Whoa. So much to be said right now, I don't even know where to start. So many good things to talk about, and a few minor complaints. Let's get started.
First off, THANK YOU to everyone that said Happy Birthday via fb, text, calling, and especially those that sent things in the mail. I appreciate it so much and am so so happy you are in my life. Birthdays make me feel so very special and happy I have such good people in my life. I am a very lucky girl. Love you all!
Since I am now in charge of the activities schedule, I decided a trip to Disneyland was in order on my birthday. A trip would have been planned anyway, but since I just happened to have a birthday coming up, I figured why not? Wednesday we had a beach day and I was kinda like, aw man, I wish I had switched the two so I could chill on the beach for my bday instead, blah blah blah. I basically regret every decision I ever make and second guess everything I plan, so I was thinking a day at Disney wasn't the best idea. I have never been so wrong in my life. A birthday at Disney was the BEST idea ever. SUCH a good birthday. I don't even have the vocabulary to describe the fantasticness that was my birthday.
It got off to a rough start since the stupid woman at Starbucks refused to give me my free birthday drink (I have major beef with this woman, she sucks and is always working in the morning at the Starbucks near my work), and then there was mad traffic on the way to the Land, but once I got there, things just kept getting more and more amazing.
First off, they give you this button that says it's your birthday and they (the parking attendant) writes your name on it. So then, every time you interact with a Disney "cast member" they say, "Happy Birthday Jacky!" And it fucking rocks. I think they are kind of like Chick-Fil-A employees where they are required to be nice to you and say certain things so everyone is super happy and friendly and it's lovely and refreshing. Very few fellow park goers said anything, but a few did and I got a high 5 from a fellow birthday boy.
Anyway, it was really nice weather and I just love all things Disney so the rest of the day was fantastic. I was reminded of how ridiculous I am and am really a five year old. I have so many good memories of going to Disney World when I was younger, I think it subconsciously just makes me really happy to be there. My dad would take my cousin and I every year and it was the best! I decided not to go to California Adventure this time. One, because I really wanted to see the parade (I didn't get to last time) and two, no one else wanted to and I didn't want to go by myself. There were soooo many people there but I loved it. I got to ride my favorite, It's a Small World, right off the bat. It looks a lot different when it's not decorated for Christmas, so it was a whole new experience. I also didn't make it to Toontown last time, so I went there, saw Mickey's house and got to meet him in his production barn. A picture with Mickey is the best kind of picture.
The rest of the day was spent wandering around, and waiting in lots of lines. Things got really good around 6:30, when I got to see the parraaddeeee! We got good seats along the route (in front of some trashcans..apparently no one wants to sit there) and I literally, lost my shit when the parade started. I was soooo happy. It's almost embarrassing how excited I got. BUT-to be fair, they did start off with a drum line and I fucking love drum lines so that, plus really loud music AND people dancing AND Mickey Mouse rocking on the drums, it was just things-I-really-love overload. Just when I thought things could not possibly be any better, the chimney sweeps from Mary Poppins (my fave Disney movie, tied with Lady and the Tramp....Lily e Vagabondo in Italian) came by and they all stopped in front me and said HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKY. And it was amazing. I was completely overcome with joy. Just thinking about it makes me smile. I even got a handshake from one. And a blown kiss from Mary Poppins. AMAZING! I have never felt so special in my life.
I know I sound like a TOTAL goober re-hashing all of it, but it was just so great. There are not words. After the parade, there was another lights show, fireworks, and FANTASMIC which was this crazy lights, water, fire and fireworks extravaganza hosted by Mickey. All great, I loved them all. I don't think I will ever get tired of going to Disneyland. I really don't care if people think I'm weird and/or immature. Maybe California Adventure next time. Now I can go to both parks FOR FREE because I'm a season pass holder. Woo! So come visit, I'll take you. It almost makes me want to have kids just so I can take them and watch them lose their minds when they meet a character. It's the greatest watching the little kids. How awesome would it be to play a Disney princess in the parade? One, you get to be in parades which is super fun. Two, you get to wear a princess dress...what girl doesn't want to do that? Three, you get a prince..so what if he's not real. And four, and best of all, you get to make people REALLY happy just by waving at them. And you pretty much make their life if you give them a hug. I think that would be the best job ever.
