I know.
I'll move on. I'm trying to focus on the positive, so let's first recap the end of Europe and then we'll talk about the good things about being back home.
So, before the long journey back home began, we (Christin and I) were in Amsterdam for the weekend and we had a SUPER good time. Our hosts were extremely nice and gracious and really showed us a good time. We did a walking tour of the city, which was a little long. Not that I minded, but my foot was a little upset with me. It stopped whining later in the evening, after a bottle and a half of wine. Haha, it took wine to make the wHining stop. Jesus, am I really talking about my foot like it can talk and making bad puns? America makes me write bad. Stupid America.
Anyways, we also went to a club and it was AWESOME. They played really bad music and the floor was uncomfortably sticky. I was literally stuck to the floor. It hurt my foot to try and pry it off the ground, so I gave up and pretty much stayed in one place the entire night. Or morning rather because we got there around 2 and left around 5. AM. And we went to bed around 6:30. In the morning. Which was cracking me up just a few days later, when I went to bed at 9:30. At night. Oh, how quickly things change. We also went on a lovely boat tour and were serenaded by the greatest rendition of 'Hallelujah' I have ever heard. Seriously, it was fantastic. The next day, I was treated to bike tour by a local, so I felt super cool. Definitely cooler than the touristy goobers on Mike's Bikes. Or whatever. It was a little scary though, as I had to ride on the bike with my foot just dangling out there, for any passerby to hit or a car to rip off. Fortunately, that did not happen and it was a really nice day to end my visit to Amsterdam. It ended rather abruptly that evening so I can make it to the airport the next day, which is a different story that I don't feel like reliving. But I got to dance and I was SO happy.
SO, on to the positive things. Because being back in the US does have it's advantages. Let's do this list style. I'll try to get to 10:
1. I got lots of hugs. I love hugs. There are hugs in Europe, but they're a little on the weak side. They do more of that cheek kiss business, which I like, but hugs trump it for sure.
2. I get to DRIVE. And I LOVE driving. Ain't nothing better than windows down, music up.
3. The weather. It was getting a little chilly in Germany/The Netherlands but the weather here is fan-freakin-tastic. And that means I get to go to the beach. Which leads me to...
4. The beach! Love it. The Greek beach was awesome, but I missed sand between my toes.
5. I can make phone calls without worrying about my credit running out on me.
6. TV. This is a positive and a negative. I have a love/hate relationship with TV. I love it until I get sucked in, end up watching the SOAP network and am forced to watch the news...or the VMAs. Thank you Joe Wilson for making look SC look stupid AGAIN. And Kanye West. Vomit.
7. The pool. Went today, it was awesome. Until little kids showed up, then I had to peace out.
8. Nice, big, fluffy pillows. For whatever reason, all the pillows I encountered over there were TOTAL weaksauce. They were really sad.
9. Crispix and Chic-Fil-A. I missed them.
10. AIR CONDITIONING. Omg, love it.
So there you go. There are a lot of things I miss, no doubt. But let's think positive. I watched 'Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay' the other night and would like everyone else to do so as well. Not ONLY does it have my FAVORITE song EVER in it, but it also has them in Amsterdam at the end. Now, I don't know if I consider Amsterdam my Heaven on Earth, but it was definitely hella fun.

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