PEOPLE. I can't even tell you what a difference the sun FINALLY coming out makes. I had a serious case of the winter blues and I think I can finally get rid of them. I have never been in a cold climate like this for so long and the Korean winter was bitchin. Ugh, it was so terrible. I have no idea how people live in places where winter lasts forever. And it didn't even snow that much here..not like in some other places. Like stupid snowed when I was there in June! Anyway. Point is, I hate the cold and it makes me miserable. But nooowwwww, it is finally getting warm and life is good again.
Things are still crazy go nuts at school, but it's amazing how much easier it is to deal with kids when you're not dragging yourself around like a zombie. Don't get me wrong, they are still quite the handful. This year's kids are WAY rowdier than last years, so it's a whole new set of problems. For instance, yeseterday, one of my kids pooped in his pants. That never happened last year. Luckily, I was not the one to clean him up, but I was the one that had to sniff him out. Oh man, totally ridiculous. He was too embarassed to admit it, but I couldn't let him just sit there! Anyway, that's gross, so lets not talk about it anymore.
Lots of other craziness going on. But, I don't think anyone cares, so I'll just sum up.
School is crazy...everyday is a hectic mess, but it's still so fun. One of my little girls motioned for me to come closer the other day and whispered in my ear: "Jacky teacher, I love you." Oooh my, heart melting. Another little boy gives me kisses all the time. They are in strange places, like my thigh and stomach, but he's so cute because he sneaks them in all ninja kisses. I had another little girl singing Bieber's "Baby" the other day, which made my life because I totally did not teach it to her. However, I found out there is a KPop cover of it, so maybe not as special as I thought. Oh well. I'll try to post the video's still pretty cute.
For other videos, you should watch Psy's new video "Gentleman" if you haven't already...and then search for his Beyonce "Single Ladies" cover on YouTube, because it is one of the most fantastic things I have ever seen. EVER. I just love Psy so much, I can't stand it. In Korea, it's pretty normal for guys to dress up as woman and do random shit...for the sake of comedy. Koreans find it hilarious. I usually think it's kind of weird, but Psy dressed as Beyonce is pretty fabulous. But the best is that Koreans are like, yeah, ok, this is totally not weird at all. I love cultural differences...they are so fun.
But for the best news...I am going home in A MONTH!!!! I can hardly stand it. I am so excited to see my sister get married! Also, FOOD. And, the BEACH. Oh my, I am so pumped. Oh, and shopping!!! I shop a lot here, but it's different. For one thing, I have to get the biggest size in most stores here, which is a bit depressing. Also, they don't always let you try things on here, and that's annoying. And lastly, there are always so many people anywhere you go, so it gets to be a bit much. I have mini anxiety attacks if I'm not prepared for it. IE: I haven't eaten enough food. So yeah, anyway, looking forward to less stressful shopping.
Ok, well I will try to put up photos and other fun things soon. Don't hold your breath, I have to go enjoy the sunshine.
Dream big people!
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