The only downfall was the struggles today. I got home around 1:30 am (left the house at 6:30 am) and it was rough getting out of bed and everything hurt today. Maybe I'm getting old but I was so sore! Too much walking and getting thrown around on rides, I guess. Also, when you spend a day at Disney and then have to go back into the real world, it's a harsh transition. Nothing is magical, no one says Happy Birthday to you and there are no parades in the afternoon. Boo. On top of that, I was greeted with lots of complaints about activities at school. I am at a loss over what to do to make people happy but I think I just have to accept that is never going to happen. Someone out there always has something negative to say, even when I bust my ass trying to plan fun activities. But I was pretty angry because apparently one girl was complaining to a co-worker that she didn't like Disney. There weren't enough rides for her and it was too childish. Bitch, you were at DISNEYLAND. What the hell did you expect? Whiny people make me SO angry and I'm sorry, but if Disneyland can't make you happy, nothing can. Also, people who don't like Disneyland are NO friends of mine. Screw you.
Whatever. My day at Disney was so wonderful and it was the BEST way to spend a birthday. I was genuinely excited and happy and I haven't been like that in a long, long time. Thanks Mickey!!!
Dream big people! ...a dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep....
30 July 2011
27 July 2011
There It Is
Has anyone seen that commercial for the iPhone (or something) that has the guy at a restaurant looking up a Whoop! There It Is? Anyone? Well, I hate that commercial. You want to know why? Because that guy is being super rude. The waitress is there to take his order and he is being really rude and just ignoring her and continuing to talk on the phone. So rude.
Anyway, it was just on TV so I thought I would comment. I am currently chilling, at home, in the middle of the day and it is so awesome. I am on my way to get my California driver's license. I have mixed emotions about this. I don't really want it and I feel like it's going to be a pain in the ass, but it seems necessary. I don't know, I can't decide. But whatever, because I got to leave work and I don't have to go back until afterwards. I came home to get my passport and such and decided I'd have lunch..since I was here and all. My roommates have been gone and it is SO fantastic to have the apartment to myself. I'm loving it.
I'll be loving the rest of this week as well. Tonight, Dodger's game. Tomorrow, Beach Fun Day and Thursday (MY BIRTHDAY), Disneyland!!!!!!!! I mean, how awesome is that? Pretty fucking awesome if you ask me. I actually think I'll go to California Adventure because I've already been to Disneyland. My co worker has been giving me negative reviews about California Adventure, but she's pretty stupid, so I'll probably just ignore her.
Anyway, time to study. California makes you take a test to get your license here. Which really surprises me because there are the absolute WORST drivers here in LA. The worst. Off I go. Looking forward to the next few days. Getting less and less stressed about life, so things are good.
Dream big people!
Anyway, it was just on TV so I thought I would comment. I am currently chilling, at home, in the middle of the day and it is so awesome. I am on my way to get my California driver's license. I have mixed emotions about this. I don't really want it and I feel like it's going to be a pain in the ass, but it seems necessary. I don't know, I can't decide. But whatever, because I got to leave work and I don't have to go back until afterwards. I came home to get my passport and such and decided I'd have lunch..since I was here and all. My roommates have been gone and it is SO fantastic to have the apartment to myself. I'm loving it.
I'll be loving the rest of this week as well. Tonight, Dodger's game. Tomorrow, Beach Fun Day and Thursday (MY BIRTHDAY), Disneyland!!!!!!!! I mean, how awesome is that? Pretty fucking awesome if you ask me. I actually think I'll go to California Adventure because I've already been to Disneyland. My co worker has been giving me negative reviews about California Adventure, but she's pretty stupid, so I'll probably just ignore her.
Anyway, time to study. California makes you take a test to get your license here. Which really surprises me because there are the absolute WORST drivers here in LA. The worst. Off I go. Looking forward to the next few days. Getting less and less stressed about life, so things are good.
Dream big people!
22 July 2011
I don't know
Whew. Crisis averted with the Six Flags credit card situation. I remembered I had an actual credit card and didn't have to put everything on my debit card. I also got to the bank today so there was really no need to freak out. Which is usually the case with whatever I'm freaking out about, so I should probably keep that in mind.
