So I've come up with a new life goal. Well, something to add to my life goals anyway. I realize my life goals are petty and somewhat immature, but I'm cool with it. I definitely think they are an improvement on "get married, have a family." How boring.
Anyway, adding to the list of ride in a hot air balloon, drink champagne while riding first class and learn the dance from "Dirty Dancing Havana Nights," I have added: visit every continent....but not really Antarctica. I mean, I would go to Antarctica if I had the chance, but I'm not going to consider myself a failure if I don't make it there. Mainly because it's freezing cold and I hate the cold. Plus, I am pretty sure they don't have hotels or anything for me to do there. I think this new goal is a step up from my old college goal of make out with someone from every continent. I am currently stuck on five. I can't seem to snag an Aussie, but maybe while I'm here. There are a lot of them here. I know, I'm very classy. I think I shocked one of the Korean teachers by mentioning that past goal. I think she's only kissed her husband. Also, very boring. But whatever. I only have three for the visiting goal, I still need South America, Africa and Australia.
I also have made a new list of more specific places I want to visit. It's long, about 20 places but the big ones are the Great Wall, The Pyramids, the rainforest, Angel Falls, and Tokyo. I think I can knock out at least the Great Wall or Tokyo while I'm here.
It's funny, because sometimes I think, man, I am well traveled and worldly and woo hooo, look at me go. But then I meet other people that have been way more places, have cooler tattoos, can speak other languages and other cool shit and I'm all, damn. I need to step up my game. I sometimes have a hard time with just being ok with how things are and what I've accomplished, but for the most part, I think I'm pretty badass.
So that is my super random post for now. It was a fun with weekend. Too tired to go into details but involved a lot of meat, a lot of soju, and lots of random people...and two boys with braces, one of which thought the best way to try and pick me up was to run up, tap me on the shoulder, stick his tongue out at me, and then run away. Drugs much? People are so weird.
Dream big people!
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