It's been awhile. So sorry friends, but seriously, there hasn't been much to blog on. And, I'm tired and cranky most of the time, so you don't want to listen to me anyways. BUT-today is Thanksgiving and I'm going to be cheerful. And short, subsequently.
Mainly I just wanted to reiterate how much I love Jimmy Fallon. I love him. I can't wait to be famous so I can go on his show and we will have the BEST time EVER and it will be fabulous. He is so freaking funny! Also, I've noticed he isn't wearing a wedding ring. I'm just saying. That probably means nothing and is like, the new, cool thing in Hollywood. Whatever.
Oh yeah-I made a bombass apple pie for Thanksgiving. ALL by myself! My mom stood there and told me what to do, but the actions were all me. And it was pretty freaking tasty, I have to admit. I'm pretty much a baker now.
Let's see. I start my elf job on Saturday! I mean, I'm not really an elf, more of a "helper," but I think it's funnier to say elf. Even though we are very drab elves and have to wear all black. For some good news, we don't have to wear turtlenecks. Rejoice! I hate turtlenecks. They look stupid on everyone and my neck doesn't like to be suffocated.
I watched "Angles and Demons" tonight and it made me sad because it's all in Rome and I miss it. Then I read online that it was all filmed in a studio in LA and that gave me hope because I'm going to LA. So maybe I'll wander into a recreated Rome somewhere and it'll be just as good. Probably not, but I'll keep dreaming.
I'm sure you have all heard that Oprah's show is going off the air in 2011. Don't be sad people, because that means there will be an open slot for THE JACKY SHOW! Only my show will be better than Oprah's because there will be NO depressing and intense shows like she sometimes has. There will just be more awesomeness because it will be me, so it's a win-win for everyone. Ciao Oprah, Ciao Jacky! haha, get it? It means hello and goodbye!
I need to go to bed. Ciao!
27 November 2009
13 November 2009
Beat It
That is what I wanted to say to the stupid ass drunk girls at The Elbow Room while watching Who's Bad. They were freakin ridiculous! I don't normally like getting into altercations with complete strangers, but I was ready to rumble with these bitches. Their concert etiquette was nonexistent and it was really annoying. In my opinion, shoving your way to the front and then just standing there is not acceptable. Also, if you leave your spot and someone else moves into it, I'm sorry, it's lost forever. Especially if you had a prime one right at the front. We paid the same price to stand and you don't get to reclaim your spot if you leave. If you leave, don't look back. That's what I always say. And before I move to something positive, if you do happen to get a good spot at the front, don't just stand there! JUST DANCE. If you're not going to, make way for someone that knows how to behave at a concert. Thank you.
On the other hand, the concert was AMAZING. So so sooo SO good! Other than the idiot girls, I loved every minute of it. Who's Bad is a Michael Jackson cover band and they do such a good job. Oh, and I forgot my MJ hat and that was sad. I didn't even remember that until just now, so really, not that big of a deal. Last night, I was so happy and dancing like a complete fool and life was really good. Sigh. I really just can't even describe it. It was so fabulous. And the whole experience was made even better because I got to go with my friend Sarah who is one of the only people I know that can appreciate a Michael Jackson cover band like I can...and like it needs to be. I'm only sad because they are not playing anywhere near me anytime soon. I'm also sad because the super cute trumpet player from the band was standing around after the show and I really wanted to talk to him. I wanted to ask his favorite MJ song and then we would talk and he'd be so impressed with me, he would ask if I wanted a job hanging out with the band and upping their cool factor and I would get to travel around jamming out to MJ every night and it would be so unbelievably awesome. Instead, I just said excuse me and gave him a high-five and left. SO LAME. That sucked. Damn, he was so cute too.
In other news, I got a part-time job. I am....wait for it comes....Santa's helper! Seriously. I will be helping take pictures with Santa Clause. I think it's going to be awesome. I also think it's going to be completly ridiculous. But my whole life is ridiculous, so it'll fit right in. I kind of want to get another part time job because I'll have time, but not having a car is kind of problem. We'll see.
Also, no one comments anymore and it's making me depressed. I need some feedback people! Make it happen.
K, bye. (said in the pothole voice from the Geico commercial)
PS-this video does not even begin to do them justice. I think they should consider re-doing it.
