Not much has been happening lately. This stupid cast is seriously holding me back. I was all, oh, it won't be a big deal, I can walk around, loo-de-doo. Nah. That is not what is happening. After my excursions in Berlin, my foot was killing me! And the other day we walked to the grocery store, which would normally take about two minutes and it took at least twenty. The crutches are a huge pain and it was a little warm, so I was sweating in my cast and that was gross. I was mad too because I felt so lame and frustrated for taking so long and not being able to help carry groceries. So for now, I'm keeping outings to a minimum and have been watching a lot of "How I Met Your Mother," which is freaking hysterical! So all is not lost. I never watched it at home, but it's really really funny.
Oh, but yesterday, we did venture out and went to IKEA. And OH MAN, that place is AWESOME! It was my first time and I LOVED it. I am kind of glad there isn't one anywhere near Charleston because I think I would have spent all of my money there. They have fake apartments and rooms set up with how you can decorate and there is just so much cool stuff. And they have a restaurant! What??? They don't serve very much and the soda tastes like cough syrup, but they give you a little swedish flag when you order meatballs (I don't like meatballs, my friends got them. Just FYI) and they have lots of good desserts. And, as you can see above, they have chairs for losers like me and my awesome friends pushed me around. It was both hilarious and pathetic. Most of the time I was laughing but I did feel rather sad when they would walk off and I had to just sit there and not move because the chair would lock. I also had lots of little kids staring at me and I waved my crutch at one, and that made me feel like a crazy person. I also felt somewhat special ed because they would push me around and say things like, "look at all the colors, jacky!" But mainly it was funny and things only got better when I found masks in the clearance bin.
So there you go. Christin and Manja are awesome for putting up with my lame self and these are some of my favorite H.I.M.Y.M moments:
Damn. I can't find my absolute favorite parts. Go to Blockbuster (and appreciate it because they don't have it here!) and see them all for yourself.
Damn. I can't find my absolute favorite parts. Go to Blockbuster (and appreciate it because they don't have it here!) and see them all for yourself.
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