Hi friends! What a good weekend! Had kind of a crappy ending, as my allergies came back with a vengeance. Last night I couldn't decide if I was dreaming or if I was really that miserable with my stuffy nose and coughing. I'm guessing it was real since I woke up pretty much the same way. Damn pollen! Or yellow dust...or whatever they have here.
Feeling a little better today, but still not 100%. I have some meds, so we'll see how things are tomorrow. Anyway, the weekend! Friday I went to a Korean baseball game and it was tons of fun. So different from American baseball! Well, the same game and all that, but different atmosphere. I always had a great time at Dodger's games, but the crowd at this game was just total insanity and it was awesome. Nearly everyone had thundersticks, and a bucket of fried chicken (they are crazy for fried chicken over here). There were also cheerleaders and an actual cheer leader. This guy was standing on the dugout doing all kinds of dances and leading the crowd. I was in the cheap seats, in the outfield, so things were not quite as exciting in my section, but I could see and hear everything. They have a different cheer for each player, so they do his cheer when it's his turn to bat. Some of them are to really random songs, like "It's a Small World" and "Jesus Loves Me." They are, of course, all in Korean, so I couldn't really songs so I would either make up my own words or I would sing the real words. I'm sure everyone around me appreciated that. Anyway, the actual game wasn't all that exciting until the end, when "my" team (I just randomly decided to support a team) lost when they were down by run and the pitch hitter on second tried to steal third and got thrown out. Sucks to be him! After that, I cheered myself up with some Soju (Korean alcohol) and dancing so I was happy.
Saturday I went to the Lotus Lantern Festival, held in honor of Buddha's birthday, which is next Monday. It was really really cool. One of the coolest parades I have ever seen. And I've seen the Disney parade, so yeah, pretty cool. I put some pictures on fb and will do it here as well, but probably later because right now I am super tired. This cold or whatever I have going on is making me exhausted. But the parade had a lot of traditional Korean clothes, dancing, and homemade lanterns and the whole thing was just really interesting. I was, however, getting pretty fed up with parade bystanders. They had up barricades along the side of the road but they had gotten knocked down where we were standing so people just kept creeping out onto the road (and parade route) and it was really hard to see. I am a rules person, so I didn't want to be out in the road, so I was just getting angry. Plus, some of the people were getting in the way of the people in the road! What the hell? Move! Finally a "security guard" pushed them back some but we found somewhere else to stand. Rude.
Sunday I did some shopping and now it's Wednesday and I haven't really done anything interesting. Oh, I did get my haircut on Sunday and he straightened it again. Apparently this time it looked much better (than the first time) because literally, everyone at school complimented me on it. It was quite lovely. However, I'm a little worried to go back to the curly style because based on the compliments, I look a million times better with straight hair. It's too much work to do all the time so I am just going to have to be ugly some of the time. Sad.
Today at school we finally had our "Open Class," when the mommies come and watch us give a lesson. It's really more of a play than an actual class since the kids have to sing and dance and have rehearsed lines. It was kind of a stressful event, especially since some of the admin and other teachers make this HUGE deal about it. I guess if the moms don't like what they see, life gets difficult, but I didn't really think it was that big of a deal. However, I also think my parents seem pretty chill compared to other ones. Also, I was a little out of it, since I had taken cough medicine and it was a million degrees in our classroom. I honestly don't remember most of it. I do remember I asked the kids if they knew a grain other than rice and bread and no one answered, and then I couldn't think of one either so I just kind of tampered off and then started a new sentence. Hopefully no one caught that. And, pasta. Pasta is another grain in case you were stumped as well.
Oh! And I got a package in the mail from my mom this week and that made me SUPER happy. So if anyone else would like to make me happy, feel free to send some mail. I'll send you something cool and Korean back if you do!!!
Going to Jeju this weekend! Excited!!!
Whew, all this typing has made me extremely tired. Think I'll go to bed soon. It's 9:00.
Dream big people!
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