"Have you ever seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show?"
Apparently I said this out of nowhere because Blakely nor I can recall why I brought this up in the first place. Anywho, to make a long story short we find out there is a theater in LA that plays the RHPS every Saturday night at midnight and since I had never seen it (and I had been craving movie theater popcorn for a week), we decide to go.
Oh my goodness.
It was seriously one of the craziest/most fun/most bizarre/entertaining/most disturbing/interesting things I have ever experienced in my life. And I say experienced, not just watched. Because they did not just show the movie (which is pretty bizarre-o on its own), but there were props, costumes, actors, music, etc. I had heard about this kind of thing before, that it was a cult classic and people squirted water guns, threw toast, etc, but this place took it to a whole new level.
First, we have to get in a line. It's midnight on a Saturday and we have to get in an extremely long line down the sidewalk for a movie that has been playing every single Saturday night for the past 35 years. And we have some interesting company in the line. There are people dressed up in all sorts of crazy get ups. Lots of fishnet hose, intense cleavage, boys in drag and one boy in some shiny gold undies. And nothing else. Poor guy, it was like 40 outside. He seemed to be in good spirits though. Especially after a girl walking around with lipstick drew all over him. I won't repeat what she wrote, but it was ....interesting. Blakely and I got V's on our faces because we were RHPS virgins. We are also offered a range of merchandise to purchase, from penis key chains, to boobie lighters, to a prop kit to use while watching. Before we got to go in, we got a pep talk from "security" telling us to go home if we were easily offended by vulgarity, nudity or profanity. We were also told not to take pictures of the girl undressing and that we could bring our own food in, we just couldn't throw it. We could only throw the things they gave us. Oh, and it was Mardi Gras night and we could show our boobs once inside if we wanted some beads.

Pretty much, I totally loved/was completely weirded out by this whole experience. The whole thing was actually really really funny and I left thinking, only in LA. Seriously. I mean, I don't think you could find enough freaks in all of South Carolina to put in such a thing, much less keep it going every single Saturday. It's like a convention of every weird person you went to high school with. Personally, I'm just happy they have found their niche. Not everyone does. And on top of them, there were plenty of "virgins" there as well. Only in LA.

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