Ohhh man, I just had a fantastic weekend. Seriously. So much fun. I love Korea.
Korea claims to not really "do" Halloween but I think they are more into it than they want to admit. We are dressing up for school on Wednesday and everyone there is getting pretty excited about it. I usually am not that into Halloween but this year I bought the most awesome costume I think I've ever had...except one year when I was an ice skater and went around on roller blades...that was pretty badass. Anyway, this year I purchased a full body panda onsie. AMAZING. It is so fantastic. The best part is that it was sooo cheap. It's technically "pajamas" but I don't think I would really want to sleep in it. I mean, I would because it's comfy and warm, but if I ever had to get up to go to the bathroom at night, it would be a huge pain in the ass. Anyway, it's great and I can't wait for my kids to see it, they are going to lose their minds!
There was also a lot of Halloween-y stuff going on Saturday. I didn't wear the panda suit out then because it was raining, so I was Minnie Mouse again. Not as good as a costume this year since I didn't have the real ears, but I looked ok. There were a lot of other really good costumes though. There were some Koreans dressed up as well. A friend did her face all up as a sugar skull (or something) and people kept stopping her to ask for pictures. It was cool but it made our walk to the bar talk a long time.
After the bar we went to a club that played the most random ridiculous music I have ever heard at a club. Everything from Rage Against the Machine to Queen to the girl that sings that Call Me Maybe song. And Gangnam Style, of course! I injured myself dancing to Gangnam Style, but I just danced it off. The club also cracked me up because instead of an X on your hand, they stamped you with an I heart you stamp. They also have lockers for all your stuff, which is awesome. Get on that, America!
I spent most of the rest of the weekend sleeping and/or eating, so overall, a fantastic weekend. I also bought some Halloween decor for my classroom and the kids were super excited about it today. I just love holiday season! I love all the decorations. I can't wait for Christmas! Cherry class is going to be a Winter Wonderland and it's going to be AWESOME.
Dream big people!
29 October 2012
25 October 2012
Lemon the Koala
Today I discovered a new fantastic way to entertain myself in class. Make the kids write totally ridiculous sentences and then draw a picture to go with it. We have this writing book that is very very silly...not that it's funny but that it's "draw and write" and they have to draw some really random things. Like a pick up truck. Which wouldn't be so bad but there are also vocabulary words that go with it and trying to explain what "feed" is to Korean 5 year olds is not fun. No no, not feed yourself, but feed, like it's food. Feed is food that farmers feed to animals.
ANYWAY. Today we had to write a sentence about a koala. Other than the pick up truck, the drawings have all been animals and I always have the kids name it. They kind of suck at this, they always suggest months (July the puppy), things at school (PSA the snail) or their friends...which I don't allow. They chose Lemon for the koala so whatever. And usually we write sentences about the animals doing animaly things...like, "July the puppy likes to sleep and play. She chews bones." Boring things like that. So today I'm getting sentence suggestions and we get "Lemon the Koala climbs trees all day. She likes to eat leaves." Then I ask them, what does she do at night? Does she go dancing? Go to parties? I was thinking they would be all, nooooo! She sleeps! (They do that a lot) but they were all, YES!! She goes dancing!! So I was all, uhh, ok, you are the most awesome kids ever. So the last sentence of the paragraph was, "At night she goes to dance parties." And it turned out to be the most entertaining thing ever. First off, the kids all have to read the sentences to me, and I laughed every time one did. All twenty times. Then, they have to draw a picture to go with it and then I was just dying! It was so fantastic. But the best part? They are all OBSESSED with Gangnam Style so duh, Lemon was dancing the Gangnam Style dance! She was all, Oppa Lemon the Koala Style! I was laughing so hard. So yeah, that is my new plan...put animals in completely ridiculous situations and then see how the kids do a visual representation of it. I can't wait. Here are some pics of the best ones I got today:
Then we had a goodbye party for our assistant teacher and it was sad. But also hilarious because we gave them bugles and they all put them on their fingers like goobers and started yelling, "more fingernails please!"
I love this job so much.
