At work, we have a little "library" that has some truly terrible selections in it. I picked up one the other day for a little lunch time reading. The one I chose, according to a USA Today bestselling author, is "full of sass and sizzle." I'm not going to say the title because I want to spare myself and the author of this ridiculous book the embarrassment. But, I do want to share some of the titles of the chapters with you, my loyal readers, because I find them completely hilarious...
"It Only Takes a Minute"
"Heart of Glass"
"Macho Man"
Turn the Beat Around"
"More, More, More"
"Love Don't Live Here Anymore"
"Ring My Bell"
"Heaven Must Have Sent You"
"Love Hangover" (my personal favorite)
...and for the big finale....
"Kung Fu Fighting"
As you can see from these awesome names, this book was totally suspensful, well written and enthralling. I think it was the catch line on the front that got me: "She's through with men. He's through with women. Will they take one last chance on love?" I HAD TO KNOW!
And in case you have to know too....
you'll just have to read the book!
Dream big people! And enjoy the long weekend, if you get one :)
29 May 2010
27 May 2010
I Don't Even Know
I don't people, I really don't.
There are a lot of things I don't know right now. First off, why was my milk that said it expired TODAY already clumpy and disgusting when I poured it all over my Crispix I was so eager to eat? Whhhhyyyyy?? Why do I only see cute bus guy when I look like total poop and never when I look cute? Why does my boss talk in circles? Why don't we have a microwave? Why am I so terrible with boys? And most importantly, why have I been such an idiot lately? Seriously. I have been doing some dumb shit lately and in a HUGE way. Mainly at work, but in other ways too. It's very sad. Fingers majorly crossed that everything works out for the best. Could get expensive. I don't even want to think about it.
So instead, I'll talk about American Idol. Like, what the hell is going on with this finale? For starters, why is it not live on the west coast? This is total bullshit! I really don't even care about the whole thing all that much, but I think it's really stupid that it's taped here, but only shown live on the east coast. Because now I'm watching the stupid thing and number one, I am so confused as to exactly is going on and who booked these bands and number two, I already know who won! The suspense is completely gone. I just don't understand the logic! It's a total sham and really an insult to my intelligence to present this "live" show and expect me to be excited about "finding out" who is the NEXT AMERICAN IDOL (in the Ryan Seacrest voice) when I already know! Total ridiculousness. And more importantly, seriously....what is going on with the special guests? Alice Cooper? Alanis Morissette? MICHAEL MCDONALD?? What year is this supposed to be? I understand that American Idol is supposed to be about "real" music and maybe they want to pay homage to the classics, but aren't these idols supposed to go on to become relevant in today's music world? Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE Hall & Oates fan, but they are not really relevant in today's music world. I can't go for that, nooo-ooo, no can do. All I'm saying is, it was probably a lot of young ladies voting for Mr. Good Looking Lee and said young ladies are probably not that into Hall & Oates. But I could be wrong. I just wonder about the voting demographic vs. the demographic AI wishes it was reaching.
Furthermore, when is the last time Alanis put an album out? Jagged Little Pill is AMAZING. And very 7th grade. Way to bring the energy level down a few notches, Christina Aguilera. Geez. Oh god, and Dane Cook! It would have been better if he had been funny. And if it hadn't gotten super awkward right there at the end with all the weirdo people rushing the stage.
Lastly, I would just like to say that I feel like the two American Idol contestants have no personality. That show seems like it would be the most fun, most awesome thing EVER and these two goobers are just like, uhhh, ok. Especially the goober winner, who has a tough time smiling and also didn't know that the United States is the other country that borders Niagara Falls. True story. Saw it on Ellen. It was painful.
What??? Bret Michaels??? I thought you were on your death bed like, yesterday. I don't even believe his stroke story. Total publicity stunt. Oh, and that girl Sibawadda looks totally hilarious when she sings. And she does not look anything like Blakely! Oh hell yes, Janet Jackson! She is so pretty, I can't even stand it! Boo slow song but way to bring it back with NASTY. LOVE IT. No, my name ain't baby. I love her! I miss Michael :(
I think my favorite, though, is that the BIG, AWESOME, LAST singer is......Joe Cocker! Really? Really? I mean, that's cool because I totally love that song and am a big fan of The Wonder Years. But really? That is how you are going to end things. Well alright then. Ok, well Lee got a little more lively there at the end so maybe he's not as lame as I thought. I probably shouldn't judge.
And as big of a hater as I am, I was still sitting there, at the end of the show, crying, just like I did in high school when I watched Kelly Clarkson win the first season. One, I hate when things end..I used to cry at the last episode of The Real World. And two, I am so jealous. I have no talent and I want so badly for my dreams to come true in such a HUGE way, like they do on American Idol. With lots of cheering, tons of confetti, Ellen watching, lights flashing, and a really awesome U2 song playing. Only it would be Belinda Carlisle playing. Man, that would make me so happy.
Wait, here is the best part: UP NEXT, ON THE 10:00 NEWS:
American Idol! Who will replace Simon??
The Mayor of Los Angeles, at the American Idol finale! We also have questions about his Laker's tickets.
Your NEW American Idol, on the streets of downtown LA! How does he feel??
Bad hair dye jobs, how you can fix them.
Literally, those were the stories. I am NOT kidding. Those were really and truly the big stories for the night. I cannot believe that in L-freaking-A there are not more newsworthy stories going on right now. I just can't. Oooh, LA. You perplex me.
Anyways, those are my thoughts on life for right now. Today, post 1:00 pm sucked and I'm glad it's over. Hooray for tomorrow!
Dream big people!
There are a lot of things I don't know right now. First off, why was my milk that said it expired TODAY already clumpy and disgusting when I poured it all over my Crispix I was so eager to eat? Whhhhyyyyy?? Why do I only see cute bus guy when I look like total poop and never when I look cute? Why does my boss talk in circles? Why don't we have a microwave? Why am I so terrible with boys? And most importantly, why have I been such an idiot lately? Seriously. I have been doing some dumb shit lately and in a HUGE way. Mainly at work, but in other ways too. It's very sad. Fingers majorly crossed that everything works out for the best. Could get expensive. I don't even want to think about it.