Anyway, Six Flags was a lot of fun. The rides didn't give me a raging headache until the end of the day, so I got to ride a lot more than last time where I thought I was going to die after 3. Also, the entire group stuck together this time, which was nice. It was me, one French girl, two Swiss kids and 12 Spanish kids. Lots of Spanish going on, but they actually did a pretty good job of speaking in English a lot of the time. They are so hilarious too, it made the day worth the headache. The Swiss kids..not so much. One guy decided he was leader of the pack and spent most of the day complaining about waiting in the lines and then would assess each line and decide (for everyone) if it was worth waiting or not. Then we would wait and he was spend the whole time talking about how we should have done something else. UGH, it's hard to explain but dammit, he was so annoying! There were lines for EVERY ride and that is just how it works, so shut the fuck up! He was just super annoying in so many ways, I was not pleased when he called shotgun. The girl wasn't as bad, but she had a little mini heat stroke and didn't say thank you when I ran around getting things to cool her off and spent $3.50 on bottled water for her. Whatever. Not all Swiss people are this way, I'm just saying. They also both acted like I was a complete idiot for not knowing the population of South Carolina and California. Listen up, Europeans: Most American people do NOT know the populations of their towns. For whatever reasons, Europeans do and they are always asking me. I don't know, I don't care and I don't understand why you do. That is what the internet is for, answering your stupid ass questions. Furthermore, just because I dont' know, doesn't mean I'm stupid. It means I'm using my braincells for other, more important, information. Like being really good at speaking English. Ooooh, snap, no she didn't! Yes I did.
I actually feel like an idiot a lot, though, because the students are CONSTANTLY asking me questions and usually my answer is, "I don't know." But they are completely ridiculous questions that most people wouldn't know! I'm expected to be an expert on everywhere we go and everything we do. No, I don't know how many people come to Six Flags every day. I don't know how the roller coasters are built, how fast they go, how often people fall off them or why the food is so expensive. I don't know how the routes and times for every bus, what concerts are playing at the Staples Center on any given day and sorry, but I don't know why there was no zucchini for purchase at the market you went to. I also got asked how long it would take to go up a very tall building in an elevator. OH MY GOD, what the hell kind of question is that??
In addition to a million questions, we've had some crazy ass students lately. Another girl (Swiss...again) is super nice and fun, but a TOTAL crazy person. Seriously. It's getting old. And lots of whiny girls lately. Can't make everyone happy. But on the plus side, we have some really cute and hilarious students that make my job so much fun. There are two Spanish boys now that are the cutest things ever and make me laugh so hard, especially when they are trying to figure out how to properly use English curse words. One said he if they missed the bus they were "fucked up," which is wrong so I explained why he had to say he was "fucked" instead. And to explain to himself, he says, "ahh, ok, so that is what you say when the situation has fucked you." Yes. Exactly. He also told me he liked my swag today.
I feel like this job is finally paying off a little bit. After sucking for so long, it is finally really fun. Most of the time. I still get super stressed but I'm learning to let things go and just have fun with it. Especially when they are cute Spanish boys around. I'm actually quite proud of myself and my new job. I made a bad ass calendar and the activities have been pretty successful. I'll take a picture of the wall calendar I made. It's pretty fancy.
I'm kind of a big deal.
In other news, my awesome roommate installed my air conditioner for me! And now, it's 60 degrees outside. So pissed. I know I complain about the weather a lot, but I really do not like needing a fleece jacket in July. I also don't like spending money on an air conditioner and all the necessary equipment for installing it and then not being able to use it. I'm just hoping it warms up in August. I think it got pretty hot last year in August and September so hopefully the AC won't be a total waste of money. I also have the apartment to myself for the next 10 days and that is very exciting. Now I just have to clean it up for my party next weekend! Yay, so pumped about my birthday!!!
And now, I'm going to bed at 10:00. So exhausted from all the fun. San Francisco has been postponed for now and instead we're going to the LA Zoo tomorrow and outlet shopping on Saturday. Neither of which I'm super interested in, but it sure as hell beats being at the office!
Dream big people :)
Anyway, Six Flags was a lot of fun. The rides didn't give me a raging headache until the end of the day, so I got to ride a lot more than last time where I thought I was going to die after 3. Also, the entire group stuck together this time, which was nice. It was me, one French girl, two Swiss kids and 12 Spanish kids. Lots of Spanish going on, but they actually did a pretty good job of speaking in English a lot of the time. They are so hilarious too, it made the day worth the headache. The Swiss kids..not so much. One guy decided he was leader of the pack and spent most of the day complaining about waiting in the lines and then would assess each line and decide (for everyone) if it was worth waiting or not. Then we would wait and he was spend the whole time talking about how we should have done something else. UGH, it's hard to explain but dammit, he was so annoying! There were lines for EVERY ride and that is just how it works, so shut the fuck up! He was just super annoying in so many ways, I was not pleased when he called shotgun. The girl wasn't as bad, but she had a little mini heat stroke and didn't say thank you when I ran around getting things to cool her off and spent $3.50 on bottled water for her. Whatever. Not all Swiss people are this way, I'm just saying. They also both acted like I was a complete idiot for not knowing the population of South Carolina and California. Listen up, Europeans: Most American people do NOT know the populations of their towns. For whatever reasons, Europeans do and they are always asking me. I don't know, I don't care and I don't understand why you do. That is what the internet is for, answering your stupid ass questions. Furthermore, just because I dont' know, doesn't mean I'm stupid. It means I'm using my braincells for other, more important, information. Like being really good at speaking English. Ooooh, snap, no she didn't! Yes I did.
