30 March 2011
Just Fine
Moving on, there is a Mary J. Blige song called "Just Fine" and I play the chorus (the only part I really know) in my head when I start freaking out about life sometimes. There is one part that says something about walking past a mirror and being just fine with it, which I personally don't agree with (for me) but other than that, I'm always like, I'm fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, WOOO! Or something along those lines.
Anyway, I am constantly reminding myself I'm fine (fine, fine, fine, fine, WOOO) because I have little mini-meltdowns and forgot. This usually happens when I'm bored. Also, when things don't go my way. I cannot stress enough how much I hate being bored. It makes me very unhappy and I start thinking bad thoughts. But then something social comes along and I'm like, oh yeah, I'M FINE. Sometimes, though, I find myself in social situations and I'm still not fine. I'm more like, what the hell am I doing here? That, and, why do boys hate me? Why don't they do what I want them to?
Ok, well, I don't think they hate me, but they never seem to do what I want them to do. I really wish boys and girls could just be up front and honest about shit. I feel like it would cut out A LOT of guess work and unnecessary worrying/analyzing. At least on my part. A good part of my life is wasted being concerned over what a guy is thinking/means/feels. The most annoying part about that? It's literally, probably nothing. Apparently boys don't think about anything, ever, and think girls are crazy for assuming they do. I don't know how to turn off the thinking! It's annoying. This how I wish things would happen:
Me: Do you love me? Do you want to be my friend? And if you do, well then don't be afraid to take me by the hand. I think this is how love goes? Check yes or no.
Boy: checks yes
Me: Alright, let's do this.
...we date. we kiss. we dance. Whatever. I really and truly am not looking for a husband. Or even a super serious boyfriend. Kissing and dancing is all I really want. This worked for George Strait, I really don't know why it can't work for me.
Oh yes, because I live in the real world, not a country music song. Also, every time I've done the real world equivalent of asking someone to check yes or no, they've checked no. So that sucks. And then it sucks more, because things get weird. I usually power through the weird though. I'm pretty good at overcoming awkward situations (it's kind of my thing...that, getting out knots and catching random things...like, with my hands...not colds or something), so it's whatever. But it just means no kissing and that is very sad.
Basically, what I'm trying to say, is that when I think about boys, other song's choruses come to mind. Have I mentioned I have a constant soundtrack running through my head pretty much all the time? It's what would be playing in the background, if my life were a movie. Which it totally should be. Anyway, this is what boys sometimes get:
"Dammmnn, I wish I was your lover."
"Can anybody find meeeee, somebody to love"
"Smile, though your heart is aching."
"My, my, looking for a guy guy, I don't want him too shy..."
"I'm not that girl" (Seriously, I'm never that girl)
"Here I go AGAIN on my own"
And a million others that are equally melodramatic and ridiculous. I wish I could sing them for you, I feel like you would understand better.
Whatever. I'm bitter. I mainly just don't understand. I feel like I have REALLY bad timing. That, I'm always like, oh, maybe he's just shy. Then I remember "He's Just Not That Into You" and I'm like, fuck. And then I try to force myself to not be ridiculous and throw myself at him in my weird way, (very passive aggressive, borderline embarrassing, involving booze so I blame on the al-al-al-alcohol), then failing miserably. Guess what usually ends up happening. Then I either power through the awkward (if I have to see him again) or I pretend he never existed in the first place and he gets deleted from my phone. Very mature, I know.
One last thing, since we're sharing about how ridiculous I am. I check the craigslist missed connections all the time. One, because they're hilarious and two, because it would seriously make my life if someone was talking about me one day. It would be so fucking awesome. Might be difficult since I have a hard time making eye contact/smiling at/interacting with strangers. Especially cute ones. Also, with my luck, it would the creepiest missed connection ever.
Well, that is enough whining for today. Don't be fooled, friends. I really am fine and I know that. I just have more kissing and dancing at the top of my wish list right now. Right under a job with Ellen and my other secret wish I'm not telling anyone about. You know how when you're a kid and you blow out your birthday candles and they tell you not to tell anyone what you wished for or it won't come true? Yeah, well that kind of stuck with me so now if I realllllly REALLY want something to happen, I don't tell anyone. Believe it or not, I don't actually share everything on this blog. But don't worry, if it does happen, I'll tell you. Only you though, blog friends. You guys are special.