So instead, I'll talk about American Idol. Like, what the hell is going on with this finale? For starters, why is it not live on the west coast? This is total bullshit! I really don't even care about the whole thing all that much, but I think it's really stupid that it's taped here, but only shown live on the east coast. Because now I'm watching the stupid thing and number one, I am so confused as to exactly is going on and who booked these bands and number two, I already know who won! The suspense is completely gone. I just don't understand the logic! It's a total sham and really an insult to my intelligence to present this "live" show and expect me to be excited about "finding out" who is the NEXT AMERICAN IDOL (in the Ryan Seacrest voice) when I already know! Total ridiculousness. And more importantly, seriously....what is going on with the special guests? Alice Cooper? Alanis Morissette? MICHAEL MCDONALD?? What year is this supposed to be? I understand that American Idol is supposed to be about "real" music and maybe they want to pay homage to the classics, but aren't these idols supposed to go on to become relevant in today's music world? Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE Hall & Oates fan, but they are not really relevant in today's music world. I can't go for that, nooo-ooo, no can do. All I'm saying is, it was probably a lot of young ladies voting for Mr. Good Looking Lee and said young ladies are probably not that into Hall & Oates. But I could be wrong. I just wonder about the voting demographic vs. the demographic AI wishes it was reaching.
Furthermore, when is the last time Alanis put an album out? Jagged Little Pill is AMAZING. And very 7th grade. Way to bring the energy level down a few notches, Christina Aguilera. Geez. Oh god, and Dane Cook! It would have been better if he had been funny. And if it hadn't gotten super awkward right there at the end with all the weirdo people rushing the stage.
Lastly, I would just like to say that I feel like the two American Idol contestants have no personality. That show seems like it would be the most fun, most awesome thing EVER and these two goobers are just like, uhhh, ok. Especially the goober winner, who has a tough time smiling and also didn't know that the United States is the other country that borders Niagara Falls. True story. Saw it on Ellen. It was painful.
What??? Bret Michaels??? I thought you were on your death bed like, yesterday. I don't even believe his stroke story. Total publicity stunt. Oh, and that girl Sibawadda looks totally hilarious when she sings. And she does not look anything like Blakely! Oh hell yes, Janet Jackson! She is so pretty, I can't even stand it! Boo slow song but way to bring it back with NASTY. LOVE IT. No, my name ain't baby. I love her! I miss Michael :(
I think my favorite, though, is that the BIG, AWESOME, LAST singer is......Joe Cocker! Really? Really? I mean, that's cool because I totally love that song and am a big fan of The Wonder Years. But really? That is how you are going to end things. Well alright then. Ok, well Lee got a little more lively there at the end so maybe he's not as lame as I thought. I probably shouldn't judge.
And as big of a hater as I am, I was still sitting there, at the end of the show, crying, just like I did in high school when I watched Kelly Clarkson win the first season. One, I hate when things end..I used to cry at the last episode of The Real World. And two, I am so jealous. I have no talent and I want so badly for my dreams to come true in such a HUGE way, like they do on American Idol. With lots of cheering, tons of confetti, Ellen watching, lights flashing, and a really awesome U2 song playing. Only it would be Belinda Carlisle playing. Man, that would make me so happy.
Wait, here is the best part: UP NEXT, ON THE 10:00 NEWS:
American Idol! Who will replace Simon??
The Mayor of Los Angeles, at the American Idol finale! We also have questions about his Laker's tickets.
Your NEW American Idol, on the streets of downtown LA! How does he feel??
Bad hair dye jobs, how you can fix them.
Literally, those were the stories. I am NOT kidding. Those were really and truly the big stories for the night. I cannot believe that in L-freaking-A there are not more newsworthy stories going on right now. I just can't. Oooh, LA. You perplex me.
Anyways, those are my thoughts on life for right now. Today, post 1:00 pm sucked and I'm glad it's over. Hooray for tomorrow!
Dream big people!
26 May 2010
No Autographs, Please
Guess what!!?? I'm on YouTube! How awesome is that?? If you type in "Ellen Who Dat," there I am, in all my yellow, Ellen-hugging, celebrity-guessing, Idol-ticket-winning glory. It's just as exciting to watch it now as it was just a few short weeks ago. For me anyways. Some people may be a little sick of it, but I don't care! I love it and it makes me sooooo happy! :) x a million! Also, this means JC is no longer the only one of us on YouTube. I don't have the dancing skills he does, but I DID get to hug Ellen. So that is pretty awesome.
Anyways, speaking of Ellen, I watched today and I was reminded how much I love the show and how badly I want a job there! I can't really explain it, but it makes me wish REALLY bad that I had some sort of amazing talent so I could go on the show and do something to impress her. But alas, I have no talent so I have to figure out another way for her to want to hire me without looking like a total creepster. A girl I work with said she met Ellen's personal assistant in San Diego at a Whole Foods. Sadly, this girl did not pass along my resume and/or phone number, so I don't know if that is going to get me anywhere, but I still think it is pretty random and awesome. We'll see what happens. I've got high hopes something good is going to come my way. I seriously get so emotional watching sometimes! It makes me sooo happy and I just get like, overwhelmed or something. Gosh, I sound like a total crazy person so I'm just going to stop talking about it because I don't want to weird anyone out. People have been asking me lately just exactly why I love Ellen so much and it's mainly because she is doing exactly what I want to be doing with my life someday: laughing, dancing, and helping people! How amazing is that combination? Just take out the being gay, vegan and blonde part and I pretty much just want to be her. There is nothing wrong with any of those things, I'm just not them. Also, I would look totally silly as a blonde.
Ok, really stopping now. In other news, nothing exciting is going on. All is resolved at work, I'm not getting fired and I possibly got a raise. My boss talks in circles so I am not sure exactly what happened when I asked about it, but it could be good. I guess we'll see with the next pay check. Now I must go watch the Lady Gaga Glee, which I am positive is going to be beyond amazing. Sorry I'm lame tonight.
Dream BIG people!
Anyways, speaking of Ellen, I watched today and I was reminded how much I love the show and how badly I want a job there! I can't really explain it, but it makes me wish REALLY bad that I had some sort of amazing talent so I could go on the show and do something to impress her. But alas, I have no talent so I have to figure out another way for her to want to hire me without looking like a total creepster. A girl I work with said she met Ellen's personal assistant in San Diego at a Whole Foods. Sadly, this girl did not pass along my resume and/or phone number, so I don't know if that is going to get me anywhere, but I still think it is pretty random and awesome. We'll see what happens. I've got high hopes something good is going to come my way. I seriously get so emotional watching sometimes! It makes me sooo happy and I just get like, overwhelmed or something. Gosh, I sound like a total crazy person so I'm just going to stop talking about it because I don't want to weird anyone out. People have been asking me lately just exactly why I love Ellen so much and it's mainly because she is doing exactly what I want to be doing with my life someday: laughing, dancing, and helping people! How amazing is that combination? Just take out the being gay, vegan and blonde part and I pretty much just want to be her. There is nothing wrong with any of those things, I'm just not them. Also, I would look totally silly as a blonde.