I actually feel like an idiot a lot, though, because the students are CONSTANTLY asking me questions and usually my answer is, "I don't know." But they are completely ridiculous questions that most people wouldn't know! I'm expected to be an expert on everywhere we go and everything we do. No, I don't know how many people come to Six Flags every day. I don't know how the roller coasters are built, how fast they go, how often people fall off them or why the food is so expensive. I don't know how the routes and times for every bus, what concerts are playing at the Staples Center on any given day and sorry, but I don't know why there was no zucchini for purchase at the market you went to. I also got asked how long it would take to go up a very tall building in an elevator. OH MY GOD, what the hell kind of question is that??
In addition to a million questions, we've had some crazy ass students lately. Another girl (Swiss...again) is super nice and fun, but a TOTAL crazy person. Seriously. It's getting old. And lots of whiny girls lately. Can't make everyone happy. But on the plus side, we have some really cute and hilarious students that make my job so much fun. There are two Spanish boys now that are the cutest things ever and make me laugh so hard, especially when they are trying to figure out how to properly use English curse words. One said he if they missed the bus they were "fucked up," which is wrong so I explained why he had to say he was "fucked" instead. And to explain to himself, he says, "ahh, ok, so that is what you say when the situation has fucked you." Yes. Exactly. He also told me he liked my swag today.
I feel like this job is finally paying off a little bit. After sucking for so long, it is finally really fun. Most of the time. I still get super stressed but I'm learning to let things go and just have fun with it. Especially when they are cute Spanish boys around. I'm actually quite proud of myself and my new job. I made a bad ass calendar and the activities have been pretty successful. I'll take a picture of the wall calendar I made. It's pretty fancy.
I'm kind of a big deal.
In other news, my awesome roommate installed my air conditioner for me! And now, it's 60 degrees outside. So pissed. I know I complain about the weather a lot, but I really do not like needing a fleece jacket in July. I also don't like spending money on an air conditioner and all the necessary equipment for installing it and then not being able to use it. I'm just hoping it warms up in August. I think it got pretty hot last year in August and September so hopefully the AC won't be a total waste of money. I also have the apartment to myself for the next 10 days and that is very exciting. Now I just have to clean it up for my party next weekend! Yay, so pumped about my birthday!!!
And now, I'm going to bed at 10:00. So exhausted from all the fun. San Francisco has been postponed for now and instead we're going to the LA Zoo tomorrow and outlet shopping on Saturday. Neither of which I'm super interested in, but it sure as hell beats being at the office!
Dream big people :)
20 July 2011
That's cows, dumbass
Everyone that says Jimmy Fallon is not funny is a stupid idiot. For real.
So hilarious. Just made my night better.
Currently freaking out for a number of reasons. One. I forgot to call my dad on his birthday. I suck! Sorry Dad!!! I actually thought about it multiple times during the day but never had the opportunity to call since my boss was at work and I didn't get a lunch break. Then, I had a mini crisis at the end of work and once that was over, I had to go out to dinner with the students as an activity. Which was fun, but that wasn't over until 8:30, which is 11:30 on the east coast and is too late to call. So, dammit. I was also a moron and sent a package but put the wrong zip code on it. Like, who does that? Ughhh, I'm a dumbass.
Two. I just had to pay for Six Flags tickets with my personal credit card because the stupid website won't take the business credit card and blah blah blah, everything is stupid. Now freaking out a bit because that was a HUGE chunk of change that I don't really have. I also have to figure out my plan for tomorrow because I have to print the tickets, put cash in the bank, rent the car, AHHHH SO MUCH SHIT. I have major problems with planning out my route and trying to utilize my time most efficiently without doing any back tracking. I stress myself out big time. However, on the plus side, I think the trip to San Francisco is going to be postponed, which I think will be a good thing because I'll have some time to breathe and chill out a little. This activities planning is exhausting!
Oh yes. And I saw the last Harry Potter last night. Cried my eyes out. Am still trying to process the fact that it all ended. Snape. Oh god, Snape. Couldn't even handle it. The kiss. The kids. The creepy baby. Neville being a fucking badass. Too much to process, I can't deal. I need to go to bed. All was well. Tear.
