Ok, that last post? You can just ignore it. Because yesterday I was really grouchy and angry with everything, but today everything is better! Why the change of heart, you ask? I'll tell you!!
Because last night I went to see WHO'S BAD and tonight I'm going to a Grease Sing-A-Long at the Hollywood Bowl! Uh, yeah, so my life is amazingly awesome for these two nights. Oh wait, it gets even better tomorrow because my super amazing fantastic fabulous awesome friend is letting me borrow her car for a WEEK while she is out of town! I mean, really, that is true friendship people and I am way past ecstatic about my upcoming week with a car. In LA. FUCK YES.
But first, let's talk about Who's Bad. Because it was fantastic. And strange. Obviously, it was 2 hours of Michael Jackson fabulousness plus dancing. Amazing. I was an idiot though and wore heels and I wanted to cut my feet off towards the end. But whatever, I looked hot. And it was strange because it was in West Hollywood and people are strange there. On top of that, there were some hardcore Michael fans dressed up (gloves, glasses, jackets, you name it) AND the anniversary of his death is today, so emotions were running high. Seriously. They had a slide show of pictures playing to "Heal the World" and people were literally bawling. Real tears. I mean, I am sad he died. I really am. But, crying seemed like a little much. Anyways, the band has two Michael impersonators that sing and they got a little carried away as well. But whatever, the show was fantastic and the coordinated dances they do, as always, make my life. I did not stick around to high five the hottie trumpet player. I wanted to, but I literally could not stand any longer, my feet were killing me. Also, I saw him kiss some blond girl (total slut, obvi) and was sooo over it.
My favorite part was the ladies they pulled up on stage for one of the songs, though. Well, not really my favorite...singing along was my favorite. This part was more the most entertaining/cringe-worthy moment. The ladies they chose were soo random and sooo strange. One had no rhythm whatsoever. Like, she wasn't even clapping on beat. But she was still dancing away. Later she was next to me and it was almost painful to watch her. Another girl was from Scotland and it was her birthday. She had a really cute dress on but I think she was either drugged out her mind or horribly uncomfortable. She didn't really want to dance, but later I saw her crying during "Man in the Mirror" so she was obviously touched by the music. Another kept showing off her stomach and truly believed she was a professional dancer. There was a lot of hair slinging going on. But, really, the best was the middle aged woman in a floor length moo-moo (mu mu?) with her bra hanging out and breaking it down hardcore. She was also close by later and I saw her popping pills and wiping away a few tears. People are so strange.
All in all, a really fun evening. The opening band was also fantastic. Word on the street is Who's Bad is playing in Vegas in August and I really think I need to be there. We'll.
Anyways, now it's FRIDAY and I'm off to sing along to one of the best musicals EVER, along with a whole new crowd of LA crazies. Love it!
Last but not least, LET'S GO USA!!!! They play tomorrow morning and I'm hoping for a big win! If not, the team can come home and I'll cheer up Landon Donovan. He lives in LA, you know. We are totally meant to be.
Dream BIG Team USA!
26 June 2010
25 June 2010
Va Bene
A very sad va bene. I am stunned! I just watched Italy lose to SLOVAKIA! What is the world (cup) coming too!?! The WORLD CHAMPIONS have been taken down by a team that has never made it to the finals! Which, I have to say, is pretty exciting for Slovakia and I'm sure Slovakians everywhere are just beside themselves with happiness right now. So good for them! For me, however, I am going to have to pledge my allegiance elsewhere I guess. TEAM USA it is! Their last game was super exciting and hopefully this next one will be amazing (in our favor) as well! Nothing against Ghana, of course, but USA! USA! USA! I'm also pulling for Netherlands, Japan, Brazil and Germany. We'll see what happens with these next few games. Fun fun! Not fun though..how freaking early the games are on here! The come on at 7:00 and 11:30 am! :( It's not bad when I'm at work but it is going to be less fun on the weekends. And, it's just not as exciting watching a game at 11:30! Silly time difference.