Ok, really stopping now. In other news, nothing exciting is going on. All is resolved at work, I'm not getting fired and I possibly got a raise. My boss talks in circles so I am not sure exactly what happened when I asked about it, but it could be good. I guess we'll see with the next pay check. Now I must go watch the Lady Gaga Glee, which I am positive is going to be beyond amazing. Sorry I'm lame tonight.
Dream BIG people!
25 May 2010
1 down, 44 to go
Wooo, good weekend! Not so good Monday, but that is for later.
Saturday I baked (yes, BAKED) two chicken pot pies and had a multi-cultural Rock Band party. It was fantastic and the pies were delicious, if I do say so myself. In fact, my stomach is growling right now just thinking about them. It may also be because I didn't eat any dinner, but whatever. Anyways, it was a good night and then I stayed in bed until 3:00 the next day. I had no real reason to get out, so I just didn't. Plus, it was REALLY cold outside and my bed was all nice and cozy. It was really the smart thing to do. When I did finally get out, I made a trip to the 99 cent store and tried In-n-Out burger for the second time. It was waaayyy better than the first time I had it and now I can see why everyone is all about it. The burgers are really tasty and super cheap...can't get any better than that!
Actually, FREE things are better than that. And you know what was free today? A Jack Johnson concert at the Santa Monica Pier! It was pretty awesome. Left work, worked out, sat on the beach and listened to Jack Johnson. For free! And he played my favorite song right at the end! Hooray! All that and still ready for bed at 11:00. Go me. It's nice to end this day on a good note because I was freaking my freak out today at work. There was some slight drama with one of the students and I was really stressed about it because if things didn't work out, I would be in BIG trouble. I am not totally in the clear, but I think it's going to be ok. The student also made me pretty angry, but I was proud of myself because I kept my composure and didn't completly shut down/bitch her out like I sometimes (usually) do. So go me again!
Dream BIG people! :)
Saturday I baked (yes, BAKED) two chicken pot pies and had a multi-cultural Rock Band party. It was fantastic and the pies were delicious, if I do say so myself. In fact, my stomach is growling right now just thinking about them. It may also be because I didn't eat any dinner, but whatever. Anyways, it was a good night and then I stayed in bed until 3:00 the next day. I had no real reason to get out, so I just didn't. Plus, it was REALLY cold outside and my bed was all nice and cozy. It was really the smart thing to do. When I did finally get out, I made a trip to the 99 cent store and tried In-n-Out burger for the second time. It was waaayyy better than the first time I had it and now I can see why everyone is all about it. The burgers are really tasty and super cheap...can't get any better than that!
Actually, FREE things are better than that. And you know what was free today? A Jack Johnson concert at the Santa Monica Pier! It was pretty awesome. Left work, worked out, sat on the beach and listened to Jack Johnson. For free! And he played my favorite song right at the end! Hooray! All that and still ready for bed at 11:00. Go me. It's nice to end this day on a good note because I was freaking my freak out today at work. There was some slight drama with one of the students and I was really stressed about it because if things didn't work out, I would be in BIG trouble. I am not totally in the clear, but I think it's going to be ok. The student also made me pretty angry, but I was proud of myself because I kept my composure and didn't completly shut down/bitch her out like I sometimes (usually) do. So go me again!
Dream BIG people! :)
23 May 2010
I love LA
Going to Tarantino this post and go backwards. Here we go.
Wooo, Dodgers game last night! So fun! Here are some highlights:
-It was "Empire Strikes Back Night" so the first pitch was thrown by Chewbacca and some Storm Troopers. Amazing! Apparently the movie came out 30 years ago. Sorry, still haven't seen it. But, free posters were being given away. Fun! I gave mine to the person I went with. They also "Star Wars-ized" the players when their picture was on the Jumbo-tron and did other random Star Wars things that were both ridiculous and hilarious.
-Someone got proposed to on the Kiss Cam! Too cute!
-Dustin Hoffman was also on the Kiss Cam....he was making out hardcore, it was totally hilarious.
-This random man in front of me turned around at the end of the game and hit me in the leg with his rolled up Star Wars poster. Then he looked up and realized I was not his daughter, who was sitting next to me. So funny. And I got to hit him back.
-They played 'Don't Stop Believing' for everyone to sing along too (they even had the words up on the scoreboard!) and the camera was on this fantastic goober up on the top row, singing along and getting really into it. He was awesome.
-The guy that sang the national anthem and God Bless America was TERRIBLE! He was the voice of someone in the cartoon version of The Empire Strikes Back. I can't believe we are in HOLLYWOOD and they couldn't find anyone better to sing. Oh was still entertaining.
-The Dodgers won! Hooray! 4-1, against the Detroit Tigers.
-Our tickets were $9...amazing! I love cheap fun.
Anyways, that was my Friday. Thursday I went to a bar in Long Beach to see a friend of a friend's band play. There were three other bands playing and they were all REALLY good. Also, the bar we were in is where they film the bar scenes in True Blood. So that was exciting. Especially since I just watched the first few episodes of that crazy show last weekend, so I totally recgonized it. Hooray!
Wednesday I had another happy hour that turned into a happy all night affair...only this time with less drinking. I went out with some students for sushi and it was so fun watching this guy from Israel try to manuevor his chopsticks. He eventually broke down and got a fork. Then there was a little party for another student's birthday and that was super fun. I taught them some awesome drinking games. The first one is "Guess What Number I'm Thinking Of," which was made up on a road trip I took with crazy camp people a few years ago. The students didn't really think it was all that fun, but whatever, they're foreign, they don't know any better. Then I taught them Circle of Death (or Kings) and they all thought I was crazy, but it was still fun.
Tuesday nothing interesting happened. Monday we went to dinner at Bubba Gumps, which was uncomfortably touristy, but they had the best staff singing birthday song I have ever heard. You can also order cocktails in light up glasses that you can take home, so that's always a good time as well.
Ok, well now it's 10:00 on Saturday morning and I have no idea why I'm up this early. But, I've got some shit to do today, so I'm going to get to it. By that, I mean clean my room and make myself some lunch. Exciting!
Dream big people! :)
Wooo, Dodgers game last night! So fun! Here are some highlights:
-It was "Empire Strikes Back Night" so the first pitch was thrown by Chewbacca and some Storm Troopers. Amazing! Apparently the movie came out 30 years ago. Sorry, still haven't seen it. But, free posters were being given away. Fun! I gave mine to the person I went with. They also "Star Wars-ized" the players when their picture was on the Jumbo-tron and did other random Star Wars things that were both ridiculous and hilarious.
