Last night I went to see Clueless at a midnight showing at the Nuart Theater, where I also saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show. And while it was not quite the experience that Rocky was, it was still pretty interesting.
First off, I have seen more movies in the last two months that I think I have seen in the previous like, three years combined. Maybe it's because I'm in the land of movie making and I feel compelled to do so, I don't really know. I do like going to the movies, I just wish it was ridiculously expensive! It's probably why I'm broke as a joke right now, but whatever. Anyways, like I said we went last night at midnight and there were all kinds of characters there.
A few girls had dressed up in Clueless attire, which I thought was pretty funny. People were alllll decked out for Rocky, but the Clueless fans were not as hardcore. People were clapping and all kinds of silly nonsense for random scenes in the movie....especially when Brittany Murphy popped up, which I thought was nice.
The best part, however, was the crazy ass man that decided to sit next to me. First off, he's wandering around the theater with all these bags, homeless style and doesn't really seem like a Clueless kind of a guy. But who am I to judge? He asks if he can sit in the empty seat two seats down from mine because "that is where he sat last time." I say ok, I wasn't saving it for anyone. Then things got weird. He started rummaging through one of his many bags and pulled out what looked like a pizza pan (the round ones you put in the oven) and I'm pretty sure he put it under his feet (I had to look away, it's rude to stare). There was some more rummaging and he pulls out a water bottle with some reallllly suspicious looking liquid in it. Not alcohol suspicious, just suspicious in general. It looked kind of like muddy puddle water. So then the movie starts and he keeps laughing at really un-funny parts where no one else was laughing. I mean, whatever, I do that a lot too. But then, about half way through, he pulled out like, a space blanket, or something. It was either that (like those things marathoners get at the end of a race) or one of those things you put on your windshield to keep out the sun. I can't be too sure. Anyways, he pulls it out, covers up with it and goes to sleep. And stays asleep the rest of the movie and doesn't wake up, even when the movie is over, everyone is clapping (I HATE when people clap at the end of movies..get a life people! Who are you clapping for? The projector guy?) and people are starting to leave. Then it was kind of awkward because my friend and I had to go out the other way, which made us look really strange since we were only two seats away from the end, but we went in the opposite direction. Oh well.
So that was Clueless. Overall, a good time. That movie is a classic! Too bad the old man missed most of it.
Then there was Saturday night!!! So so fun. I convinced two of the Italian students at school to come cook dinner for me and a friend at my sweet temporary apartment. Somehow they agreed and I was treated to pasta, Italian style (my favorite style) Saturday night. It's these two guys and they are soooo funny. Their English is so terrible and they are just the biggest Italian goobers ever. One has a tattoo that says "Real Deal" in this huge cross on his arm. I asked what they did on Saturday and they told me: "Beach. Shopping." I couldn't stop smiling, they were cracking me up the whole time. Especially in the grocery store when we were trying to find ingredients. First, they were appalled/confused at the pasta selection. Then, they thought the shallots were garlic and thought they were free since they were in a barrel. And they were supposed to make tiramisu, but since they didn't get there until 8:30 (late, typical), the tiramisu would have taken forever to we settled for grocery store cake instead. We came back to the apartment and they were upset with my lack of kitchen utensils and salt. But, to be fair, this is not where I usually live, so obviously, all my stuff isn't here! Only a few pots they provide. Not that I have a lot of kitchen stuff, but I at least have salt! I'm not sure they understood the living situation, they probably just think I'm weird for not having anything in my apartment.
Anyways, after our pasta and grocery store cake, we went to a nearby club and the boys were mad because the music was boring, aka, wasn't house music. One refused to dance and the other did but had no rhythm. It was entertaining. My plan to woo one of them didn't work because 1. cute boys are never interested in me and 2. Italians are prudes and I think he was a little put off by how much wine I drank, even though I was NOT drunk! The pasta soaked it all up. He also said something about not liking piercings, so I obviously was not his ideal lady. Too bad for him.
Omg, I have to stop writing because my computer is SLOW AS SHIT and driving me insane. I can't take it any longer.
Dream big, people!
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