Last night I went to see Clueless at a midnight showing at the Nuart Theater, where I also saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show. And while it was not quite the experience that Rocky was, it was still pretty interesting.
First off, I have seen more movies in the last two months that I think I have seen in the previous like, three years combined. Maybe it's because I'm in the land of movie making and I feel compelled to do so, I don't really know. I do like going to the movies, I just wish it was ridiculously expensive! It's probably why I'm broke as a joke right now, but whatever. Anyways, like I said we went last night at midnight and there were all kinds of characters there.
A few girls had dressed up in Clueless attire, which I thought was pretty funny. People were alllll decked out for Rocky, but the Clueless fans were not as hardcore. People were clapping and all kinds of silly nonsense for random scenes in the movie....especially when Brittany Murphy popped up, which I thought was nice.
The best part, however, was the crazy ass man that decided to sit next to me. First off, he's wandering around the theater with all these bags, homeless style and doesn't really seem like a Clueless kind of a guy. But who am I to judge? He asks if he can sit in the empty seat two seats down from mine because "that is where he sat last time." I say ok, I wasn't saving it for anyone. Then things got weird. He started rummaging through one of his many bags and pulled out what looked like a pizza pan (the round ones you put in the oven) and I'm pretty sure he put it under his feet (I had to look away, it's rude to stare). There was some more rummaging and he pulls out a water bottle with some reallllly suspicious looking liquid in it. Not alcohol suspicious, just suspicious in general. It looked kind of like muddy puddle water. So then the movie starts and he keeps laughing at really un-funny parts where no one else was laughing. I mean, whatever, I do that a lot too. But then, about half way through, he pulled out like, a space blanket, or something. It was either that (like those things marathoners get at the end of a race) or one of those things you put on your windshield to keep out the sun. I can't be too sure. Anyways, he pulls it out, covers up with it and goes to sleep. And stays asleep the rest of the movie and doesn't wake up, even when the movie is over, everyone is clapping (I HATE when people clap at the end of movies..get a life people! Who are you clapping for? The projector guy?) and people are starting to leave. Then it was kind of awkward because my friend and I had to go out the other way, which made us look really strange since we were only two seats away from the end, but we went in the opposite direction. Oh well.
So that was Clueless. Overall, a good time. That movie is a classic! Too bad the old man missed most of it.
Then there was Saturday night!!! So so fun. I convinced two of the Italian students at school to come cook dinner for me and a friend at my sweet temporary apartment. Somehow they agreed and I was treated to pasta, Italian style (my favorite style) Saturday night. It's these two guys and they are soooo funny. Their English is so terrible and they are just the biggest Italian goobers ever. One has a tattoo that says "Real Deal" in this huge cross on his arm. I asked what they did on Saturday and they told me: "Beach. Shopping." I couldn't stop smiling, they were cracking me up the whole time. Especially in the grocery store when we were trying to find ingredients. First, they were appalled/confused at the pasta selection. Then, they thought the shallots were garlic and thought they were free since they were in a barrel. And they were supposed to make tiramisu, but since they didn't get there until 8:30 (late, typical), the tiramisu would have taken forever to we settled for grocery store cake instead. We came back to the apartment and they were upset with my lack of kitchen utensils and salt. But, to be fair, this is not where I usually live, so obviously, all my stuff isn't here! Only a few pots they provide. Not that I have a lot of kitchen stuff, but I at least have salt! I'm not sure they understood the living situation, they probably just think I'm weird for not having anything in my apartment.
Anyways, after our pasta and grocery store cake, we went to a nearby club and the boys were mad because the music was boring, aka, wasn't house music. One refused to dance and the other did but had no rhythm. It was entertaining. My plan to woo one of them didn't work because 1. cute boys are never interested in me and 2. Italians are prudes and I think he was a little put off by how much wine I drank, even though I was NOT drunk! The pasta soaked it all up. He also said something about not liking piercings, so I obviously was not his ideal lady. Too bad for him.
Omg, I have to stop writing because my computer is SLOW AS SHIT and driving me insane. I can't take it any longer.
Dream big, people!
29 August 2010
27 August 2010
Welcome to the good life
Welcome to the gooood liiiiiaaeeeffffeeee.
That was supposed to be sung in the Kanye voice. From the song. You know. Ok whatever.