Dream big people!
ANYWAY. Today we had to write a sentence about a koala. Other than the pick up truck, the drawings have all been animals and I always have the kids name it. They kind of suck at this, they always suggest months (July the puppy), things at school (PSA the snail) or their friends...which I don't allow. They chose Lemon for the koala so whatever. And usually we write sentences about the animals doing animaly things...like, "July the puppy likes to sleep and play. She chews bones." Boring things like that. So today I'm getting sentence suggestions and we get "Lemon the Koala climbs trees all day. She likes to eat leaves." Then I ask them, what does she do at night? Does she go dancing? Go to parties? I was thinking they would be all, nooooo! She sleeps! (They do that a lot) but they were all, YES!! She goes dancing!! So I was all, uhh, ok, you are the most awesome kids ever. So the last sentence of the paragraph was, "At night she goes to dance parties." And it turned out to be the most entertaining thing ever. First off, the kids all have to read the sentences to me, and I laughed every time one did. All twenty times. Then, they have to draw a picture to go with it and then I was just dying! It was so fantastic. But the best part? They are all OBSESSED with Gangnam Style so duh, Lemon was dancing the Gangnam Style dance! She was all, Oppa Lemon the Koala Style! I was laughing so hard. So yeah, that is my new plan...put animals in completely ridiculous situations and then see how the kids do a visual representation of it. I can't wait. Here are some pics of the best ones I got today:
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Even though it's a tree, Lemon looks a little scandalous here. |
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Definitely the best Gangnam Style representation |
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Club Koala...complete with a CD player. Heyyyy Sexxyyy Lemmmooon |
I love this job so much.
Dream big people!
15 October 2012
Heyyyyy Sexy Laddyy
Sooo, got to see Psy do Gangnam Style live and in person this weekend!!! It was such a good weekend!! We were waaay far back and it was crowded as all hell, but it was still so so fun! And I was still able to see Psy's ballin bedazzled tuxedo, so I am very happy.
The weekend was not what I was really expecting (nothing in Korea ever is), but it was a blast. I mainly went for Psy and KPOP, but there was also an Formula One race going on, so I watched that as well. Whoa, F1 is some loud shit. The race was interesting, but not quite as exciting as I was hoping. Not for me, anyway. Some people were REALLY into the race. Way more people than I would have though, actually. F1 is apparently a lot bigger in other countries. There were lots of people from South Africa, England and Ireland in my tour group that were really into the races. They had flags and shirts and everything! One guy even bought a hat for $70! That is dedication! I met some super fun people as well...I love going on these trips. I always meet such hilarious and fun people from all over the place.
Again, the races were fun but I had way more fun at the concerts and also the folk village we stayed in. We got to the village really late at night, but were able to do some exploring in the morning. And we found puppies! Lots of other stuff happened, but I got home at 1:30 in the morning and now my brain doesn't work. So here's a video to enjoy! HOORAY PSY!!!
The weekend was not what I was really expecting (nothing in Korea ever is), but it was a blast. I mainly went for Psy and KPOP, but there was also an Formula One race going on, so I watched that as well. Whoa, F1 is some loud shit. The race was interesting, but not quite as exciting as I was hoping. Not for me, anyway. Some people were REALLY into the race. Way more people than I would have though, actually. F1 is apparently a lot bigger in other countries. There were lots of people from South Africa, England and Ireland in my tour group that were really into the races. They had flags and shirts and everything! One guy even bought a hat for $70! That is dedication! I met some super fun people as well...I love going on these trips. I always meet such hilarious and fun people from all over the place.
Again, the races were fun but I had way more fun at the concerts and also the folk village we stayed in. We got to the village really late at night, but were able to do some exploring in the morning. And we found puppies! Lots of other stuff happened, but I got home at 1:30 in the morning and now my brain doesn't work. So here's a video to enjoy! HOORAY PSY!!!
09 October 2012
Pros and Cons
Now just imagine The Roots singing "Pros and Cons" like they do on Jimmy Fallon. Oh wait, no one knows what I'm talking about because everyone except me hates Jimmy Fallon and that is becuase nobody's smart but meeeeee.
