Ok, that last post? You can just ignore it. Because yesterday I was really grouchy and angry with everything, but today everything is better! Why the change of heart, you ask? I'll tell you!!
Because last night I went to see WHO'S BAD and tonight I'm going to a Grease Sing-A-Long at the Hollywood Bowl! Uh, yeah, so my life is amazingly awesome for these two nights. Oh wait, it gets even better tomorrow because my super amazing fantastic fabulous awesome friend is letting me borrow her car for a WEEK while she is out of town! I mean, really, that is true friendship people and I am way past ecstatic about my upcoming week with a car. In LA. FUCK YES.
But first, let's talk about Who's Bad. Because it was fantastic. And strange. Obviously, it was 2 hours of Michael Jackson fabulousness plus dancing. Amazing. I was an idiot though and wore heels and I wanted to cut my feet off towards the end. But whatever, I looked hot. And it was strange because it was in West Hollywood and people are strange there. On top of that, there were some hardcore Michael fans dressed up (gloves, glasses, jackets, you name it) AND the anniversary of his death is today, so emotions were running high. Seriously. They had a slide show of pictures playing to "Heal the World" and people were literally bawling. Real tears. I mean, I am sad he died. I really am. But, crying seemed like a little much. Anyways, the band has two Michael impersonators that sing and they got a little carried away as well. But whatever, the show was fantastic and the coordinated dances they do, as always, make my life. I did not stick around to high five the hottie trumpet player. I wanted to, but I literally could not stand any longer, my feet were killing me. Also, I saw him kiss some blond girl (total slut, obvi) and was sooo over it.
My favorite part was the ladies they pulled up on stage for one of the songs, though. Well, not really my favorite...singing along was my favorite. This part was more the most entertaining/cringe-worthy moment. The ladies they chose were soo random and sooo strange. One had no rhythm whatsoever. Like, she wasn't even clapping on beat. But she was still dancing away. Later she was next to me and it was almost painful to watch her. Another girl was from Scotland and it was her birthday. She had a really cute dress on but I think she was either drugged out her mind or horribly uncomfortable. She didn't really want to dance, but later I saw her crying during "Man in the Mirror" so she was obviously touched by the music. Another kept showing off her stomach and truly believed she was a professional dancer. There was a lot of hair slinging going on. But, really, the best was the middle aged woman in a floor length moo-moo (mu mu?) with her bra hanging out and breaking it down hardcore. She was also close by later and I saw her popping pills and wiping away a few tears. People are so strange.
All in all, a really fun evening. The opening band was also fantastic. Word on the street is Who's Bad is playing in Vegas in August and I really think I need to be there. We'll.
Anyways, now it's FRIDAY and I'm off to sing along to one of the best musicals EVER, along with a whole new crowd of LA crazies. Love it!
Last but not least, LET'S GO USA!!!! They play tomorrow morning and I'm hoping for a big win! If not, the team can come home and I'll cheer up Landon Donovan. He lives in LA, you know. We are totally meant to be.
Dream BIG Team USA!
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