In other news, people have been PISSING me off lately. First up, World Cup Haters. Ok, we get it, you don't care about the World Cup...then just shut up and keep on not caring! And guess what losers, America is pretty much the only country involved that has so many haters. In other parts of the world, countries actually take pride in their teams and soccer trumps all other sports. Which it should, but that is not the point. The point is, SHUT UP and stop being whiny uncultured losers. The World Cup is a big freakin deal and just because you don't care doesn't mean no one else should.
Also, people at work. But I'm not going to go into details. As demonstrated by Gen. McCryhstal this past week, talking shit about your boss and/or job in a public medium is not the best idea if you're interested in keeping your job. Which I am, so I'll keep quiet. But grrrr, people are dumb and I hate working with them.
Lastly, I'm not completely sure what is going on the Promenade (famous shopping street in Santa Monica), but there are people, literally, lined up around the block. We thought it was because of Twilight at first, but someone said it was because the new iphone is coming out today. People are such goobers! I guess not everyone has a job to go to and can spend the morning lined up for a new phone. Not that there is anything wrong with them, but I can't really think of anything that I would line up for in the wee hours of the morning. Maybe if Ellen decided to host a reality TV show to find a new employee and auditions were on a first come, first serve basis. Well, ok and maybe a few other things like a free car. But really, a phone? To each his own I guess.
Ok, well I'm going to eat some cake and hopefully calm myself down. I am ready for this day to be over because TONIGHT is Who's Bad and that will make EVERYTHING a million gazillion times better!
Dream big people! MJ STYLE!
In other news, people have been PISSING me off lately. First up, World Cup Haters. Ok, we get it, you don't care about the World Cup...then just shut up and keep on not caring! And guess what losers, America is pretty much the only country involved that has so many haters. In other parts of the world, countries actually take pride in their teams and soccer trumps all other sports. Which it should, but that is not the point. The point is, SHUT UP and stop being whiny uncultured losers. The World Cup is a big freakin deal and just because you don't care doesn't mean no one else should.
Also, people at work. But I'm not going to go into details. As demonstrated by Gen. McCryhstal this past week, talking shit about your boss and/or job in a public medium is not the best idea if you're interested in keeping your job. Which I am, so I'll keep quiet. But grrrr, people are dumb and I hate working with them.
Lastly, I'm not completely sure what is going on the Promenade (famous shopping street in Santa Monica), but there are people, literally, lined up around the block. We thought it was because of Twilight at first, but someone said it was because the new iphone is coming out today. People are such goobers! I guess not everyone has a job to go to and can spend the morning lined up for a new phone. Not that there is anything wrong with them, but I can't really think of anything that I would line up for in the wee hours of the morning. Maybe if Ellen decided to host a reality TV show to find a new employee and auditions were on a first come, first serve basis. Well, ok and maybe a few other things like a free car. But really, a phone? To each his own I guess.
Ok, well I'm going to eat some cake and hopefully calm myself down. I am ready for this day to be over because TONIGHT is Who's Bad and that will make EVERYTHING a million gazillion times better!
Dream big people! MJ STYLE!
23 June 2010
Me and all my awesome new German friends
Ok, first off, in case anyone was wondering, I was cleared at the doctor...nothing is wrong and everything is good.
Secondly, I would like everyone to know that I made some fucking AWESOME new German friends the past few weeks and they really are just so awesome. Here we all are, being awesome in Vegas:
Being awesome at a bar:
(Also with some other Americans, a Brazilian and an Italian)
Annnd being awesome at a restaurant:
(plus an Italian and the waiter)
Obviously, we were awesome everywhere we went (awesomeness follows me around, I can't shake it) and good times were had. We were also awesome at my house for Rock Band parties, on the beach for free Jack Johnson concerts, at school learning English (them, obviously), in Venice for drinking and at Bubba Gumps acting like totally touristy goobers.
Sadly, all my awesome German friends have left me and are now back in Germany. :( I am very sad and want them all to come back. Actually, I would rather go there and visit them. That would be fun. Let's make that happen.
Dream Big people! (quick, someone tell me how to say it in German!)
Oh, and here is my favorite...them teaching me how to say "I'm a TV star in German." Enjoy.