Anyway. Things are good..and sometimes bad here in Korea. So I decided to hash out some of the pros and cons here just because. Also, I doubt anyone really wants to hear this conversation in person, so why not put it here where you can stop reading if you don't find it interesting.
So let's start with the bad. Sometimes these things don't bother me, sometimes they are small annoyances and sometimes they all happen at one time and I'm all, I haaaaatttteeee Korea, waaaaa. But I don't really mean it. I love Korea, but it can be frustrating.
Frustration #1: online banking. OOOOHHHH MY GOD. Seriously. It is the most frustrating mess of all time. You legit have to jump through at least 5 different security hoops to transfer money home. I guess it's good for identify theft or something, but Saturday morning I almost threw my computer across the room. Then I remembered it was my only way to watch Downton Abbey, so I stopped myself. Anyway, I think I've discussed this nonsense before so moving on.
#2: The grocery store. Today I really almost cried from disappointment when I couldn't find avocados in the grocery store. I heard a rumor they were at the store down the street, but I guess it was a limited time only type of thing because I couldn't find any. And to pour salt in the wound, I wandered over to the cheese aisle only to be crushed some more.
#3: This is not really unique to Korea, but I can't imagine this happening in the states. This fucking California bar that is downstairs in my apartment building. I think I only ranted about it on fb, but basically it's a stupid bar that only serves coffee and beer and is apparently open late, like most coffee shops in Korea (omg, Koreans and their coffee..another paragraph for later). Anyway, a few nights now, there has been some big shindig down there and people are just crazy loud at like, 12:30-1:00 in the morning. Yeah, I know I'm a grandma but both times now it's been a weeknight (Thursday and Monday) and it has really pissed me off. First off, who puts a bar in an apartment building?? And secondly, there is a security guard stand literally right across from this place. Why doesn't he tell them to shut the hell up?? I seriously wonder if I am the only person that is bothered by this noise. I considered throwing an egg at them last night (I'm close enough) but then I decided I didn't want to waste the egg. I hate this stupid place. And they are not even open in the morning for me to get coffee on my way to work! I am officially boycotting California. Screw you! That is not even a good name...you are not a state, coffee/beer bar!
#4: Personal space issues. Koreans are really not into giving anyone their personal space. I get it, it's a small country with a shit ton of people..not a lot of space for everyone. But, when I am trying to get off the elevator or the subway, get the fuck out of the door. You can't even get on until I get out or off, so why not let me before you start shoving your way in. The ajummas (grandmas) are the worst. People literally throw elbows. I don't want to knock down an old woman, but for real. Move. It must be learned at a really early age though because the kids do it in the bathroom at school They stand less than an inch away from the bathroom stall and have one foot in there before you are out. I had to give a lecture today. Not sure my "you are being extremely rude" had much of an impact on the 5 year old. But she needed to know.
#5: Lack of sandwich/salad shops. I miss a good sandwich. And I can't even really buy the stuff to make my own. Well, I could maybe find most of the things, but all the ingredients together would cost me around $20. Imported goods. Sigh. I found a place the other day that said "build your own sandwich" and got so excited to try it out for dinner. When I got there they told me they were completely sold out of sandwiches. Another crushing food disappointment. It happens at least once a week.
#6: The AC situation. As discussed before, my own AC has caused me a lot of expensive heartache in the past. But, I have also discovered that once fall hits, nearly all Korean stores decide it's cool enough to turn off the AC, regardless of the temperature outside. The past few weeks I have endured some very uncomfortable shopping and subway rides. I'm not sure who is in charge of all that, but they are not increasing business. At least not from me, I couldn't wait to get out of those stores, even though there were a good many things I needed to purchase.