-Someone got proposed to on the Kiss Cam! Too cute!
-Dustin Hoffman was also on the Kiss Cam....he was making out hardcore, it was totally hilarious.
-This random man in front of me turned around at the end of the game and hit me in the leg with his rolled up Star Wars poster. Then he looked up and realized I was not his daughter, who was sitting next to me. So funny. And I got to hit him back.
-They played 'Don't Stop Believing' for everyone to sing along too (they even had the words up on the scoreboard!) and the camera was on this fantastic goober up on the top row, singing along and getting really into it. He was awesome.
-The guy that sang the national anthem and God Bless America was TERRIBLE! He was the voice of someone in the cartoon version of The Empire Strikes Back. I can't believe we are in HOLLYWOOD and they couldn't find anyone better to sing. Oh was still entertaining.
-The Dodgers won! Hooray! 4-1, against the Detroit Tigers.
-Our tickets were $9...amazing! I love cheap fun.
Anyways, that was my Friday. Thursday I went to a bar in Long Beach to see a friend of a friend's band play. There were three other bands playing and they were all REALLY good. Also, the bar we were in is where they film the bar scenes in True Blood. So that was exciting. Especially since I just watched the first few episodes of that crazy show last weekend, so I totally recgonized it. Hooray!
Wednesday I had another happy hour that turned into a happy all night affair...only this time with less drinking. I went out with some students for sushi and it was so fun watching this guy from Israel try to manuevor his chopsticks. He eventually broke down and got a fork. Then there was a little party for another student's birthday and that was super fun. I taught them some awesome drinking games. The first one is "Guess What Number I'm Thinking Of," which was made up on a road trip I took with crazy camp people a few years ago. The students didn't really think it was all that fun, but whatever, they're foreign, they don't know any better. Then I taught them Circle of Death (or Kings) and they all thought I was crazy, but it was still fun.
Tuesday nothing interesting happened. Monday we went to dinner at Bubba Gumps, which was uncomfortably touristy, but they had the best staff singing birthday song I have ever heard. You can also order cocktails in light up glasses that you can take home, so that's always a good time as well.
Ok, well now it's 10:00 on Saturday morning and I have no idea why I'm up this early. But, I've got some shit to do today, so I'm going to get to it. By that, I mean clean my room and make myself some lunch. Exciting!
Dream big people! :)
20 May 2010
You're gonna like me
Yay, a new ridiculous website!
And here is my favorite entry so far:
Oh man, that made me literally lol at work. That poor kid! Haha, it's fantastic! Some of the pictures on there make me cringe a little, but that one was hysterical.
As a side note, PLEASE do not ever let me take pregnant belly pictures, in the event I ever decide to get pregnant. If I do take them, be totally uninterested when I show them to you. For real, I might have to learn the hard way that pregnant belly pictures are awkward and WRONG.
Ok, just wanted to share! Nothing really interesting going on here. Wait, I can probably think of something.
OH yes, I forgot to share my awesome metro story from Saturday night. It isn't as fun as the last metro story I had, and it is nowhere close to the most interesting thing that happened that night, but I'm going to share anyways.
So there is this really short man wandering around the metro station asking people for money. As a general rule, I don't give people money unless I am getting something in return. And it has to involve a legit cash register. Whatever, anyways, I may or may not have been a little tipsy (you decide) and was eating a European croissant (to be said in a European accent, you know the one) I had recently purchased at Famima!, the best convenience store ever. I was feeling generous, so I asked the name if he wanted the rest of my croissant. And you know what he told me? Not only did he not want it, but he told me he ONLY eats steak and potatoes! I mean really! Come on, it was all the way from EUROPE! Just kidding...obviously, in hindsight, it was probably a little rude/presumptuous to offer someone half-eaten food, but if I were walking around begging people for spare change, I, for one, would not turn down food. And I certainly would not have the attitude that anything but steak and potatoes is too below me to eat. For starters, only eating steak and potatoes is not healthy, you need fruits and vegetables as well. Furthermore, you would have to collect A LOT of spare change from people before you could feasibly feed yourself ONLY steak and potatoes. And that is if you only ate it like, every 3 days. Anyways, point is, people are total goobers. He was later trying to relate to this ridiculously tall man (6'5'' or something) about how it's hard to get girls when you're really short AND when you're really tall. The tall guy was like, ok, whatever. And I was all, it's probably hard to get girls when you have to ask strangers for change to pay for a date (that was what I was thinking) and will only take a girl out for steak and potatoes.
As a parting note, I would like to discuss the TV I watched yesterday. First, I watched Ellen and was laughing hysterically at Steve Carrell. His impression of his son was so fabulous. The rest of the show was obviously fabulous as well, they always are. I still get really jealous of the guests, but it's getting more bearable. Then I watched the tail end of American Idol and was pretty excited because they sang some of my favorite songs, especially one by my boy Eric Hutchinson! I talked about him a looong time ago and how much I loved his CD and yay for AI for picking good songs. And yay for me for being cool and hip by being into music BEFORE it goes all mainstream. And one guy sang Hallelujah, which is a fave as well. It has been a fave for a very long time now, thank you very much. Lastly, I watched Glee and it is just making me so happy. It seriously is so funny! Well, Rachel annoys me pretty bad and it can have it's depressing moments (ugh, irreversible spinal cord injuries are SO depressing!), but singing the Safety Dance song makes everything better.
Thank you, that is all.
Dream big people!
And here is my favorite entry so far:
Oh man, that made me literally lol at work. That poor kid! Haha, it's fantastic! Some of the pictures on there make me cringe a little, but that one was hysterical.
As a side note, PLEASE do not ever let me take pregnant belly pictures, in the event I ever decide to get pregnant. If I do take them, be totally uninterested when I show them to you. For real, I might have to learn the hard way that pregnant belly pictures are awkward and WRONG.
Ok, just wanted to share! Nothing really interesting going on here. Wait, I can probably think of something.
OH yes, I forgot to share my awesome metro story from Saturday night. It isn't as fun as the last metro story I had, and it is nowhere close to the most interesting thing that happened that night, but I'm going to share anyways.