Also on the wishlist: Feedback. And more followers. Just saying.
Dream big people!
25 March 2011
But last night was fun, so it was worth it. But I was weird. Lately, when I have been drinking, I decide that I don't need facebook in my life anymore. I don't really know why this is or how I think getting rid of it is going to solve my problems, but I do and I deactivate my account. It doesn't really do anything because you can just sign back in and it's back to activated. Last time I did it, I re-activated after like, 5 minutes. Then went through the whole process two more times before I fell asleep. Last night I deactivated it and decided to give it a little more time. I don't really know what I was trying to prove but I only made it to about 2:00 pm. I know a lot of people "give up" facebook for Lent and sorry, but I think that is super lame. People say they waste a lot of time on it but for me, it is how I keep in touch with A LOT of people that are important to me. Especially my friends in other countries. I think it is such a great tool and has kept me connected with people I love. It also keeps me updated on people I don't care that much about, but am still mildly interested in what's going on in their lives. Plus, it's just fun. I can think of a lot more things people should give up that would benefit them. Also, do those people really go and do more productive things with all the time they are not wasting on facebook? I would be interested to know. I don't really "do" Lent anymore, so I should probably just keep my mouth shut because whatever people want to do (or deprive themselves of) is not my concern.
Anyway, in my early moments of self-loathing this morning, while I was wearing my sunglasses at work, an awesome friend was helping me power through (via gchat) and told me about an awesome song. And I really really like it. It's so simple but so hopeful and I like applying it to my life. Here are the lyrics:
My love, wherever you are
Whatever you are
Don't lose faith
I know it's gonna happen someday
To you
Please wait ...
Please wait ...
Oh ...
Wait ...
Don't lose faith
You say that the day just never arrives
And it's never seemed so far away
But still, I know it's gonna happen someday
To you
Please wait ...
So, ok, Morrissey, I will wait. And something good will happen to me. Thanks, awesome friend!
And thanks, followers! I've got 9! One more, come on! I know you're out there, folllowwww me please!
Dream big people!
23 March 2011
Bitches, Spring Break!
But whatever, today was weird. For a lot of reasons. So this post is going to be weird and I'm sorry, but since everyone REFUSES to follow me (except those 7 awesome people), I don't feel like I have to pander to normalcy. It's going to be a bit discombobulated but until you follow me, complaining is not allowed!
First up, I really want to go on a vacation. Like, a legit, not stay at someone's house vacation. After my Sunday, I would love to go to Universal Studios so I can go to Harry Potter world. How fun would that be? Who wants to go with me?
Secondly, I took a 2 hour nap today. WHHHYYYYY? I am NEVER going to be able to sleep tonight! :( I don't even know why I was so tired! I always feel like I should have a reason for being tired but I got nothing.
Thirdly, Jimmy Fallon was on Ellen and it made me super duper happy. I love how much he amuses himself. Right now, on Jimmy Fallon, people are throwing hot dogs through a hole. Like, what the hell? So hilarious and ridiculous. My only concern is that it seems like a waste of hot dogs. They should cook them, wrap them in bacon and sell them to drunk people. They wouldn't notice. I know I wouldn't.
Which brings me to my fourth random thought. Apparently I've become an awkward drunk that has a tendency to make people uncomfortable. Like I said, I'm getting reckless. So I'm going to work on that. And I apologize to anyone I've recently made drunk, unwelcome, advances on. I probably don't mean them.
Last but not least, I realized today I have really minor, stupid problems. People, including my friends, have much bigger, important, grown up issues to deal with and I need to stop whining. I have a really fantastic life and am a lucky lady with lots to be happy about. So I'm going to focus on that. And I think you should FOLLOW me while I'm doing it. Come on friends, I know you're out there! I'm getting desperate but let's at least get to 10!