On the other hand, the concert was AMAZING. So so sooo SO good! Other than the idiot girls, I loved every minute of it. Who's Bad is a Michael Jackson cover band and they do such a good job. Oh, and I forgot my MJ hat and that was sad. I didn't even remember that until just now, so really, not that big of a deal. Last night, I was so happy and dancing like a complete fool and life was really good. Sigh. I really just can't even describe it. It was so fabulous. And the whole experience was made even better because I got to go with my friend Sarah who is one of the only people I know that can appreciate a Michael Jackson cover band like I can...and like it needs to be. I'm only sad because they are not playing anywhere near me anytime soon. I'm also sad because the super cute trumpet player from the band was standing around after the show and I really wanted to talk to him. I wanted to ask his favorite MJ song and then we would talk and he'd be so impressed with me, he would ask if I wanted a job hanging out with the band and upping their cool factor and I would get to travel around jamming out to MJ every night and it would be so unbelievably awesome. Instead, I just said excuse me and gave him a high-five and left. SO LAME. That sucked. Damn, he was so cute too.
In other news, I got a part-time job. I am....wait for it comes....Santa's helper! Seriously. I will be helping take pictures with Santa Clause. I think it's going to be awesome. I also think it's going to be completly ridiculous. But my whole life is ridiculous, so it'll fit right in. I kind of want to get another part time job because I'll have time, but not having a car is kind of problem. We'll see.
Also, no one comments anymore and it's making me depressed. I need some feedback people! Make it happen.
K, bye. (said in the pothole voice from the Geico commercial)
PS-this video does not even begin to do them justice. I think they should consider re-doing it.
10 November 2009
Wishful Thinking
If Go West is the king of wishful thinking, I am most definitely the queen. But I have been a Queen my whole life (NOT a princess!) so this is rather fitting, if you ask me. I have little dreams and big ones. I'm going to discuss both because it's midnight and I'm bored, not tired and putting off doing anything productive.
I decided today as I was walking I want to be famous. Not crazy famous where people want pieces of my hair or some crazy shit like that, but famous enough that I'll get something named after me somewhere. In addition to the jg scholarship of awesomeness at PC, of course. I'm thinking that renaming 526 the jg highway of awesomeness would be sufficient. Or a stretch of beach. Or something, whatever really. I mean, this might be kind of difficult since I don't really have any talent of any sort, but those are just minor details. Once I get good and famous and rich, I'm going to drop out of the public eye and travel around doing volunteer work because that is what I would really do with my life if I could make a living out of it. But I don't think I can, so I'll get rich and famous first, enjoy it for a bit, buy a beach house, give money to cool places like YCG, not be heard from for a few years and then have a major comeback so everyone will be happy to see me and then I'll have a talk show. I'm going to fill the hole Ellen leaves when she gets too old for her show. It's going to be a good life and I'm pretty pumped about it. Or even if I get to have 15 minutes of fame and be like, in a commercial or something, I would be pretty happy.
With that being said, I am moving to LA in January! I KNOW, pretty exciting, right? Getting famous will just be a side project though, because I have to find a real job first. My funds are getting low and that needs to be fixed. And if the famous thing doesn't work out, I'm going to leave the country again. Got some options in the works, so we'll see what pans out.
As for my little dreams, they are really more of a Christmas list. I need some new Rainbows...mine have a hole in them. The factory store is in LA, so maybe they are cheaper out there. I also want a really cool pair of tennis shoes. I really wanted to buy some while I was in Europe, but I kept cheaping out at the last second, so I never got any. I want some crazy ones with lots of colors and interesting shoelaces. If you see any on sale, let me know. I could stand some new clothes as well, but most of all, I want a new computer. I want one of those little mini ones. It would be better for traveling and in general, I'm all about mini things. I can't resist them and this is really something I just can't live without. Just like travel size lotion. I must have them. Plus, my current computer is struggling and I think it needs to be retired. It's lived a good life and deserves to relax.
So that's my story. The next year or so should be an interesting one. I'll keep you posted. :)
I decided today as I was walking I want to be famous. Not crazy famous where people want pieces of my hair or some crazy shit like that, but famous enough that I'll get something named after me somewhere. In addition to the jg scholarship of awesomeness at PC, of course. I'm thinking that renaming 526 the jg highway of awesomeness would be sufficient. Or a stretch of beach. Or something, whatever really. I mean, this might be kind of difficult since I don't really have any talent of any sort, but those are just minor details. Once I get good and famous and rich, I'm going to drop out of the public eye and travel around doing volunteer work because that is what I would really do with my life if I could make a living out of it. But I don't think I can, so I'll get rich and famous first, enjoy it for a bit, buy a beach house, give money to cool places like YCG, not be heard from for a few years and then have a major comeback so everyone will be happy to see me and then I'll have a talk show. I'm going to fill the hole Ellen leaves when she gets too old for her show. It's going to be a good life and I'm pretty pumped about it. Or even if I get to have 15 minutes of fame and be like, in a commercial or something, I would be pretty happy.