Anyways, long story behind all this, but I get to spend the next six days in a super sweet apartment in downtown Santa Monica. Which is freaking awesome for so many reasons. I am BY MYSELF. Sweet, sweet, alone time. I'm alone a lot, but never really and truly alone since my roommates could possibly come home at any time. Also, my roommates can be gross and basically I'm so thrilled to take a vacation away from then. I also am now within 10 minutes walking distance to work. Which means, NO BUS! Also, more sleep! Speaking of sleep, I get to sleep in a REAL bed. Off the ground, headboard and all that jazz. And best of all, I have AIR CONDITIONING! And it has a remote control! What?!?! I know, right?!?!
It's truly fantastic. Now, I'm going "home" to lay out on my deck and then I can go back to my apartment, play loud music and dance around in my underwear if I so desire. Don't be jealous because you know your Thursday night will not be as awesome as mine.
Dream big people!
That was supposed to be sung in the Kanye voice. From the song. You know. Ok whatever.
Anyways, long story behind all this, but I get to spend the next six days in a super sweet apartment in downtown Santa Monica. Which is freaking awesome for so many reasons. I am BY MYSELF. Sweet, sweet, alone time. I'm alone a lot, but never really and truly alone since my roommates could possibly come home at any time. Also, my roommates can be gross and basically I'm so thrilled to take a vacation away from then. I also am now within 10 minutes walking distance to work. Which means, NO BUS! Also, more sleep! Speaking of sleep, I get to sleep in a REAL bed. Off the ground, headboard and all that jazz. And best of all, I have AIR CONDITIONING! And it has a remote control! What?!?! I know, right?!?!
It's truly fantastic. Now, I'm going "home" to lay out on my deck and then I can go back to my apartment, play loud music and dance around in my underwear if I so desire. Don't be jealous because you know your Thursday night will not be as awesome as mine.
Dream big people!
25 August 2010
Rose and Thorn
So we (counselors) used to play this game at camp when we were too lazy to come up actual vespers (inspirational stories of some sort) for our campers. My family also used to play our own version at the dinner table called Highlights and Lowlights. Basically you say the worst part of your day, then the best. And there's also the bud, which is what you're looking forward to. So since I'm to lazy to form real sentences right now (also, it's almost 11:00...where does the time go?!), I'm playing Rose and Thorn, blog style.
I left my phone at home.
I had too much caffeine crack (an iced coffee) today and was having difficulty speaking and made myself look and sound like an idiot on more than one occasion.
I had a car, but no where to go and apparently no friends that want to go anywhere.
I bought food to make myself a great dinner and then got full from chips.
I had to pay $6 for parking because Santa Monica is stupid. Also, I'm stupid. Long story.
31 students are leaving and not one of them wrote mean things about me on their evaluations!
I went to Albertsons and guess what I found. STARBURST JELLYBEANS!!! Successss!!!
I also discovered that Albertsons trumps Ralphs and Vons by a million in terms of selection of pretty much everything, thus I have found a new, better, Starburst Jellybean carrying grocery store.
I got to drrriiivvveeee! Love driving. So much.
I watched some really funny TV.
I got some really nice facebook messages.
Last but not least, Bud:
Beach tomorrow! It's supposed to be 82!!!!
I get to drive some more!
I have Starburst Jellybeans to eat!
I get to go home in THREE WEEKS! (that is a long term one)
Your turn!
Dream big people! :)
I left my phone at home.
I had too much caffeine crack (an iced coffee) today and was having difficulty speaking and made myself look and sound like an idiot on more than one occasion.
I had a car, but no where to go and apparently no friends that want to go anywhere.
I bought food to make myself a great dinner and then got full from chips.
I had to pay $6 for parking because Santa Monica is stupid. Also, I'm stupid. Long story.
31 students are leaving and not one of them wrote mean things about me on their evaluations!
I went to Albertsons and guess what I found. STARBURST JELLYBEANS!!! Successss!!!
I also discovered that Albertsons trumps Ralphs and Vons by a million in terms of selection of pretty much everything, thus I have found a new, better, Starburst Jellybean carrying grocery store.
I got to drrriiivvveeee! Love driving. So much.
I watched some really funny TV.
I got some really nice facebook messages.
Last but not least, Bud:
Beach tomorrow! It's supposed to be 82!!!!
I get to drive some more!
I have Starburst Jellybeans to eat!
I get to go home in THREE WEEKS! (that is a long term one)
Your turn!
Dream big people! :)
23 August 2010
What a Silly Day
Yes, it was silly, but it was also SUNNY! I went to the beach both days this weekend. It was a Santa Monica miracle! Today got a little windy towards the end, but it was actually quite pleasant for most of the time. I could get used to this.