So there is this really short man wandering around the metro station asking people for money. As a general rule, I don't give people money unless I am getting something in return. And it has to involve a legit cash register. Whatever, anyways, I may or may not have been a little tipsy (you decide) and was eating a European croissant (to be said in a European accent, you know the one) I had recently purchased at Famima!, the best convenience store ever. I was feeling generous, so I asked the name if he wanted the rest of my croissant. And you know what he told me? Not only did he not want it, but he told me he ONLY eats steak and potatoes! I mean really! Come on, it was all the way from EUROPE! Just kidding...obviously, in hindsight, it was probably a little rude/presumptuous to offer someone half-eaten food, but if I were walking around begging people for spare change, I, for one, would not turn down food. And I certainly would not have the attitude that anything but steak and potatoes is too below me to eat. For starters, only eating steak and potatoes is not healthy, you need fruits and vegetables as well. Furthermore, you would have to collect A LOT of spare change from people before you could feasibly feed yourself ONLY steak and potatoes. And that is if you only ate it like, every 3 days. Anyways, point is, people are total goobers. He was later trying to relate to this ridiculously tall man (6'5'' or something) about how it's hard to get girls when you're really short AND when you're really tall. The tall guy was like, ok, whatever. And I was all, it's probably hard to get girls when you have to ask strangers for change to pay for a date (that was what I was thinking) and will only take a girl out for steak and potatoes.
As a parting note, I would like to discuss the TV I watched yesterday. First, I watched Ellen and was laughing hysterically at Steve Carrell. His impression of his son was so fabulous. The rest of the show was obviously fabulous as well, they always are. I still get really jealous of the guests, but it's getting more bearable. Then I watched the tail end of American Idol and was pretty excited because they sang some of my favorite songs, especially one by my boy Eric Hutchinson! I talked about him a looong time ago and how much I loved his CD and yay for AI for picking good songs. And yay for me for being cool and hip by being into music BEFORE it goes all mainstream. And one guy sang Hallelujah, which is a fave as well. It has been a fave for a very long time now, thank you very much. Lastly, I watched Glee and it is just making me so happy. It seriously is so funny! Well, Rachel annoys me pretty bad and it can have it's depressing moments (ugh, irreversible spinal cord injuries are SO depressing!), but singing the Safety Dance song makes everything better.
Thank you, that is all.
Dream big people!
17 May 2010
Out of control
Out of control. That is what I am. But I LIKE it! Also, not really, but I did have some interesting experiences this weekend and some fun times were had out in Hollywood. And sorry, but I'm not telling you about all of it. Mainly because I'm embarrassed.
Oh, wait. Let me back up. Remember cute bus guy? Yes, well I finally worked up the nerve to say something to him. Of COURSE, he sits next to me on the day when I haven't showered and look like a total hot mess and probably smell bad. But whatever, I went for it anyways. After nervously racking my brain for something to say, I finally take a deep breath, annnddddd..
Me: Do you know where a hardware store is around here?
Him: No, not on Wilshire, I don't know of one.
Me (in my head): fuuucccckkkkkkkk.
So that was it. I know what you're thinking. Hardware store?? What?? Let me explain. First off, I really did need some hardware. I need screws for my shelf because Ikea didn't provide them (actually, I think my mom threw them away on accident), and I thought maybe the conversation could continue on that vein. Something along the lines of him asking me what I was doing and me explaining I just moved, need to put up a shelf, etc. And then he would offer to help and/or ask me out for a drink. But no, he didn't say anything else and I wanted to die. Major fail. Very sad. Now the question is, can I ever say anything to him again or should I just shut up forever? I'll probably shut up forever. I'm so mad. And the best part, there is a hardware store like, right at my stop but I was too mad to go in and now I still don't have any damn screws. Also, I already knew where the hardware store was, but I thought playing dumb was a good way to get a guy. I've seen it work before. Multiple times.
In conclusion, Friday was a total fail with boys. Saturday night was slightly more successful, but still pretty lame. But that is for another day. Right now, I have never wanted a chicken sandwich so bad in my life, so I'm going to find one. My roommate is also listening to horrible screaming music and I need to leave the house. Until next time....
Dream big people!
Oh, wait. Let me back up. Remember cute bus guy? Yes, well I finally worked up the nerve to say something to him. Of COURSE, he sits next to me on the day when I haven't showered and look like a total hot mess and probably smell bad. But whatever, I went for it anyways. After nervously racking my brain for something to say, I finally take a deep breath, annnddddd..
Me: Do you know where a hardware store is around here?
Him: No, not on Wilshire, I don't know of one.
Me (in my head): fuuucccckkkkkkkk.
So that was it. I know what you're thinking. Hardware store?? What?? Let me explain. First off, I really did need some hardware. I need screws for my shelf because Ikea didn't provide them (actually, I think my mom threw them away on accident), and I thought maybe the conversation could continue on that vein. Something along the lines of him asking me what I was doing and me explaining I just moved, need to put up a shelf, etc. And then he would offer to help and/or ask me out for a drink. But no, he didn't say anything else and I wanted to die. Major fail. Very sad. Now the question is, can I ever say anything to him again or should I just shut up forever? I'll probably shut up forever. I'm so mad. And the best part, there is a hardware store like, right at my stop but I was too mad to go in and now I still don't have any damn screws. Also, I already knew where the hardware store was, but I thought playing dumb was a good way to get a guy. I've seen it work before. Multiple times.
In conclusion, Friday was a total fail with boys. Saturday night was slightly more successful, but still pretty lame. But that is for another day. Right now, I have never wanted a chicken sandwich so bad in my life, so I'm going to find one. My roommate is also listening to horrible screaming music and I need to leave the house. Until next time....
Dream big people!
15 May 2010
I Feel Fine
And let's hope I stay feeling fine because I found out yesterday I have to go back to the doctor because I had an abnormal pap smear. Yikes! But I haven't been feeling bad or anything. Right now, I feel pretty great. Hungry, but great. So fingers crossed all goes well when I go back in a few weeks.
In other awesome news, Heaven on Earth is currently playing on Pandora at work. YESSSSSS. My Friday afternoon just got one thousand times better. It is still crazy boring, but at least I am listening to fantastic music. ARM PUMP TIME!