Secondly, I would like everyone to know that I made some fucking AWESOME new German friends the past few weeks and they really are just so awesome. Here we all are, being awesome in Vegas:

(Also with some other Americans, a Brazilian and an Italian)
(plus an Italian and the waiter)
Sadly, all my awesome German friends have left me and are now back in Germany. :( I am very sad and want them all to come back. Actually, I would rather go there and visit them. That would be fun. Let's make that happen.
Dream Big people! (quick, someone tell me how to say it in German!)
Oh, and here is my favorite...them teaching me how to say "I'm a TV star in German." Enjoy.
A Moment of Silence
An awesome person passed away today. My aunt's sister (by marriage..I don't know what her official family title is) ended a long battle with breast cancer today and I want to take a moment and remember her. She was a really really nice person, amoung other things. She was also hilarious, had such a good attitude about her disease, always had something nice to say and left behind two really great kids. One Thanksgiving she freaked out all the younger kids by taking off her wig and leaving it hanging on a chair. She made all the older ones, me inculded, happy by letting us try it on. The best part was that it was this crazy blond wig that didn't look anything like her real hair, she just thought it would be fun. And more recently, when she decided wigs were too itchy to bother with, she took to painting her bald head for football games in support of her nephew.
Long story short: she was a really cool person and I know she will be missed by a lot of people, myself included. I just hope she is somewhere with Pa, having a beer, and enjoying herself. She really deserves it.
Long story short: she was a really cool person and I know she will be missed by a lot of people, myself included. I just hope she is somewhere with Pa, having a beer, and enjoying herself. She really deserves it.
18 June 2010
You know how I do
Another gem from the well versed Mr. Bryant. Actually, though, I think I decided I like him. He is completely ridiculous, but I think he knows.
Anyways, I just watched the LAKERS WINNNNNN!!!! Woooo hooooo!!! And yes, I have only just recently become a Lakers fan. But, I'm here and I didn't have any basketball ties before, so why not? OH, and they just kicked ass! Those last twenty seconds of the game were seriously stressful for me. We had a little Lakers party at the house and shit was nuts! Then we watched the news for coverage downtown and the shit was even NUTSER! Is that a word? I don't know. I really just like being a part of exciting things. It's exciting to be in LA when their team wins big. I am not a true die hard fan, but whatever, I'm sure they appreciate the support anyways. I am not a true die hard fan of anything (excpet the Blue Hose, duh) and I usually just decide who I'm going to support whenever I start watching/go to a game. I've been pro Lakers since game one though and stuck with them to the end. Shit, I'll be a Dodgers fan too! Whatever.
And as alright as I think Kobe is, I don't think he should have won the MVP! Phil Jackson and I agree. I think Kobe agrees as well, deep down in his heart.
Oh well, tomorrow it's back to what really matters, the World Cup! For the World Cup, I am truly a fan...but for like, 6 different countries. Is that allowed? Obviously, USA...then Italy, Holland, Brazil, Greece and a little Germany. And kind of Mexico too now, especially with their awesome win today over Fraannnccceeee! What what, suck it Frenchies! Oh, and I was definitely pulling for South Africa, but it was mainly out of pity and for poor Nelson Mandela, but I don't think they are going to get very far at this point. Sorry guys. If we're being realistic: FORZA ITALIA!!!! Let's do it again amici!
Dream big people! World Cup style!
Anyways, I just watched the LAKERS WINNNNNN!!!! Woooo hooooo!!! And yes, I have only just recently become a Lakers fan. But, I'm here and I didn't have any basketball ties before, so why not? OH, and they just kicked ass! Those last twenty seconds of the game were seriously stressful for me. We had a little Lakers party at the house and shit was nuts! Then we watched the news for coverage downtown and the shit was even NUTSER! Is that a word? I don't know. I really just like being a part of exciting things. It's exciting to be in LA when their team wins big. I am not a true die hard fan, but whatever, I'm sure they appreciate the support anyways. I am not a true die hard fan of anything (excpet the Blue Hose, duh) and I usually just decide who I'm going to support whenever I start watching/go to a game. I've been pro Lakers since game one though and stuck with them to the end. Shit, I'll be a Dodgers fan too! Whatever.
