Happy International Women's Day, friends!
This day holds a special place in my heart for a few reasons. We used to celebrate in college and one year my awesome friend made t-shirts with the above quote and they were overall, total badass. We made shirts for it twice, I think. We were big into making t-shirts in college. Which is probably how I ended up with like, 200 t-shirts in my wardrobe and pretty much 0 work appropriate clothing when I graduated. Anyway.
I was in Italy one year for it and there, the men give women yellow mimosa flowers (see above) to celebrate. How special is that? So special. I asked the Italian students where my flowers were today, but they were slack and had nothing. Weak.
And to celebrate today, I am on hyyyppppeerrrr DRIVE. Seriously. I am going insane. I was a little tired this morning, so I had, like 2 sips of coffee and I have now lost my shit. Whenever those people that have lost a bunch of weight are on TV and they are all, I have sooooooo much energy now! They are NOT lying. I mean, I haven't lost that much weight but I think just from eating better and not eating crap, I have boosted my energy level by like, a million. Either that, or there is crack laced in with the frozen food. I don't think that is the case though, because I would probably not be so hungry all the time. Right? I have no idea.
Point is, I don't need to be drinking coffee. I just wanted some because it smelled good and sometimes I give into temptation even when I know better. I never learn my lesson so I'll probably be having this same problem sometime in the near future.
In other news, it's super nice today and I wish I could go somewhere other than home. I don't know where, but it would be cool to go somewhere pretty.
Time for lunch! Later dudes.
Dream big people!
HIWD, take two: My brain was too spastic to weigh in on this earlier. I have since taken a nap and gotten some food in me, because there is a REAL reason I love International Women's Day. Because women are AWESOME. Seriously. I have talked multiple times about my love and support for Eve Ensler and her awesome creation, V-Day, which I think is such a brilliant compilation of the varied and complex world of women. I am constantly surprised, amazed and inspired by awesome women and what they are capable of doing. I have so many awesome women in my life and I am so grateful for them all. I have awesome men as well, but this is not International Men's Day so we aren't going to talk about them.
So, my brain is not quite up to functioning as well as I was hoping. I have many more thoughts on the subject, but I can't seem to form them into sentences. So I'll just say this. I personally think women are the most underrated minority and the things they have overcome and continue to accomplish is incredible. Women of the world have it rough and are vastly under appreciated. I am a very privileged and lucky woman, and I want to spread the love. The discrimination I've had to face as a woman are embarrassingly small compared to some. It is, among other things, my goal in life to make the lives of women who need it, better. Somehow. I don't know how this is going to happen, but it will.
Thank you, that is all for now.
i wish coffee still worked for me like that. i think i've actually developed an immunity to it.
ReplyDeletealso - wasn't aware of this special day! thanks for sharing and i'll keep it in mind for future years, too!