WHOA. It has been forever since I posted anything on this blog.
The last time I posted, I was optimistic about Korea doing well in the World Cup, and those dreams have obviously been dashed. Korea didn't get anywhere, and the US didn't do much better. They got a little further, but making it to the end is really the only thing that matters and that didn't happen. I really wanted Korea to do well! Oh well, next time! Then I decided maybe I would root for an underdog, like Costa Rica, but they're gone as well. I wasn't really planning on rooting for Brazil..I have nothing against them, but I was just thinking it would be nice for The Netherlands to avenge themselves from 2010. However, I really didn't expect them to get quite the beating they did, and now I just feel sad for them. As a country, they really didn't even want the World Cup there (for reasons so adequately explained by John Oliver) and now look what happened. Heartbreaking, really. Anyway, now it's down to Germany and Argentina and I really don't care anymore. I know I should root for Germany since I have so many friends there, I had a lovely time there, and also they are more than likely going to win. But, for some reason or another, I just don't want to root for them! I don't really know what it is, honestly! Maybe it's some US patriotism buried deep down in me, maybe it's because I feel like they didn't really need to embarrass Brazil quite so badly, or maybe it's because I have an aversion to people that speak German thanks to a few jackasses I've met. I don't know what's happening, but I literally have zero ties to Argentina, so whatever. Best of luck to both teams and may the best man win.
I realize I should probably be a better soccer fan, if I want to be legit, but oh well. I guess it's the same as people getting into ice skating only every four years when the Olympics roll around. Right? Right.
In other news, summer has finally come to Korea! I am SO happy. Everyone else is bitching and moaning because it's soo hot, waaaa but guys, we have air conditioning ("aircon" as they call it here) and you can just go inside when you want. Also, being hot is A MILLION times better than being cold. I really just cannot understand (and kind of hate) people that want the summer to be over already. Shut up, haters!
And as much as I love the nice weather, I feel a little guilty on the days I don't go outside and enjoy. I complain about the cold so much, you'd think I'd be out enjoying the sun all day, everyday, right? Wrong. It's mainly because I've been really tired and I just want to chill the hell out sometimes. Also, there are not a lot of places here to just "chill out" outside. Normally, at home, I'd be at the beach, on a porch, or wandering around a park. But here, things are a little different. I don't have a porch (saddest part of my Korean life), and there really aren't that many places to just sit outside at. A lot of restaurants and bars do have outside seating, but they are almost always filled with smokers. In fact, any time I opt to sit outside, waiters always ask me if I want an ashtray. Apparently Koreans do not like to sit outside in the sun, or really be hot in any form, unless they are smoking cigarettes. And there is a really nice river path near my house, but there isn't really any place to just sit out there. The benches are few and far between (and have no backs), and almost everyone down there is walking or riding bike, no one is just lounging around. It may have something to do with the insane amount of bugs, but who knows. Basically, I just miss lounging around in a chair or hammock of some sort and really wish there was somewhere to just sit and enjoy the sunshine without having to buy something, be surrounded by smoke, or be stared at. Anyway, point is, sometimes, when I am just relaxing inside, I feel really guilty because I think I should be doing something outside in the sun. But, since my options are limited on what actually to do, I don't always make myself go outside. Does anyone else feel like this? Like they really should just get outside and do something but just can't seem to make themselves do it?
And just so you don't think I'm totally crazy, I did actually go outside and just sit today, and I got A LOT of crazy looks. Apparently, you need a cigarette, a dog or a child to be able to lounge around in peace. DAMN.
But, I will HOPEFULLY have a chance to do absolutely nothing very soon because I am going to TAIWAN! I have a feeling it's going to be a challenging adventure to actually get around in Taiwan, but we are heading to a beach and will ::fingers crossed:: have nothing but time to chill.
Holy shit you guys. It has taken me like, 3 days to write this post. I have ADD to the MAX on this internet. There are toooo many things to distract me from just writing! I am currently trying to find new music to listen to while I'm working out, and YouTube is being most un-helpful. Whew! I have lots to say, but not enough time or focus to say it. Maybe one day I'll be less distracted and you'll be grateful for my musings. Until then...
Dream big people!
14 July 2014
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