Anyway. Here we are, 2017, eleven years and quite a few addresses later. Maybe one day I'll do some sort of re-cap with some memories or something fun. But maybe not. I'm really inconsistent. But even just writing that post yesterday helped me feel a little better about my newly unemployed life, so I'm going to try and keep it going for a least this time of doing nothing. I'm lucky, this time around, though because spring is on it's way. Nice weather makes life much better. Winter here wasn't that bad, but any weather under 60F is pretty miserable in my book.
Ok, got off track. "Now back to the good stuff!" In case you missed my last post, I have decided to watch all the Disney movies and then write a post about them. Remember when blogs about doing ALL of something were popular? Like cooking all of Julia Child's recipes? Or making a bunch of sandwiches..or something? I don't remember. I'm bringing it back! This is also to keep me focused on something, even if it is completely insignificant. I tend to fall into a dark hole when I have periods of unemployment, so I am hoping this gives me some feeling of purpose and honestly, a reason to get out of bed. Yay! Depression! I know everyone is all, oh I would love all that free time! Yeah, you might, for like a week or two. And then you get stir crazy because you don't want to spend money because uh, you're jobless and also all your friends work so it's just you hanging out in your tiny apartment until your husband comes home at 11 pm. Also, I'm a weirdo, and I actually like working and being productive and I do MUCH better with structure and a schedule. Left to my own devices, I will stare at the wall, or my phone, all day, and then can't believe an entire day went by. Seriously, if I take a shower, it's a huge accomplishment.
Oh, and quickly-my Disney history: LOVE DISNEY. Grew up watching the movies..managed to evolve into a functioning, feminist adult, even with all it's evil ways (sarcasm) and love (almost) all of them. I didn't really have a favorite princess growing up. I was a tomboy until college, but I kind of just liked them all. My favorite recent one is Rapunzel because she's a badass and don't need no man rescuing her, thank you very much! Also, I've been to 5 of the 7 Disney parks and am planning to go to the new Shanghai one this summer. Then Paris will be the only one I haven't been to, but don't worry, it's on the list. I have some favorite movies, but I think I'll save my stories for the posts. I am a pretty low level Disney fan, compared to some of the hard core people I've come across on the internet while looking for Disney park tips. But, I do have some awesome Minnie earrings and I am currently wearing my Tokyo Disney, yeah. I consider myself a true fan. Oh, and I also went to Hong Kong Disney...alone. That is some true Disney dedication. It wasn't that bad, though.
Anyway! Here we go! Last night, I watched The Rescuers.

Guys, I actually super love this movie.
Side story. When I went to Tokyo Disney Sea, I found a Rescuers pen and was REALLY excited because most of the Disney merchandise these days is focused on princesses, or more recent movies. This movie was a childhood favorite and finding this pen made me very happy. I brought it back to Korea with me and someone at my school stole it. The end. Shitty story, huh? Yeah, I'll be mad about that for the rest of my life. A plague on the house of whoever stole it.
Ok, back to the movie. My new favorite ADD past time is look up the movie I'm watching and read all about it. Since I apparently can longer just sit and watch a movie, Wikipedia is my bestie. This movie came out in 1977, so I really don't know how I came to love it so much, since I wasn't even around for another eight years. Also, what the heck, it's crazy sad! I mean, the ending is nice but the middle bits are just heartbreaking! I was ready to call up an orphanage and adopt anyone and everyone named Penny.
I didn't adopt anyone, but I did enjoy the voice acting of Bob Newhart and Eva Garbor, who are the two main mice, Bernard and Bianca. Yay alliteration! I also really like the music in this movie, especially the Rescue Aid Society anthem. "R-E-S-C-U-E, Rescue Aid Society!" It's catchy, yall. I also appreciate hearing the voices from other movies popping up. Like the drunk muskrat who was, among other characters, the Sheriff of Nottingham in another old favorite, Robin Hood. And yeah, let's talk about how Luke the muskrat was a total drunk, milking a jug of moonshine the whole movie. There were apparently a lot less rules about what could and couldn't go in a kids movie back in the 70s. Fine by me, I appreciate a muskrat that knows how to have a good time. Plus, he whipped Evinrude's ass back into gear, so whatever.
Other favorites were Orville the sassy albatross, and Rufus, the wise old cat that get Bernard and Bianca pointed in the right direction. I also read on Wiki that the character of Mr. Snoops was based on a Disney historian (HOW DO I GET THAT JOB?) and they basically tricked him into modeling for the drawings, which I think is pretty hilarious. And how special is it that he now gets to be part of Disney forever?! So special! I was thinking the other day about how incredibly awesome it would be to be part of the Disney canon, in any capacity. This crossed my mind while I was watching, and dying of jealousy, Auli'i Cravalho (Moana) sing at the Oscars.
Anyway. Um yeah, I haven't really decided how these posts are going to work. I don't want to summarize because you can just watch it for yourself. I will say that the cave scene is hella scary and I was legit getting nervous for poor Penny down there. And why was Medusa allowed to take her from the orphanage? Did I miss something? I was probably distracted reading about the movie instead of just watching the damn thing. I just really like behind the scenes information, OK!? For instance, I learned that the scene with Rescue Aid Society includes mice delegates from Arab countries, which is significant. The more you know....
For my last bit of wisdom, this was apparently the most successful Disney film to that date, and was the last "successful" film until the "Disney Renaissance" when The Little Mermaid was released in 1989. I don't really like that term "Disney Renaissance" because I think Disney was always great, but who the hell cares what I think? No one. Not even my husband because he's just like, whatever please get a job.
So there you go. One film down, lots more to go. This was so fun! Maybe I won't even look for a job and this will just be what I do from now on. Just a full time, commenter? What is called when a person with no authority or significance offers their opinions about a subject? Just the Internet, I guess.
Dream big, people!
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