And as alright as I think Kobe is, I don't think he should have won the MVP! Phil Jackson and I agree. I think Kobe agrees as well, deep down in his heart.
Oh well, tomorrow it's back to what really matters, the World Cup! For the World Cup, I am truly a fan...but for like, 6 different countries. Is that allowed? Obviously, USA...then Italy, Holland, Brazil, Greece and a little Germany. And kind of Mexico too now, especially with their awesome win today over Fraannnccceeee! What what, suck it Frenchies! Oh, and I was definitely pulling for South Africa, but it was mainly out of pity and for poor Nelson Mandela, but I don't think they are going to get very far at this point. Sorry guys. If we're being realistic: FORZA ITALIA!!!! Let's do it again amici!
Dream big people! World Cup style!
17 June 2010
Nobody's smart but me!
Truer words have never been spoken. Rumpelstiltskin and I are on the same page. Oh yeah, I saw Shrek 4 and it was AWESOME!
Yes, I know I am 24 and I am fully aware the rest of the audience was young children and their parents, but I don't care. Those movies are hilarious and I want to watch the other three now. I can't remember if I ever saw the second one, but surely I did! Right? It came out a long time ago (2004), and a lot has happened since then. I might just have a Shrek fest this weekend and watch them ALL again! I know, craaazzzzzyyyy! Life here in LA is totally out of control. But seriously, it might be good. I would save money and the weather is supposed to SUCK (per usual) so it's a good excuse to stay inside. We'll see. However, as much as I enjoyed the movie, I will say that 3-D movies are pretty much the biggest pile of crap ever. At least this one was. They make you pay extra, first of all, AND you don't even get to keep the glasses! The other three Shreks were fantastic without the stupid glasses, this one being close to my face didn't make my movie going experience any better. It's just a way for them to make even more money. It's very sad. It is fun, though, to laugh at everyone in their goofy glasses. But that really is the only redeeming thing about 3-D. In my opinion. And this is my blog, so I don't care about anyone else's opinion.
In other news: worked sucked so bad today. But I'm going to think positive because tomorrow we're having a WORLD CUP PARTY!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!! I think it will be fun because it's with people that actually care about soccer, unlike the rest of the stupid US of A. Oh, and it's game 7 here in LA between the Lakers and the Celtics, so that will be a fun night tomorrow as well. ESPN was on at school and they were interviewing Kobe Bryant and this was the question: Are you nervous about game 7? And, literally, this is what he said: Shoot, now I can't remember the first part, but the last part was basically "I'm not tripping." Oh Kobe, you are so well spoken. I'm so glad the world puts you up on a pedestal and you make an ungodly amount of money. You clearly deserve it.
Whatever, I'm not bitter. Ok, maybe I am just a little. I mean, I can't even afford a ticket on the top row to see this game but it's whatever. Moving on.
I am really tired. I didn't sleep well last night. I go back to the doctor for test results tomorrow so I'm hoping I will be celebrating the Laker's win and some good news tomorrow night. Fingers crossed!
Dream big people! One day I'll be sitting court side....
Yes, I know I am 24 and I am fully aware the rest of the audience was young children and their parents, but I don't care. Those movies are hilarious and I want to watch the other three now. I can't remember if I ever saw the second one, but surely I did! Right? It came out a long time ago (2004), and a lot has happened since then. I might just have a Shrek fest this weekend and watch them ALL again! I know, craaazzzzzyyyy! Life here in LA is totally out of control. But seriously, it might be good. I would save money and the weather is supposed to SUCK (per usual) so it's a good excuse to stay inside. We'll see. However, as much as I enjoyed the movie, I will say that 3-D movies are pretty much the biggest pile of crap ever. At least this one was. They make you pay extra, first of all, AND you don't even get to keep the glasses! The other three Shreks were fantastic without the stupid glasses, this one being close to my face didn't make my movie going experience any better. It's just a way for them to make even more money. It's very sad. It is fun, though, to laugh at everyone in their goofy glasses. But that really is the only redeeming thing about 3-D. In my opinion. And this is my blog, so I don't care about anyone else's opinion.