#7: The puppy tease. There are quite a few specialty puppy shops here, including one in EMart (Korean Target). First off, these puppies are INSANELY cute. I am tempted to take one home every time I see them. However, I recently learned they are crazy expensive. I was looking at one, and was like, oh look, this one isn't terrible (not that I was going to buy it), but it was 186,000 won..about $167. Then someone pointed out to me that that was PER MONTH, for six months. So it cost $1,000 Then my mind was blown because the puppy next to that was 366, 500 won per month, so it cost almost $2,000. WHHHATTTT. Who would spend that much money on a dog?! And on top of that, why are they selling this kind of dog at a Wal-Mart esque place?!?! Jeeeez. But the worst part is that they won't even let you pet these precious puppies. Korean pet stores, you are so mean! I hate you! Puppies need love too! Even expensive ones!
Ok, so now for some pros. Because for real, Korea is awesome.
#1: Call buttons on the tables at restaurants. GENIUS. Can't hunt down your waiter but you reallllly need some more ssamjung (aka awesome) sauce? DING! And he/she appears and the wait is over. Fabulous.
#2: The doctor. Yesterday I went in, had no appointment, waited for maybe 15 minutes, saw the doctor, had a test done and was out the door and to the pharmacy next door in under 40 minutes. Got my drugs in less than 5 and spent a total of about $12. Ohhhh yes, you read that right. Doctor's visit, 45 minutes, $12. Hell yes. Also, I needed to come back for another test and made an appointment for the next day. Glorious.
#3: $5, no prescription birth control. I'm telling you, the medical business here has got it's shit together. I love it. Plus it helps to have insurance for once, I guess.
#4: Gimbap! It's cheap, it's healthy and fast. I made some of my own the other day (I used rice from school) but decided that for only $1.50 a roll, it's not really worth the headache it takes to make it. It's not that hard, but it's a lot of ingredients to gather.
#5: Public transportation. The subway here is heavenly. You can get anywhere and it's so lovely and clean. And if not the subway, the buses. I usually stay away from the buses, but I know they are helpful.
#6: FIREWORKS FESTIVALS!!!! Oooh man, the festival was so amazing on Saturday. Two hours of some of the coolest fireworks I have ever seen. I was so happy! There is another festival further south in a few weeks and I want to go sooooo bad, but I don't know if I can afford it. Boo! We'll see.
#7: Galbi. Holy crap, it's so delicious. I would eat it every day if I didn't think it would give me a heart attack.
#8: KPOP! How have gotten this far in life without it? I don't know, but I'm so glad I found it. Randomly, I also learned a new way to tie a plastic bag the other day and it has really changed my life for the better.
Thanks, Korea!
#9: My precious apartment. I've had a run of problems with it lately, but it is still super cute. And I think most of the problems are fixed now, so other than the stupid bar underneath it, I love it! I think it's all the fake flowers that really do it for me.
annnd, #10: Little kids singing and dancing to Gangnam style. Tooooo funny. Not the best I've seen, but it's hard to catch them in action. Sneaky little boogers.
Ummmmm, there are a million other things that I can't think of at the moment, but bottom line: Korea is awesome. Come visit!
Dream big people!
Anyway. Things are good..and sometimes bad here in Korea. So I decided to hash out some of the pros and cons here just because. Also, I doubt anyone really wants to hear this conversation in person, so why not put it here where you can stop reading if you don't find it interesting.
So let's start with the bad. Sometimes these things don't bother me, sometimes they are small annoyances and sometimes they all happen at one time and I'm all, I haaaaatttteeee Korea, waaaaa. But I don't really mean it. I love Korea, but it can be frustrating.
Frustration #1: online banking. OOOOHHHH MY GOD. Seriously. It is the most frustrating mess of all time. You legit have to jump through at least 5 different security hoops to transfer money home. I guess it's good for identify theft or something, but Saturday morning I almost threw my computer across the room. Then I remembered it was my only way to watch Downton Abbey, so I stopped myself. Anyway, I think I've discussed this nonsense before so moving on.
#2: The grocery store. Today I really almost cried from disappointment when I couldn't find avocados in the grocery store. I heard a rumor they were at the store down the street, but I guess it was a limited time only type of thing because I couldn't find any. And to pour salt in the wound, I wandered over to the cheese aisle only to be crushed some more.
