Everybody's got a dream. Quick! Name that movie.

That is what I say every time I hear someone say Hollywood. It's from Pretty Woman, right at the very end when that crazy man is wandering around talking to himself. Which a lot of people do here actually, so it's pretty realistic. There are LOTS of crazy people here.
Sooo anyways...I'm in LA! Hooray! After my stay at the Comfort Inn, I managed to make it back to the airport at 5 in the morning (it was a little rough) and got to LA with no problems. In fact, it was pretty fantastic when I got here because it was SEVENTY degrees. 70. Glorious. I am so in love. When I was in Atlanta, waiting on the shuttle, it was TWENTY degrees. 20. That was horrible. But, now that is literally, all behind me and I am enjoying this fabulous California weather.
Saturday when I got here, I got a little driving tour of the city, ate a delicious Brazilian brunch and moved into my new, tiny, awesome room. My friend in LA is being beyond gracious and wonderful and made me a little space in her apartment that is super cute. A little cramped, but cute and comfy and really generous of her. She lives in kind of the Hispanic ghetto, down the street from the Korean ghetto, but the house her apartment is in is really nice. And it's on the historic registry, so that's cool too.
Today we went on one of those super touristy double decker bus tours of the city and it was SO fun. We did the "Hop On/Hop Off" option and started off at the big famous Chinese theater and rode around on that thing for like, five hours. And we were on an Ellen bus, which made the whole thing even better. Oh yeah! And, when we walked up from the parking garage, they were playing MY JAM! It was so awesome. Heaven on Earth was the first thing greeting me in Hollywood (whas your dream?) and I totally think it was a sign. Hollywood loves me and is ready for me. I'm excited. Anywho, we rode all over the place, through Beverly Hills, the beach, etc. We hopped off at the Santa Monica pier, which is pretty sketch and gross, had some ice cream and quickly hopped back on because it was very "Jersey Shore" esque and grossing me out. Sadly, we didn't get to go through downtown because the bus stopped running at a certain time. It was some really good times though.
All in all, LA is good so far. I think I'm going to like it here. More to come as the job search continues.
Dream big people!
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