I think I've figured out what I dislike most about being an adult. Well, kind of life in general, I guess. Repetition. Man, things get so boring. I guess I am easily bored because I know there are people that do the same thing every single day and have done so for years and years, but I'm going on five months and I'm already like, well this is lame.
I am not talking about school...everyday is an adventure there and it's kind of hard to be bored when every minute of your day is occupied. I love school, but it's the other parts of life that are getting repetitive and boring. And maybe not so much boring, but more like, uuuugghhhhh, I feel like I was JUST DOING THIS.
For instance, the gym. I am NOT and never have been a gym person. You can probably tell this by looking at me. I reallllly wish I liked it though. For one, I paid to be a member, I should enjoy going. I wish it was a once a month..or even every few months type of deal. Like a cleanse..or a doctor's check up or something. That makes more sense, since I've never done a cleanse. I like eating and food way too much and dislike exercise too much for it to be compatible with the body I would like to have. I know this is not a unique problem, but I know there are people out there that like going to the gym. I feel that way about sleeping. I love sleeping. Too bad that doesn't help you lose weight. And the whole thing is just such a process...I feel like it takes up my entire afternoon. But maybe that is only because if I go to a class, it's not until 7:30 and then I don't get home until 9ish. I will usually hang around school until 6, go to the gym, go to the class and then get home at 9. So it kind of is my whole day. Whatever, I really should stop complaining, huh?
I should...buuuut, I won't . Same thing with cleaning. I am not the cleanest person in the world, but I'm not super dirty either. I get a little messy, I guess. I don't know. Either way, I feel like I am cleaning ALL THE TIME. Again, I guess it's part of being an adult and having an apartment or whatever but ugh, every time I have to do dishes/sweep/wipe/scrub/wash, I'm like, I just fucking did this! It's getting old. I need a maid. Or a boyfriend. Or a robot. Anything that can cook and clean so I don't have to.
And, also, healthy eating. I know that is stupid but making a lifestyle change to eat healthy is really difficult. I haven't decided to be a vegan or anything ridiculous, but making a conscious effort to not eat junk is difficult. Because junk is soooo delicious. Anyone that ever said nothing tastes as good as skinny feels is a complete idiot. Good thought, but you are so wrong. There are probably a lot of things that person has never eaten. Like galbi. Or ice cream. Or popcorn. Or Jelly Belly. Or a million other things. Also, if it's put in front of me, I will eat it. I have zero self control...so terrible.
But, for some good news! I haven't felt like a total sloth the past few days. I don't really know what I'm doing differently and/or better, but maybe it's because I've made an effort to go bed before 12. Which is extremely difficult for me. I've always been a night person and even if I'm super tired during the day, I usually get a second wind at like, 11:00 pm. Also, I manage to find a million different activities to occupy myself at night. Painting, cleaning, Pinterest, blogging, reading, it goes on and on. OR PLANNING MY TRIP TO THAILAND!!! Oh man, so excited and soooo worried I'm going to pick the wrong hotel. I just want everything to be perfect...is that too much to ask for?! Deep breath, need to calm down.
And for some more good news, my walls have not been talking to me lately. Last week a man started speaking through the intercom system in my room and it scared the mess out of me. Apparently it means nothing, but it still startled me and made me a little nervous. There was no mass evacuation of the building so I guess everything was fine but I am really interested in what he was talking about. I should learn Korean. Another thing to occupy my time.
Anyway, now it's almost bed time and tomorrow I have to be alert. It is parent/teacher conference day so no kids, but moms alllll day long. I'm not nervous, but I am interested to see what the parents have to say...especially the mom that claims her son is a genius but he never does any work and it takes him 20 minutes to go to the bathroom. Can't wait for that.
Dream big people!
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