With that being said, I am moving to LA in January! I KNOW, pretty exciting, right? Getting famous will just be a side project though, because I have to find a real job first. My funds are getting low and that needs to be fixed. And if the famous thing doesn't work out, I'm going to leave the country again. Got some options in the works, so we'll see what pans out.
As for my little dreams, they are really more of a Christmas list. I need some new Rainbows...mine have a hole in them. The factory store is in LA, so maybe they are cheaper out there. I also want a really cool pair of tennis shoes. I really wanted to buy some while I was in Europe, but I kept cheaping out at the last second, so I never got any. I want some crazy ones with lots of colors and interesting shoelaces. If you see any on sale, let me know. I could stand some new clothes as well, but most of all, I want a new computer. I want one of those little mini ones. It would be better for traveling and in general, I'm all about mini things. I can't resist them and this is really something I just can't live without. Just like travel size lotion. I must have them. Plus, my current computer is struggling and I think it needs to be retired. It's lived a good life and deserves to relax.
So that's my story. The next year or so should be an interesting one. I'll keep you posted. :)
09 November 2009
Ok Then
Lots of stuff going on! Kind of. I guess...since we last talked anyways. Currently, I am sitting at my mom's house wishing their stupid ass dog Stormy would shut the hell up. My stepbrother recently moved back home as well and brought his ugly ass dog Cid (for the Citadel) with him and it is also a boxer. Those dogs are slowly moving down my list of dogs I like. The bottom of the list is slobbery dogs, but these two are getting close. I've always disliked Stormy, but she has really been irritating me since I got home. First off, she is older and bigger than Cid and should probably be able to law down the law. Furthermore, it's her house and her pillow and if she doesn't want Cid on it, she should be able to make that clear. Yeah, well, she doesn't and instead she whines because Cid sleeps on her pillow and I kind of want to punch her in the face. But I don't, chill out.
Whoa. So Stormy has finally shut up and now I'm watching a documentary called "Jesus Camp" and it is blowing my mind. Basically it is about Evangelical Christians, what they believe and this bible camp they go to in the summer. And this stuff is straight up crazy. I thought I knew about people and their Jesus-talk, but clearly I had no idea. At the moment, the leader of the camp is praying over the seats and all the electrical equipment so that it doesn't go out so their message can get out to everyone. She also gave a shout out to Satan, telling him she knows how he likes to come in and mess things up by cutting the power, but Jesus is not going to let that happen this time. Then she started speaking in tongues and that's where I lost her. My Tongue is really rusty and she was speaking really fast, so I missed a lot of it. This was the same lady that said Christians are getting fat and lazy and told the kids it was their job to teach people about God. Kind of funny she mentioned being fat because she is about 100 pounds overweight.
Before they got to the camp, they were talking to some moms. The first mom home-taught her kid (he had a really intense rat tail) that creationism was the ONLY feasible and logical explanation for how humans came about. This same kid also told us he was saved at age 5 because he realized life was no fun without Jesus. Quite the insightful 5 year old. I think he probably would have a little fun if he got to go to real school and make some friends, but his mom and I are obviously not on the same page. We might not even be on the same planet. The second household had a mom that made the kids say the pledge of allegiance (it was a little different than the one I was started "I pledge allegiance to the Christian nation...) and put their hand on the Bible and say some oath before they ate. And then another girl went and tried to save someone in the bowling alley and the dad told her, "way to be obedient." I would have told her, don't talk to strangers and if you do it again, you're getting a whooping.
OH NO SHE DIDN'T!!!!!! Oh lady, you just messed up. The fat lady just said that Harry Potter would have been put to death had he lived in the Old Testament because warlocks are enemies of God. Oh my. Bitch, back up off Harry Potter. And get your facts straight crazy lady. Harry Potter is a wizard.
Whoa. This lady really is crazy. Now she is making the kids cry and speak in tongues and yelling at them and washing them with Nestle water because they are hypocrites. It is seriously weirding me out. These kids are so young! They are so hurts me. Earlier the crazy lady was talking about how people in Palestine are brain-washing their kids and teaching them to take up the fight for Islam by killing other people. She didn't specify, so I'm assuming she means every Islamic person is doing this to their kids. So, she thinks we should do the same thing, only she has "the truth" so that makes it ok. I am very concerned for these children. She is now telling them the punishment for sin is DEATH.
Oh no. The bowling alley girl just hated on Catholic churches saying God doesn't like churches where the people just sit there. I'm not offended, I just want to know how she knows that.
Ahhhh!!! Now they are declaring war on the nation! I am so confused! Now they are blessing a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush. Now they are being lectured on abortion. And crying because 50 million of their friends were killed before they got a chance to live. Now they are handing out plastic fetuses (where do you even get those??) and taping up mouths with red duct tape that says LIFE. Not sure what purpose that serves.
