Actually, I was strolling home today, and I happened upon some awesomeness:
It was basically an outdoor Tae Kwon Do demonstration...with little kids...and music. It was so fantastic. I stayed and watched for like 30 minutes. I hate so much that I was alone and there was no one to share in the fantastic-ness with me, what oh well. I still enjoyed it. It was a nice little happy break too, from my grumpy afternoon. Seriously, how much do you have to work out before the endorphin's kick in? An hour? Two hours? Because I forced myself to go to the gym, hoping for a pick me up, and I was still angry with the world when I left. Oh well. The outdoor surprise put a smile on my face. But, then, I saw these and I was back to angry:
Korea has a serious shoe problem. There are lots of normal, lovely shoes here, of course. But, there seem to be an absurd amount of just HEINOUS shoes. Like, the worst ever. And I get super angry because they are on cute girls. Stop it ladies! What are you doing? Why would you buy those? And why is there no one in your life that is like, TAKE THOSE OFF NOW AND NEVER LET THEM SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN? Sigh.
Then I came home and the anger continued since I forced myself into making dinner. I say forced because I HATE cooking. So much. I think I am missing some girl the ones that make you like cooking and make you want babies. Maybe they'll come later...I didn't really like make-up until college. Anyway, I hate cooking a lot and the only reason I do it is because I keep buying food, telling myself I'm going to cook at home more often. So, now I have all this food and after letting a good portion of it go bad, I decided I needed to cook it so it wouldn't be a complete waste of money. I am also trying to lose some weight and it's a healthier option than allowing myself to eat a restaurant. Even with the best of intentions, I'll end up eating something I told myself I wouldn't. I have ZERO self control. Which is why my clothes don't fit now. Now I'm forcing myself to eat shrimp and broccoli and all I want is some bread. And ice cream. And literally anything besides this horrible broccoli. Why is everything delicious bad for you? Bah. Is popcorn good for you? The package says the entire bag of butter popcorn says it's only like, 150 calories but I feel like that just can't be right. Can anyone confirm this? I'll keep eating it regardless but I need to know if I need to feel guilty.
Anyway. I did some other strolling, yesterday, in a lovely little park. I have been to this park before but I didn't realize there was a whole other part to it, that included this super awesome pond, some tombs,and just really pretty scenery in general. I had a lovely time just sitting and admiring the view. You can too:
It was a lovely weekend. I also took a nice long walk on Saturday evening. The weather was perfect this weekend so I tried to take advantage of it because I know the cruel, cruel winter is coming to suck the life out of me soon. It was a really random walk. I happened upon three outdoor concerts, one literally under a bridge. I also saw two nuns, had to bushwhack my way through part of the river path and was nearly killed by a swarm of dragonflies. They are HUGE here!
So that's that. Just wanted to share the recent happenings. Nothing else too exciting going on. I am trying to plan a trip for Christmas, but funds are so low right now. So very sad. I also just checked in on my student loans lately and that a terrible, depressing idea. I thought I had paid so much off and NOPE. It's still a stupid amount of money. More bah.
More later. I'm sure good things will be happening soon. I'm already feeling slightly optimistic after this broccoli and shrimp dinner. May reward myself with popcorn later.
Dream big people!
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