Yesterday I went with a friend. We had some parking issues, but it was still a lovely time. Today, I went by myself. I was just sitting there, minding my own business and this guy comes up and introduces himself and asks if I want to put sunscreen on his back. I decline, but he doesn't seem fazed. He asks, "so, do you come here often?" YES. He really asked that. I was very close to laughing in his face. He finally leaves after some other awkward questions.
So then I'm sitting there and I'm like, you know, that was really rude of me. He was just trying to be friendly and it takes guts to randomly approach super hot ladies like myself so I should have been nicer. I was thinking all this theoretically, of course. I didn't really want him to come back nor did I want anyone else to stop by. I just thought, in general, I should give people more of a chance. Unlucky for me, I got to put my theory in practice. He came back. He asked if I wanted to go swimming. I tried this time to be nicer. I didn't want to go swimming (the Pacific Ocean is freezing!) but I did at least attempt conversation. It wasn't easy. I told him I was from South Carolina and after he asked me how things were in North Carolina (twice), he asked if there was coast line in South Carolina. When I said yes, we're on the Atlantic, he was like, oh yeah, you have Atlanta!
Um. No.
This is what I get for being nice! And the worst part is, there was no escape! I'm at the beach, where can I go? Obviously not in the water, because he would want to come along! Eventually he asked if was going to take a nap and I jumped all over that. It was so terrible. I whine all the time about never getting hit on, but this really isn't what I was going for. I don't know what is wrong with me. I fail so bad at boys. Oh well.
Anyways, after my "nap" I leave and I am walking down the street and I encounter a man pooping in the bushes. Yes, that's right. Pants down, squatting in the bushes. Ok, so I don't know if he was actually pooping, but he wasn't in peeing position so you make your own conclusions. It was so so so horrible. I turned around and walked the other direction and ended up walking like, 3 blocks out of my way just to avoid him. It actually made me kind of angry. Like, who the fuck does that?! Sick. I don't even want to talk about it anymore.
After that, I went to McDonalds and got some ice cream (I felt I deserved it) and asked for a cup of water and this is what they gave me:
Really McDonalds? That is all the water you can afford to give me? Hm, that picture doesn't actually show how tiny the cup is, but I promise you, it's very small. This segment of the blog worked out better in my head. I think I'll stop talking about it now. I will also say, however, that the McDonalds only had 3 stalls in the women's restroom and that has got to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen. This McDonalds is in the middle of super crowded, touristy Santa Monica and has like, 500 tables and a line out the door and there are THREE stalls. Who designed this shit? Unacceptable. Moving on.
Tomorrow we only get FIVE new students. I am very excited about the numbers going back down and things being slightly less crazy.
I don't want to talk about school either. Instead, lets talk about how I saw The Switch on Friday and it was really good. I recommend going to see it. Obvi, not as fantastic as Step Up 3, but only because there is less dancing. I watched the original Step Up last night and I won't lie, I think the second one is my favorite. Maybe because the guy in it is way cuter. Or maybe because there is salsa involved. Who knows. I had a dance movie marathon last night and watched Stomp the Yard as well. I thought I had seen it before, but I must have only watched half because I didn't remember most of it. That movie is intense! Lots of serious shit going on. And some serious stepping. It reconfirmed my life long goal of going to a legitimate step show. This needs to happen and soon. My life will be empty until then. Keep your ears open people.
Ok, I'm tired now. All that beach laying has worn me out. Goodnight friends.
Dream big people!
Yesterday I went with a friend. We had some parking issues, but it was still a lovely time. Today, I went by myself. I was just sitting there, minding my own business and this guy comes up and introduces himself and asks if I want to put sunscreen on his back. I decline, but he doesn't seem fazed. He asks, "so, do you come here often?" YES. He really asked that. I was very close to laughing in his face. He finally leaves after some other awkward questions.
So then I'm sitting there and I'm like, you know, that was really rude of me. He was just trying to be friendly and it takes guts to randomly approach super hot ladies like myself so I should have been nicer. I was thinking all this theoretically, of course. I didn't really want him to come back nor did I want anyone else to stop by. I just thought, in general, I should give people more of a chance. Unlucky for me, I got to put my theory in practice. He came back. He asked if I wanted to go swimming. I tried this time to be nicer. I didn't want to go swimming (the Pacific Ocean is freezing!) but I did at least attempt conversation. It wasn't easy. I told him I was from South Carolina and after he asked me how things were in North Carolina (twice), he asked if there was coast line in South Carolina. When I said yes, we're on the Atlantic, he was like, oh yeah, you have Atlanta!
