Or lack thereof, rather.
Now, I have met very nice people in LA. I've also met very rude people in SC. However, over the last few days it seems to me that LA wins on rude, ridiculous people that choose to be assholes to you and or just display a total lack of character in public. I don't think this is really all LA's fault since it is pretty much the tourist capital of the world and it can't really be held responsible for every asshole that comes through but I've been encountering some really sucky people lately. I don't have stats, I'm just guessing about the tourists but it's pretty common for me to surrounded by a million people, none of which that are speaking English. Because of work, I find myself at the top tourist destinations so this is probably why, but I think it's a little strange sometimes. Currently, I'm at the Citadel Outlet malls, trying to talk myself out of going on a shopping spree. It's proving to be difficult.
ANYWAY. Lots has been happening the past couple of days. Biggest and most dramatic, a car accident on the 405. Anyone that has driven in LA knows the 405 is the worst roadway that ever existed as it was paved by the devil himself. No worries though, it was very minor, no one was hurt, it wasn't my fault and most importantly, everyone in my car (me and six passengers) was ok. The other driver is claiming I rear-ended him which seems strange to me because one, that is totally false and two, the dent on my car (from where he hit me) is on the side and there's no damage to the front of my car. So seems like a stretch for him to be claiming I hit from behind. But, whatever, we just have to wait and see what the police and insurance reports say. Should be a lot of fun.
Then, I went to Universal Studios and someone thought while waiting in line to get tickets was an appropriate place to to clip their nails. Like, WHAT? What the WHAT? So ridiculous. I am pretty opposed to preforming most personal grooming habits in public, including, but not limited to, brushing your hair, picking your teeth, putting on deodorant and above all else, clipping your fucking nails! JEEZ. Mainly because of the horrible noise the clippers make.
Side note: also while at Universal, I saw the movie "I Don't Know How She Does It," and I Don't Know How or Why That Movie Got Made. It was so soo SO bad. It was boring and terrible and sent a terrible message and I am glad I only had to spend $2 to see it.
Last night I dropped something into a mailbox on the sidewalk and was walking back to my car and this creepster behind me was all, "I don't even know you." I looked back at him because I was like, um, is he talking to me? I don't know you either, nor did I say or do anything to you. Then he goes, "why don't you eat shit and die?" Again, WHAT? What the fuck is your deal dude? It took me by surprise and kind of made me laugh, but I thought it was best to keep walking (a little more quickly) and not respond with a "fuck you" like I wanted.
Annnd, last but certainly most fun, our landlord is being a total dick. Yay!!! So super fun the process of leaving my apartment has been. Turns out, we probably won't get any of our security deposit back since the walls are painted, there are holes in the wall and broken screens. Most fun of all, NONE of it is my fault, my decision or my doing. Hooray for other people being assholes and costing me a whole bunch of money. Yay yay yay.
People, I am so tired. I don't know what the problem is. I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in like, two weeks. I'm not unhappy, I'm just tired ALL the time. All I want to do is lay around and watch TV which I can't do because I don't have a TV. Booo, feel sorry for me.
No, just kidding, don't. I'm fine. I just need some sleep I guess. Still trying to figure out my future plans, but just thinking about them makes me tired. It's a vicious cycle.
Dream big people!
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