So I reached a turning point in my life. It's big.
I'm referring to my waist. It's gotten bigger. And it's annoying, because, honestly, I'm alright. I don't feel fat, I don't feel like I look fat and I'm pretty ok with me, myself and my body. However, my clothes don't feel the same way. They have ALL gotten together, formed a coalition and have rebelled by shrinking. They are such jerks! Ugh, stupid pants. I don't know what I did to anger them, but they all got smaller and it is NOT cool. So yeah, now I have to try and lose some weight to appease the pants so we can all live in harmony. As always, it is not easy to bring unity between my pants and my legs.
I really wish you could somehow lose bonus calories based on good decisions you make. Yes, I realize that is the basis of weight lose in general. You choose to eat healthy food and exercise, you lose weight. I know how it works. I'm saying, that if I am presented with a cookie or some other delicious treat (as I often am, at school) and I say, no, thank you, I am going to eat these depressing carrot sticks instead, then I should lose half a pound, just based on will power. I obviously have no idea how this could be a reality, but I would really like for someone to figure it out. You would be able to get more "calorie points" based on what you decide to give up. For example, I pretty much want to eat out every night. I hate cooking and the food other people make is always a million times better than whatever I can make at home. Also, it's easier and I really like delicious food. However, multiple times the past few days, I have said, NO, I am NOT going to eat KFC or something else delicious and easy, and I am going to have something with less calories and more healthy, like salmon or chicken or some lame vegetables. This has worked in my favor to some extent, I think I've lost like 3 pounds. However, I think based on all the energy and willpower it took me to give up the said delicious food, I should have already lost at least 15. Right?! I thought so. Let's figure out how to make that happen, super smart people of the world.
So anyway, that is my life these days. Trying to make good decisions, even though they don't really get the credit they deserve. I have also started making myself go to Zumba class. Everybody knows I love Zumba with the passion of a thousand burning suns, but this class that I go to is FAR from my house (like an hour), which means I have to ride the subway home all sweaty, gross, and cold for an hour, and I get home around 10-10:30, which is my bedtime. However, I've been forcing myself to go because Zumba is the best and it makes me happy. So while I'm getting the calorie burning benefits as is, I feel I should be awarded double since it's far and I'm cold and miserable coming home. Oh, I also did some Zumba at home today and in between videos, YouTube decided to show an ad for Haagen-Daaz. RUDE.
Oh! And my babies from last year will graduate this Wednesday and I am going to cry, cry, cry. I can't believe how grown up they are now! It's so crazy. I also can't believe I have been here for two years. Time flies when you're having fun! I will get a new set of babies next Tuesday and while I'm ready, I also know it is going to be really hard. It is so frustrating to go from talking to your kids to starting over with ones that don't know ANY English. But, I'm a badass and can do anything, so bring it on, babies!
Dream big, people!
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