#3: This is not really unique to Korea, but I can't imagine this happening in the states. This fucking California bar that is downstairs in my apartment building. I think I only ranted about it on fb, but basically it's a stupid bar that only serves coffee and beer and is apparently open late, like most coffee shops in Korea (omg, Koreans and their coffee..another paragraph for later). Anyway, a few nights now, there has been some big shindig down there and people are just crazy loud at like, 12:30-1:00 in the morning. Yeah, I know I'm a grandma but both times now it's been a weeknight (Thursday and Monday) and it has really pissed me off. First off, who puts a bar in an apartment building?? And secondly, there is a security guard stand literally right across from this place. Why doesn't he tell them to shut the hell up?? I seriously wonder if I am the only person that is bothered by this noise. I considered throwing an egg at them last night (I'm close enough) but then I decided I didn't want to waste the egg. I hate this stupid place. And they are not even open in the morning for me to get coffee on my way to work! I am officially boycotting California. Screw you! That is not even a good name...you are not a state, coffee/beer bar!
#4: Personal space issues. Koreans are really not into giving anyone their personal space. I get it, it's a small country with a shit ton of people..not a lot of space for everyone. But, when I am trying to get off the elevator or the subway, get the fuck out of the door. You can't even get on until I get out or off, so why not let me before you start shoving your way in. The ajummas (grandmas) are the worst. People literally throw elbows. I don't want to knock down an old woman, but for real. Move. It must be learned at a really early age though because the kids do it in the bathroom at school They stand less than an inch away from the bathroom stall and have one foot in there before you are out. I had to give a lecture today. Not sure my "you are being extremely rude" had much of an impact on the 5 year old. But she needed to know.
#5: Lack of sandwich/salad shops. I miss a good sandwich. And I can't even really buy the stuff to make my own. Well, I could maybe find most of the things, but all the ingredients together would cost me around $20. Imported goods. Sigh. I found a place the other day that said "build your own sandwich" and got so excited to try it out for dinner. When I got there they told me they were completely sold out of sandwiches. Another crushing food disappointment. It happens at least once a week.
#6: The AC situation. As discussed before, my own AC has caused me a lot of expensive heartache in the past. But, I have also discovered that once fall hits, nearly all Korean stores decide it's cool enough to turn off the AC, regardless of the temperature outside. The past few weeks I have endured some very uncomfortable shopping and subway rides. I'm not sure who is in charge of all that, but they are not increasing business. At least not from me, I couldn't wait to get out of those stores, even though there were a good many things I needed to purchase.
#7: The puppy tease. There are quite a few specialty puppy shops here, including one in EMart (Korean Target). First off, these puppies are INSANELY cute. I am tempted to take one home every time I see them. However, I recently learned they are crazy expensive. I was looking at one, and was like, oh look, this one isn't terrible (not that I was going to buy it), but it was 186,000 won..about $167. Then someone pointed out to me that that was PER MONTH, for six months. So it cost $1,000 Then my mind was blown because the puppy next to that was 366, 500 won per month, so it cost almost $2,000. WHHHATTTT. Who would spend that much money on a dog?! And on top of that, why are they selling this kind of dog at a Wal-Mart esque place?!?! Jeeeez. But the worst part is that they won't even let you pet these precious puppies. Korean pet stores, you are so mean! I hate you! Puppies need love too! Even expensive ones!
Ok, so now for some pros. Because for real, Korea is awesome.
#1: Call buttons on the tables at restaurants. GENIUS. Can't hunt down your waiter but you reallllly need some more ssamjung (aka awesome) sauce? DING! And he/she appears and the wait is over. Fabulous.
#2: The doctor. Yesterday I went in, had no appointment, waited for maybe 15 minutes, saw the doctor, had a test done and was out the door and to the pharmacy next door in under 40 minutes. Got my drugs in less than 5 and spent a total of about $12. Ohhhh yes, you read that right. Doctor's visit, 45 minutes, $12. Hell yes. Also, I needed to come back for another test and made an appointment for the next day. Glorious.
