That is what is going off in my head. And, I would put something festive on here, but I am too lazy to figure out how to put in those kind of graphics. So just imagine them with me, if you will.
I also have to apologize because I don't really have anything exciting to post. Things are just trucking along at school. We have been busy busy busy! We've started making Christmas decorations, which makes me super happy. One, I love decorating and two, it gives me easy things to do. Now I don't have to think of tons of projects, I just pick a random Christmas thing and away we go!
I decorated my apartment as well and I am just pleased as punch about it. It took a little hunting to track down everything, but I think I did pretty well.

I also have some lights in my window...I'm the only one in the apartment complex to have lights, which makes me kind of sad. However, you're welcome, Acrotel, for having some Christmas spirit. I'm sure I am bringing joy to everyone that sees them.
Some friends I met during my study abroad in Rome were visiting other friends here this week, so I got to see them, which was a lot of fun. I can't believe the last time I saw them was over 3 years ago! And that we did the study abroad almost 6 years ago! Time is flying by. Even more crazy, my 10 year high school reunion is next year! Insanity! Time really does fly when you're having fun. I think I'll be one of about 3 people that aren't married with kids from my graduating class, but oh well. Maybe I'll take a Korean baby back with me and tell everyone I adopted it with my super hot Korean boyfriend that couldn't make it.
I could take Ray!! Haha, I had another Ray Day today and it was fantastic. I just love that little booger so much! I am so glad I got to see him again. And he is doing very well in his new school, so I am really happy. Apparently he is one of the smartest ones in the class. Hooray for Ray!
The rest of the weekend was spent watching the last two Twilight movies and eating Taco Bell. The movies are a total waste of time, because they are so ridiculous (I hate Bella), but totally necessary. I needed to see the last four to complete the series...I obviously couldn't go on with life without this happening.
Oh, and Thanksgiving came and went. Wasn't as depressing this year, being away from family. I guess it's not as bad when no one is celebrating and you have to go to work. Plus, my school bought us Thanksgiving dinner and all the foreign teachers stayed and ate together. The food came from the army base...the turkey wasn't bad but everything else was not so great. The mashed potatos were nonsense. But, it was super nice of our school to do, and I won't lie, I still ate a whole bunch of food. Stuffed myself like a good American. I also went to a potluck party with friends that was a lot of fun. I made an apple pie and have to say, it was pretty damn good.
Anyway, so that is what's been going on and now I have JAPAN to look forward to! These next few weeks of school are going to fly by, we have soooo much to do! But I am happy because it'll go fast and then it'll be Christmas and I'll be in Japan! Wooohooo! Life is good :)
Sorry this is not more exciting for a 500th post, but maybe when I have some motivation I'll do something cool.
Dream big people!
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