Dream big people! Happy Birthday Dad!!! :)
So hilarious. Just made my night better.
Currently freaking out for a number of reasons. One. I forgot to call my dad on his birthday. I suck! Sorry Dad!!! I actually thought about it multiple times during the day but never had the opportunity to call since my boss was at work and I didn't get a lunch break. Then, I had a mini crisis at the end of work and once that was over, I had to go out to dinner with the students as an activity. Which was fun, but that wasn't over until 8:30, which is 11:30 on the east coast and is too late to call. So, dammit. I was also a moron and sent a package but put the wrong zip code on it. Like, who does that? Ughhh, I'm a dumbass.
Two. I just had to pay for Six Flags tickets with my personal credit card because the stupid website won't take the business credit card and blah blah blah, everything is stupid. Now freaking out a bit because that was a HUGE chunk of change that I don't really have. I also have to figure out my plan for tomorrow because I have to print the tickets, put cash in the bank, rent the car, AHHHH SO MUCH SHIT. I have major problems with planning out my route and trying to utilize my time most efficiently without doing any back tracking. I stress myself out big time. However, on the plus side, I think the trip to San Francisco is going to be postponed, which I think will be a good thing because I'll have some time to breathe and chill out a little. This activities planning is exhausting!
Oh yes. And I saw the last Harry Potter last night. Cried my eyes out. Am still trying to process the fact that it all ended. Snape. Oh god, Snape. Couldn't even handle it. The kiss. The kids. The creepy baby. Neville being a fucking badass. Too much to process, I can't deal. I need to go to bed. All was well. Tear.
Dream big people! Happy Birthday Dad!!! :)
18 July 2011
You guys are so cute. What the fuck?
This line was said to my group this weekend in Vegas. I LOVE VEGAS. I cannot emphasis this enough. It is a total mess and is seriously just the most fantastic place ever. Ok, that is a little extreme, but it is fantastically entertaining. It has some drawbacks, and I think I've gone over this before, but here are reasons why:
1. There are a hundred million people wandering around at ALL hours of the day. This makes me happy but it's also a little overwhelming. There are literally people EVERYWHERE and it is a little difficult to get around sometimes. It also makes me wonder what people are thinking. I saw people pushing strollers at 1:00 in the morning. WHY are those children not in bed? So confused.
2. It's hot as shit. I love the heat and it is awesome for laying around at the pool all day but you spend too much time wandering outside and it gets a little intense. It's a dry heat, but you are still sweating your ass off.
3. It is sensory overload, but it's awesome. There is something to see, hear, touch, taste, whatever, all day, everyday, everywhere. There is almost too much to choose from and if you don't plan what you're going to do, you can get a a little crazy.
4. So many awesome clubs with free entry and free drinks. HELL YES. However, if you are with a group of girls and you stop walking for 2 seconds, you are bombarded with promoters. I couldn't possibly go to all the clubs I was offered free entry to.
5. Free parking! OH man, the best. Love it.
Anyway, if you haven't been to Vegas, you need to go. I forgot how awesome it was and I can't wait to go back in August! It is a teeny tiny bit on the stressful side to go with the students, but only because they have a MILLION questions I don't have answers too. I also get tired of listening to people speak in another language and then crack up.
My life has been and will be a whirlwind for the next month or so. It's cool but I get a little overwhelmed thinking about what I have to do and how I don't really have enough time to do it all.
Oh yeah, I did go to the Grand Canyon on the Vegas trip as well! It was super awesome. It is load of crap how they make you pay for EVERYTHING but it is quite a sight to see in person. Worth the trip for sure. We went to the South Rim and also stopped off at the Hoover Dam. The Dam was pretty cool and I would love to go on a tour sometime if I have more time and am less exhausted from driving 6 hours and wandering around in 100 degree heat for 3 hours. Also, when I have more money. The Dam people make you pay for everything too! Just to enter the visitor center! After you pay for parking! Nonsense!
Ok, so tired. Gotta get my beauty rest for next week, which will also be a frenzy of activity. Bowling, Six Flags, San Francisco! Then next week is birthday week! SO excited! Just gotta learn to chill out a little.
And oh my goodness, if I don't get to go see the last Harry Potter movie soon, I AM GOING TO BE VERY UPSET. That is all.
Dream big people!