In other news: worked sucked so bad today. But I'm going to think positive because tomorrow we're having a WORLD CUP PARTY!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!! I think it will be fun because it's with people that actually care about soccer, unlike the rest of the stupid US of A. Oh, and it's game 7 here in LA between the Lakers and the Celtics, so that will be a fun night tomorrow as well. ESPN was on at school and they were interviewing Kobe Bryant and this was the question: Are you nervous about game 7? And, literally, this is what he said: Shoot, now I can't remember the first part, but the last part was basically "I'm not tripping." Oh Kobe, you are so well spoken. I'm so glad the world puts you up on a pedestal and you make an ungodly amount of money. You clearly deserve it.
Whatever, I'm not bitter. Ok, maybe I am just a little. I mean, I can't even afford a ticket on the top row to see this game but it's whatever. Moving on.
I am really tired. I didn't sleep well last night. I go back to the doctor for test results tomorrow so I'm hoping I will be celebrating the Laker's win and some good news tomorrow night. Fingers crossed!
Dream big people! One day I'll be sitting court side....
14 June 2010
Bitch, please
That is what I am saying in my new profile picture. I don't know if you noticed, but I changed it (look right) and it's pretty bad ass. Emphasis on the "bitch" part. "BITCH, please! You know I look awesome."
My weekend was the opposite of bad ass. It was pretty lame, but I'm not complaining really. I needed some rest and I got a lot of it. Now you say it really fast. "Bitchplease, I needed some sleep for reals."
And now the emphasis on the "please." Bitch, PLEASE, tell me why the LA transit system is TRIPPIN out of it's MIND?! It is raising fare prices! I am seriously furious right now. Like riding the bus doesn't SUCK bad enough, now you are charging me even more for it! And, in my opinion, the prices were already crazy high! I am not pleased one little bit about this. Someone REALLY needs to buy me a car asap so I can show the stupid metro system what's up. I know I've ranted about this before, but LA really has the dumbest public transportation system I have ever encountered. An extra quarter per person PER RIDE (so stupid) adds up to a lot of money! I want to know where this money is going. It better not be towards more "on bus entertainment" because that is the stupid shit I've ever seen. I hope it goes towards making the whole system less retarded and more useful. And maybe pay the bus drivers a little extra because they have a pretty terrible job.
That's really I have to say about that. For now. I'm tired and don't feel like going to bed angry. So, in conclusion: I'm awesome, well rested and fuck you LA transit system. Thank you and goodnight.
My weekend was the opposite of bad ass. It was pretty lame, but I'm not complaining really. I needed some rest and I got a lot of it. Now you say it really fast. "Bitchplease, I needed some sleep for reals."
And now the emphasis on the "please." Bitch, PLEASE, tell me why the LA transit system is TRIPPIN out of it's MIND?! It is raising fare prices! I am seriously furious right now. Like riding the bus doesn't SUCK bad enough, now you are charging me even more for it! And, in my opinion, the prices were already crazy high! I am not pleased one little bit about this. Someone REALLY needs to buy me a car asap so I can show the stupid metro system what's up. I know I've ranted about this before, but LA really has the dumbest public transportation system I have ever encountered. An extra quarter per person PER RIDE (so stupid) adds up to a lot of money! I want to know where this money is going. It better not be towards more "on bus entertainment" because that is the stupid shit I've ever seen. I hope it goes towards making the whole system less retarded and more useful. And maybe pay the bus drivers a little extra because they have a pretty terrible job.
That's really I have to say about that. For now. I'm tired and don't feel like going to bed angry. So, in conclusion: I'm awesome, well rested and fuck you LA transit system. Thank you and goodnight.
10 June 2010
Just to tell you once again...
I just bought tickets to see Who's Bad in Hollllllyyyywooooddddd (what's your dream?) and I could not be more excited. Who is Who's Bad you ask? Only the most fantastic Michael Jackson cover band in the whole world. And they are going to be playing in HOLLYWOOD! Which is super close to me! SO PUMPED! Maybe this time I will work up enough nerve to actually talk to the hot trumpet player, rather than just be super lame and give him a high five. OH man, what if he remembers me? This will be the third time I've seen them. What if he thinks I followed them across the country? I wonder if would think it was super awesome or super creepy. Oh well, I probably won't actually say anything, so it doesn't really matter.
