OH-TOE. Eight is easy.
Sooo...this thing is harder to keep up with because I am crazy busy. But, I like doing it when I have time. Right now, I really should be outside enjoying the amazing weather we are having, for once..so I am going to try and keep it short and sweet.
This week FLEW by! Oh yeah, Happy St. Patricks Day! I don't know how Italians celebrate this lovely holiday, but I am going to find out tonight! But I really can't believe its already Friday! I really didn't do anything to exciting this week, but the days are just flying by.
Last Saturday I went to my first real Italian club and it was crazy! I loved it though! I was kind of surprised because usually Italians are very laid back and chill, but they were definately going wild at the club! I mean, not too wild, just crazy dancing and having a good time. There was a lot of dancing, which I loved...I had been having a serious lack of dancing in my Italian life, but that is all fixed now. I went to a club last night as well and got some good dancing time in. You have be careful though because you never know who comes up dancing behind you. I observed from sitting out a couple songs that there are some creepy older men that show up to the clubs and dance all sneaky up on unsuspecting girls. So you have to watch your back. Literally.
I really need to start working on my school work because I have to write three 10 page papers in the next month. I realize that this is a ridiculously small amount of work compared to the normal PC workload, but it is hard to get anything done school wise when you have all of Italy to explore instead. Also, spring break is coming up (Friday!!) and I am definately not going to be getting anything done then! We fly to Athens this Friday and I could not be more excited! Other than having no money and not being sure how I am going to feed myself while I'm there, I am soooo pumped about it! We are doing like an island cruise thing, going around to a bunch of different Greek Island and ending up on Santorini, then ferrying it back to Athens and flying home on Sunday. Even if its not that warm yet, its going to be a-mazing!
Ok, I really need to go outside. More later. Keep the emails coming! I love hearing from everyone! Ciao ciao!
Ok..and addition. I did eventually go outside and it was sooo beautiful. I walked over to a friends apartment and on the way I stopped by St. Peters Square and sat for awhile because I heard bagpipes and got really excited! I don't know why they were playing but it was really funny....they had like a little parade through the square and then they played Happy Birthday!! It was fabulous and totally made my day. Then I kept walking to the apartment, and my friends weren't even there so I turned around and walked back. I was sad because I bought Frizzante water, which has gas in it and its disgusting. But then I went back to St. Peters to chill and met some girls that are American students in Rome. It reminded me a lot of home because they were trying to get me to come to some church thing. They were really nice and all, but it was just funny because I wasn't really expecting it, I guess. It was two sisters, both from Michigan, studying Philosohpy here. They were really nice. Then I went to the grocery store, which is my favorite part of Italian life and made myself a lovely little dinner and now I'm going to get ready to go celebrate St. Patricks day with all the crazy people I saw wandering around in kilts earlier today..don't know what that was about. Ta ta for now. Ciao ciao!
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