Ok, back now. This week has been kind of dumb. Boys are dumb, no news there. And I almost died yesterday. By that, I mean, I drank WAY to much Wednesday night and was struggling in a BIG way on Thursday. I didn't take off my sunglasses until lunch time. It was kind of pathetic. But, Wednesday night was SUPER fun, so it was totally worth it. Happy hour turned into a happy night. Basically I got a little carried away at happy hour and ended up drinking much more than I was planning on. So of course, I was like, well go big or go home and I didn't want to go home, so I went BIG. Basically, I drank a lot. I hung out with friends and some of the students from school and then a friend (aka the coolest person ever!) and I didn't want the night to end, so we continued on. Things were not looking good because the first three bars we went to wanted a cover charge! On a Wednesday! Yeah right. We were actually on our way back to the car (I think, this part is a little hazy) and we ran into a pub crawl! The guy in charge offered us a wristband so we joined up with a bunch of foreigners and sang live Beatles karaoke at a British bar. Live Beatles karaoke means there was an actual band playing. They were all dressed like the Beatles and had the haircuts and everything! It was awesome. We sang Twist and Shout and everyone loved us. Actually, I don't know if that is true, but we had tons of fun. Then I dropped my drink on the floor and the glass broke, so I ran outside because I was embarrassed. Thankfully, we moved on to the next bar quickly and I will never be showing my face at that other bar ever again. If I can remember where it was. More karaoke at the next bar! That is how you know I am way too drunk, because I don't normally do karaoke. I'm not really a big fan of it. Take a wild guess at what song we sang next. Hint: It's the best song ever. If you don't know the answer, we are obviously not very good friends and/or you are not a true blog fan and I don't want anything to do with you. Anyways, that bar was totally ridiculous. I got a massage, danced with a guy in some sort of zoot suit, sang karaoke, and probably did other things I don't remember. Anyways, then we went home and spent 20-30 minutes trying to get in the apartment. Something is wrong with the lock and finally we had to wake my poor roommate up and make him let us in.
After all that nonsense, I was not feeling anywhere near fantastic at work the next day. I suffered through, ate some french fries and things were better by the afternoon. Until I went home and couldn't get in the apartment again. I spent an hour trying to get the key to work and gave myself a blister in the process. Stupid thing. Then I watched Ellen and Glee and life was better. Glee got a lot better this week, especially since Jessie's Girl was sung. Yay 80s music! And obviously, Ellen just makes me happy beyond all reason. Although, I do tend to get a little jealous of the guests sometimes and I can't deal. I need to work on that. There was a kid on this week that did a Lady Gaga cover and it was AMAZING! I was jealous because Ellen loved him AND because he played the piano and sang really well and I wish I had talent like that. Or any talent at all really. Sigh.
Ok, well I think it's going to be a good weekend. If anything, there is going to be a lot of sleeping involved and I am always happy about that.
Dream big people! :)
In other awesome news, Heaven on Earth is currently playing on Pandora at work. YESSSSSS. My Friday afternoon just got one thousand times better. It is still crazy boring, but at least I am listening to fantastic music. ARM PUMP TIME!
Ok, back now. This week has been kind of dumb. Boys are dumb, no news there. And I almost died yesterday. By that, I mean, I drank WAY to much Wednesday night and was struggling in a BIG way on Thursday. I didn't take off my sunglasses until lunch time. It was kind of pathetic. But, Wednesday night was SUPER fun, so it was totally worth it. Happy hour turned into a happy night. Basically I got a little carried away at happy hour and ended up drinking much more than I was planning on. So of course, I was like, well go big or go home and I didn't want to go home, so I went BIG. Basically, I drank a lot. I hung out with friends and some of the students from school and then a friend (aka the coolest person ever!) and I didn't want the night to end, so we continued on. Things were not looking good because the first three bars we went to wanted a cover charge! On a Wednesday! Yeah right. We were actually on our way back to the car (I think, this part is a little hazy) and we ran into a pub crawl! The guy in charge offered us a wristband so we joined up with a bunch of foreigners and sang live Beatles karaoke at a British bar. Live Beatles karaoke means there was an actual band playing. They were all dressed like the Beatles and had the haircuts and everything! It was awesome. We sang Twist and Shout and everyone loved us. Actually, I don't know if that is true, but we had tons of fun. Then I dropped my drink on the floor and the glass broke, so I ran outside because I was embarrassed. Thankfully, we moved on to the next bar quickly and I will never be showing my face at that other bar ever again. If I can remember where it was. More karaoke at the next bar! That is how you know I am way too drunk, because I don't normally do karaoke. I'm not really a big fan of it. Take a wild guess at what song we sang next. Hint: It's the best song ever. If you don't know the answer, we are obviously not very good friends and/or you are not a true blog fan and I don't want anything to do with you. Anyways, that bar was totally ridiculous. I got a massage, danced with a guy in some sort of zoot suit, sang karaoke, and probably did other things I don't remember. Anyways, then we went home and spent 20-30 minutes trying to get in the apartment. Something is wrong with the lock and finally we had to wake my poor roommate up and make him let us in.
After all that nonsense, I was not feeling anywhere near fantastic at work the next day. I suffered through, ate some french fries and things were better by the afternoon. Until I went home and couldn't get in the apartment again. I spent an hour trying to get the key to work and gave myself a blister in the process. Stupid thing. Then I watched Ellen and Glee and life was better. Glee got a lot better this week, especially since Jessie's Girl was sung. Yay 80s music! And obviously, Ellen just makes me happy beyond all reason. Although, I do tend to get a little jealous of the guests sometimes and I can't deal. I need to work on that. There was a kid on this week that did a Lady Gaga cover and it was AMAZING! I was jealous because Ellen loved him AND because he played the piano and sang really well and I wish I had talent like that. Or any talent at all really. Sigh.
Ok, well I think it's going to be a good weekend. If anything, there is going to be a lot of sleeping involved and I am always happy about that.
Dream big people! :)
11 May 2010
I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Ok, people. As a disclaimer, shit's about to get real. This shit right here, this shit right here. Yes, about to get real. For real. So don't read if you can't handle the realness. I am not kidding, I don't want to hear any complaining.
First off, I suck at talking to/flirting with/attracting/understanding/holding the interest of/getting anywhere with boys. It really is just very sad. And confusing. I just don't really get it. I am awesome in all ways imaginable and now I'm a freaking TV STAR, so what is the problem? I don't really know. I do know that I made a fool of myself Saturday night via phone (whyyyy didn't someone take mine from me???) and went home alone, as always. It was a very sad evening. Well, it was only sad at the end. Because the housewarming party was really fun and lots of people came. And, we didn't have any complaining from downstairs, so I was happy. Earlier that afternoon I had taken her (the crazy cat lady curmudgeon downstairs) a cupcake and explained what was going on, hoping she would be ok with the noise at least until 11. I also worked in the Ellen angle and asked if she was a fan. Of course she was (who isn't), so we bonded over that. She had not seen my show, but I told her all about it. And she told me about all kinds of other random things. I'm not sure she is all there, but that's ok.