1. There are a hundred million people wandering around at ALL hours of the day. This makes me happy but it's also a little overwhelming. There are literally people EVERYWHERE and it is a little difficult to get around sometimes. It also makes me wonder what people are thinking. I saw people pushing strollers at 1:00 in the morning. WHY are those children not in bed? So confused.
2. It's hot as shit. I love the heat and it is awesome for laying around at the pool all day but you spend too much time wandering outside and it gets a little intense. It's a dry heat, but you are still sweating your ass off.
3. It is sensory overload, but it's awesome. There is something to see, hear, touch, taste, whatever, all day, everyday, everywhere. There is almost too much to choose from and if you don't plan what you're going to do, you can get a a little crazy.
4. So many awesome clubs with free entry and free drinks. HELL YES. However, if you are with a group of girls and you stop walking for 2 seconds, you are bombarded with promoters. I couldn't possibly go to all the clubs I was offered free entry to.
5. Free parking! OH man, the best. Love it.
Anyway, if you haven't been to Vegas, you need to go. I forgot how awesome it was and I can't wait to go back in August! It is a teeny tiny bit on the stressful side to go with the students, but only because they have a MILLION questions I don't have answers too. I also get tired of listening to people speak in another language and then crack up.
My life has been and will be a whirlwind for the next month or so. It's cool but I get a little overwhelmed thinking about what I have to do and how I don't really have enough time to do it all.
Oh yeah, I did go to the Grand Canyon on the Vegas trip as well! It was super awesome. It is load of crap how they make you pay for EVERYTHING but it is quite a sight to see in person. Worth the trip for sure. We went to the South Rim and also stopped off at the Hoover Dam. The Dam was pretty cool and I would love to go on a tour sometime if I have more time and am less exhausted from driving 6 hours and wandering around in 100 degree heat for 3 hours. Also, when I have more money. The Dam people make you pay for everything too! Just to enter the visitor center! After you pay for parking! Nonsense!
Ok, so tired. Gotta get my beauty rest for next week, which will also be a frenzy of activity. Bowling, Six Flags, San Francisco! Then next week is birthday week! SO excited! Just gotta learn to chill out a little.
And oh my goodness, if I don't get to go see the last Harry Potter movie soon, I AM GOING TO BE VERY UPSET. That is all.
Dream big people!
12 July 2011
As You Wish
The Princess Bride is on TV! Made this Monday so much better! There are so many good quotes, I couldn't possibly list them all.
Oh yes, I thought of another birthday wish: Fake glasses. They make me feel so much smarter and I would like to wear them when working. Ooo, and iTunes giftcards.
Speaking of working. OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS. Work is out of control. There is so much work and just not enough time. On top of that, just drama. Stupid, stupid drama. My coworkers are so slow, I can't even stand it. I am technically not really supposed to be doing office work any more, and just focusing on the activities but it's pretty much impossible. It is seriously stressing me out. The thing is, I have control over my work and what I can do, but I can't make my coworkers work fast and better. It's very frustrating. I don't think it's necessarily their fault but I am kind of at a loss as to what to do about things anymore.
But I'm going serenity prayer this shit and just move on. The other thing is, I'm supposed to be doing the fun stuff and enjoying myself. Because here's my week:
Tuesday: Malibu
Wednesday: Universal Studios
Thursday: Whale watching
Friday: VEGAS. Fucking Vegas.
Not bad, right? I should be pumped! INSTEAD I AM FREAKING OUT. I need to calm down. Who has Valium? Is that what makes you chill out? I don't know, I need something. Help appreciated.
I just want to plan my damn birthday party! It's creeping up fast and I want it to be a good one!
Dream big people!
Oh yes, I thought of another birthday wish: Fake glasses. They make me feel so much smarter and I would like to wear them when working. Ooo, and iTunes giftcards.
Speaking of working. OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS. Work is out of control. There is so much work and just not enough time. On top of that, just drama. Stupid, stupid drama. My coworkers are so slow, I can't even stand it. I am technically not really supposed to be doing office work any more, and just focusing on the activities but it's pretty much impossible. It is seriously stressing me out. The thing is, I have control over my work and what I can do, but I can't make my coworkers work fast and better. It's very frustrating. I don't think it's necessarily their fault but I am kind of at a loss as to what to do about things anymore.
But I'm going serenity prayer this shit and just move on. The other thing is, I'm supposed to be doing the fun stuff and enjoying myself. Because here's my week:
Tuesday: Malibu
Wednesday: Universal Studios
Thursday: Whale watching
Friday: VEGAS. Fucking Vegas.