#3: $5, no prescription birth control. I'm telling you, the medical business here has got it's shit together. I love it. Plus it helps to have insurance for once, I guess.
#4: Gimbap! It's cheap, it's healthy and fast. I made some of my own the other day (I used rice from school) but decided that for only $1.50 a roll, it's not really worth the headache it takes to make it. It's not that hard, but it's a lot of ingredients to gather.
#5: Public transportation. The subway here is heavenly. You can get anywhere and it's so lovely and clean. And if not the subway, the buses. I usually stay away from the buses, but I know they are helpful.
#6: FIREWORKS FESTIVALS!!!! Oooh man, the festival was so amazing on Saturday. Two hours of some of the coolest fireworks I have ever seen. I was so happy! There is another festival further south in a few weeks and I want to go sooooo bad, but I don't know if I can afford it. Boo! We'll see.
#7: Galbi. Holy crap, it's so delicious. I would eat it every day if I didn't think it would give me a heart attack.
#8: KPOP! How have gotten this far in life without it? I don't know, but I'm so glad I found it. Randomly, I also learned a new way to tie a plastic bag the other day and it has really changed my life for the better.
Thanks, Korea!
#9: My precious apartment. I've had a run of problems with it lately, but it is still super cute. And I think most of the problems are fixed now, so other than the stupid bar underneath it, I love it! I think it's all the fake flowers that really do it for me.
annnd, #10: Little kids singing and dancing to Gangnam style. Tooooo funny. Not the best I've seen, but it's hard to catch them in action. Sneaky little boogers.
Ummmmm, there are a million other things that I can't think of at the moment, but bottom line: Korea is awesome. Come visit!
Dream big people!
04 October 2012
Happy Chuseok!
Whew! This five day weekend just rocked my face off! It was a much needed break and the weather was SO amazing. It seriously just could not have been better. It was sunny and in the 70s the entire break..beyond awesome. And apparently very rare, so I am really happy.
My break was jam packed with super fun things the entire time. I am kind of glad the trip to Japan didn't work out because the break was that great. Saturday I went to an art exhibit with a friend. That actually wasn't that great, but it was really entertaining. I should have guessed that it was going to be a mess, but I didn't really think about it. But lesson learned...do not go to art exhibits in Korea on a Saturday. We got tickets but had to TAKE A NUMBER and wait our turn to go into the exhibit. Like at a deli or something. We waited about an hour. Then, once we got in the exhibit, it was a total madhouse. There were kids and strollers everywhere. Who takes an infant to an art exhibit?!?! I know Asian kids are a little ahead of the rest of the world but I just can't believe that Korean babies are interested in Greek mythology just yet. Also, you literally had to stand in line to view the artwork. And people were not respecting the line procedure. Not surprising, Koreans are not super into personal space. As in, you don't get any. This country is too small with too many people for that. But that is another post. Anyway, it was a little frustrating. Thank goodness we opted to get the audio tour because that made it at least entertaining. The English translations were hilarious. The exhibit was from the Louvre and was all Greek mythology artwork, so it was interesting. But, I have been to the actual Louvre, and it was not nearly as expensive, crowded or as ridiculous as this exhibit. Whatever, my friend and I had fun and we got yummy sandwiches after, so it was fine. Again, lesson learned. No art exhibits in Korea unless it is something really interesting. And even then I might have to play hooky to go see it turning the week.