Second, I have pooped blood twice. Told you this was real. Anyways, I assessed my symptoms on webmd and I think I'm going to live. Nothing else hurts or anything, so we'll see what happens.
Third, I did not get into grad school in Amsteram. :( I am very sad about this. I was told it was because I did not have the proper prerequisites, which is 30 hours in research methodology and a strong base in the field of International Development. And I really don't want to dwell on it, but did it really take them 5 months to figure out that I didn't have that? Also, am I just completely stupid and or did I totally miss the section of the application that explained those stipulations as requirements? Oh well. It sucks, but everything happens for a reason. Or something. I am ready for the next door to open. You know, cause this one closed? Moving on.
Fourth, I had to get bitchy today at work and it was not pretty. This crazy lady sent me FOUR emails about how she wanted her client moved to a host family closer to the school. I wrote her back and said we were working on it and then she called. From Prague. Lame. First off, I am not the one that places people nor can these kind of things be fixed in a day. Then she told me I would maybe understand if I had kids one day. Right ok, please shut up and get a life because it was like 9:00pm in Prague when she called me.
Lastly, I need new music and would love some suggestions. Please advise. Also, as lame as this day was, and as uncertain as my future is (with boys, life, work, etc), I was still on Ellen and it was amazing. Thank you and goodnight.
First off, I suck at talking to/flirting with/attracting/understanding/holding the interest of/getting anywhere with boys. It really is just very sad. And confusing. I just don't really get it. I am awesome in all ways imaginable and now I'm a freaking TV STAR, so what is the problem? I don't really know. I do know that I made a fool of myself Saturday night via phone (whyyyy didn't someone take mine from me???) and went home alone, as always. It was a very sad evening. Well, it was only sad at the end. Because the housewarming party was really fun and lots of people came. And, we didn't have any complaining from downstairs, so I was happy. Earlier that afternoon I had taken her (the crazy cat lady curmudgeon downstairs) a cupcake and explained what was going on, hoping she would be ok with the noise at least until 11. I also worked in the Ellen angle and asked if she was a fan. Of course she was (who isn't), so we bonded over that. She had not seen my show, but I told her all about it. And she told me about all kinds of other random things. I'm not sure she is all there, but that's ok.
Second, I have pooped blood twice. Told you this was real. Anyways, I assessed my symptoms on webmd and I think I'm going to live. Nothing else hurts or anything, so we'll see what happens.
Third, I did not get into grad school in Amsteram. :( I am very sad about this. I was told it was because I did not have the proper prerequisites, which is 30 hours in research methodology and a strong base in the field of International Development. And I really don't want to dwell on it, but did it really take them 5 months to figure out that I didn't have that? Also, am I just completely stupid and or did I totally miss the section of the application that explained those stipulations as requirements? Oh well. It sucks, but everything happens for a reason. Or something. I am ready for the next door to open. You know, cause this one closed? Moving on.
Fourth, I had to get bitchy today at work and it was not pretty. This crazy lady sent me FOUR emails about how she wanted her client moved to a host family closer to the school. I wrote her back and said we were working on it and then she called. From Prague. Lame. First off, I am not the one that places people nor can these kind of things be fixed in a day. Then she told me I would maybe understand if I had kids one day. Right ok, please shut up and get a life because it was like 9:00pm in Prague when she called me.
Lastly, I need new music and would love some suggestions. Please advise. Also, as lame as this day was, and as uncertain as my future is (with boys, life, work, etc), I was still on Ellen and it was amazing. Thank you and goodnight.
08 May 2010
We (my roommate and I) set up the X-box and Beatles Rockband tonight!! It was kind of difficult, but we got it done and it's super awesome and fun! However, there is a cranky old bitch that lives underneath us and didn't let us play for very long without banging on her ceiling. Seriously, who does that? Also, we have a very small TV, so it's kind of difficult to really see what is going on, but it is still super fun. And in honor, I made the title a Beatles song. And maybe I'll have a Beatles theme for a bit...we'll see.
Also, I need help. There is this cute guy that rides my bus every afternoon and I need to figure out the best way to approach him. Or if I even should. I am soooo terrible when it comes to talking to boys and there are a MILLION ways things could get awkward, especially on the bus. But, there are also a lot of ways it could be off to a good start since there are always crazy people to talk about on the bus. I just don't know what to do with myself but I think we should at least be friends because he lives close, dresses nicely and seems normal. And he is obviously awesome since he rides the bus because that is what awesome people do, ride busses. Duh. Ok, so if you have any suggestions, let me know. I am just hesitant because I don't want to come on too strong (as is often the case) but I also don't want to do nothing because nothing gets done when you do nothing. I know, so profound. But on the other hand, I always get nervous because I kind of assume all guys have girlfriends and do not want other random girls talking to them. Would it be too much if I asked him if he watches Ellen and tell him my awesome story? Or maybe I could ask if he likes Beatles Rockband and tell him I need a guitar player. Or what if I was just like, yes. Yes, you have seen me on TV, you can stop trying to place me. I am totally famous. OR-what if I was like, sooo, not having a car sucks, huh? So many conversations I could start! What to do!?
Anyways, my housewarming party is tomorrow night! I'm excited and am making cupcakes! Pictures coming soon. Now it's time for bed with my new Ellen eyemask. Night night.
Dream big people!!!!
Me and my lucky headband, going to see Ellen!
Also, I need help. There is this cute guy that rides my bus every afternoon and I need to figure out the best way to approach him. Or if I even should. I am soooo terrible when it comes to talking to boys and there are a MILLION ways things could get awkward, especially on the bus. But, there are also a lot of ways it could be off to a good start since there are always crazy people to talk about on the bus. I just don't know what to do with myself but I think we should at least be friends because he lives close, dresses nicely and seems normal. And he is obviously awesome since he rides the bus because that is what awesome people do, ride busses. Duh. Ok, so if you have any suggestions, let me know. I am just hesitant because I don't want to come on too strong (as is often the case) but I also don't want to do nothing because nothing gets done when you do nothing. I know, so profound. But on the other hand, I always get nervous because I kind of assume all guys have girlfriends and do not want other random girls talking to them. Would it be too much if I asked him if he watches Ellen and tell him my awesome story? Or maybe I could ask if he likes Beatles Rockband and tell him I need a guitar player. Or what if I was just like, yes. Yes, you have seen me on TV, you can stop trying to place me. I am totally famous. OR-what if I was like, sooo, not having a car sucks, huh? So many conversations I could start! What to do!?
Anyways, my housewarming party is tomorrow night! I'm excited and am making cupcakes! Pictures coming soon. Now it's time for bed with my new Ellen eyemask. Night night.