You know what else I think might be interesting? If people sent me topics to write about it. Like blog assignments. Send me something if you think that's interesting too. If not, I will continue to write about stupid nonsense.
Dream big people!
22 March 2011
Life, in a Nutshell
I heard this last week at Forever 21:
And, obviously, this song is totally my life and how I have all these boys that are trying to fall recklessly headlessly in love with me and I have to be all, no, you have to promise not to fall in love with me. And then they're like, I won't. And I say, ok. I guess you can hang with me. But they fall blissfully painful insanity anyways and things get complicated.
Then I discovered with little 80s (early 90s?) jobby while shopping in Ralphs:
I'm actually confused as to what exactly this song is about. I think it's about shit-talking after a break up but I could be wrong. The lyrics don't make a lot of sense. Maybe he's talking in metaphors? I don't know. I just like that he says, "you're getting reckless, girl." Someone needs to tell me that and tell me to straighten out because I have been a little crazy on the streets of Hollywood lately. And by that I mean inhaling LA street dogs that are NOT part of the Jenny plan. And maybe some other nonsense. Also, his hair is awesome.
Anyway. This one is from a long time ago but I thought about it the other day. When I was stuck at the House of Bitch in Greece , I would watch "Beverly Hills 90201" because it was the only show that came on in English. Anyway, the Barenaked Ladies were actually in the episode playing this song and I liked it. So when I returned to civilization, I downloaded it.
I don't really have anything else to say about it. I just thought it was a good story.
That's it.
Dream big people!
21 March 2011
You Rule
Anyway, I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I have been feeling rather uninspired lately, writing wise, so forgive me for not posting more. And also for the low quality of writing.
Right now, it's raining in LA. And I'm not going to lie, I kind of like it. Gives me an excuse to cozy up on the couch and watch TV all day. It's a perfect day for it, especially since there's a Harry Potter marathon on TV! Also on TV, 'The Secret Life of Bees,' one of my favorites. And, I caught the tail end of 'Step Up 2,' another fantastic movie. Now, if only my living room had heat and I could watch on the couch without freezing. But you can't have it all. So here I sit with my blanket, cozy socks, and a hoodie, starting on the third Harry Potter. Good Sunday so far.
The whole weekend was good. As you all know, I tend to get a little unhappy when every minute of every day does not have some sort of activity planned. It was actually a pretty action packed week, so I was pleased. That is kind of another reason I like the rain every now and then because then I can stay home without feeling like a total loser with no where to go. That is why I don't like sitting at home. I feel like I'm missing out on cool stuff. But, no one goes anywhere in LA when its raining so I fit right in! Well, actually today was the LA marathon so I guess people were going somewhere. Sucks for all those runners, who thought they were going to be cruising through LA with beautiful LA weather. Sorry dudes. That is the universe's way of telling people that running 26 miles for no damn reason is a stupid idea.
They keep showing clips from the VERY last Harry Potter movie and it's making me a little bit upset. Yes, I am that nerdy that the end of this saga affects my emotions. I just have to prepare for it. I already went through a small depression when the last book came out and I made it through ok, so I'll know I'll make it through. It'll just take some time. I've got until July 15 to process it.
Moving on, don't want to think about it now. Last week I went to a Q & A for Glee and it was super cool. Then I went to a restaurant in Hollywood with paparazzi outside! Exciting, right? Obviously, they were not there for me, but I felt very Hollywood fabulous. Well, kind of. I was in the midst of Hollywood fabulous but I'm pretty sure my entire outfit; hair products, make up and under garments included cost less than the shoes most people were wearing. But whatever, it was still a really fun and exciting evening.
Damn, my roommate just cooked bacon and now I'm hungry all over again. Dieting suuucckkkssss. Bacon is so good. Asparagus is not as good. Boo.
Oh well, back to Harry. Hopefully my suck spell will be over soon, for the sake of us all.
Dream big people!
17 March 2011
What the Hell
"All my life I've been good but now, whoa, what the hell. la la la la la la la la la la"
La la la sums it up pretty well. Story of my life.
"But honestly, I just need to be a little crazy."