Not bad, right? I should be pumped! INSTEAD I AM FREAKING OUT. I need to calm down. Who has Valium? Is that what makes you chill out? I don't know, I need something. Help appreciated.
I just want to plan my damn birthday party! It's creeping up fast and I want it to be a good one!
Dream big people!
10 July 2011
Wonderfully Verbal
My triumphant return to Zumba was somewhat of a tease. Well, not a tease I guess, but more of a false alarm. Or something. I am having difficulty being smart lately. I have been SO tired since I got back to LA and my brain is fried from work. The stress and chaos at work is unbelievable. There is a part of me that likes the chaos because I do well in it and it makes the days go by faster. I don't, however, really like when it gets to the point of overwhelming. I also don't like when I am not able to focus on what I am really supposed to be doing and actually like doing, which is the activities for school.
But enough about that. Please watch this and check out my doppelganger at the 0:14 mark. So strange. But kind of awesome.
A friend pointed that out to me at the wedding I went to and I totally forgot about it until I just saw it on TV. Crazy huh!
Yes indeed. In other news, it's birthday month! I know everyone is just dying to know what they can send me for the big 26. Well, wonder no more! The list is here. So here you go:
1. External hardrive
2. iPhone (or any new phone)
3. A car
4. Pretty, sparkly things
But, if you can't afford any of those, feel free to just send a text, email, postcard or even just think about me on the 28th. Anything is appreciated.
Today I did a thorough room cleaning and my room looks amazing. A good room clean makes me so happy. I think you should come see for yourself! I also am crazy tired since I got back. Between work and the depression of being back, I've been getting in bed pretty early.
Right now I'm watching First Wives Club and it is just so damn good. Bette Midler is the best. It makes me a little nervous for my future, but I haven't even made it to step one so I'll probably be ok for a few years.
Gah, I can't focus and make anything worth reading right now. So sorry, friends. I'll be back when my brain starts working again.
Dream big people!
But enough about that. Please watch this and check out my doppelganger at the 0:14 mark. So strange. But kind of awesome.
A friend pointed that out to me at the wedding I went to and I totally forgot about it until I just saw it on TV. Crazy huh!
Yes indeed. In other news, it's birthday month! I know everyone is just dying to know what they can send me for the big 26. Well, wonder no more! The list is here. So here you go:
1. External hardrive
2. iPhone (or any new phone)
3. A car
4. Pretty, sparkly things
But, if you can't afford any of those, feel free to just send a text, email, postcard or even just think about me on the 28th. Anything is appreciated.
Today I did a thorough room cleaning and my room looks amazing. A good room clean makes me so happy. I think you should come see for yourself! I also am crazy tired since I got back. Between work and the depression of being back, I've been getting in bed pretty early.
Right now I'm watching First Wives Club and it is just so damn good. Bette Midler is the best. It makes me a little nervous for my future, but I haven't even made it to step one so I'll probably be ok for a few years.
Gah, I can't focus and make anything worth reading right now. So sorry, friends. I'll be back when my brain starts working again.
Dream big people!
06 July 2011
Back in the Habit
Oh man, going home is seriously the best. The fucking best. And yes, I'm saying fucking because I'm 25 and I feel like cussing on facebook or anywhere, I can do as I damn well please. Thank you very much.
Annnnd, now I'm back in LA and since I didn't do any posting while I was at home (sorry!), I'll just do an extensive recap here.
I got in off the red eye Saturday morning and I was, of course, exhausted. I hate taking the red eye because I never sleep and I end up being soo tired and useless when I arrive. However, I powered through like the champ that I am and two (or three) power naps later, I was having a fantastic time. My dad took me shopping for my big party on Sunday at Sams (thanks Dad!), where I got hit on by an old man. Then I went to the Fish Fry (yummm), took another nap and headed downtown, where my friends and I encountered the most entertaining drunk man I have ever seen. First off, he crab walked his way past the bouncer and then was a one man dancing machine! It was so fantastic. You had to be there, but I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time. He had some pretty sweet moves and we definitely all stole them after a few Everclear jello shots at Wet Willies. Things got boring there, so we headed to another bar where they played some Bieber (HELL YES) and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song...kinda strange. A fantastic time for a little mini high school reunion.
Sunday was my par-tay on the beach and it was a tad bit windy and the tide was out of control but it was fun and the food was awesome. Then it was back out downtown for Sunday Funday! My brother had on some sweet ass kicks, I was looking good and a good time was had by all.