Dream big people!!!!

07 May 2010
That just happened
I still cannot believe it! I really can't. I am a total dork and have watched the video like, 20 times. I showed it to all the students at school and have posted it on facebook at least three times already. I am just so damn happy about the whole thing. This is going to carry me for a loooonnnggg time. I can't get over how PERFECT everything worked out! And silly me, I was all upset last time I went and only got in the Riff Raff room! Maybe everything does work out for a reasons and the reasons just show up way later sometimes. Hm. Gosh, life is GOOD!
So I went to American Idol! It was totally fun!! Just a bit of bad news...Lady Gaga was not actually there. It was a pre-recorded video. It's ok, it was still really fun and maybe for the best because I had never even heard the song she sang! Oops! I never listen to the radio though! I don't even have a radio! And no car, so how would I have heard it? Whatever, I know it now. I also know the Idol contestants now and can't decide who I want to win. Lee is cute, but he is way down on himself and that's not cool.
Anyways, the whole experience was just so fantastic. We got VIP tickets AND parking and I felt like a total rock star. Which I pretty much am, so that works out well. I have been telling pretty much everyone I encounter to watch me on Ellen, so you're welcome Ellen for pulling in new viewers. You can thank me by giving me a job! Oh yeah, about that...everyone keeps asking me why I didn't ask her for a job while I was right there next to her. A few reasons. One, I was so far beyond excited, I was doing well to remember what my name was. Two, I don't think she would have wanted me to do that. In fact, I know she wouldn't as I was told not to do any self promoting. Three, I had to buckle down and concentrate on the game! That game was hard and I was getting nervous that I wasn't going to get any right and I was going to look foolish in front of Ellen! That would have been terrible! Obviously, I pulled it together and got shit done. Hooray X-box and Beatles Rockband!
I am also sorry if I upset anyone by not saying I was from South Carolina. I totally meant to, I swear! I just got so dang excited! I wasn't really nervous, just more excited that I have EVER been in my entire life! Also, I didn't know I was going to get picked, so I didn't do any preperation. Should I ever get invited back, I will let everyone know I represent the dirty south. Also, I didn't say I was from LA, I just said I live here now. So everyone CALM DOWN!
And the support I've gotten on facebook and from friends and family has been soooo amazing! Everyone has been so fantastic and it makes me feel so loved and happy! I love it! I love you! THANK YOU!!!!! Keep writing letters for me and maybe even BIGGER and BETTER things will happen! I am going to keep....
love love love :)
I still cannot believe it! I really can't. I am a total dork and have watched the video like, 20 times. I showed it to all the students at school and have posted it on facebook at least three times already. I am just so damn happy about the whole thing. This is going to carry me for a loooonnnggg time. I can't get over how PERFECT everything worked out! And silly me, I was all upset last time I went and only got in the Riff Raff room! Maybe everything does work out for a reasons and the reasons just show up way later sometimes. Hm. Gosh, life is GOOD!
So I went to American Idol! It was totally fun!! Just a bit of bad news...Lady Gaga was not actually there. It was a pre-recorded video. It's ok, it was still really fun and maybe for the best because I had never even heard the song she sang! Oops! I never listen to the radio though! I don't even have a radio! And no car, so how would I have heard it? Whatever, I know it now. I also know the Idol contestants now and can't decide who I want to win. Lee is cute, but he is way down on himself and that's not cool.
Anyways, the whole experience was just so fantastic. We got VIP tickets AND parking and I felt like a total rock star. Which I pretty much am, so that works out well. I have been telling pretty much everyone I encounter to watch me on Ellen, so you're welcome Ellen for pulling in new viewers. You can thank me by giving me a job! Oh yeah, about that...everyone keeps asking me why I didn't ask her for a job while I was right there next to her. A few reasons. One, I was so far beyond excited, I was doing well to remember what my name was. Two, I don't think she would have wanted me to do that. In fact, I know she wouldn't as I was told not to do any self promoting. Three, I had to buckle down and concentrate on the game! That game was hard and I was getting nervous that I wasn't going to get any right and I was going to look foolish in front of Ellen! That would have been terrible! Obviously, I pulled it together and got shit done. Hooray X-box and Beatles Rockband!
I am also sorry if I upset anyone by not saying I was from South Carolina. I totally meant to, I swear! I just got so dang excited! I wasn't really nervous, just more excited that I have EVER been in my entire life! Also, I didn't know I was going to get picked, so I didn't do any preperation. Should I ever get invited back, I will let everyone know I represent the dirty south. Also, I didn't say I was from LA, I just said I live here now. So everyone CALM DOWN!
And the support I've gotten on facebook and from friends and family has been soooo amazing! Everyone has been so fantastic and it makes me feel so loved and happy! I love it! I love you! THANK YOU!!!!! Keep writing letters for me and maybe even BIGGER and BETTER things will happen! I am going to keep....
love love love :)
06 May 2010
Can You Figure Out Who Dat?
Dat's MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Ellen!!!! I hugged her!!! It was so fantastic! Seriously, one of the BEST days of my life! I don't think I have ever been happier!!!!
Oh man, I was soooo freakin pumped just to BE there and I really never dreamed that I would really, actually, truly get to play one of the games! Really! It was in the back of my mind, as a tiny little ray of hope and really wishful thinking but IT REALLY HAPPNENED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DREAMS REALLY DO COME TRUE :) :) :) :) Cheesiest line ever, I know! But it's FOR TRUE PEOPLE!
I am still having a hard time processing it. Like, that just happened. It really did. I got to go to the Ellen show, sit in the audience, dance my butt off, and then she called MY name and I got to run down, GIVE ELLEN A HUG, play a game and win awesome prizes! I know, on top of the hug (like it could get any better!), I now am the proud owner of an X Box and Beatles Rockband. CAN YOU FUCKING STAND IT??? I can't!
AND-now I'm off to American Idol and LADY FUCKING GAGA is performing!!!!!!!!! I LOVE L.A. right now. LOVE IT.
More later, after Idol!!!!!
05 May 2010
Going to ELLEN for REALSSSSSS today!!!! HOORAY!!!!!
At work now, getting ready to dip out early. SO excited!
And, Mom's visit has been so great! I love having a car (seriously, it's the best thing ever) and I LOVE having her here! We are having such a good time and the weather has been fantastic for us!
More later!
At work now, getting ready to dip out early. SO excited!
And, Mom's visit has been so great! I love having a car (seriously, it's the best thing ever) and I LOVE having her here! We are having such a good time and the weather has been fantastic for us!
More later!
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