Word. I feel that. I feel a little crazy right now since I took my caffeine laced multi-vitamin. Makes it difficult to type, but I am persevering. For you, friends. You're welcome.
I also wanted to share some photos from my drive down the PCH last Sunday, which made me extremely happy. Seriously considering buying a car now. And by seriously, I mean wishful thinking to the max.
16 March 2011
An Introduction
Meet my new favorite video:
Man oh man, I love 80s music! And I love all the movie re-creations. I also love covers. I need to find parties like this. Especially if Topher Grace is in attendance because he is super cute.
Anyway, so glad we could all get together.
Dream big people!
PS-This does not excuse the fact that there was no Eddie Money in the actual movie. I'm still mad. But this helps.
15 March 2011
New Beginnings
I did something tonight I never thought I would ever do.
I watched the finale of The Bachelor.
Which, now that I think about it, is not the first time I have done so. But, it is the first time I've done it by choice. I watched it last year as well, but I was forced. It was painful to watch then and it was painful to watch tonight.
I only say it's painful because I seriously don't know how these women put literally, everything, on the line for this guy when there is a 50% chance he is not going to choose them! I feel so awful for the non-chosen one! Not only does she NOT get the guy, but she has a permanent record of her heartbreak! And not only her heartbreak, but the whole ordeal that led up to the heartbreak where she's all, I love him soooo much and I want him to pick me soooo bad and then he doesn't and you're just like, ohhh shit. That sucks. Also, he leads her on until literally, the very last second. That is the WORST! He starts off with, I love you and you're so great and I can be myself and you're so awesome and beautiful buuutttttt, I don't choose you, sorry goodbye. AND THEN, he moves on to the next girl and says all the same stuff but is like, I choose you! Hooray, here is a super pretty ring. Also, just to pour salt on the other girl's wounds, he's all, I AM SO HAPPY THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE EVER OH MAN OH MAN I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY IN MY WHOOOLLEEEEE LIFE. Sorry other girl, but you just weren't good enough. And all of this is on national television. It's rough. So that sucks a lot. Also, that has got to make the chosen one feel a little bit weird. I mean, every time they fight, I wonder if the guy's like, ugh, if only I had gone othe other way. It's hard for me to watch. My roommate was watching it and I got sucked in. Thankfully I snapped out of it because I had to go pick up friends from the airport (sidenote: LAX is the most retarded place in all of the world. For real) and it was over when I got back. Then the after show was on but I forced myself to walk away, so I don't know what is in store for Captain and Mrs. Obvious. I call them that because these were their conversations:
Captain: It's pretty here.
Mrs: Yes, it is.
Captain: Man, it's windy.
Mrs: I know.
Captain: I'm so torn.
Mrs: You have to make a tough decision!
And so on. But, whatever floats your boat. Mazel Tov to the both of them. Speaking of which, can we get some diversity up in this mess? Has there ever been a minority bachelor or bachelorette? Or a same sex one? That would interesting.
In other news, I lost 6 pounds! Woo hoo! Not much, but baby steps people. And, I'm feeling lots better this week so I am ready to get back on my game. I was struggling last week, feeling sick and was very bad food wise on the weekend. So cheers to this week! I plan on misbehaving from St. Patrick's Day on, so we'll see how this works out, balancing the two.
Dream big people!
PS-I donated money to the Japan relief efforst today and I think you should too! Text help to 90999 and it donates $10 to the Red Cross. Quick and easy and they really need it. Doooo iittttt! Right now! Go! I'm serious.
14 March 2011
It's been a few days..sorry! I attempted to live blog Glee last Tuesday and it was just too ridiculous for words, so I had to stop. Then Wednesday I started feeling like crap and Thursday I stayed home from work. My plan was to actually play hooky and do something fun with my day off, but the universe was all, uhhhh, no, I don't think so and struck me down with a cold so instead I stayed in bed all day, even though it was beautiful outside and I had a car at my disposal. So that sucked.