Anyways, work has been nuts this week. Which is good...I like being busy. However, I don't like being busy with stupid issues, which is what a good portion of today was spent on. I swear, I just don't understand some people. There is just no limit to stupidity. One mom is upset because she looked up her daughter's host family on Google maps and she doesn't think the house looks big enough for 2 adults, 2 students and 2 cats. Right. Because those 2 cats are going to be taking up a lot of space. And it's only 4 people! In a HOUSE! There are 3 in my little apartment and we get along just fine. People are so ridiculous. Also, I looked at the house and it's not that small. Plenty of room for 2 adults, 2 students and 2 freaking cats. Jeez.
Nothing else really going on. I really really want to see "Get Him to the Greek," but I can't find anyone that wants to go :( And on a completely different note, I went to Target last night and bought the most amazing shirt ever. It looks fantastic on me. I want to go back and buy it in every color. Today, everything single thing I had on was from Target. Shirt, bra, pants, undies, jacket, make up and shoes. Target should hire me as a walking billboard. After Target I went to Taco Bell and life was good.
Well that's it. More later when I have something interesting to say or something to rant about. Who's Bad in 2 weeks! HOORAY!
Shum on, dream big people!
I just bought tickets to see Who's Bad in Hollllllyyyywooooddddd (what's your dream?) and I could not be more excited. Who is Who's Bad you ask? Only the most fantastic Michael Jackson cover band in the whole world. And they are going to be playing in HOLLYWOOD! Which is super close to me! SO PUMPED! Maybe this time I will work up enough nerve to actually talk to the hot trumpet player, rather than just be super lame and give him a high five. OH man, what if he remembers me? This will be the third time I've seen them. What if he thinks I followed them across the country? I wonder if would think it was super awesome or super creepy. Oh well, I probably won't actually say anything, so it doesn't really matter.
Anyways, work has been nuts this week. Which is good...I like being busy. However, I don't like being busy with stupid issues, which is what a good portion of today was spent on. I swear, I just don't understand some people. There is just no limit to stupidity. One mom is upset because she looked up her daughter's host family on Google maps and she doesn't think the house looks big enough for 2 adults, 2 students and 2 cats. Right. Because those 2 cats are going to be taking up a lot of space. And it's only 4 people! In a HOUSE! There are 3 in my little apartment and we get along just fine. People are so ridiculous. Also, I looked at the house and it's not that small. Plenty of room for 2 adults, 2 students and 2 freaking cats. Jeez.
Nothing else really going on. I really really want to see "Get Him to the Greek," but I can't find anyone that wants to go :( And on a completely different note, I went to Target last night and bought the most amazing shirt ever. It looks fantastic on me. I want to go back and buy it in every color. Today, everything single thing I had on was from Target. Shirt, bra, pants, undies, jacket, make up and shoes. Target should hire me as a walking billboard. After Target I went to Taco Bell and life was good.
Well that's it. More later when I have something interesting to say or something to rant about. Who's Bad in 2 weeks! HOORAY!
Shum on, dream big people!
08 June 2010
Viva Las Vegas
Most cliche title ever. You love it.
Anyways, so it's been a while! Sorry! Things have been really busy and I have been kind of grouchy, so I have been keeping my mouth shut. A lot of stupid things have been going on lately, but we are not going to focus on that, we are going to talk about VEGAS! Because that is where I went this past weekend and it was fun!
Actually, it was a little frustrating, for a number of reasons, but overall, it was good. I had this whole thing written about Vegas and it's nonsense, but I re-read it and decided it was stupid. So, here are the highlights and what you need to know, top 10 style (but in no particular order):
1. Vegas is NUTS. It is an insane combination of glitz, glamor, trashiness, ridiculousness, awesomeness and pathetic...ness.
2. Vegas is HOT. I was in 107 degree heaven this weekend. You read correct, 107 degrees. Now I'm back in LA and the weather, surprise, is terrible. And we had an mini earthquake last night! It woke me up!