Sunday I went to Everland!!! It is like the Korean Disneyland, but with way more entertaining snack venues and a far less cool parade. It pretty much just copied Disney..even it's mascots are just like Korean versions of Mickey and Minnie...just with weird names. It was a lot of fun though. I went with a different friend and we had a great time wandering around and cracking up at various things. The most entertaining, by far, was the sloth exhibit. I think they would have been boring by themselves, but I guess it was like, sloth movement time because the zoo keeper was there, literally moving them and stretching out their limbs. I don't know that much about sloths, but after some wikipedia research, they are legit just super lazy blobs. It was so hilarious to watch them. On a less funny note, the polar bear exhibit there was extremely depressing. There is not even any shade for them and the cage is sooo tiny! Poor things are probably so hot! Anyway, we cheered ourselves up with soft serve, which was next to the "Peanut Buttered Roasted Squid" snack stand. Had to pass on that, though it sounds delicious. We also did a safari tour and saw a real live Liger! "It's pretty much my favorite animal." They also had descriptions of all the tigers on the wall while you were in line and they said things like "Yoon Hung-leader of the action tiger committee." Umm, what? Tigers have committees? I don't remember them all, but they were very funny. We also went on a ride called "Human Sky," which was the lamest air lift thingy I have ever been on, but the name made it awesome. Hmmm, we are putting humans in the sky...what to call it??? HUMAN SKY! PERFECT!
We also caught a Korean drum/tae kwon do show that was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I love the Korean drumming by itself, but this was also a show with dancing and fighting. Like a Korean West Side Story. Amazing! They did a little Gangnam style and everything! You can't escape it here! I could go on forever about Everland, but to sum up: super fun, fantastic weather, amazing company, excellent day. The end.
Tuesday we went out to the west coast, played around in the mud flats, hunting fiddler crabs. Weren't too successful with that so we moved on to the boardwalk type area. It was a little on the ghetto side, but they did have this entertaining carnival ride. I can't even explain it really, but it was hilarious to watch. It was kind of like a deejay was in control of this spinny thing....annd, I really just don't have words to explain it. Sorry.
Finally, Wednesday was RAY DAY!!!!! It was sooo great! Much better than I could have imagined and I am so so so SO happy it was able to happen. His mom was grateful and I was grateful and Ray was precious and the whole thing was so fantastic. A little heartbreaking at the end because Ray threw a fit because he didn't want to say goodbye...he really wanted me to come play with his dinosaurs at his house! I wasn't able to do that, but his mom wants us to get together again, which I really hope happens! I was right about the other moms not being very nice to him, which makes me so sad, and a little angry, but I think it worked out ok in the end. Maybe the classroom was not the best environment for him and now we can have some one on one time!! The most important thing is that his mom (and him) knows that jacky teacher, if no one else at the school, loves him and thinks he is one precious child. Sadly, she was under the impression no one liked him so thank goodness at least that was cleared up. There were some tears (not just from Ray!) but in the end, it was so great and I am so thankful it happened. Hooray Ray Day! Hopefully there will be more!!!
And just when I thought things couldn't get better...it's already Friday AND pay day. And as a SUPER added bonus, there is a fireworks festival on Saturday!!!!!! MY FAVORITE!!!!! Hope the weather stays amazing!
Dream big people!
My break was jam packed with super fun things the entire time. I am kind of glad the trip to Japan didn't work out because the break was that great. Saturday I went to an art exhibit with a friend. That actually wasn't that great, but it was really entertaining. I should have guessed that it was going to be a mess, but I didn't really think about it. But lesson learned...do not go to art exhibits in Korea on a Saturday. We got tickets but had to TAKE A NUMBER and wait our turn to go into the exhibit. Like at a deli or something. We waited about an hour. Then, once we got in the exhibit, it was a total madhouse. There were kids and strollers everywhere. Who takes an infant to an art exhibit?!?! I know Asian kids are a little ahead of the rest of the world but I just can't believe that Korean babies are interested in Greek mythology just yet. Also, you literally had to stand in line to view the artwork. And people were not respecting the line procedure. Not surprising, Koreans are not super into personal space. As in, you don't get any. This country is too small with too many people for that. But that is another post. Anyway, it was a little frustrating. Thank goodness we opted to get the audio tour because that made it at least entertaining. The English translations were hilarious. The exhibit was from the Louvre and was all Greek mythology artwork, so it was interesting. But, I have been to the actual Louvre, and it was not nearly as expensive, crowded or as ridiculous as this exhibit. Whatever, my friend and I had fun and we got yummy sandwiches after, so it was fine. Again, lesson learned. No art exhibits in Korea unless it is something really interesting. And even then I might have to play hooky to go see it turning the week.