No, I did not buy (or steal) a car for the weekend. Friends went out of town and in exchange for driving them to the airport, I got use of the car while they're gone. I will be the first person to tell you that living in LA without a car is totally possible, but having a car makes life A LOT better. Mainly because I just really really love driving. There is nothing better than cruising around on a beautiful day, windows down, music blasting. It's the best! So guess what I've been doing this weekend! It kind of sucks because I don't actually have anywhere to go, or really anyone to go with, but I have become quite used to doing things by myself, so I've just added cruising to that list.
In other news, I am totally confused as to what time it is. I woke up this morning and my phone had set itself an hour back. But it's supposed to go forward this weekend, right? I trusted you phone! What are you doing to me? And Europe doesn't do daylight savings, right? So now that's all wonky too.
Also, I saw 'Take Me Home Tonight' this weekend and I am very sad to say they did not even play the song it's named after the entire movie! What is that about? They didn't show Eddie Money any love at all! I was most upset. Other than that, the movie was fantastically cheesy and I enjoyed it. I just left the theater upset about no Eddie Money.
Last but not least, I am thinking about friends in Japan. We have students from Japan and thankfully all their families are safe, but I hope the worst is over for everyone else. Absolutely nothing happened here, but thanks to everyone that was concerned for me!
Dream big people!
09 March 2011
Happy International Women's Day!

Happy International Women's Day, friends!
This day holds a special place in my heart for a few reasons. We used to celebrate in college and one year my awesome friend made t-shirts with the above quote and they were overall, total badass. We made shirts for it twice, I think. We were big into making t-shirts in college. Which is probably how I ended up with like, 200 t-shirts in my wardrobe and pretty much 0 work appropriate clothing when I graduated. Anyway.
I was in Italy one year for it and there, the men give women yellow mimosa flowers (see above) to celebrate. How special is that? So special. I asked the Italian students where my flowers were today, but they were slack and had nothing. Weak.
And to celebrate today, I am on hyyyppppeerrrr DRIVE. Seriously. I am going insane. I was a little tired this morning, so I had, like 2 sips of coffee and I have now lost my shit. Whenever those people that have lost a bunch of weight are on TV and they are all, I have sooooooo much energy now! They are NOT lying. I mean, I haven't lost that much weight but I think just from eating better and not eating crap, I have boosted my energy level by like, a million. Either that, or there is crack laced in with the frozen food. I don't think that is the case though, because I would probably not be so hungry all the time. Right? I have no idea.
Point is, I don't need to be drinking coffee. I just wanted some because it smelled good and sometimes I give into temptation even when I know better. I never learn my lesson so I'll probably be having this same problem sometime in the near future.
In other news, it's super nice today and I wish I could go somewhere other than home. I don't know where, but it would be cool to go somewhere pretty.
Time for lunch! Later dudes.
Dream big people!
HIWD, take two: My brain was too spastic to weigh in on this earlier. I have since taken a nap and gotten some food in me, because there is a REAL reason I love International Women's Day. Because women are AWESOME. Seriously. I have talked multiple times about my love and support for Eve Ensler and her awesome creation, V-Day, which I think is such a brilliant compilation of the varied and complex world of women. I am constantly surprised, amazed and inspired by awesome women and what they are capable of doing. I have so many awesome women in my life and I am so grateful for them all. I have awesome men as well, but this is not International Men's Day so we aren't going to talk about them.
So, my brain is not quite up to functioning as well as I was hoping. I have many more thoughts on the subject, but I can't seem to form them into sentences. So I'll just say this. I personally think women are the most underrated minority and the things they have overcome and continue to accomplish is incredible. Women of the world have it rough and are vastly under appreciated. I am a very privileged and lucky woman, and I want to spread the love. The discrimination I've had to face as a woman are embarrassingly small compared to some. It is, among other things, my goal in life to make the lives of women who need it, better. Somehow. I don't know how this is going to happen, but it will.
Thank you, that is all for now.
08 March 2011
My brain is hungry
It has been quite the weekend friends. Quite a week, actually!