3. Let's talk gambling. I lost $30 and that was the end of that. The lucky headband failed me.
4. My favorite part about Vegas is that shit is open ALL day, every day. It's fantastic. The casinos never close, there is somewhere to get food at 4 in the morning and there are a bazillion people wandering around at all hours of the day.
5. The Stratosphere is not the greatest place to stay if you want to be close to stuff. But it's cool if you like being up high and like being cheap.
6. The amount of money and wealth you see in Vegas ASTOUNDS me. It surrounds you and blows your mind. But it's awesome because the average person on a tight budget can be a part of the wealth without having to spend a lot of money. You can wander around in any of the hotels and casinos, soaking up their air conditioning and admiring their opulence at no charge!
7. Parking is FREE! And all the restrooms are public! Take a hint, LA, you ass.
8. I did a little gambling at The Bellagio (yes, the one in the movies) and felt like a total badass while I lost $5 (I know, BIG spender, slow down!).
9. I went to The Venetian and it made me depressed. The gondolas are cheesy looking and I want to go back to real Venice.
10. I know I said my favorite part was the 24 stuff, but I lied. My for real favorite part was the fountain show at The Bellagio. I know, I am a total goober, but that kind of cheesy stuff makes me soo happy! Who knew fountains spewing water set to music could be so cool, but it was seriously amazing (see video) and I stood there and watched for like an hour on Sunday. I was in love. My favorite was the first one we saw, set to Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On." Classic. I wonder how much money it would take to get them to choreograph a "Heaven Is a Place on Earth" fountain dance for me.
Well that was Vegas, in top ten list. Hope you enjoyed. I'm going to bed.
Dream VEGAS style big, people (that is super big)!
Anyways, so it's been a while! Sorry! Things have been really busy and I have been kind of grouchy, so I have been keeping my mouth shut. A lot of stupid things have been going on lately, but we are not going to focus on that, we are going to talk about VEGAS! Because that is where I went this past weekend and it was fun!
Actually, it was a little frustrating, for a number of reasons, but overall, it was good. I had this whole thing written about Vegas and it's nonsense, but I re-read it and decided it was stupid. So, here are the highlights and what you need to know, top 10 style (but in no particular order):
1. Vegas is NUTS. It is an insane combination of glitz, glamor, trashiness, ridiculousness, awesomeness and pathetic...ness.
2. Vegas is HOT. I was in 107 degree heaven this weekend. You read correct, 107 degrees. Now I'm back in LA and the weather, surprise, is terrible. And we had an mini earthquake last night! It woke me up!
3. Let's talk gambling. I lost $30 and that was the end of that. The lucky headband failed me.
4. My favorite part about Vegas is that shit is open ALL day, every day. It's fantastic. The casinos never close, there is somewhere to get food at 4 in the morning and there are a bazillion people wandering around at all hours of the day.
5. The Stratosphere is not the greatest place to stay if you want to be close to stuff. But it's cool if you like being up high and like being cheap.
6. The amount of money and wealth you see in Vegas ASTOUNDS me. It surrounds you and blows your mind. But it's awesome because the average person on a tight budget can be a part of the wealth without having to spend a lot of money. You can wander around in any of the hotels and casinos, soaking up their air conditioning and admiring their opulence at no charge!
7. Parking is FREE! And all the restrooms are public! Take a hint, LA, you ass.
8. I did a little gambling at The Bellagio (yes, the one in the movies) and felt like a total badass while I lost $5 (I know, BIG spender, slow down!).
9. I went to The Venetian and it made me depressed. The gondolas are cheesy looking and I want to go back to real Venice.
10. I know I said my favorite part was the 24 stuff, but I lied. My for real favorite part was the fountain show at The Bellagio. I know, I am a total goober, but that kind of cheesy stuff makes me soo happy! Who knew fountains spewing water set to music could be so cool, but it was seriously amazing (see video) and I stood there and watched for like an hour on Sunday. I was in love. My favorite was the first one we saw, set to Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On." Classic. I wonder how much money it would take to get them to choreograph a "Heaven Is a Place on Earth" fountain dance for me.
Well that was Vegas, in top ten list. Hope you enjoyed. I'm going to bed.
Dream VEGAS style big, people (that is super big)!
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