La la la, I'm still in LA and the weather is improving and everything is just rocking my face off. job is slightly frustrating sometimes. Hopefully everything will start working itself out, though, once I get into a system and don't have a million questions about everything. I like it though. And I love staying with my friend, we have the best time!
The only thing that is slightly annoying is the bus riding. And that is really only slightly. I don't like paying for it. But I think I would like paying for a car even less, so I deal. Also, the bus seats are really uncomfortable and people on the bus just kind of make me hate people. They can be so rude and ridiculous! I feel like I could write a blog everyday about the dumb stuff that happens on the bus. Maybe I will. I'll start now.
The bus is such a weird little place. Everyone is in their own little world, for the most part. I am...I put in my headphones and don't make eye contact with anyone. I try to get some reading done. It makes my head hurt after a while though, so I don't get very far. Some people get some sleep on the way to or from work. Some people like to try and start really awkward conversations with you and it gets uncomfortable. High school kids like to talk really loudly about stupid high school things and/or listen to their music REALLY loud. Yesterday a guy next to me (probably in his 30s) was blaring "Dancing Queen" and it was making me laugh. And some people like to use their bus time to chat on the phone, which is fine. Except when you are talking so loudly that the entire bus can hear your business, even someone with headphones in with volume turned up really loud. IE:me. Yesterday this stupid guy in front of me was just chatting it up with a friend and he was doing a lot of cussing and movie quoting. It was really lame. This morning some stupid girl had her bag in a sit and she was all reluctant to let this old woman sit down. She was all, uhhh, but my bag is there. Really? You really think someone is going to stand up and let you keep a seat for your bag? Rude.
This afternoon was the worst though. I didn't see the car pull up, but apparently this car pulled in front of the bus, stopped really quickly in the bus lane and then the passenger got out and got on the bus. Here is how the conversation went down.
Bus Driver (She is very angry and has very long bright orange fake nails with sparkles): ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? WHY WOULD YOU PULL IN FRONT OF THE BUS AND THEN STOP ON A DIME LIKE IT AIN'T NO THING?
Bus Rider (She seems very out of it, is wearing a Greenpeace t-shirt and a bandanna type thing on her head that says something about peace and happiness): You're right. I'm sorry.
Bus Rider: I know. I'm not from here. I'm sorry.
Bus Rider: nodding head furiously, You're right. I wasn't driving, I'm...
Bus Driver: waving fake nails around, PEOPLE DON'T HAVE ANY SENSE. NO COMMON SENSE AT ALL. MOVE ON.
Bus Rider: (this is my favorite part) God bless you.
Bus Driver: sputtering, obviously taken aback by this fool (as was I), GOD BLESS YOU FOR DRIVING LIKE A CRAZY PERSON! HUFF HUFF.
Bus Rider: Doesn't seem the least bit fazed...walks to the back.
Bus Driver: after a few minutes....YOU SHOULD CALL YOUR DRIVER AND TELL THEM TO LEARN TO DRIVE! God bless you...please.
I don't know what the rider thought about that because she was behind me and I had turned my music up REALLY loud at this point. Ugh, I was so uncomfortable! I hate listening to people argue and it's especially awkward on the bus because you have an audience and things can get volatile if you're not careful. Plus I was like, um, did she just say "god bless you?" Doodoo! Some people. I was in a really good mood though because I watched some Ellen before I left school (we have a TV there) and it made me SO happy because I'll be there in a month! I'm so excited, I really just can't even stand it. It almost hurt to watch, I wanted to be there RIGHT NOW!
I guess we'll see what tomorrow's bus rides bring! Stay tuned! I have to check on my chicken pot pie...that's right, I'm COOKING! Crazy!
Dream BIG people :)
Jelaskan Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Permainan Bulu Tangkis
11 months ago
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