and then came "home" with me, so I got a lot of info from her about what is good and what's not. She thinks I'm very lucky and I'm sticking with that since she's been here two years now. I also felt very lucky she met me there because I'm pretty sure I would have been a mess without her. A 14 hour plane ride is pretty exhausting and not only helped me exchange money, find food, pay for a bus ticket, make a phone call and figure out where to go, but she also helped drag my heavy ass suitcases around and I am SO grateful.
Oh yeah, and my apartment also has a sensor light, and instead of a key, I have a code that lets me in. I think that is pretty awesome. The sensor light just pleases me to no end. I live in a high rise building, which I think is pretty bad ass. Honestly, I kind of feel like I moved to Koreatown in Los Angeles, only with better public transportation. It is a huge city, lots of big buildings, all kinds of stores (lots of "western" stuff), and tons of people. Weird thing is, the people all look the same and I feel a little out of place. No one acts weird, but I am definitely like, oh wow, I am the only non Korean person here. Like I said, I'm at Quiznos right now (I don't really want to attempt an authentic Korean restaurant by myself just yet) and across the street is a Jamba Juice and a Starbucks...as well as a "Waffle Bant" that looks delicious and I'll be trying it asap.
And the school! It's nuts. There are a ton of little kids running around, screaming all the time but everything is really nice and new and sooo cute! It's all decorated and just overall precious looking. I spent the first few days just observing, which was interesting for about an hour and then my butt fell asleep and I wanted to pass out. Jet lag is a bitch! I feel a little more normal today but I was totally dragging the first days. Just sitting around watching didn't help things so I'm ready to get in the game and start doing stuff. The kids come next week so we have a week of planning. From what I've seen, the kids are SO sticking cute. And SMART! Holy shit, I sat in on a 7 year old class and the kids were pretty much fluent and learning about space....they knew more about the planets and stars than I did! And in a second language! Makes me feel like a total fool. Fortunately, I will have beginner 6 year olds so I can feel smart again, for the first few months anyway. But maybe not since I cannot, for the life of me, remember how to say pretty much anything in Korean. I keep trying to remember hello and thank you, but my brain hasn't really been working.
The people at the school are all really nice and friendly as well. Yesterday was "graduation" (OH MY GOD-the most ridiculous spectacle I have ever witnessed, more another time) and afterwards we all went to dinner (Italian, oddly enough) and it was a lot of fun. Two teachers are leaving...one I'm sad about because she's really nice and the other I'm kind of glad because he is a talkative know it all. All the guy teachers there are married to Korean women, which I find odd but it seems to be pretty normal around here. I am the only actual newcomer to Korea, which is good and bad. Bad only because people tend to assume I know what's going on because everyone else does. Good because when they remember that I have no freaking clue as to what is going on, they're super helpful. Oh, and so far the food has been really good at school. They have kimchee every day, but they also have other non-spicy food that's tasty. Also, they have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches available for the "foreigners." Which is just fine with me because I love me some PB&Js. A few days I ate both because since I got here, I've pretty much been insatiable. Not sure what's going on with that.
Anyway, that is all for now. I've been in Quiznos for an uncomfortable amount of time now. Also, someone just came in and set a cat in a cage down beside me. No thanks (sorry Kelley!)
I really miss everyone. Not like, I wish I hadn't done this...because I'm really excited about my year and all the new things going on, but more like, I wish all my friends and family were here with me. I think part of it has been not being able to get in touch with people, with no phone and internet, the last week so hopefully that will go away when I can Skype and such. Once I can, you people best be setting dates with me! I have a super handy time chart I can send to you, if you like. Also, once I figure out where my mailbox is, I would love to get some letters. Care packages will have to be sent to the school. Feel free to request the address. I don't really need anything at this point, but I'll keep yall posted.
Dream big people!
15 February 2012
Oh Happy Day
Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!! Real friends know I love this day and this years is the BEST so far. I have gotten some fantastic gifts and the day has only just begun. I am currently typing this on a German (Swiss German technically) so forgive the mistakes. I cant figure out where the apostrophe is so sorry my contractions are not correct. And if you see a z where a y is supposed to be, its because they are switched on this keyboard.
Also, sorry I have been so slack on blogging. Ive had a guest and been preoccupied. For an update: things are GREAT, thezre going to suck Wednesday but will hopefully pick up again on Saturday when I leave for LA and then Monday when I leave for Seoul!!!!! CRAZYYYYY. I really cant believe its really happening, just like I cant really believe the last 3 weeks have been for real.
More soon....some pictures too. Hope everyone is feeling nice and loved today. If you're reading this, I probably love you!!! Happy V-day!!!!!
Here are some random funny German symbols on this computer: ö ä ü ¨^ ç.
Dream big people++++ (that is what shows up when I try to make a !) Kisses, friends :)
PS-So sad about Whitney!!! I will always love you AND I wanna dance with somebody. I wanna make a heart but cant find the less than sign on here.
Also, sorry I have been so slack on blogging. Ive had a guest and been preoccupied. For an update: things are GREAT, thezre going to suck Wednesday but will hopefully pick up again on Saturday when I leave for LA and then Monday when I leave for Seoul!!!!! CRAZYYYYY. I really cant believe its really happening, just like I cant really believe the last 3 weeks have been for real.
More soon....some pictures too. Hope everyone is feeling nice and loved today. If you're reading this, I probably love you!!! Happy V-day!!!!!
Here are some random funny German symbols on this computer: ö ä ü ¨^ ç.
Dream big people++++ (that is what shows up when I try to make a !) Kisses, friends :)
PS-So sad about Whitney!!! I will always love you AND I wanna dance with somebody. I wanna make a heart but cant find the less than sign on here.
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