First off, I cannot understand how people spell my name wrong in emails. I mean, I try not to get too worked up because my name can be difficult, but seriously, it is RIGHT THERE. I sign the email with the correct spelling, my name is in the byline of the email and yet, people manage to spell it incorrectly in the salutation. What gives people?
There are also these commercials here for some lawyer you need to hire if you get in a car accident and here's my beef: the commercials are of people DRIVING. They are driving and looking at the camera and having a "conversation" with you, the viewer. What the hell?! Seems to me that would be the way you get in accidents in the first being distracted and not doing what you are supposed to be doing while driving, which is watching the road. And one of them is this horrible woman and she does this laugh at the end and it is sooo annoying. These commercials run constantly and I just watched one, so there you go.
I HATE being bored and having no friends down here. And I am really mad in general at the few people I did meet here because they turned out to suck. Grrr.
And for the good news, my brother is flying down here TODAY! Hooray! My sister comes Thursday and the whooollleee family (moms side) will be here this weekend for my cousin's BIG WEDDING!! EXCITING! I am ready for some drinking, dancing and I do's. My dress has some mysterious stain on it, but I'm going to pretend I get it the day of the wedding so no one freaks out on me. Don't tell anyone.
So I have something to look forward to. Leaving the grouchiness behind. I'm going to try and keep it at bay next week when everyone leaves me. Oh and I finally got around to downloading new music my Dutch friend recommended and I really like the bands...The Whitest Boy Alive, Vampire Weekend, The Airborne Toxic Event and The Smiths. My Dutch friends also got my package this week and this is what I got in return:
Kind of hard to explain, but it totally made my life. And made me miss those goobers something awful.
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