Um. No.
This is what I get for being nice! And the worst part is, there was no escape! I'm at the beach, where can I go? Obviously not in the water, because he would want to come along! Eventually he asked if was going to take a nap and I jumped all over that. It was so terrible. I whine all the time about never getting hit on, but this really isn't what I was going for. I don't know what is wrong with me. I fail so bad at boys. Oh well.
Anyways, after my "nap" I leave and I am walking down the street and I encounter a man pooping in the bushes. Yes, that's right. Pants down, squatting in the bushes. Ok, so I don't know if he was actually pooping, but he wasn't in peeing position so you make your own conclusions. It was so so so horrible. I turned around and walked the other direction and ended up walking like, 3 blocks out of my way just to avoid him. It actually made me kind of angry. Like, who the fuck does that?! Sick. I don't even want to talk about it anymore.
After that, I went to McDonalds and got some ice cream (I felt I deserved it) and asked for a cup of water and this is what they gave me:

Tomorrow we only get FIVE new students. I am very excited about the numbers going back down and things being slightly less crazy.
I don't want to talk about school either. Instead, lets talk about how I saw The Switch on Friday and it was really good. I recommend going to see it. Obvi, not as fantastic as Step Up 3, but only because there is less dancing. I watched the original Step Up last night and I won't lie, I think the second one is my favorite. Maybe because the guy in it is way cuter. Or maybe because there is salsa involved. Who knows. I had a dance movie marathon last night and watched Stomp the Yard as well. I thought I had seen it before, but I must have only watched half because I didn't remember most of it. That movie is intense! Lots of serious shit going on. And some serious stepping. It reconfirmed my life long goal of going to a legitimate step show. This needs to happen and soon. My life will be empty until then. Keep your ears open people.
Ok, I'm tired now. All that beach laying has worn me out. Goodnight friends.
Dream big people!
18 August 2010
More Smiling Please
Apparently there is not enough smiling going on behind the secretary desk (where I sit) at work. More complaints today about how the secretary is not nice and doesn't ever smile. More sadness in my heart, but I'm shaking it off. One, because it's not true. I smile all the time. Two, I did actually get some nice comments (the staff is very good!!!) and three, the bitches that wrote mean things are leaving tomorrow. CIAO CIAO ASSHOLES!
Man, I am really terrible at shaking things off. I do not take criticism well. I should work on that. PS-I'm not the secretary! I'm important! I sign the certificates! Respect me!
In other news, work is actually improving in a weird way. And I think it's just going to get better. I'm excited to what happens. Also, I saw Step Up 3 last night (sadly, not in 3D...shit's expensive) and it was FABULOUS! Soooo cheesy and really, why do they even bother with a "plot line." Less talking, more dancing! That's what I always say. I can't wait for Step Up 4! Maybe it will be about a girl (brown hair, kind of short, lots of potential) that doesn't really dance all that well, but really likes it and she finds this super hot guy that teaches her how to release all her dancing power and really good things happen. I think that would be a great movie. I would go see it and possibly buy it on DVD.
Anyways, not much else is going on. Hopefully that will change soon.
Dream big people! And keep (or start) smiling! :)
Man, I am really terrible at shaking things off. I do not take criticism well. I should work on that. PS-I'm not the secretary! I'm important! I sign the certificates! Respect me!
In other news, work is actually improving in a weird way. And I think it's just going to get better. I'm excited to what happens. Also, I saw Step Up 3 last night (sadly, not in 3D...shit's expensive) and it was FABULOUS! Soooo cheesy and really, why do they even bother with a "plot line." Less talking, more dancing! That's what I always say. I can't wait for Step Up 4! Maybe it will be about a girl (brown hair, kind of short, lots of potential) that doesn't really dance all that well, but really likes it and she finds this super hot guy that teaches her how to release all her dancing power and really good things happen. I think that would be a great movie. I would go see it and possibly buy it on DVD.
Anyways, not much else is going on. Hopefully that will change soon.
Dream big people! And keep (or start) smiling! :)
16 August 2010
13 August 2010
I love beach music
And the beach is exactly where I'll be come September! So pumped, I just booked a flight home for a nice little vacay weekend in September! So so sooooo excited! I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but the weather here SUCKS ASS and trying to enjoy yourself on the beach is just a sad joke. It's windy and cold all the time and overall unpleasant. Yes, the sun is out ( the afternoon...), but I've worn a sweater/jacket to work every day this month and that is just completely ridiculous. Call me crazy, but I want some HOT weather. At least on the weekend and/or anytime I feel like going to the beach and enjoying myself.
