Also, I need help. There is this cute guy that rides my bus every afternoon and I need to figure out the best way to approach him. Or if I even should. I am soooo terrible when it comes to talking to boys and there are a MILLION ways things could get awkward, especially on the bus. But, there are also a lot of ways it could be off to a good start since there are always crazy people to talk about on the bus. I just don't know what to do with myself but I think we should at least be friends because he lives close, dresses nicely and seems normal. And he is obviously awesome since he rides the bus because that is what awesome people do, ride busses. Duh. Ok, so if you have any suggestions, let me know. I am just hesitant because I don't want to come on too strong (as is often the case) but I also don't want to do nothing because nothing gets done when you do nothing. I know, so profound. But on the other hand, I always get nervous because I kind of assume all guys have girlfriends and do not want other random girls talking to them. Would it be too much if I asked him if he watches Ellen and tell him my awesome story? Or maybe I could ask if he likes Beatles Rockband and tell him I need a guitar player. Or what if I was just like, yes. Yes, you have seen me on TV, you can stop trying to place me. I am totally famous. OR-what if I was like, sooo, not having a car sucks, huh? So many conversations I could start! What to do!?
Anyways, my housewarming party is tomorrow night! I'm excited and am making cupcakes! Pictures coming soon. Now it's time for bed with my new Ellen eyemask. Night night.
Dream big people!!!!

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