Okkkk, so my life isn't as terrible as I make it seem. I really hate sitting around by myself. Like, really really REALLY hate it. But, things could be worse I suppose. Besides, when things actually do come along for me to do, I get really happy and life is better. Also, when silly Italians send me silly messages and facebook chats, I also get really happy. I don't know what it is, but Italians trying to speak English just really makes smile. Smile so hard I feel like my face is going to crack. German and Spanish accents just don't really do it for me. Sorry guys. Not to say I don't love people with those accents, I'm just saying. Italians just make me want to squeeze their little faces, pinch their bottoms and send them into the kitchen to make me something delicious. This is how I break down the countries at work:
Italy: cook for me, please! And don't stop talking, ever! Baci, baci and more baci adesso!
Germany: why are you here? Your English is fantastic!
France: you are actually not as fantastic as you think you are. Also, you should stop smoking.
Spain: STOP SPEAKING IN SPANISH! But I like your crazy clothes.
Iceland: you are frigid. Makes sense.
Japan: I'm happy you are always so happy! Let's spread that positivity around please.
Taiwan: ....we've only had one. I can't make a consensus.
Czech Republic: you seem nice, but I have my suspicions.
Switzerland: my, you are demanding.
Canada: seriously? No one cares about your country. Get over it.
Brazil: marry me and take me back to your country.
Russia: also, very demanding
Ukraine: you are kind of scary and I am looking forward to you leaving
Azerbaijan: you are very quiet.
I think that just about covers everyone. God only knows what they are thinking about us.
In other news: my cousin, who is MY AGE is going to be having a baby next month. That's right people, sometime in the ridiculously near future, she is going to be pushing a small child out of her you know what. Anyone else weirded out? No? Just me? Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to pieces for this baby to come and I can't wait until I save up enough money and vacation time to go visit the little booger in England, but I am just kind of floored at how far along in life she is. We are only seven months apart and she is bringing another human into the world and I'm contributing nothing of the sort. Life is weird.
Side note: Van Morrison is playing here October 8. I must go. Please, come join.
Last but not least, today is the one year anniversary of one fantastic grandpa's passing, Mr. Pa Carney. I miss you Pa!
Dream big, people.
PS-Happy 250th post!
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haha - LOVE the french assessment. they're so pompous and i dont get it.