I told you so! I know, you can hardly stand it. Me either. And I thought you couldn't get any cuter than Booger. Turns out, TWO puppies means TWICE the cuteness. And they snore! Jeez, the cuteness never ends.
This is Bella...
And this is Notte...
These puppies are pretty different from Booger. She was a little more fiesty, Bella and Notte are pretty chill. And they don't bite as much..which is good. Booger was a biting machine and it was kind of annoying, especially when she was trying to eat my toes while I was getting ready for work. However, these puppies are a little on the whiny side and are BIG time pee-ers. Seriously, they pee ALL the time. When I take them out, they will pee two or three times in the span of ten minutes. And then I'll bring them inside and they'll pee on the carpet five minutes later. It's peeing insanity. I'm hoping they will grow out of that. Either way, I'm cool with it because then they give me puppy kisses and I can no longer be upset that I have to Febreze the carpet for the third time that day. Also, they have puppy nightmares, which is both cute and disturbing. I want to just love all over them and make sure they can sleep peacefully.
In other news, I am super tired all the time. It's getting ridiculous. It's a different tired these days though. Instead of being exhausted all day at work, I'm fine at work and then I get home and just want to get in bed. Maybe it's the cold? It was mildly SNOWING today. Horrible. It didn't stick and I don't really know if it actually counts as snowing since it was really pathetic, but still...that means it's super cold and I do not like that at all.
Oh yeah, remind me to talk about the new President in my next post. I have stuff to say about the whole ordeal, but now I'm tired and want to go to bed. At 10:00. I'll leave you with my inspiration....
Ciao ciao!
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