Anyways, I'm also very excited because in addition to enjoying the beach (jeez, fingers crossed SO hard it doesn't rain), I get to watch two good friends get married (to each other) that weekend. Also, I need some Southerness in my life. Mainly in the form of sweet tea, Chic-Fil-A, beach music, shag dancing and humidity. Can't wait!
I booked my flight with Delta and I'm a little upset because seriously, a few hours ago, the flight was like, $40 cheaper. Mainly I'm frustrated with myself. And I was I wait and see if it goes back down? But what if I wait and and it just goes up more? Agghhhh, so many decisions! I asked the Delta chat thingy and while the woman was very polite, she was not helpful. Oh well. It still is a pretty decent price. And you want to hear some nonsense? It's cheaper for me to fly to Charleston and out of Florence (where the wedding is) than for me to fly round trip to Atlanta! How in the hell does that make any sense? I have no idea. Um, well never mind...I just checked again and it's actually $12 cheaper. Son of a bitch! Whatever. I won't dwell, I'm still pumped.
In other news: some punk ass bitches left the school today and I could not be more thrilled! For whatever reason, these two students decided they hated me and wrote really mean things about me on their evaluations. On one hand, I don't care...I'm not getting fired over it and they are really the first people to say something negative about me personally. On the other hand, it was very personal! One said I was very rude and didn't help anyone! :( Which isn't true, but still. The other said I wasn't very kind. They had a long list of other complaints and they really just were a big in everyone's ass (not just mine) so it's over and done but jeez...was the personal attack really necessary? Probably not. Oh well. I'm just glad they are leaving. I'm also glad the summer season is winding down, which means less students, which means less complaining for me! Hooray! I'm all for helping people, but 90 students was a little intense. Maybe we'll get some new students that actually like me because the ones now don't seem to be fans. Boo, I don't want to talk about this anymore.
For some happy times: Ellen was on So You Think You Can Dance tonight and it was AMAZING!!!! I don't even watch the show, but a little bird told me she was going to be on, so I taped it and watched her part. I was literally screeching with joy in my living room. I'm hoping the neighbors didn't hear. You enjoy too:
Hot damn, she just makes me so happy. Love it! Oh Ellen clip re-aired on Monday and I made all the students watch since they were there in the afternoon. I wanted to make sure everyone knew I was a celebrity. :)
Ok, well it's bed time for me. More to come later. Sorry it had been so long, but I have been out of commission for the past two weeks. First a cold and then a severe case of laziness hit. Hoping to get back on the horse next week.
Dream big people!
Anyways, I'm also very excited because in addition to enjoying the beach (jeez, fingers crossed SO hard it doesn't rain), I get to watch two good friends get married (to each other) that weekend. Also, I need some Southerness in my life. Mainly in the form of sweet tea, Chic-Fil-A, beach music, shag dancing and humidity. Can't wait!
I booked my flight with Delta and I'm a little upset because seriously, a few hours ago, the flight was like, $40 cheaper. Mainly I'm frustrated with myself. And I was I wait and see if it goes back down? But what if I wait and and it just goes up more? Agghhhh, so many decisions! I asked the Delta chat thingy and while the woman was very polite, she was not helpful. Oh well. It still is a pretty decent price. And you want to hear some nonsense? It's cheaper for me to fly to Charleston and out of Florence (where the wedding is) than for me to fly round trip to Atlanta! How in the hell does that make any sense? I have no idea. Um, well never mind...I just checked again and it's actually $12 cheaper. Son of a bitch! Whatever. I won't dwell, I'm still pumped.
In other news: some punk ass bitches left the school today and I could not be more thrilled! For whatever reason, these two students decided they hated me and wrote really mean things about me on their evaluations. On one hand, I don't care...I'm not getting fired over it and they are really the first people to say something negative about me personally. On the other hand, it was very personal! One said I was very rude and didn't help anyone! :( Which isn't true, but still. The other said I wasn't very kind. They had a long list of other complaints and they really just were a big in everyone's ass (not just mine) so it's over and done but jeez...was the personal attack really necessary? Probably not. Oh well. I'm just glad they are leaving. I'm also glad the summer season is winding down, which means less students, which means less complaining for me! Hooray! I'm all for helping people, but 90 students was a little intense. Maybe we'll get some new students that actually like me because the ones now don't seem to be fans. Boo, I don't want to talk about this anymore.
