A very sad va bene. I am stunned! I just watched Italy lose to SLOVAKIA! What is the world (cup) coming too!?! The WORLD CHAMPIONS have been taken down by a team that has never made it to the finals! Which, I have to say, is pretty exciting for Slovakia and I'm sure Slovakians everywhere are just beside themselves with happiness right now. So good for them! For me, however, I am going to have to pledge my allegiance elsewhere I guess. TEAM USA it is! Their last game was super exciting and hopefully this next one will be amazing (in our favor) as well! Nothing against Ghana, of course, but USA! USA! USA! I'm also pulling for Netherlands, Japan, Brazil and Germany. We'll see what happens with these next few games. Fun fun! Not fun though..how freaking early the games are on here! The come on at 7:00 and 11:30 am! :( It's not bad when I'm at work but it is going to be less fun on the weekends. And, it's just not as exciting watching a game at 11:30! Silly time difference.
In other news, people have been PISSING me off lately. First up, World Cup Haters. Ok, we get it, you don't care about the World Cup...then just shut up and keep on not caring! And guess what losers, America is pretty much the only country involved that has so many haters. In other parts of the world, countries actually take pride in their teams and soccer trumps all other sports. Which it should, but that is not the point. The point is, SHUT UP and stop being whiny uncultured losers. The World Cup is a big freakin deal and just because you don't care doesn't mean no one else should.
Also, people at work. But I'm not going to go into details. As demonstrated by Gen. McCryhstal this past week, talking shit about your boss and/or job in a public medium is not the best idea if you're interested in keeping your job. Which I am, so I'll keep quiet. But grrrr, people are dumb and I hate working with them.
Lastly, I'm not completely sure what is going on the Promenade (famous shopping street in Santa Monica), but there are people, literally, lined up around the block. We thought it was because of Twilight at first, but someone said it was because the new iphone is coming out today. People are such goobers! I guess not everyone has a job to go to and can spend the morning lined up for a new phone. Not that there is anything wrong with them, but I can't really think of anything that I would line up for in the wee hours of the morning. Maybe if Ellen decided to host a reality TV show to find a new employee and auditions were on a first come, first serve basis. Well, ok and maybe a few other things like a free car. But really, a phone? To each his own I guess.
Ok, well I'm going to eat some cake and hopefully calm myself down. I am ready for this day to be over because TONIGHT is Who's Bad and that will make EVERYTHING a million gazillion times better!
Dream big people! MJ STYLE!
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