It was pretty cool to go to a drive-in though. It was my first one and I would someday like to attend another, perhaps on a date and not with 4 young children. But we did take this super cute picture in the dream:

I know not everyone looks like they are having a good time, but trust me, a good time was had by all.
Also, I would like to mention that I am all about Jimmy Fallon these days. He is on way late and I usually can't stay up late enough to watch him. However, today I didn't get out of bed until 1:00 pm...I know, WHAT?! Lazy! But in my defense, I didn't go to sleep until 4:00 am (I was reading). And I don't have a job, so what else do I have to do? AND-I still managed to have a pretty productive day that included exercising, laundry, packing, job searching and a drive-in movie. So I don't feel totally useless. ANYWAYS-he is such a goober and his show is completely ridiculous, I love it. He plays all these crazy games, like having box-scooting races and is just really funny in general. And so cute. And married :(. Too bad for him.
Well that's it. Ellen still reigns supreme, but watch The Late Show with Jimmy Fallon if you too can stay up super late because you have no job or obligations to be up for the next day.
Night night :)