Whew. Crisis averted with the Six Flags credit card situation. I remembered I had an actual credit card and didn't have to put everything on my debit card. I also got to the bank today so there was really no need to freak out. Which is usually the case with whatever I'm freaking out about, so I should probably keep that in mind.
Anyway, Six Flags was a lot of fun. The rides didn't give me a raging headache until the end of the day, so I got to ride a lot more than last time where I thought I was going to die after 3. Also, the entire group stuck together this time, which was nice. It was me, one French girl, two Swiss kids and 12 Spanish kids. Lots of Spanish going on, but they actually did a pretty good job of speaking in English a lot of the time. They are so hilarious too, it made the day worth the headache. The Swiss kids..not so much. One guy decided he was leader of the pack and spent most of the day complaining about waiting in the lines and then would assess each line and decide (for everyone) if it was worth waiting or not. Then we would wait and he was spend the whole time talking about how we should have done something else. UGH, it's hard to explain but dammit, he was so annoying! There were lines for EVERY ride and that is just how it works, so shut the fuck up! He was just super annoying in so many ways, I was not pleased when he called shotgun. The girl wasn't as bad, but she had a little mini heat stroke and didn't say thank you when I ran around getting things to cool her off and spent $3.50 on bottled water for her. Whatever. Not all Swiss people are this way, I'm just saying. They also both acted like I was a complete idiot for not knowing the population of South Carolina and California. Listen up, Europeans: Most American people do NOT know the populations of their towns. For whatever reasons, Europeans do and they are always asking me. I don't know, I don't care and I don't understand why you do. That is what the internet is for, answering your stupid ass questions. Furthermore, just because I dont' know, doesn't mean I'm stupid. It means I'm using my braincells for other, more important, information. Like being really good at speaking English. Ooooh, snap, no she didn't! Yes I did.
I actually feel like an idiot a lot, though, because the students are CONSTANTLY asking me questions and usually my answer is, "I don't know." But they are completely ridiculous questions that most people wouldn't know! I'm expected to be an expert on everywhere we go and everything we do. No, I don't know how many people come to Six Flags every day. I don't know how the roller coasters are built, how fast they go, how often people fall off them or why the food is so expensive. I don't know how the routes and times for every bus, what concerts are playing at the Staples Center on any given day and sorry, but I don't know why there was no zucchini for purchase at the market you went to. I also got asked how long it would take to go up a very tall building in an elevator. OH MY GOD, what the hell kind of question is that??
In addition to a million questions, we've had some crazy ass students lately. Another girl (Swiss...again) is super nice and fun, but a TOTAL crazy person. Seriously. It's getting old. And lots of whiny girls lately. Can't make everyone happy. But on the plus side, we have some really cute and hilarious students that make my job so much fun. There are two Spanish boys now that are the cutest things ever and make me laugh so hard, especially when they are trying to figure out how to properly use English curse words. One said he if they missed the bus they were "fucked up," which is wrong so I explained why he had to say he was "fucked" instead. And to explain to himself, he says, "ahh, ok, so that is what you say when the situation has fucked you." Yes. Exactly. He also told me he liked my swag today.
I feel like this job is finally paying off a little bit. After sucking for so long, it is finally really fun. Most of the time. I still get super stressed but I'm learning to let things go and just have fun with it. Especially when they are cute Spanish boys around. I'm actually quite proud of myself and my new job. I made a bad ass calendar and the activities have been pretty successful. I'll take a picture of the wall calendar I made. It's pretty fancy.
I'm kind of a big deal.
In other news, my awesome roommate installed my air conditioner for me! And now, it's 60 degrees outside. So pissed. I know I complain about the weather a lot, but I really do not like needing a fleece jacket in July. I also don't like spending money on an air conditioner and all the necessary equipment for installing it and then not being able to use it. I'm just hoping it warms up in August. I think it got pretty hot last year in August and September so hopefully the AC won't be a total waste of money. I also have the apartment to myself for the next 10 days and that is very exciting. Now I just have to clean it up for my party next weekend! Yay, so pumped about my birthday!!!
And now, I'm going to bed at 10:00. So exhausted from all the fun. San Francisco has been postponed for now and instead we're going to the LA Zoo tomorrow and outlet shopping on Saturday. Neither of which I'm super interested in, but it sure as hell beats being at the office!
Dream big people :)
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