Whew. I am worn out. This recapping is making me very tired. I'll speed things up. Monday and Tuesday I just hung out, went shopping, had a great time with family and friends. Wednesday my friend from Texas flew in and we ate lots of good food, hung out by the pool and drove up to Lake Norman in North Carolina to hang out with the extended. I drove the whole way (it was awesome), and we enjoyed the perfect weather Friday and Saturday.
Saturday it was up to Boone, NC for my suite mate's wedding and it was seriously the BEST time. I had such a good time, I don't even have words for it. So great to see friends, dance, drink and look super hot in my new dress. Back to the lake on Sunday, more great weather and super good food.
Monday I attempted to fly back to LA but thanks to a thunderstorm, I instead sat on the runway for 3 hours, went back to the airport, got off the plane, missed my connection and got rebooked for a Tuesday morning flight. Kinda sucked because I had already said my goodbyes. I have a hard enough time the first time, but then I had to do it all over again! Pretty lame. Also, my boss was kind of a jerk about me missing another day even though it was obviously not my fault. Whatever.
So now I'm back and trying to lose the 500 pounds I gained on vacation. Ok, probably not that many, but lots of good food was had on vacay. So, I went to Zumba tonight. I want to make myself get in the habit of exercising and I was hoping it would get me out of my "back to the real world" funk. Not quite there, but it was a step in the right direction. Not looking forward to the insanity of work tomorrow, but at least it will keep me too busy to worry about what I'm supposed to be doing with my life.
In conclusion, home was awesome. To everyone I got to see, it was wonderful! I miss everyone already and hope you'll come see me in LA sometime! I love you all and thanks to everyone for making my vacation beyond awesome. I think being away just makes you appreciate home so much more. I highly recommend it.
Dream big people!
Annnnd, now I'm back in LA and since I didn't do any posting while I was at home (sorry!), I'll just do an extensive recap here.
I got in off the red eye Saturday morning and I was, of course, exhausted. I hate taking the red eye because I never sleep and I end up being soo tired and useless when I arrive. However, I powered through like the champ that I am and two (or three) power naps later, I was having a fantastic time. My dad took me shopping for my big party on Sunday at Sams (thanks Dad!), where I got hit on by an old man. Then I went to the Fish Fry (yummm), took another nap and headed downtown, where my friends and I encountered the most entertaining drunk man I have ever seen. First off, he crab walked his way past the bouncer and then was a one man dancing machine! It was so fantastic. You had to be there, but I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time. He had some pretty sweet moves and we definitely all stole them after a few Everclear jello shots at Wet Willies. Things got boring there, so we headed to another bar where they played some Bieber (HELL YES) and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song...kinda strange. A fantastic time for a little mini high school reunion.
Sunday was my par-tay on the beach and it was a tad bit windy and the tide was out of control but it was fun and the food was awesome. Then it was back out downtown for Sunday Funday! My brother had on some sweet ass kicks, I was looking good and a good time was had by all.
Whew. I am worn out. This recapping is making me very tired. I'll speed things up. Monday and Tuesday I just hung out, went shopping, had a great time with family and friends. Wednesday my friend from Texas flew in and we ate lots of good food, hung out by the pool and drove up to Lake Norman in North Carolina to hang out with the extended. I drove the whole way (it was awesome), and we enjoyed the perfect weather Friday and Saturday.
Saturday it was up to Boone, NC for my suite mate's wedding and it was seriously the BEST time. I had such a good time, I don't even have words for it. So great to see friends, dance, drink and look super hot in my new dress. Back to the lake on Sunday, more great weather and super good food.
Monday I attempted to fly back to LA but thanks to a thunderstorm, I instead sat on the runway for 3 hours, went back to the airport, got off the plane, missed my connection and got rebooked for a Tuesday morning flight. Kinda sucked because I had already said my goodbyes. I have a hard enough time the first time, but then I had to do it all over again! Pretty lame. Also, my boss was kind of a jerk about me missing another day even though it was obviously not my fault. Whatever.
So now I'm back and trying to lose the 500 pounds I gained on vacation. Ok, probably not that many, but lots of good food was had on vacay. So, I went to Zumba tonight. I want to make myself get in the habit of exercising and I was hoping it would get me out of my "back to the real world" funk. Not quite there, but it was a step in the right direction. Not looking forward to the insanity of work tomorrow, but at least it will keep me too busy to worry about what I'm supposed to be doing with my life.
In conclusion, home was awesome. To everyone I got to see, it was wonderful! I miss everyone already and hope you'll come see me in LA sometime! I love you all and thanks to everyone for making my vacation beyond awesome. I think being away just makes you appreciate home so much more. I highly recommend it.
Dream big people!
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