For some happy times: Ellen was on So You Think You Can Dance tonight and it was AMAZING!!!! I don't even watch the show, but a little bird told me she was going to be on, so I taped it and watched her part. I was literally screeching with joy in my living room. I'm hoping the neighbors didn't hear. You enjoy too:
Hot damn, she just makes me so happy. Love it! Oh Ellen clip re-aired on Monday and I made all the students watch since they were there in the afternoon. I wanted to make sure everyone knew I was a celebrity. :)
Ok, well it's bed time for me. More to come later. Sorry it had been so long, but I have been out of commission for the past two weeks. First a cold and then a severe case of laziness hit. Hoping to get back on the horse next week.
Dream big people!
05 August 2010
I think not! Guess who shares my birthday with me? [I know this is a week late, but this is the first day I haven't felt like garbage and I want to share.] JACKIE KENNEDY! And, almost as great, Soulja Boy! Basically, I'm in pretty awesome birthday company. I've always felt a special connection with Jackie O. She's fantastic, I'm fantastic, we both look good in big sunglasses and we're both classy ladies with a layer of sketchiness. I don't know how I've gone 25 years without learning that we have the same birthday, but better late than never I guess. I guess this means I'm destined to become a first lady. Either that or a rap star that invents the dumbest dance ever and sings about about a horribly disgusting and degrading sex act, like Soulja Boy. Only time will tell. I also share my birthday with 5 other people that I know of. They aren't famous though, so who really cares? (just kidding)
Anyways, the past week (up until yesterday) was pretty amazing. Birthday celebrations were lovely and my friends were here on the weekend and that rocked. We went to the cheesy club in Hollywood that I love. It's probably the least cool in all of LA, but I don't really care. They play awesome 80s music and sometimes they play early 90s stuff as well and I love it. The night was so fun. I will say that cab drivers in LA are total dicks though...they put a damper on things, but whatever. Sunday we saw Eclipse and it was horribly cheesy, as expected. It did however, solidify my membership on Team Jacob. Actually, I'm really more Team Taylor because Jacob isn't real. But since I'm now the proud owner of a Jacob canvas bag (thanks birthday presents!), I have to represent his character as well.
I guess the weekend wore me down because Tuesday I was feeling pretty sickly. I went straight home from work and took like, a hundred hour nap (coma?) and dragged myself back today, but went home early. I'm feeling a lot better now so unfortunately it's back to work tomorrow. This week has been so horrible at work. There are a million complaints, most of them are totally ridiculous and people are being super annoying. One woman said she was going to call the better business bureau on me. Awesome!
Anyways, I have to pick up my friend at the airport at midnight :( And then get up for work tomorrow. :( :( Not sure why I didn't just say I was still sick and would come in late, pending on how I felt. I'm an idiot. I guess I'll take a nap until I have to leave.
Dream big people!
Anyways, the past week (up until yesterday) was pretty amazing. Birthday celebrations were lovely and my friends were here on the weekend and that rocked. We went to the cheesy club in Hollywood that I love. It's probably the least cool in all of LA, but I don't really care. They play awesome 80s music and sometimes they play early 90s stuff as well and I love it. The night was so fun. I will say that cab drivers in LA are total dicks though...they put a damper on things, but whatever. Sunday we saw Eclipse and it was horribly cheesy, as expected. It did however, solidify my membership on Team Jacob. Actually, I'm really more Team Taylor because Jacob isn't real. But since I'm now the proud owner of a Jacob canvas bag (thanks birthday presents!), I have to represent his character as well.
I guess the weekend wore me down because Tuesday I was feeling pretty sickly. I went straight home from work and took like, a hundred hour nap (coma?) and dragged myself back today, but went home early. I'm feeling a lot better now so unfortunately it's back to work tomorrow. This week has been so horrible at work. There are a million complaints, most of them are totally ridiculous and people are being super annoying. One woman said she was going to call the better business bureau on me. Awesome!
Anyways, I have to pick up my friend at the airport at midnight :( And then get up for work tomorrow. :( :( Not sure why I didn't just say I was still sick and would come in late, pending on how I felt. I'm an idiot. I guess I'll take a nap until I have to leave.
Dream big people!
04 August 2010
Cheers to PA, today would have been his 91st birthday. :)
Also, more to come about my own was fantastic. He would have been proud. For now, off to bed...trying to fight off strep throat. I can do this!
Dream big, HEALTHY dreams people!
Also, more to come about my own was fantastic. He would have been proud. For now, off to bed...trying to fight off strep throat. I can do this!
Dream big, HEALTHY dreams people!
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