Anyway, the kids and their mommies came yesterday for a little mini-orientation. It wasn't that bad, except my head was in a fog. I couldn't even really hear myself so who knows what was coming out of my mouth. Also, it was a little uncomfortable because we had helpers in our room (other teachers) plus the moms and kids, so it was pretty much just everyone staring at me. Since the kids and most of the moms don't speak any English, I was getting a lot of blank stares. Plus, the kids were a little shell shocked. They are so young...there was a lot of crying going on. We also have a crazy kid that we can already tell is going to be a handful. But, for the most part, they were super cute and it was a successful day, for the most part. I think. Again, I didn't get a lot of feedback from the moms since most of them don't speak English. Oh, and this cracks me up...the moms choose an English name for their kids and we have one kid named "Churl." Ahh, what the hell?! Everytime I see it, it makes me chuckle. Such a ridiculous word. Some of them choose names that sound kind of like their Korean name, so that is what she wanted, even though it's not even a real word and/or name. Sometimes they choose names based on books or cartoons they like, so we also have an Eloise, which I think is cute. Last year the school had a MacQueen, which I think is awesome. I put some pictures of the classroom below. I'll try to get some of the students next week. Also, sadly, my Korean co-teacher is not really into making things cute like the other teachers are...and since I haven't really had time to make things cute (plus she is really in charge of the decor), our room is pretty sad and ugly compared to the other rooms. Very sad. Oh well, I'll try to work on it throughout the year. The first pic is my desk.
Oh, and I finally got internet in my apartment! It is just a cable connected to the wall, but whatever. It's not lighting fast, like I was expecting but I think that my actually be my stupid ass computers fault, and not the actual internet. Oh well. After my cooking adventure yesterday I was sooo tired, so I didn't get to play on it much. I did get to Skype some, which made me very happy. Today I have just been hanging out and blowing my nose, really. So much nose blowing. It's crazy. My Smile Day trashcan is pretty much full. Oh well, I am feeling a little better though.
Ok, well I am going to try and take more pictures soon. It is just such a pain to upload things on here. I need to rest up for the next week!
Dream big people!
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