Sunday I went to Everland!!! It is like the Korean Disneyland, but with way more entertaining snack venues and a far less cool parade. It pretty much just copied Disney..even it's mascots are just like Korean versions of Mickey and Minnie...just with weird names. It was a lot of fun though. I went with a different friend and we had a great time wandering around and cracking up at various things. The most entertaining, by far, was the sloth exhibit. I think they would have been boring by themselves, but I guess it was like, sloth movement time because the zoo keeper was there, literally moving them and stretching out their limbs. I don't know that much about sloths, but after some wikipedia research, they are legit just super lazy blobs. It was so hilarious to watch them. On a less funny note, the polar bear exhibit there was extremely depressing. There is not even any shade for them and the cage is sooo tiny! Poor things are probably so hot! Anyway, we cheered ourselves up with soft serve, which was next to the "Peanut Buttered Roasted Squid" snack stand. Had to pass on that, though it sounds delicious. We also did a safari tour and saw a real live Liger! "It's pretty much my favorite animal." They also had descriptions of all the tigers on the wall while you were in line and they said things like "Yoon Hung-leader of the action tiger committee." Umm, what? Tigers have committees? I don't remember them all, but they were very funny. We also went on a ride called "Human Sky," which was the lamest air lift thingy I have ever been on, but the name made it awesome. Hmmm, we are putting humans in the sky...what to call it??? HUMAN SKY! PERFECT!
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Slothing Around |
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Human Sky! |
We also caught a Korean drum/tae kwon do show that was one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I love the Korean drumming by itself, but this was also a show with dancing and fighting. Like a Korean West Side Story. Amazing! They did a little Gangnam style and everything! You can't escape it here! I could go on forever about Everland, but to sum up: super fun, fantastic weather, amazing company, excellent day. The end.
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Drumming and Tae Kwon Do |
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Liger! It's real! |
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Not sure why I didn't buy this. Big mistake. |
Monday was yet another amazing day and some friends and I rented bikes and cruised along the Han River in Seoul. The bikes were a total mess, all rusty and beat up, but they worked and it was fun. Like everywhere else, the bike path was jam packed, but thankfully there were no accidents. I did almost clothesline someone by attempting to ride with no hands, but they swerved. The rest of the day was spent enjoying the good weather, good company and later on, good food. Galbi! Duh.
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Most fucking awesome weather ever. |
Tuesday we went out to the west coast, played around in the mud flats, hunting fiddler crabs. Weren't too successful with that so we moved on to the boardwalk type area. It was a little on the ghetto side, but they did have this entertaining carnival ride. I can't even explain it really, but it was hilarious to watch. It was kind of like a deejay was in control of this spinny thing....annd, I really just don't have words to explain it. Sorry.
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"Myland" |
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On the hunt for fiddler crabs. Fail. |
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More fucking awesome weather. |
Finally, Wednesday was RAY DAY!!!!! It was sooo great! Much better than I could have imagined and I am so so so SO happy it was able to happen. His mom was grateful and I was grateful and Ray was precious and the whole thing was so fantastic. A little heartbreaking at the end because Ray threw a fit because he didn't want to say goodbye...he really wanted me to come play with his dinosaurs at his house! I wasn't able to do that, but his mom wants us to get together again, which I really hope happens! I was right about the other moms not being very nice to him, which makes me so sad, and a little angry, but I think it worked out ok in the end. Maybe the classroom was not the best environment for him and now we can have some one on one time!! The most important thing is that his mom (and him) knows that jacky teacher, if no one else at the school, loves him and thinks he is one precious child. Sadly, she was under the impression no one liked him so thank goodness at least that was cleared up. There were some tears (not just from Ray!) but in the end, it was so great and I am so thankful it happened. Hooray Ray Day! Hopefully there will be more!!!
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love love love |
And just when I thought things couldn't get better...it's already Friday AND pay day. And as a SUPER added bonus, there is a fireworks festival on Saturday!!!!!! MY FAVORITE!!!!! Hope the weather stays amazing!
Dream big people!
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