So, wow, I leave Italy in 4 days. I can't believe it. However, it makes me very depressed to think about/discuss, so we are going to move right along.
A lot has happened since the great French adventure, but I have been super busy with this and that, so its been awhile since I updated. And right now, I currently need to clean the apartment, pack, and study, so I am going to just give a brief(ish) overview.
Katrina came to visit me in Rome the weekend after I was in France. We had soo much fun! We did all the touristy stuff...walked around, saw the Colosseum, Piazza Navona, the Trevi Fountain, all the Roman highlights. Being a tourist is tiring! But it was still a lot of fun and I was really really glad she got to come visit.
I took my Italian final last week, and it was ridiculously easy. Almost embarassingly easy. But oh well, its over and done and hopefully I did fine. I don't think my other exams are going to be that easy..but we'll see.
So..the highlight of the past couple of weeks...I got to visit Davide! No, Davide is not my Italian lover, he is the kid that is going to live with my family for the next school year. He is like Sven, only Italian! His family lives in Rovigo, which is 3 hours north (by train) of Rome. He had gotten in touch with Ray, who gave him my email and phone number, and one night he called me. I was pretty pumped about the phone call alone, but then he invited me to come and stay with his family for the night...which of course I agreed to. So I took the train up to Rovigo last Saturday afternoon and spent the night. It was soooo cool and so much fun. I am so so glad I got to do that, it was definately one of the coolest things I have gotten to do this entire Italian experience. His family was so so nice to me, even though we had some serious communication issues. Davide could speak english pretty well, about how I can speak Italian, so we did alright. But his family didn't really speak english at it was a struggle. But they spoke to me really slowly and we always had a dictionary handy, so it worked out fine. And Davide is really cool and nice and I am really excited about him coming in August. He is 17, sings in a band, is a soccer ref, loves Jim Carrey, and likes to break dance. He is also really goofy, so I'm sure he and JC are going to get along very well. We had a big dinner when I got was so Italian, I loved it. We ate at like, 9:30 and had the 3 courses, wine with dinner, cheese afterwards, everything. It was fabulous. I met the whole family, grandma, cousins, sister, nieces, in-laws, uncles, everyone. And everyone would say the one or two phrases they knew in english, which was usually "I don't speak english well," or ask if I had been to New York. And his sister has the cutest little girl and she gave me a little euro-kiss goodnight, it was so cute! Anyways, we went out on the town, walked around, and I met a bunch of his friends, more cousins, and his girlfriend. Then we came home and he let me drive his scooter. But, I ran it into the wall because I forgot that you had to let go of the gas and press the brake at the same time. I was going really slow, so it didn't cause any damage, but he drove after that. So I got a midnight scooter ride, which was awesome. Sunday, his dad, brother, cousin, and I watched Davide ref a soccer game. He was very professional and apparently the president of the ref association thinks he has a promising future in ref-ing, I was so proud. His dad was sooo funny. He would just talk and talk in Italian and I would only understand like, every other sentence, but he just kept talking. He gave me a driving tour of the town. I saw the famous church, Davide's school, the university, the river, the old towers, everything. I definately was making the most out of my Italian dictionary, haha. We had another huge, delicious lunch, and then we watched some Jim Carrey skits and played video games. It was, of course, a soccer game, and I was pretty terrible. I kept dribbling the ball out of bounds and trying to shoot on my own goal. But I didn't lose! His cousin, who I was playing with, took about 50 shots to my 3, but he didn't score! And, then, one of the highlights of my life, I got to DRIVE the scooter! I was much better this time, I promise. I remembered how to break properly and I didn't run

Anyways, in other news...yesterday was Italian labor day, so everyone had off work and school. And there was this HUGE music festival at San Giovanni (a very large church) and we went and it was craaazzzzzy. There were sooo many people. It was a lot of fun though. And I thought it was pretty funny because they have this huge stage, with everyone rocking out and then the huge crowd, with people crowd-surfing, drinking, dancing and who knows what else, and its all in front of this huge church with all these huge statues of saints and popes watching. We couldn't get very far into the crowd, so we danced on the outskirts, it was fun. Then we finally made it to Trastevere for some food and we were all dead tired, so we came home and watched Wedding Crashers.
Ok, well it is definatley time to study now. More to come as my trip wraps up [tear]. Ciao ciao!
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