People are totally ridiculous. Myself included, but elections really bring out the best kind of ridiculous. Seriously people, do you really think America is "DOOMED" with Obama in office for four more years? Seems a bit much.
Lately, I have tried to keep my mouth shut about political issues. Mainly because, for the most part, I really don't know what is going on. Most things I hear about the election come from fb, SNL or friends. I have other things to worry about. I realize this makes me a pretty terrible American and slightly ignorant, but luckily, I live and work in Korea, and the majority of people I interact with could care less about what is going on in America. Interestingly enough, I've had quite a few non-Americans ask/talk to me about the current election. I find this somewhat surprising since I could not tell you one single fact about Korean, Canadian or really, any other countries elections. This might be another testament to my ignorance, but I like to think it's more of a testament to America's impact around the world. Also, most of my international friends on fb seem pretty pleased about the outcome. I don't think I could even tell you the names of their presidents. :/
I don't have much to say about the results other than my original statement: people are ridiculous. I obviously can't speak for other people, but my life has improved drastically in the last four years. Is that because of Obama? Probably not...I'm just saying the last four years weren't so bad, I doubt he is going to have that much of an impact on my next four.
I realize a lot of people vote against him citing "economic policies," which I literally have no clue about. But I kind of can't get on board with people who put economics above the rights of people. Plus, I don't have enough money to be that concerned about economic policies. Maybe my idealistic views and naivety come from my lack of money, but I really believe there people are the most important part of the country. People need help, people should have the right to make their own decisions about their bodies and people should be able to marry whoever they want. Money comes and goes.
Actually, I guess have a lot to say about things. But, I'll stop. Ok, last thing. A friend posted this: "Republicans lose while many libertarian ballot measures win across the country. Time to drop the hate from your platform or risk extinction. Your move, GOP."
For real. Stop wasting so much time telling other people how to live their life and worry about other issues. Please and thank you.
In other news, I have started making a book for my class (it's a requirement) and I'm actually quite excited about it. The rough draft I've come up with is pretty cute. I am just hoping I can buckle down and do the work it's going to take to make it look great. It's going to take a lot of work but I'm hoping I can get it done.
Also, I decided tonight I don't think I'm ever going to be able to live in something that is bigger than a one room apartment. I feel like all I do is clean and I'm soooo sick of it and my "house" is legitimately the size of my mom's bedroom at home. Maybe smaller. I don't know how people keep normal sized houses and apartments clean. And how do parents do so much laundry? Eesh...a dryer probably makes things easier but doing the laundry of one person is enough to drive me crazy!
Oh! And I started playing squash at the gym. Thanks to years of tennis, I'm not terrible. I impressed many a Korean. I won't lie...I mainly did it to spend more time with the super cute guy that works at the gym. But my plan backfired since it turns out he's not the squash coach. So I guess now I'll just do it for exercise. Which is also good, though, because I freaking hate the gym and want to kill myself on the treadmill. Squash is actually fun and exciting, so I don't hate going as much now. Saying I look forward to going might be a stretch, but I've now gone two days in a row, so I think that's an improvement.
Anyway. Things are still fantastic here. The weather is currently bearable and I'm hoping it stays that way for a while. Oh, and feel free to send any Christmas goodies my way. Being away from family on Christmas is quite sad. Mail would ease my pain.
Dream big people!
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