Watched the Whitney episode of Glee last week and have been a Whitney kick since then. She's so good. And so pretty. So many amazing songs. I can't believe I didn't have My Love is Your Love on my ipod. Or When You Believe. What was I thinking? Oh yeah, I was thinking I had to narrow it down to the best of the best when my mom reclaimed her ipod (booo) last year and I was reduced to the piddly ipod touch that only holds around 1000 songs. Lame. Maybe after Korea makes me rich, I'll buy myself an ipod. Yeah right, I'm going to spend all my money on shoes, food and traveling before I save enough for such things. (birthday present...July...wink wink)
Speaking of spending money, I discovered the best store ever today! Well, I didn't actually discover it...I had been there before but I didn't have the time to explore it to the fullest and I did today. It is FANTASTIC. It's kind of like a Wal-Mart, but more expensive. So like Target I guess. But with 4 floors. And with food. And a pet store where you can buy super cute puppies. I resisted. But the food is the best part...because guess what I can buy there?! ONE TOMATO!!!!! Best discovery of my Korean life, obvi. It also has a pretty nice selection of cheese, as well as wheat bread and tons of other things the grocery stores near me don't have. This place isn't too far...a 20 minute walk probably. Not so bad now that it's warmer. And worth it for the good cheese, if nothing else. Oh yeah, and there are tons of free samples of stuff, which is awesome.
Oh, and I love this Korean nonsense: We got a memo on Friday that lets us know we now have the day off on Tuesday. I love the ridiculous short noticeness of it all. It's the Korean Labor Day and our company I guess just decided yesterday we should have the day off...4 day notice. Love it. We were also supposed to have a teacher workshop with other schools in the area next Friday, but because of the new day off, we will now have off and the workshop is rescheduled for DECEMBER 12. Awesome. I mean, whatever, I wasn't really looking forward to the workshop nor did I have big plans for Tuesday, but it just cracks me up that they tell us Friday we have a day off the next Tuesday. Fantastic. I've learned to mark everything on the calendar in pencil..nothing is certain here. Not even 4 days before.
Last but not least, if you have Skype, you apparently have to update now to the newest version (5.9) in order to see video. So update and talk to me! I discovered that the ridiculously long way today EVEN THOUGH I had already checked on the website and it told me I had the latest version. Apparently not. I love Skype, but why can't they just have a little pop up that says, update here: blahblahblah or you can't see video. The end, thank you very much, problem solved. Ugh, whatever. Technology is really annoying sometimes. Especially when things think they have to constantly revamp their appearance and make everyone get used to a whole new set up that very rarely has any interesting/useful new features (ahem, blogger). I'm talking about pretty much everything but the biggest pain is the new gmail. I think it's because of my stupid small computer, but the new layout makes it SO annoying to read emails. I hate you, new gmail! Let me go back to the old way, please! Pretty please!
Anyway, I have an early morning tomorrow. Going on a tour of a prison and a hike. Exciting, but it sucks because I'll be getting up earlier than I do for work. Totally lame. So now I'm going watch Corrina, Corrina (throw back to 5th grade) and make birthday cards. Thrilling, I know. But I'm happy. :)
Dream big people!
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