Gah, and I was doing so great too! And don't you worry, I still am doing great. But I'm just frustrated!!! With everything it seems!
The weather is sucking at the moment...maybe that is some of the problem. It's been raining for like, two days now. I like the rain..when I'm my bed. Not when I'm driving to work and/or sitting at work. No good. But I think it's going to be nice this weekend, so I'm sure I'll be better.
Also, I committed some serious dating no-nos this weekend and now I am so mad at myself! Stupid jacky! I thought I was above simple dating rules and sadly, I am not. I am a mere mortal. In fact, why would I even think such things when I have so little experience?! I'm still having a great time, but I feel like I messed things up with someone and I didn't want to do that!!! I wanted things to work! Or for us to at least make it past date one. Shoot. But it was a super great one at least I have that. Also, I may be jumping the gun a little since not even a week has passed yet. We'll see. I'm just impatient.
I really want some puppies! I miss those little things and could use some serious puppy love right
But here is the real problem: I miss Rome. Oh goodness gracious, I miss it so bad. Mainly because I looked at this:
And it made my heart hurt. Literally, I could feel it aching. I have been to most of the places pictured and I want to go back. To be complety cheestastic, I left a little piece of my heart there and I have to go back to make things better. In general, I am just so ready for some traveling. I want to get out of Charleston SO SO bad. I want to finally do what I've been saying I was always going to do and leave to see the world. I just feel so stuck sometimes. I am waiting patiently to hear back from the job I applied for in Italy and it is KILLING me! I want to know NOW!
But, for some good news: I started my improv class! I think it's going to be fun! There are some doodoos in my class, but hopefully they will make things interesting instead of annoying. Also, a friend is coming to visit this weekend and I'm super excited about that. It's almost the weekend. Oh yeah! All the signs at Curves have been looking really sad lately because they are just ugly print outs of things. We had a food drive and we were competeing with the other Curves and we WON (hooray!) and there was this pathetic looking piece of paper that was like, we beat Belle Hall. It was so sad looking and no one even really noticed it. So, I offered to make some new ones (because a victory is worth celebrating!), but I was kind of nervous the owner would be offended. But I took them to her this morning and she was really really happy! So yay, I'm happy too. I haven't seen them up yet because I couldn't go this afternoon, but I'm sure everyone there is just so impressed with my poster making ablitities. It's kind of my thing. I was the banner makign queen in high school..and college a little. Not to brag or anything. So that was a good story.
Here's to thinking positive for the rest of the week! Cin cin! Also, here are some of my favorite pictures of Rome I wanted to share. Tear.

The view from my apartment. Many good times on our teeny tiny porch.

Just thought this was funny.

That is my heart that I left there. I need to go retrieve it. Andiamo!
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