What I would love to do is watch this with someone that is hardcore about church and see what they think about it. I also think it's interesting that the South is considered the Bible belt, when this nonsense is going on in Missouri. Quit hatin on the South people, cause the crazies are everywhere.
Um, ok. So this post was supposed to be about how fun my Halloween was and how I took the train home to Charleston...that's right, the train, they still exist. And how I got complimented on my eyes in both the Tampa and Jacksonville train station. Which I thought was weird because I can't think of any other time that has happened and now it's happened twice, both in train stations. Hm. And then I went to North Carolina to hang out with some family and that was really fun/interesting/hectic/slightly stressful. But this Jesus Camp nonsense just blew my mind instead and we'll just have to get to that stuff later. But here is a picture of my awesome Halloween costume in case all my babbling bored you:
I know, awesome, right? Adios people. Less weird stuff next time, I promise.
Whoa. So Stormy has finally shut up and now I'm watching a documentary called "Jesus Camp" and it is blowing my mind. Basically it is about Evangelical Christians, what they believe and this bible camp they go to in the summer. And this stuff is straight up crazy. I thought I knew about people and their Jesus-talk, but clearly I had no idea. At the moment, the leader of the camp is praying over the seats and all the electrical equipment so that it doesn't go out so their message can get out to everyone. She also gave a shout out to Satan, telling him she knows how he likes to come in and mess things up by cutting the power, but Jesus is not going to let that happen this time. Then she started speaking in tongues and that's where I lost her. My Tongue is really rusty and she was speaking really fast, so I missed a lot of it. This was the same lady that said Christians are getting fat and lazy and told the kids it was their job to teach people about God. Kind of funny she mentioned being fat because she is about 100 pounds overweight.
Before they got to the camp, they were talking to some moms. The first mom home-taught her kid (he had a really intense rat tail) that creationism was the ONLY feasible and logical explanation for how humans came about. This same kid also told us he was saved at age 5 because he realized life was no fun without Jesus. Quite the insightful 5 year old. I think he probably would have a little fun if he got to go to real school and make some friends, but his mom and I are obviously not on the same page. We might not even be on the same planet. The second household had a mom that made the kids say the pledge of allegiance (it was a little different than the one I was started "I pledge allegiance to the Christian nation...) and put their hand on the Bible and say some oath before they ate. And then another girl went and tried to save someone in the bowling alley and the dad told her, "way to be obedient." I would have told her, don't talk to strangers and if you do it again, you're getting a whooping.
OH NO SHE DIDN'T!!!!!! Oh lady, you just messed up. The fat lady just said that Harry Potter would have been put to death had he lived in the Old Testament because warlocks are enemies of God. Oh my. Bitch, back up off Harry Potter. And get your facts straight crazy lady. Harry Potter is a wizard.
Whoa. This lady really is crazy. Now she is making the kids cry and speak in tongues and yelling at them and washing them with Nestle water because they are hypocrites. It is seriously weirding me out. These kids are so young! They are so hurts me. Earlier the crazy lady was talking about how people in Palestine are brain-washing their kids and teaching them to take up the fight for Islam by killing other people. She didn't specify, so I'm assuming she means every Islamic person is doing this to their kids. So, she thinks we should do the same thing, only she has "the truth" so that makes it ok. I am very concerned for these children. She is now telling them the punishment for sin is DEATH.
Oh no. The bowling alley girl just hated on Catholic churches saying God doesn't like churches where the people just sit there. I'm not offended, I just want to know how she knows that.
Ahhhh!!! Now they are declaring war on the nation! I am so confused! Now they are blessing a cardboard cutout of George W. Bush. Now they are being lectured on abortion. And crying because 50 million of their friends were killed before they got a chance to live. Now they are handing out plastic fetuses (where do you even get those??) and taping up mouths with red duct tape that says LIFE. Not sure what purpose that serves.
What I would love to do is watch this with someone that is hardcore about church and see what they think about it. I also think it's interesting that the South is considered the Bible belt, when this nonsense is going on in Missouri. Quit hatin on the South people, cause the crazies are everywhere.
Um, ok. So this post was supposed to be about how fun my Halloween was and how I took the train home to Charleston...that's right, the train, they still exist. And how I got complimented on my eyes in both the Tampa and Jacksonville train station. Which I thought was weird because I can't think of any other time that has happened and now it's happened twice, both in train stations. Hm. And then I went to North Carolina to hang out with some family and that was really fun/interesting/hectic/slightly stressful. But this Jesus Camp nonsense just blew my mind instead and we'll just have to get to that stuff later. But here is a picture of my awesome Halloween costume in case all my babbling bored you:

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