Ok, so I don't really remember what went on last week (the days have been flying by!) but Friday I went a LAKKKERRSSS GAME! And it was super fun. And I got to cross it off my bucket list! I went all out, bought a shirt, painted my nails purple and got all the people I went with face tattoos. I was with 6 students, all boys and let me tell how you pumped they were to be putting tattoos on their face. Not all that pumped, really, but they did it anyway and everyone was happier. We had baller VIP seats and the whole thing was just super fun. It was a tad bit strange because we were not in with the rest of the crazy fans and the music and all that, but I still got a hot dog so it was all fine and awesome. My f-ing camera died so I have to depend on the stupid boys to put up pictures and they have been slacking. Also, it was kind of strange because they were showing movie trailers on the jumbo-tron. Only in LA.
Saturday was brunch with a good friend, an adventure at Bed, Bath and Beyond and then it was off to a crazy evening at the club where I partied like a rock star. Then some other crazy rock star stuff happened and I went to bed at 7:00 am, true rock star style. I woke up, at Indian food for the first time ever and went to bed at 9:00 pm, because it was time for working girl week (as opposed to rock star weekend).
Oh my goodness. I am watching Ellen and this fool of a girl just said that Mardi Gras was in "Florida Mexico." I mean really?! Sadness. Aw man, she also just said Snooki was thinking about running for President. She isn't old enough silly! JEEZ. Also, Prince William and Kate are not getting married at Notre Dame!
AND SHE STILL WON A TRIP TO FLORIDA. I cannot handle this. I am insane with jealousy right now. Also, Paris Hilton was on and she was really unenthusiastic and it was making me upset. You are talking to Ellen, woman! Get excited!
Anyway. Sometimes my writing sucks and I can't focus long enough to produce something worth reading. This is one of those times. Although I would like to say that two days ago my page views spiked for some random reason and I would like to know why. Thoughts on the subject are welcome.
Oh yeah, diet update. Kind of discouraged because I only lost half a pound since last week and I'm hungry. That is all. Off to heat up some vegetables. Staying positive friends. But Jimmy Fallon has a new ice cream flavor and I really want some. Pretty sure Jenny would not approve. Wah.
Dream big people!
03 March 2011
Making Things Happen March
For starters, I lost 3 pounds. I think I said that already, but I'm pretty proud of myself. Also, I got a raise today. It is an embarrassingly small raise, but it's a raise.
I'm just going to leave it at that. I have becoming more and more frustrated with work and I don't feel like talking about it any more is helping anything. So we're focusing on the positive! Yay!
Annnd now, I'm really tired and don't really have anything else to say. I'm hungry and ready for sleeping because when I wake up, I can eat again! Hooray!
Dream big people!
01 March 2011
Here's Whats Up
I promise I will stop talking about the Biebster. For now. But, I wanted to share this video because I really like this song. I like the message and can relate. I don't pray, but I think (they're similar) and often wonder what my little insignificant self can do to make the world better. I still want to figure out how to make helping people my life's work. Since I can't do it right now without being broke as a joke, I try to do little things to make people's lives better.My good deed for the day is sharing this song with you people. You are so welcome.
In other news, I lost 3 pounds! I don't want to turn this blog into a weight loss journey, but I'll share some milestones and thoughts. This diet thing is a bitch, but I try to think about people that would don't have enough to eat and that generally makes me stop whining. At least temporarily. I'm still human. I am pretty proud though. I did (fairly) well with eating and have been doing my daily activity. Saturday I really stepped it up with activity and danced probably a thousand (read: 200) calories off. I also killed two birds with one stone by kissing. That burns calories AND makes someone's life better. :) Makes me pretty happy too.
Anyway, that is enough sharing about that. The details are a little sketch (per usual, that is how drunk jacky rolls), but I did know his name. So that is something. He was also really cute which is added bonus. Man, I like kissing.
For real. Enough sharing. Sorry family that reads this is.
Ok. Well anyway, things are off to a good start this week. Hoping things stay that way. A lot of times I let things bring me down so if you have suggestions on how to keep negativity at bay, speak up!
Oh yeah, Fuck It February ends tomorrow! I think I might extend it into Meh, March because I still don't want to make any life decisions. So don't ask me, please. Thanks. At least half of April will be Apathatic April...then I might think about pushing it into Ass Kicking April and get some shit done. We'll see. Check back in.
Dream big people!